Chapter 183
Jiujiang Prefecture.

It is located at the junction of Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces. It is the only gateway from the Yangtze River to Poyang Lake and directly to Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi.

However, such an important town in the south of the Yangtze River was abandoned as early as the seventh year of Kangxi's reign and relocated to Nanchang. After that, it was not resettled for more than 100 years.

It was not until the ninth year of Jiaqing that the chief military officer of Jiujiang Town was finally reinstated.

There is no other reason, because the White Lotus Rebellion that swept through several southern provinces and seriously damaged the foundation of Qing rule was put down in this year.

In the 61st year of Kangxi, the first year of Jianwu, Jiujiang Prefecture had only one Wuning camp garrison (logistics civilian) and one general, subordinate to the general military personnel of Nanrui Town, with less than [-] troops.

Li Junxian, the commander-in-chief of Nanrui, was not worried about this, so he suggested to the governor Wang Qicheng to move the Wuning Camp to Jiujiang Prefecture to prevent unexpected events.

This is actually not surprising. After all, Master Longkoduolong personally led his army to sit in Anqing, and Wu Guoyin's Yangtze River Navy patrolled the river.

The pseudo-Ming army has just captured Huizhou Prefecture and is obviously planning to take the road south from Wuyuan. The probability of appearing on the front line of Jiujiang is extremely low.

The entire Huizhou Prefecture is a mountainous terrain. Even if the supply line stretches for three hundred miles like Brother Bei, it will definitely be difficult to send enough troops south.

Therefore, Wang Qicheng decisively transferred all the elite troops on hand to Raozhou Prefecture, leaving only a Nanchang garrison of more than a thousand people.

As long as Raozhou is not lost, Nanchang will be safe.

"Yang Shuai, if we don't attack Pengze or Hukou, would it be too risky to go directly to Jiujiang?"

Tang Tongjiang stood on the deck and said with doubts on his face: "What if our army delays in Jiujiang for too long and the Qing army attacks us from both sides and cuts off our food and water routes?"

Yang Gong on the side was also standing on the deck, holding a knife on his waist with one hand, wearing red clothes and armor, and looked majestic.

Good guy, no wonder it was Zheng Dingrui's Second Army that attacked Guangzhou and Huizhou Prefecture, but Yang Gong's First Army was missing.

It turned out that they were riding on Tang Tongjiang's naval fleet, sailing upstream and arriving at Jiujiang.

Yang Gong did not take it seriously: "Pengze and Hukou are just counties and towns along the Yangtze River. Even if they are captured, they will not be of much use to our army's overall strategy. Moreover, we do not have too many troops to waste on Pengze."

"If you want to attack every city you see, it would be better to join the Second Army directly and go to Huizhou together. It would be better this way."

Yang Gong said, paused, and suddenly sneered: "As for fear that the fight against Jiujiang will take too long...who said that I must go to fight against Jiujiang?"

Tang Tongjiang blurted out: "If we don't fight Jiujiang, then where will we go?"

Yang Gong said: "Do you still remember what His Majesty's decree is for us?"

Tang Tongjiang said without hesitation: "His Majesty's decree is that Yang Shuai must find an opportunity to fight decisively. He must severely damage the main force of the puppet Qing Dynasty and seize northern Jiangxi and Nanchang..."

"Yang Shuai is going to attack Nanchang?" Tang Tongjiang exclaimed.

After all, he was from the New Army. Although his style of fighting water battles was quite similar to that of Yang Gong, he used his power to overwhelm others and was ruthless, not just a reckless man.

At this time, even Tang Tongjiang couldn't believe it when he guessed Yang Gong's crazy plan.

Yang Gong smiled and said: "Nanchang is not only the capital of Jiangxi, but also the center of northern Jiangxi. Once Nanchang is besieged, Qinggou will definitely be in chaos."

"At that time, as long as Qing Gou moves, our army's fighter planes will come. If Qing Gou returns to aid Nanchang, then Brother Zheng and the others will have their chance!"

"And if Qing Gou doesn't come back to help, then we will go down the (Gan) River, attack Nanchang, and get straight to the center. This is called taking the enemy by surprise. Attacking the enemy must save him. I want to see what Qing Gou is. Do you think Nanchang is more important, or Raozhou and Guangxin?"

