After pouring out a lot of supernatural items, Uncle Zhong fell silent on the spot. It felt like the computer was on the verge of crashing due to overloading. Perhaps Mother Zhang who used it to guard the casino after cursing him didn't expect it. , someone will pour out a small mountain of supernatural items in one breath. Maybe this hand can directly exchange for more than half of the chips in the gambling house, which makes him somewhat unable to calculate.

After a few minutes of silence, Uncle Zhong made a move. The hand hidden in the darkness slowly stretched out and put away the pile of supernatural items, and then...


The same small mountain of chips was poured on the counter in front of Tang Long. At this moment, the surrounding air seemed less oppressive, just like taking out ghost money in a merchant in Taiping Ancient Town.

"In other words, chips are equivalent to ghost money in Taiping Ancient Town. They are a key prop used to achieve balance."

Tang Long's eyes moved slightly, and he had roughly guessed the strategy of the Silver Hook Casino, so he put all the chips into the bone bracelet and returned to the gambling table.

This time, because he had enough chips, he no longer needed to place more than a dozen test bets. He directly piled several hundred chips on the table like a rich man: "I bet small."

The dealer shook the dice cup again. At this time, Tang Long seemed to have his arms folded across his chest, but in fact, the palms pressed against his clothes had quietly ignited a will-o'-the-wisp. He pretended to be nervous and tapped lightly with his fingers, but in fact, he pressed the dice cup. On the head of the devil on the five ghost clothes!

As mentioned before, the five ghost heads on the Five Ghost Clothes correspond to the five senses. At this time, Tang Long was stimulating the ghost heads that represented the sense of touch.

And its ability is tactile sharing. When you see it, the pain and other states you feel are also felt by the target. This target can even be a ghost.

Generally speaking, ghosts have no so-called five senses at all, but if they are connected by the tactile sharing of this fierce ghost's head, they will even be forced to be given a "tactile" state.

The moment his fingers pressed on Li Gui's head, Tang Long could hear the voice of the future, and a shrill scream could be heard in his ears. Then he pressed down the dice cup and left his hand.

The moment the lid was opened, the entire casino fell into silence, because the numbers displayed on the dice cup were clearly 3, 3, 2.

Eight o'clock little!

The dice used the corresponding faces to control the turning of the dice with fingers. After sharing the touch, all the faces felt the pain of being burned by the fire and screamed. There was no spare power to control the turning of the dice. Naturally, it became a struggle. A game of luck.

Tang Long is not good at luck, but it is at a normal level, not at the level of a great chief. In this case, as long as he has enough chips, he can win all the gambling tables even if he has to waste time. .

In this way, Tang Long gradually competed with the dealers in the gambling house for endurance, cannibalizing each other's chips, and with a 50-50 winning rate, he just relied on his generous initial funds to complete the counterattack.

This was really a painful and long experience, but fortunately, Tang Long's character was tough enough, and he remained calm even to the last moment, and finally had the last laugh.

At this time, he didn't know how much time had passed. He only felt that the sound of rolling dice was in his head. At this time, the gambling room became bright again, and all the "people" returned to their normal appearance, but they stopped their movements. All eyes were on Tang Long.

At this time, Uncle Zhong, who had been standing behind the counter, as steady as a rock, moved.

He slowly walked out from behind the counter, like a ghost who completely ignored the laws of physics and "passed" out of the solid body.

Considering that this is a supernatural place, it doesn't matter. But after Uncle Zhong left the counter, the surrounding scene changed in vain. This time, it was like "stop pretending, I am a ghost and I will show my cards". The scene changes again.

It was not completely shrouded in darkness, but the oil lamps that were lit before turned into torches, and the ten gambling tables turned into ten huge fires burning with blazing flames. The ones that had just been used as tables , are corpses that have been skinned but are still squirming and dripping with blood.

The dice on the table also changed into what Tang Long saw, with fingers intertwined and twisted together. The "people" around him did not look like ghosts, but their expressions changed from the excitement of gambling to pain and despair. It looked just like the legendary volcanic hell where someone who committed a gambling crime during his lifetime was thrown into the eighteen levels of hell after his death, enduring eternal punishment in the fire and heat.

At this time, Uncle Zhong also changed from the majestic old man with a solemn face to a green-faced and fanged Yaksha demon. He stood in front of a table made entirely of twisted and burned bones and made a "please" gesture.

"Win all my chips, guest, and you will be the new shopkeeper of Silver Hook Casino."

The chips that Uncle Zhong laid out at this time were almost the same as the total of Tang Long's initial exchange and winning of ten dealer tables. This shows how difficult it is to pass the Sandalwood Hall perfectly.

