Chapter 125 Chaos in the North
Bagua sect, formerly known as Shuoyuan sect, is also called Wuxun Tao.

During the Shunzhi period, the eunuch Wei Ziyi, the leader of the Hongyang Sect, was the disciple of Li Letian. Li Letian later went to Shanxian County, Shandong to establish the Yuan Sect. He called himself Liu Fengtian, but was actually Liu Zuochen.

Immediately, he began to teach through books such as "The Preaching of Five Women" and "Bagua Shuo". Because the disciples belonged to different hexagrams, and each hexagram had a hexagram length, it was named Bagua Sect.

After Liu Zuochen's death, his eldest son Liu Ruhan inherited his father's legacy and became the Bagua leader.

In the 45th year of Kangxi's reign, he was accused. Although he was acquitted, he was quickly acquitted because of his connections and money.Not long after this incident, Liu Ruhan realized the importance of power, so he selected the magistrate of Ronghe County, Shanxi through donations and bribes, and began to further infiltrate Bagua Sect into local officials.

His younger brother Liu Ruqing also became the county's religious magistrate through donations. The two brothers worked together to use their official skins to continuously infiltrate and expand the power of the Bagua sect. Soon it spread to Henan, Shanxi, and Zhili provinces, with more than ten followers. Thousands of people, even local officials participated.

It's a pity that just when Liu Ruhan became famous with the Bagua Cult, he made another mistake and was reported. Although he was not held accountable, he still participated in the revolution and returned to the army, ending his short official career.

Originally, he should have lived until Qianlong ascended the throne and died...

"Sect Master, Sect Master..."

At a construction site in Wuzhi County, a shirtless man hurried over, his body soaked with sweat.

"Lao Wu, what are you talking nonsense!" Liu Ruhan stood up in a hurry and scolded him. Although he was only wearing a mandarin jacket and covered with sweat and mud, he had an indescribable aura of a superior.

After all, he has been a leader of Bagua for many years, and also served as a county magistrate for a few years. If nothing else, at least he can still bluff people.

But Lao Wu didn't take it seriously. Anyway, the people here are basically our own people. Even if we say it loudly, no one will tell the truth, and it doesn't matter if we tell the truth.

Wait, he has something to report...

"Master, it's bad, little Confucius is dead."

Little Confucius is their private nickname. He is Liu Derong, the adopted son and direct disciple of the leader Liu Ruhan. He is usually known as the reincarnation of Confucius.

Liu Ruhan was startled, and regardless of the issue of address, he hurriedly asked: "Grandma Xiong, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Lao Wu hurriedly replied that it turned out that the government had arbitrarily accused them of organizing a cult (a false accusation) and forced them to come to Wuzhi County to work as laborers and build river embankments.However, this river embankment just cut corners, and there are also various deductions for meals.

Liu Derong suffered from hunger and cold, and worked hard day and night. Finally, he accidentally fell while building a river embankment. He rolled down the river embankment and disappeared into the rushing river on the spot.

"Derong..." Liu Ruhan was confused at first, and then he sat on the pier.

Lao Wu gritted his teeth: "Master, including little Confucius, during the time we have been here, hundreds of people have died due to this broken river embankment. The government doesn't care whether we live or die!"


"Master, in my opinion, let's just go against it! Let's make you the emperor directly and stop listening to him, a dog emperor and a dog official." Seeing Liu Ruhan's silence, Lao Wu pondered for a moment and dropped a bombshell .

"...Lao Wu, you are so fucking crazy!" Liu Ruhan was stunned after hearing this, and then exclaimed.

But Lao Wu looked serious, even fanatical: "No, leader, we are not crazy. The dog emperor of the imperial court is not even a Han, but he can be the emperor. Why can't he be the emperor among people like the leader? Besides, this time The Yellow River is over, and in our opinion, this is in line with the destiny of heaven. I am afraid that this court has exhausted its strength, and it is fitting that a saint like the leader should be the new emperor!"

When Liu Ruhan heard this, he wanted to yell loudly, but he suddenly stopped, and his mind suddenly flashed past the glorious moment when he was the county magistrate.

That yellow dragon robe, so beautiful... Why the dragon robe?

In a daze, Liu Ruhan seemed to see himself wearing a dragon robe.

Floods in the Yellow River here affected three provinces, but the breach of the Yellow River was in Henan. Logically speaking, it was not their turn to come and repair the river embankments. They were even charged with organizing a cult.

Although this accusation is indeed true, it can be recalled that he was a good county magistrate before, but he was accused of being the leader of a cult and was dismissed.

It was obvious that someone was deliberately setting him up.

As the saying goes, clay figures are also very angry, and the officials who built the river embankment were greedy. They just deducted the money for building the river embankment. Even their rations were almost completely deducted.

More and more people are dying on the river embankment. If this continues, I may not even be able to survive.

However, when you think about rebellion, you will lose your head...

A trace of hesitation flashed in Liu Ruhan's eyes again, but then, the fifth child seemed to have noticed his thoughts and added more fuel: "The leader is kind, and today's world is already a time of great strife. If the leader takes advantage of the situation at this time, , He should be obedient and obey his orders. Furthermore, my subordinates had heard before that the ungrateful court seemed to have suffered a huge defeat in the south. The emperor of the previous dynasty, the Zhu family, had revolted and had killed several governors. "

Liu Ruhan said: "Huh? Is this true?"

