I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 181 Sweeping across Southern Anhui

Chapter 181 Sweeping across Southern Anhui
Huizhou Prefecture was originally named Shezhou. In the third year of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty, Fangla's uprising was suppressed by the Song court. Song Huizong changed its name to Huizhou with a stroke of his pen, taking the meaning of restraint and restraint.

Similarly, the Yanzhou Prefecture in western Zhejiang next door was also named in this year, which means strict management.

The first year of Jianwu, mid-May.

The Ming army moved!

The entire Ming Dynasty also entered a state of war again, and countless money, food and supplies were continuously delivered to the frontline armies.

At this time, Longkodo was still standing still in Anqing, and the Yangtze River Navy of the Qing Army was nothing more than a mummy.

Facing the regular Ming army with sufficient logistics and a strength of [-], the remaining states and prefectures in southern Anhui had no way to retreat.

Guangzhou, in particular, was directly surrounded by the Ming army on all sides, and it was difficult to escape.

Zheng Dingrui just sent one of his troops down Nanyi Lake, and Jianping County, the only directly governed county in Guangzhou, surrendered.

The governor of Guangde still wanted to fight to the death, but now the situation has been decided, at least in Guangzhou, southern Anhui. The governor wanted to die for the country and achieve his reputation as a loyal minister, but the officials, gentry, soldiers and people in the state could not I don’t want to follow him to death.

As a result, before the Ming army could move south from Jianping County, the officials, gentry, soldiers and civilians of Guangzhou joined forces to rebel. At the end of the road, the governor of Guangde burned himself to death in the government office with a gold book of official seals.

Guangzhou, a state directly under the control of the Qing Dynasty, was easily captured without doing anything.

At this point, only Huizhou Prefecture in southern Anhui is still making its final struggle.

Huizhou is today's Huangshan Mountain. It is also a mountainous area in southern Anhui, with mountains and complex terrain everywhere.

Because of this, Fang La chose such a place to raise troops.

However, the mountainous terrain not only means that it is difficult to fight, but also means that the Qing army in Huizhou Prefecture cannot concentrate all its forces to defend the Ming army's attack.

On May [-]th, Zheng Dingrui personally led his army from Jingde County and went south along the East Boundary River to directly attack Jixi County.

The garrison of Jixi County was no more than a thousand, but when faced with tens of thousands of Ming troops attacking the city, they could not withstand it for even half a day and were defeated immediately.

The Second Army left only one town soldier as a defender, and then continued to gallop south, with the main force approaching Huizhou Fucheng.

Although Zheng Dingrui has a safe temperament, the situation in southern Anhui has been decided now. He has led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to cross the border. How can the Qing army in Huizhou Prefecture resist?
Unless the Qinggu government in Huizhou took the lead in abandoning the city, and then led the army to become rogues, hiding in the mountains to fight guerrillas with the Ming army.

But this is obviously impossible. Qinggou officials have the responsibility to protect their land. Unless they die for the country, they will be beheaded and their homes will be confiscated.

The Qing troops in Huizhou Prefecture were also not real officers and soldiers. They were just local officials who followed the orders of Marshal Long Keduolong and recruited soldiers from local villages.

As long as the city is defeated, these armies will immediately be disintegrated.

It can be said that this wave of Zheng Dingrui is upright, using his power to suppress others, and is a complete conspiracy. .

Catch the thief first catch the king!
However, there is nothing the capital city of Huizhou can do.

After marching for two days, the Ming army arrived at Huizhou Fucheng.

After hearing the news, the prefect of Huizhou rushed to the city to personally inspect the enemy's situation and boost morale.

Seeing the flags fluttering outside the city and the crowds of people, the Huizhou magistrate couldn't help but feel numb. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Where are the reinforcements? When will the reinforcements arrive?"

The fellow magistrates on the side remained silent, but the magistrate of Shexian County said with a sad face: "Master Futai, the letter asking for help was only sent out the day before yesterday. Now I am afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, the Huizhou magistrate's face darkened. He seemed to have anticipated his fate.

However, he didn't wait until he opened his mouth to say something encouraging.

"Boom boom boom!"

Outside the city, the Ming army's artillery opened fire. Although the red cannons were in danger of exploding, they could not be left alone.

However, in order to prevent the artillery from exploding the chamber again, the Ming army no longer filled the artillery with a large amount of sugar and explosives as before, nor did it use high-intensity rapid fire.

Zheng Dingrui's tactics were very safe, with infantry and artillery cooperating, and artillery covering the infantry to charge into the camp first.