After hearing this, Tang Tongjiang found that it sounded more and more familiar. Isn't this the style that Marshal Yang used in the Zhejiang War last year?

After all, this was originally regarded as a model and widely publicized under the Ming Dynasty, and it was also a negative teaching material for the new army.

20 versus [-], if one of them fails, the situation will be overturned.

Not everyone is Xiang Yu and Liu Xiu.

This time, Yang Gong was obviously even more outrageous. Not only did he lead only two towns with a total of 1 troops, but he also took the water route directly to threaten Nanchang Prefecture.

No, it is not considered coercion. If the Qing army in Nanchang is weak, then Yang Gong may really dare to fight.

Tang Tongjiang couldn't help but ask: "But what if the Qing army returns to support and attacks and surrounds our army, but Deputy Commander Zheng and others fail to break through Raozhou immediately?"

"Maybe the Qing army doesn't return to help, but our army doesn't have many troops. What if we fail to break through Nanchang in the first time?"

Yang Gong smiled again: "How can there be so many foolproof strategies for fighting a war? Even if we encounter the worst case scenario, don't we have to fight Nanchang?"

"It's not impossible to turn around and go back to attack Nankang and Jiujiang, or simply go down the river and raid Ruizhou..."

Tang Tongjiang opened his mouth, but now he really had nothing to say.

Because Yang Gong had no definite plan at all.

In fact, the original plan did not involve them marching into Jiujiang via the Yangtze River waterway. These were all temporary decisions made by Yang Gong, the army commander.

In the end, they rushed to Nanchang and caught the Qing army by surprise.

And Nanchang doesn’t seem to have to be defeated.

But there's nothing wrong with this. Looking for opportunities to fight, Zhu Yijiong has long given the frontline command to Yang Gong.

When it comes to fighting, this guy is good at it.

Even their staff officers were not with them this time.

The Ming navy sailed up the river, quickly broke through the Bali River and crossed Hukou County.

Like Pengze County, Hukou County was also in a state of panic. After discovering that the rebel navy had not stopped to attack the city, they were left to survive.

After passing Hukou County, you will reach Jiujiang Fucheng.

"what is that?"

"Sun and Moon Flag... No, it's a rebel navy!"

"Quick...quickly report to some adults!"

The Qing soldiers on duty at the top of the city spotted the Ming navy on the river at a glance, especially the sun and moon flag fluttering on the boat.A warning.

Soon, Zhu Yan, the prefect of Jiujiang, personally led his subordinate officials and county magistrates to the top of the city. Obviously, he did not expect that he would be so unlucky to encounter the fake navy fleet.

Originally, if he only had to wait a few more years, Shi Shigang, the prefect of Yunnan, would replace him as the prefect of Jiujiang.

Oh, Shi Shigang is the eldest son of Shi Shibiao who died in the battle earlier.

On the river, the Ming Navy's navy speeded up and approached Jiujiangfu Pier. Zhu Yan could even see the black muzzles on the ship that were thicker than his head (imaginary).

" quickly! Don't let the rebel warships dock." Zhu Yan ordered in a panic.

However, hoisting does not.

There are forts in Jiujiang Fucheng, but almost all of these forts are in disrepair, and they usually just pretend to be bluffing.

Of course, no one would come here on weekdays to fight in Jiujiang.

After all, in the peaceful and prosperous days of Emperor Kangxi, how could someone rebel and come to Jiujiang?

Zhu Yan gave an order, and General Zhang, the only military officer (guard civilian) present, quickly ordered the gunners to man the few artillery pieces on the city wall.

But some crude and clumsy loading of gunpowder shells and ignition...can't light it at all, or it just won't work.

This artillery has long been useless. Even if it can fire, it is difficult to aim because it is too rusty to move the gun position.

"Sir...artillery...our artillery can't fire at all!" the soldier cried.

After Zhu Yan heard this, he immediately slumped down on the Taishi chair in the tower, his eyes closed tightly, and his heart was filled with despair.


So what if the artillery can fire?
The entire Jiujiang garrison has less than [-] troops. Given the size of the puppet navy, it is probably not enough for one warship to fight.

