I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 190 The King of Han comes to life

Chapter 190 The King of Han comes to life

Officers, ships, and horses all came out, and the Qing government's additional missions were quickly dispatched at a speed of four hundred miles.

Even Tian Wenjing, the newly appointed chief envoy to Henan Province, received an urgent official document.

Now that they have all been sent extra, Yongzheng can't care too much. Anyway, the tax package method is used, so he only needs to collect the money he can.

The first time he received the urgent document, Tian Wenjing was in disbelief.

However, after repeatedly checking that the seal on the official document was genuine, Tian Wenjing confirmed that the emperor was not joking.

Then... Master Tian, ​​while supervising the river affairs, also began to distribute the additional tasks from the court to the lower state capitals step by step.

Is this weird?
Tian Wenjing is a cool official.

Whatever the emperor asked him to do, he would do it. He was a knife in the emperor's hand.

Although Zhang Tingyu proposed adding more troops and Yongzheng also nodded, Jun, Chen and others were not fools either.We know that if we increase the number of troops too harshly, it will inevitably trigger a civil uprising.

Therefore, the actual amount of additional taxes set was carefully calculated. Ma Qi, a veteran, even specifically checked the household registration numbers of each province to calculate how much food each province should pay.

But these central ministers of the Qing court had good ideas, but they overestimated the conscience of these Qing local officials and underestimated their greed.

There were so many government decrees when they came out of the capital, but when they arrived at the local level, they were completely different.

This is true even in Henan, where Tian Wenjing is in charge.

What about cool officials?
No matter how cruel you are, you are still relying on the emperor, and we have so many officials, so we all just need to work together.Even if the emperor comes, he won't really kill them all, right?
Don't tell me, it's really the case.

After all, Yongzheng had just ascended the throne not long ago. Even if there were two military ministers, Nian Gengyao and Longkodo, who were considered confidants, it was impossible to kill all the corrupt officials in the world.

Otherwise, just after the cuts are completed, it will be troublesome to find someone to fill the hole as an official.

Historically, even when Yongzheng had firmly established himself on the throne, Yongzheng's reforms inside and outside the court were not very thorough.

Governor Jueluo Manbao reported to Yongzheng that smuggling was rampant along the southeast coast, and even many local officials were involved.

But Yongzheng still turned a blind eye, and even comforted Manbao in the memorial, saying that he already knew about it, so that he could relax, and he would not be blamed as long as he did not follow greed.

Moreover, even if these officials are not greedy, there are still countless subordinates below.As the final executive unit of the imperial administration, subordinate officials did not have the imperial establishment, let alone receive the imperial salary.

Rather than saying that these subordinates are embezzling, it is better to say that they just don't want to work in vain.

Those whose conscience is still intact will take less, just enough to support their families. Those whose conscience is eaten by dogs can just increase the amount until they are full.

During the Yongzheng period, an ordinary local government stipulated that the number of subordinate officials was 20 (the number was stipulated without a salary establishment, haha ​​(ω)), but this is actually nonsense.

Many yamen use it, and the number of people exceeds [-], which is not bad. If it is too much, it may reach thousands.

By the time of Guangxu, the number of subordinate officials nationwide exceeded 200 million, which was more than the entire army.

To tell another joke, the Yongzheng Dynasty can be regarded as the most clear and politically clear dynasty in the Qing Dynasty.

But in such a clean and just court, there was a man who was just passing through Shanyang County, but was arrested by the local subordinates. He was sentenced to a murderer in a daze, tortured for six days, and paid six taels of silver (after the murder). He was released after paying a fine of six taels?) and died when he returned.

After Wang Fengying, the then magistrate of Shanyang County, learned about the incident, she deliberately concealed it and acquitted the subordinate official.

This happened during the Yongzheng period, which shows how rotten the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty was.

If each province wants to complete the additional tasks set by the imperial court, the people in that place must pay at least two or three times the additional tax amount.even more.