Tang Long looked down and saw three pale white dice in the dice cup - dice made of white bones.

"It seems that the methods used to deal with the dealers will not work against this Uncle Zhong." Tang Long was convinced, because the dice used by the two sides were obviously different. If the previous dice were the real ghosts, the dealers were just supernatural beings. Derivatives of , then the pair of dice now should be supernatural items, controlled by the evil spirit Uncle Zhong.

He used the ghost lake's supernatural power to take out a small golden box from the bottom of the lake, took a deep breath and said, "Come on."

A few minutes later, Tang Long was completely defeated. A simple comparison made him lose ten games in a row, and he couldn't figure out the best way to deal with it. Especially in this situation, even if he lost the chips, the surrounding scene was still... There is no more change.

It's just that he only presses one at a time. If he continues at this speed, I'm afraid this person and one ghost can gamble until the New Year.

"This is the true appearance of Silver Hook Casino, so it won't continue to change." Tang Long pondered for a moment, "You can't rely on losing chips to find out the truth. Even after ten rounds, I didn't see how he was doing it. To achieve every result that is exactly the opposite of what I guessed is to rely on so-called skills."

"If I can lose ten hands like this, I can lose a hundred hands or a thousand hands like this. The visual ghost head is completely useless. It seems that I can only use a unique trick."

Having made up his mind, Tang Long opened the gold box that had just been taken out of the ghost lake. What was imprisoned inside was a blood-red eyeball that was constantly moving.

Ghost eyes!

The code name of Yang Jian, the protagonist of the mysterious resurgence, is Ghost Eye Detective. This can be said to be the most accomplished supernatural being in the ghost realm, no one!

Tang Long had never dared to control this thing because the resurrection of the ghost eye was too terrifying. If he had controlled it rashly, he would have died from the resurrection of the ghost long ago. He had always planned to rely on Lao Zhou to grow up and use gluttony to control the ghost eye. , to avoid resurgence, but now, it seems there is another way...

He didn't dare to reach out and touch the ghost eye, because Yang Jian became a ghost controller just by touching the ghost eye. Instead, he gave instructions to the ghost butterflies flying around to eat the ghost eye and control it!

If it were before, Tang Long would not have dared to take this risk, because God knows how long it will take to control the colorful ghost Gu after eating the ghost eye. After all, it only has 60% of the ghost's supernatural powers, and is not a complete starving ghost.

But after eating the body of the ghost spider and the ghost snake one after another, the seven-color ghost Gu has evolved into a ghost butterfly, which is considered a mature stage. In comparison, the ghost baby is at least a third-stage or even a fourth-stage existence, which is far from a complete body starving to death. The ghost is only one step away.

There is no reason why such a ghost butterfly cannot control the ghost eyes. No matter how powerful it is, it is just a supernatural being, a puzzle piece of a ghost, not a complete ghost.

The ghost butterfly's mouthparts like a snake's letter suddenly penetrated into the ghost eye, and the ability of the colorful ghost Gu took effect instantly, turning the eyeball into a pool of blood, and then within a few seconds, the blood was sucked up by the ghost butterfly.

As expected, the ghost butterfly did not form a cocoon again. After breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly, it has actually entered the mature stage, so it will not take so much time to control the supernatural. At this time, the eight spider compound eyes on its back suddenly turned into ghost eyes. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a cultivation ghost eye in the center of the small and delicate butterfly head.

All nine eyes open! Just Gui Die, who has just mastered the ghost eyes, can open all nine eyes!

Tang Long chose to let Gui Die reincarnate himself without hesitation. He only felt a terrifying supernatural force that was almost bursting into his body, and even his appearance changed dramatically.

Pieces of snake-like scales cover the body surface, forming a strange outline. The hands and feet are covered with spider silk, which seems to play a role in isolation and protection at the same time.


Two huge butterfly wings burst open from the back of his body, tearing his clothes to tatters. There were no ghost eyes between his eyebrows, but the moment he opened his eyes, there were only ghost pupils with dark pupils. , but now it showed a magnificent blood red color. This color... was exactly the same as what I saw on the projector in the island country before.

The only difference is that here, the dark pupils have turned into blood-red pupils, and the Tang Long's eyes that appear on the projector in the island country have whites. The whites of those eyes... are obviously derived from Ma Xiaoling's precognition that only has the whites of the eyes. Eye.

Although the three eyes have not yet merged into one, the terrifying backlash at this time almost caused Tang Long to die suddenly on the spot. The ghost butterfly obeyed Tang Long's order, but the supernatural power in it was too terrifying, but it was taken into the body to carry out the operation. There is still a price to pay for "merging", that is, the evil ghost will resurrect.

