Chapter 2 Initial goal, stay alive
Chapter 2

Wanda Django Maximoff

Hydra Base

Add these three together, plus the convex figure of the woman in front of her, and her gentle and heart-warming smile.

The identity of this woman is quite obvious.

The future Scarlet Witch, the controller of chaos magic - Wanda!

I have to say that the person in front of me definitely got an unexpected bonus.

would have been...

According to Fang Yuan’s idea.

After learning that order, Fang Yuan wanted to wait for his fellow inmates to arrive.

Without him!

If you can't withstand the power radiation of the infinite stones, you will basically die.

At present, the bodies of all living experimental subjects have basically adapted to the power of the Mind Stone.

There will be more or less residual power of the Mind Stone in his body.

and so!
Fang Yuan then placed his hope on his fellow inmates.

By analyzing the power remnants of the Mind Stone in their bodies, they can further evolve their bodies.

Finally, you may also be able to encounter a superpower similar to Quicksilver, extract his blood, and extract the genes that give him superpowers, swallow them, fuse them, and make them your own.

As long as you can have basic abilities.

Fang Yuan was confident that he could break out of this bunker and regain his freedom.


If you win the Scarlet Witch, that's the first prize!

Chaos magic!

The ancestor of all magic, the oldest independent form of magic.

It is the earliest primordial light in cosmic cognition and accidental events.

The most common function of chaos magic is to modify reality.

Later, the Scarlet Witch could use chaos magic to easily modify reality, basically ignoring all rules.


In Wanda's current situation, there is a high probability that the conditions have not yet been fully triggered.

However, deep down in his bloodline is the blood of a wizard.

And there is no doubt that he still has the bloodline to control chaos magic.

However, at the moment, it is not easy for Fang Yuan to directly stimulate Wanda.

The blood cannot be obtained, which stimulates the chaos magic to defend itself.

Fang Yuan looked at his current small body and estimated that he could be reincarnated directly with a golden finger.


The next moment, Fang Yuan smiled tiredly at Wanda and said softly.

"Wanda, were you arrested in the same way? Are you an orphan like me?"

Seeing that Fang Yuan could still laugh, Wanda also smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. I have a younger brother who is also undergoing experiments here."

Fang Yuan nodded and asked doubtfully.

"I see you're not in good spirits? What's wrong?"

Wanda shook her head listlessly.

"No, I'm just a little tired..."

“I don’t want to continue this kind of life anymore.”

When she said these words, Wanda's eyes were full of gloom.


The war has destroyed Wanda.

In other words, it destroyed the spirit of the people of Sokovia.

The continuous flames of war affect all of them all the time.

Now, her adoptive parents have died, leaving Wanda and her younger brother without support, which makes Wanda even more exhausted.

He even voluntarily accepted the human experiment of the Hydra organization and became an experimental subject willingly.


Wanda raised her head and looked at Fang Yuan with some confusion.

"Why are you so happy? And how can you smile so naturally?"

In Wanda’s opinion…

Fang Yuan is an orphan.

, encountered war and had no shelter.

Now he was captured by Hydra and brought here to serve as an experimental subject.

Life is a tragedy as a whole.

How can such a person be so optimistic?

Well, the predecessor should be like this.

But Fang Yuan, who had been reborn and still had a golden finger, was naturally optimistic.

Fang Yuan looked at Wanda and grinned.

"At least I'm still alive. How I live is my own choice!"

"The same goes for you. If you feel that you have no purpose in living, then find yourself one, whether it's your brother."

As he spoke, Fang Yuan stretched out his hand with a smile and pinched Wanda's face gently.

"Smile more, you will definitely look good when you smile!"

After squeezing, Fang Yuan felt something was wrong and immediately retracted his hand, smiling awkwardly.

"Excuse me."

Wanda was stunned for this somewhat presumptuous behavior, but shook her head indifferently. "It's okay, I admire you very much."

"If I were put in your place, I would have collapsed a long time ago, right?"

Perhaps it was because he heard that Fang Yuan was from Sokovia.

Or maybe it’s because Fang Yuan is a bit handsome

Wanda wasn't too disgusted with Fang Yuan's somewhat out-of-bounds behavior.


Wanda herself lives in Sokovia.

She knew very well how much bitterness was contained in Fang Yuan's seemingly relaxed words.

Even though Wanda had a place to live, life in Sokovia was extremely difficult.

What's more, what about Fang Yuan who has no fixed place?

And he was stimulated to voluntarily participate in the human experiment of the Hydra organization in order to have power and protect his homeland.

Where is Fang Yuan in front of me?

But he was directly captured by Hydra, and he was still optimistic.

In response, Fang Yuan shrugged indifferently.

"It would be nice to have some goals. Right now, my goal is very simple."

"What goal?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Alive!" Fang Yuan said firmly.

Hearing Fang Yuan's extremely simple goal, Wanda couldn't help but be stunned.

After a long time, Wanda came back to her senses.

Wanda remembered something and asked immediately.

"By the way, what is your ability? Those who can survive should have acquired abilities."

"I just met my brother. He is very fast. I am here to control objects. What about you?"

Wanda volunteered to participate in this experiment for the sake of power.

Naturally, I also understand that those who can survive.

More or less all have special abilities.

If it is not shown now, it is just that it has not been put into use yet.

Facing Wanda's inquiry, Fang Yuan smiled faintly and looked at Wanda with a smile.

"How about giving me a drop of your blood and I'll give you a show?"



Fang Yuan held up the drop of blood from Wanda's body, feeling a little excited.

Chaos magic!

Close at hand!

After the brief excitement and joy, Fang Yuan quickly restrained his emotions and placed his eyes firmly on the drop of blood.

Under Fang Yuan's analytical power.

This drop of blood no longer has any secrets in front of Fang Yuan.

At this moment, Fang Yuan was like a microscope beyond this dimension.

Everything in this drop of blood was infinitely magnified in Fang Yuan's eyes.

Gene arrangement, gene order.

The wizarding power contained within the cells.

The power of the infinite gems has been attached to the genes and cannot be removed.

The power of chaos hidden behind groups of genetic locks.

The secrets contained in this drop of blood were completely analyzed in Fang Yuan's mind.

While the power of analysis continues to operate.

Fang Yuan also directly sent the drop of blood into his mouth.

Using his ability to evolve infinitely, he completely dissects and devours the blood's abilities.

After finishing these things, Fang Yuan still had some energy left and looked at Wanda in front of him who had an incredible look on his face.

Right now!

Wanda could clearly feel that Fang Yuan's body had the same power as her own.

"Copy?" Wanda's eyes widened and she asked tentatively.

"Absolutely!" Fang Yuan nodded slightly.

Immediately, Fang Yuan stopped explaining too much, but looked at Wanda and asked directly.

"If I want to leave here, do you want to come with me?"

At this moment, Fang Yuan no longer cared whether his words would be monitored.

Without him!

Just when Fang Yuan began to extract the power of chaos magic, Fang Yuan did not think that his side could hide it from Hydra.

Able to inspire the power of the Mind Stone.

Of course there are instruments for monitoring energy fluctuations.

Right now, if Fang Yuan wants to escape from this area smoothly, he needs more help.

Wanda, who has been initially inspired by chaos magic before her eyes, is one of them.

After hearing Fang Yuan's invitation, Wanda stared at Fang Yuan quietly.

After a long time, Wanda showed a smile and nodded happily.

"Okay! But I have to call my brother!"

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly and made a promise.

"That's for sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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