There is a saying that once is an honest official, three times is a conscience, ten times is normality, and a hundred times is a handful and goes away.

After all, Tian Wenjing was just a new chief envoy and was not familiar with the actual situation in Henan. His previous thunderous methods gave him a reputation as a cruel official, but that was all.

In addition to fully cooperating with the chief envoy to build the river embankment, the officials in Henan Province continued to work step by step as before, greedy for money when they should, and drinking flower wine when they should.

When Tian Wenjing came to them and asked them to assign additional tasks, these officials completely let themselves go.

In order to avoid various problems of the previous dynasty and enable the Qing Dynasty to continue its long-lasting rule, the Qing government basically served as officials in different places, ranging from magistrates (prefectures) to county magistrates.

Since he is an official in a different place, he naturally just grabs a handful and leaves...

When the new emperor ascends the throne, officials like them will not last long. Even if they can continue, they will have to leave at the end of their term.

There is such a great opportunity to make money now, and it is still a decree of the imperial court. Wouldn't it be a waste if we don't take advantage of it?
As a result, the chief envoy Tian Wenjing distributed the imperial tasks, and the orders were quickly circulated to the state capitals and then distributed to the counties.Not only are they under pressure at all levels, but they are also constantly increasing their efforts.

Don't ask, just ask because the emperor wants to send more.

The Henan side is pretty good, at least the chief envoy Tian Wenjing didn't add it first, so the base number isn't too big.

Zhili, Shanxi, and Shandong are in dire straits.

As the government officials of the three provinces continued to increase their numbers, the number had been increased several times.

Anyway, the pressure was put on those local noble families who were forced to pay taxes to their households by the imperial court. Zhang Tingyu wanted to use the power of tax farming to make these local noble families willing to squeeze out the local oil and water for the imperial court, so as to solve the urgent needs of the imperial court.

As for what to do next? When the court calms down, we can make up for it with tax exemptions next year.

Used trick.

We are just ordinary people, hungry for one or two meals and yet they will not die from hunger. Haven’t you noticed that the Qing emperor only ate two meals a day?
However, under the increasing pressure from the provincial governments, these local noble families who were forced to pay taxes had no choice but to find ways to shake off the pressure. Not only did they squeeze the common people and farmers to death, but even the small landowners and self-cultivators Can be spared.

Coincidentally, the Qing Dynasty suppressed the Bagua Cult rebels a few months ago. The Zhili Eight Banners and Green Camp armies used nearly overwhelming combat power to defeat the Bagua Cult rebels in Henan and Shandong in one battle.

Only the Han King Liu Ruhan, Tianming General Gao Wenlong, Tianming Left General Hou Tang, and Tianming Right General Wang Rongqing escaped with their remnants.

Due to the burden of military rations, the Zhili Eight Banners and the Green Camp troops had already withdrawn, and the remaining enemy bandits were all left to the local government to eliminate on their own.

Originally, although Liu Ruhan escaped with his life, the followers around him were almost dead, and even the local government could not defeat him. If he had not escaped into Funiu Mountain in time, he would have died outside long ago.

But now, Yongzheng has sent in additional troops. Henan, which had just suffered a military disaster, was already boiling with public resentment. Now it can be said that it has completely exploded.

In fact, not to mention the extra dispatch of officials at all levels, but only the extra dispatch tasks set by the court, Henan may explode.

This time, it just exploded faster and more violently.

Countless people were forced to go bankrupt and lose their homes, including many small landowners and farmers.

Liu Ruhan ran out of Funiu Mountain like a cat that smelled something.Thousands of people were mobilized in a short period of time, and these people had a high level of hatred towards the government.

The Han King Liu Ruhan, who was almost desperate not long ago, came back to life again, all thanks to Master Zhang's ingenious plan.

 make up for yesterday

  Speaking of which, I thought of things from 4000 million to 135 (ω)(ω)(ω)
(End of this chapter)

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