Of course, the ghost's resurgence can be terminated immediately, as long as the "fusion" is released. However, the more terrifying the ghost butterfly is, the faster the ghost will resurrect. Even if Tang Long is now a ghost body and protected by five ghost clothes, It can only last for a few minutes at most.

Moreover, the resurrection of this evil ghost cannot be weakened by restarting, because at this time, Gui Die is considered a part of Tang Long's body, and restarting will also use Gui Die's supernatural power, which will make his condition worse.

But in this case, Tang Long just lowered his head and saw through the true face of the bone dice!

It turns out that although the pale dice looks scary, it is just an ordinary dice. The real problem is the dice cup, which is a huge skull. After rolling the dice every time, depending on whether Tang Long presses it bigger or smaller , the skull will change the direction of the dice inside.

Moreover, the skull was so terrifying that even Tang Long couldn't see through it with his ghost eyes. He had to fuse the power of both ghost eyes and ghost eyes.

"I'm in stud!" Seeing through everything, Tang Long directly pushed the hill-like pile of chips in front of him. He could only last in this state for a few minutes. Whether he won or lost depends on the size of this time.

Although there is no so-called stud on the dice gambling table, as the saying goes, every bet pays one. How much Tang Long bets will depend on how much his opponent will accompany him if the bet is correct. It can be said to be a real life and death game.

At this time, in the dice cup that had stopped shaking, the skull's eyes suddenly lit up with will-o'-the-wisps. With a slight shake, the dice inside began to roll automatically.

"call out--!"

But at the same time, a coffin nail has been driven into the center of its eyebrows. After controlling the ghost eyes, Tang Long's ghost realm has been strengthened unprecedentedly, and it can be expanded even in the Silver Hook Gambling House.

In this way, the skull can no longer change the direction of the dice, but the problem is that now Tang Long has pressed down, and the three dice in the dice cup are clearly six, six and six.

Eighteen o'clock, big!

As long as this lid is lifted, Tang Long has already lost.

But just as Uncle Zhong stretched out his hand, Tang Long suddenly clenched his fist and shook slightly.

In an instant, the ghost snake's power to break the supernatural and reality burst out. Although it was only a slight bit, it made the skull that had lost its supernatural power shake, and the direction of the dice inside changed again.

one two three.

Six o'clock small!

Uncle Zhong's movements stopped in an instant. With a green face and fangs, he looked at Tang Long with a pair of fierce eyes, and then teleported directly behind him and launched an attack.

Yes, this time Chu Qian was too obvious, so obvious that people could see through it at a glance.

But at this time, Tang Long didn't care anymore. As long as he lifted the lid on the table, he would have won. This was the rule. As for the thousand-dollar bet... Your Yinggou Gambling House could indeed see me making the thousand-dollar wager, but after you see it, So what?

So in the end of the bet, it still depends on who has the bigger fist!


Before Uncle Zhong's hand could touch Tang Long, a big hole was knocked out of the space. The bus parked outside rushed in directly, and the copper bell on the front of the bus hit him hard, making a "ding" sound. A sound.

This huge sound directly shook the surrounding demons who were about to attack, screaming in pain, covering their ears with their hands, unable to move.

In addition to being directly used to hold and imprison evil ghosts, this copper bell can also produce sounds to scare them.

When the bus is equipped with this copper bell, it changes directly from a single body to a split AOE with one impact. Even ghosts that cannot be hit will be frightened by the sound of the bell.

But Uncle Zhong is the final boss of the Sandalwood Hall trial after all. In theory, he has a combat power no less than that of Qi Lao. Even if he was hit head-on by a bus, he quickly stabilized his body and prepared to attack again.

A mere collision with a bus wouldn't even kill him.

But at this time, Tang Long, whose image and even personality had changed drastically after his transformation, raised his hands in the air and made a "big" sign with his body, opening the six-level ghost-eye ghost realm!

The six-level ghost eye ghost realm can make everything in the ghost realm stand still. Simply put, it means stopping time, but it is ineffective against ghosts that are too scary.

But at this time, the ghost eye has been strengthened by the ghost pupil, and the ghost eye ghost realm has been integrated with the ghost ghost realm. The most important thing is that through the ghost butterfly, Tang Long can actually use the power of the ninth level ghost eye.

Therefore, even someone as terrifying as Uncle Zhong was immediately frozen in place and unable to move, let alone the other ghosts in the gambling house.

At this time, Tang Long's perverted laughter echoed through the ghost realm.

"The World——!" (End of this chapter)

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