While the first to attack the city, the demolition troops also moved forward together.

The Huizhou magistrate was shaken by the sound of artillery fire and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the person on the side quickly supported him with quick eyes and hands.

But looking at the pseudo-Ming army attacking below the city, the prefect felt his heart become cold.The entire Huizhou Prefecture's defenders totaled less than [-] people, and this was despite the deployment of young men to assist in the defense of the city.

Facing such a fierce army of rebels, can Huizhou City really be able to defend it?
The answer is obvious, it cannot be defended.

Under the unreasonable coffin bombing offensive of the Ming army, Huizhou Fucheng was no different from the previous Jixi County town.

In just half a day, with a shocking explosion, the city wall collapsed.

The young and strong civilians who were forcibly captured on the city tower fled in all directions in an instant. Under their leadership, the remaining Qing army soldiers on the city wall saw that the situation was not good, and they also ran away together.

Because it was too chaotic, the remaining soldiers who ran down from the city even had friction and collision with the defenders in the city.

No one organized an army to block the gap in the city wall. Of course, this was also because there was no unified command and order, because the Huizhou garrison had long been buried under the collapsed city wall.

Lying on the city tower, looking at the puppet Ming troops pouring into Huizhou city from the gap below, the Huizhou magistrate smiled sadly. He did not organize the troops in the city to resist, nor did he order a breakout. Instead, he drew his sword and shouted: "Your Majesty , Weichen tried his best!"

Then he slashed the sword to the neck.

Is this called trying your best?

Very good, I usually stand up and talk about my heart, but when I die, I will repay the king.

Your Excellency is truly honorable and honorable!
However, I still have to say that the "Man-Han Family" played by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty is very beautiful. Most of the local officials are either Manchus, Han Eight Banners, or servants.

This is why, after the city was broken, most of the senior Qing officials at the prefect level either committed suicide or ran away. Those who were willing to surrender were often only at the county level, and the highest level was Tongzhi.

Who allowed almost all of these people's families to be in the hands of the Qing court?
After all, people like Lu Youlong and Wang Daocheng are a minority by chance.

No one cares whether this loyal minister and prefect of the Qing Dynasty committed suicide. Even the city walls were blown down by the demonic magic of the fake Ming rebels. Naturally, the city could not be defended long ago.

If we can't even defend the city, then who cares about the prefect?
As for the Ming army, they also wanted to quickly put down the chaos in the city. After all, what they wanted was a basically complete city, not ruins, so naturally they had no time to deal with the trivial matter of a prefect committing suicide.

Anyway, I have seen this kind of dog-clearing officials a lot and I have long been used to them.

Furthermore, the Ming Dynasty is no longer as eager to surrender at the prefect level as before. If it is at the governor, admiral, or governor level, it may have to be considered.

The news of Huizhou City's destruction spread like wildfire, and was soon known to Qing troops from all over Huizhou Prefecture. Only then did these troops receive orders from the superior officials to prepare to assemble in Fucheng City to fight against the puppet Ming rebels.

As a result, before they arrived, Fucheng and the gentlemen above were gone.

Then what the hell!

Just as Zheng Dingrui expected, the troops recruited and trained in Huizhou Prefecture immediately collapsed and retreated.

They were just some local warriors who trained in the army. To put it bluntly, they were Han mercenaries hired by the Qing government with money.

Even the employer is dead, so it doesn't matter what he does, it's only right to run away quickly.

Who would sacrifice their lives for the government?

Zheng Dingrui's battle was easier than expected, and the total battle lasted almost less than one day.

As for Fucheng, the rest can be determined by simply spreading the word.

Within a few days, Xiuning, Yi (yi) County, and Wuyuan County successively asked for surrender.

Qimen County, on the other hand, is located in the far west and has a large water barrier, so there has been no response yet.

But it doesn't matter, three counties have been surrendered, and most of Huizhou has been controlled by the Ming army.

Moreover, once the most critical Wuyuan County was surrendered, the route for the Second Army to move south had been successfully opened.

The situation of the Ming army is set!

 Speaking of which, at this time there was still an awesome person living in Huizhou Prefecture, named Wang Shishen, who now lived in Yangzhou and made a living by selling paintings.

  Of course, many people may not know this person, but everyone should know Zheng Banqiao, who is also known as the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou.

  Moreover, Zheng Banqiao was still alive at this time, still very young, but had just turned 30 years old. He was a scholar in the Kangxi Dynasty and now lives in Xinghua County, Yangzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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