Lao Wu nodded: "I don't dare to hide it! Leader, what you are doing now is just fulfilling the destiny. By then, leader, you will rule the north, and the Zhu family emperor will be his emperor in the south. We will divide the world equally and share the country. Wouldn't it be great! "

Divide the world equally and share the country?
As soon as these words came out, it seemed that Liu Ruhan's heart had not been restless for decades.

Be the emperor!

Which man doesn't want to, even now there are still many people...

In short, as long as he can be the true emperor for a day, he will die immediately without regrets.

Liu Ruhan thought about his current situation again, and it seemed that nothing could be worse than this. Moreover, he had hundreds of thousands of followers, so he would not have that destiny.

He simply gritted his teeth, his heart tightened, and he nodded bravely: "This bastard court has gone too far to bully others. If so, then it will be against him!" Lao Wu was overjoyed: "The leader is wise!"

Having made up their minds, the two of them immediately discussed the details before returning to their respective posts to figure out what to do.

Good guy, such a big thing as rebellion was decided so hastily by these two people.

Should we call it a mob, or a bold one?
It's night, and the river bank in Wuzhi County is still burning the midnight oil. It doesn't matter if they don't have enough to eat during the day, and they have to work overtime at night. It's still such a heavy physical work, and it can be said that people are really used like animals.

No, even animals sometimes have a rest. After all, people still rely on animals to do farm work!
"Killing! Someone is rebelling!" A shout suddenly sounded in the busy and noisy night.

The next second, the entire river embankment construction site started shouting.

This was in the middle of the night, and even if the lights were on, the visibility was too low, and there was no one to confirm it.

In the blink of an eye, the entire river embankment construction site was in chaos, and the river workers were shouting to run for their lives.

"Brothers, I am the Confucian Boy Bodhisattva in heaven. I have reincarnated here to save all sentient beings. However, Qing Gou's court is unethical and has caused floods in the Yellow River. You should join me in killing Qing Gou. If you do not, you deserve to die. of the world!"

There was no beginning to the end of these words, and the river workers he was talking about were stunned for a while, but no one dared to run around.

"What are you doing?" At this time, two supervisors suddenly rushed over with sticks and shouted.

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the river workers, but Liu Ruhan was not afraid at all and shouted directly: "Well done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Wu and his group of more than ten people rushed out, each with a shovel, and they attacked the two fierce supervisors. The supervisors only had time to scream and were killed on the spot.

At this moment, all the river workers were shocked. I don't know who shouted first: "Ru Tong Bodhisattva, save all sentient beings!"

"Ru Tong Bodhisattva, save all sentient beings!"


Soon, more than a thousand river workers gathered here, including hundreds of Bagua followers, were all taken under Liu Ruhan's command.

Liu Ruhan did not hesitate, and headed straight for Wuzhi County with this thousand troops. Now that the chaos on the river embankment has just started, Wuzhi County must not be aware of it.

About half a quarter of an hour later, two guard soldiers at the gate of Wuzhi County seemed to see figures moving in the darkness.



Lao Wu shouted loudly and rushed forward with hundreds of people, wielding poles and shovels and swinging them directly at it. The two soldiers who noticed the abnormality only had time to scream and were killed on the spot.

Liu Ruhan did not hesitate at all, and rushed into the county town with more than a thousand troops in his hands.

The small Wuzhi County was also in chaos because of this group of uninvited guests. Whether it was the county magistrate or the three imperial envoys who built the river embankment, Niu Niu, Qisule, and Ma Tai were all left to Liu Ruhan. Cut.

Liu Ruhan didn't know any imperial envoys. He knew about the rebellion by killing officials, and he asked all the core brothers to kill him.

Originally, there was no reason for the imperial envoy to have no one to protect him, but these three people were imperial envoys to control the river. They were long-term expatriates and came to Henan to control the river. Therefore, except for their entourage and official uniforms, they had almost nothing. I didn’t even bring much money. Isn’t there a place for filial piety with money?

Ever since, it was unfortunate that Liu Ruhan was killed by the sword.

Liu Ruhan captured Wuzhi County. After officially killing officials and rebelling, he did not hesitate. He opened his arsenal and took out the armor and equipment to teach the rebels under his command, and then reorganized and absorbed them using the old methods of the Bagua Cult.

In just a few days, the cult's rebel army expanded from more than a thousand to ten thousand people. Under the instigation of Lao Wu, Liu Ruhan even openly raised the flag of rebellion, using the last word of his name as his banner and calling himself King of Han.

He immediately issued a proclamation to inform the world, and even boldly stated in the proclamation that he wanted to divide the country equally with Emperor Zhu from the south. Although he did not even know the name of Emperor Zhu from the south, he only called Zhu Yijiong as Emperor Zhu in the proclamation.

I have to say that Liu Ruhan's announcement to the world is still useful.

No, within a few days, Gao Wenlong, the leader of Li Gua Gua, a Bagua sect developed in Guide Mansion, raised his flag in response.

Relying on years of missionary accumulation, tens of thousands of troops were gathered in a short period of time, and they also fought a good battle with the Qing army in Guide Town in the Shangqiu area.

Not surprisingly, there was an accident.

The commander-in-chief of Guide Town, who was supposed to be more elite and have a greater chance of winning, was so complacent that he was ambushed and was annihilated on the spot by Gao Wenlong.

The situation in Guide Mansion and even the entire Henan Province was instantly in chaos.

 There were only 11000 Qing troops stationed in Henan, and the Eight Banners had even fewer troops, only 600.

  Shandong is better, with 7000 people.

  It is definitely not comparable to Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong in the south.

(End of this chapter)

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