How to guard this city?
Keep what?

Just when Zhu Yan had accepted his fate, suddenly a Qing soldier was surprised and said: "Sir... Sir, Fake Ming... Fake Ming seems to have run away?"

Zhu Yan woke up in an instant, and then quickly ran to the tower and lay down to look. He saw that the Ming navy warships that had been approaching quickly just now turned around collectively.

Going south.

As if he was just teasing them on purpose?
This... actually ran away?

Magistrate Zhu's mind was still buzzing, and the Qing soldiers who had just spoken suddenly shouted again: "No! Sir, no, the rebels... the rebels don't seem to be trying to escape, they... they are going to enter Poyang Lake .”

"Isn't it just entering Poyang Lake, what's the big fuss...not good!"

Before he finished speaking, Magistrate Zhu reacted instantly.

Poyang Lake is a large lake that connects the Ganjiang River and connects northwestern Jiangxi to Nanchang. It would be okay if the navy who pretends to be a rebel and rebels can enter.

"Quick! Fire quickly and let me stop them."

"Sir, you have forgotten that our artillery cannot be used! Even if it can be used, it cannot hit this far!"


"Hurry up, send a horse to Nanchang immediately and inform the governor that the rebel navy has entered Poyang Lake. Hurry! Go!"

For a time, the entire city of Jiujiang became a state of chaos.

As for the naval fleet that intercepted the Ming army, don't be ridiculous.

Not to mention that there are no naval forces here in Jiujiang, let's just say that they have less than [-] people in total. If they really rush forward, they are just giving away.

The navy of the Ming Army galloped southward from the mouth of Poyang Lake. It was as if they were entering uninhabited territory. The journey was smooth and unhindered, and they crossed Nankang Prefecture again.

The Nankang Prefecture also noticed the Ming Navy fleet galloping across the river, but they had no countermeasures. Jiujiang had hundreds of regular troops from the Wuning Battalion.

There is nothing here in Nankang Mansion. With just a hundred government officials dispatched, it is difficult to defend the city.

Fortunately, the Ming navy did not pay attention to them. Dong Wenwei, the prefect of Nankang, waited until the Ming navy on the river had gone far away, then he hurriedly sent people out of the city. He did not dare to take the waterway, but rushed south by land to report the news to Nanchang.

There is definitely not enough time, and there is no way a horse's legs can outrun the boat, but this attitude is still necessary.

The news that the Puppet Shu Navy fleet sailed up the river and rushed into Poyang Lake soon reached the ears of Jiangxi Governor Wang Qiqi.

Nanchang Mansion, governor's office.


Wang Qicheng couldn't believe his ears. The Pseudo-Ming navy actually followed the Yangtze River and came to Poyang Lake?
No, what about Mr. Long from Anqing Mansion?

And what about the Yangtze River Navy of the Qing Dynasty?
Are they all eating dry food?
Moreover, they did not attack Jiujiang or Nankang. They just went south along the waterway, and there was a high probability that they would enter the Ganjiang River.

"Sir, the Puppet Ming Navy has entered Poyang Lake. We must stop them. Otherwise, if they are allowed to run along the Gan River to Nanchang, it will be a big trouble!" On the side, the previously calm and composed Jiangxi Governor Diao Chengzu said this This time I finally couldn't hold it any longer.

After all, although the Pseudo-Ming Dynasty had conquered Huizhou before, it was still within the boundaries of Anhui, just bordering Jiangxi.

If you want to come to Nanchang, you must first break through the defense line of Raozhou Prefecture.

Even if Raozhou Prefecture cannot stop it, Nanchang still has enough time to make subsequent defense arrangements.

Moreover, Nanchang City is built on the edge of the Gan River. Even if the situation is not right, there is no way for Nanchang Mansion to retreat.

But it was different now. The Pseudo-Ming Navy unexpectedly came up the river from northwest Jiangxi and ran directly into Poyang Lake by water.

Nanchang Mansion's defense plan was all decided on the basis of the Gan River and without any worries.

Once the Ganjiang River is lost and the retreat is cut off, it will be terrible!

(End of this chapter)

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