Start by adding points from the basics to fight through the apocalypse

Chapter 155 Five lines of arrows and the power of the master

Chapter 155 Five Elements Arrow and the Power of the Grandmaster
After getting the Cold Crystal Glazed Zhi, Li Lin didn't have much to do in the next period of time. He just ran back and forth between the Yulong Mountain base and Shiwanda Mountain.

As more and more Sirius guards and adventurers arrived at Shiwanda Mountain, although they were only exploring the periphery, a large number of natural and earthly treasures were discovered, and the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion was gradually enriched.

Because of the "Eighteen Styles of the Black Dragon", the strength of the macaque group in Lantaoshan has also increased.

Moreover, Li Lin found that as the strength of the macaque group increased, it also had a certain effect on the growth of the fairy peach tree.

The monkeys gathered materials with great enthusiasm, and the fruits of the fairy peach trees that were specially cared for became significantly larger.

The entire territory of Y City was recaptured, and Li Lin massacred zombies to increase his experience while also increasing his proficiency in swordsmanship and marksmanship.

After a busy month and a half like this, his attribute panel has undergone major changes.

"Name: Li Lin (Wind)"

"Level: 19 (18%)"

"Physique: 594"

"Strength: 705.5"

"Agility: 693.2"

"Spirit: 260"


"Skill: Grandmaster*Magic Shot (0%)"

[Grandmaster* Marksmanship: After taking aim, you can hit the target 600 times within a range of [-] meters. 】

[Grandmaster* Divine Shooting - Five Elements Arrow: By consuming your spirit, you can give your arrows five elements attributes. 】


"Skill: Grandmaster*Sword Technique - One Style (0%)"

[Grandmaster* Sword Technique: Increase power burst by 320%]

[Grandmaster* Sword Technique - The Power of the Grandmaster: The use of the sword has reached the extreme. 】


"Skill Technique: "Sirius Evolution Technique" evolution level 49%"


First of all, the level has been upgraded by one level, and the upgrade experience has reached a terrifying 260 million.

Then there are two skill upgrades, Grandmaster*Smartshot and Grandmaster*Swordsmanship, and the corresponding characteristic skills are obtained.

Li Lin tried it, and the Five Elements Arrow was easy to understand. It was enchanted with the power of the Five Elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The power of a master is the deepening of his understanding of the sword. He can make any chop with ease and ease, without being awkward and stiff as before.

Of course, the most important thing is that the evolution level of "Sirius Evolution Method" has reached 49%. If he increases it a little more, he will be able to obtain 860 four-point attribute value. By then, his strength and agility will exceed [-], and his strength will also meet Have a boom!
These are the explosions he has accumulated over the past month and a half, and he is only one step away from reaping the rewards.

It's just that his evolution has reached a bottleneck, and the imperial treasures of heaven and earth have no effect.

If he wants to break through, he needs imperial grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But he hasn't discovered the emperor's treasures of heaven and earth yet.

There are also two skills: marksmanship and sword skills. If you want to improve them again, you need to hunt a lot of monsters. These are not things that can be achieved in a short time.

Therefore, Li Lin's growth is once again at a bottleneck.

This made him have the idea of ​​going to the Twilight Divide again.

In the end, Li Lin suppressed this idea.

Because in addition to the emperor-grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the fifth opportunity from heaven can also allow him to break through the "Sirius Evolution Method".

Waiting for the "Sirius Evolution Method" to break through, if there is no news about the imperial grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he will go to the twilight boundary to find new opportunities.

Long-term stagnation in strength is a waste of time.

Facing the terrifying twilight boundary, Li Lin believed that if others can do it, so can he!

After all, he is a man with cheats!

When Li Lin came to Baishui Village from the Yulong Mountain Base again, he got good news - the mountain clan who had gone to the center of Shiwan Mountain had returned.

Looking at the mountain tribe who was dusty and exhausted, his face was full of exhaustion.

Of the 480 seven people who left, only 340 two came back, and 140 five were buried forever in the mountains.

The casualty rate is nearly 30.00%, a very scary value.

This is a mountain tribe who is used to living in the Shiwan Mountains, has built-in poison resistance, and travels across the mountains as if on flat ground. Both in terms of personal physical fitness and teamwork ability, they are extremely strong.

But even so, one-third of the people still died on this road.

This shows how terrifying this road through the belly of the Shiwan Mountain is.

If the Sirius Guards were replaced, if 500 people entered, ten of them would survive. It would be normal for the entire army to be wiped out.

When the apocalypse comes, numbers are not an advantage, elites are the way to go.

Fortunately, there were no casualties among the village chiefs and mountain chiefs, and only some of the village's elite warriors died.

Li Lin was deeply saddened by this and gave generous pensions to the families of those mountain warriors who died.

Those copycats did not reject Li Lin's kindness.

But they didn't know that Li Lin, as an outsider, subsidized the victims, which was enough to prove that he was involved in the internal affairs of the Shanjian clan without leaving a trace and had a certain influence.

The fate of the Shanjian Clan has been sealed for such a long time.

The victims died, but the living continued to live.

Especially those mountain clan chiefs and mountain chiefs, Li Lin wants to share wealth and honor with them!
On the fourth day after these people returned, Li Lin invited all the mountain clan chiefs and mountain chiefs to visit and inspect the Yulong Mountain base, and by the way trade the refined weapons they needed.

This time they brought back six thousand kilograms of saxifrage, which can be exchanged for thirty ordinary refined weapons, or six hundred gold-plated weapons.

The development of the cottage is a top priority, and there is no doubt about the power of refined weapons, so they readily agreed to Li Lin's invitation.

The Shanjian tribe has a total of eight villages and nearly 100 people. Li Lin first took them to Wuniu City!
"This was originally just a small mountain village, but with my arrival, a city of 10 people rose from the ground." Li Lin looked at the Wuniu City that had begun to take shape, "In the future, we will provide large-scale supplies in There’s mutual trading here.”

Looking at the busy Sirius Guards, the groups of adventurers, and the elite and orderly city guards, the mountain tribes who have lived in the mountains for a long time felt the power of the system.

Although the federal government is gone, Li Lin's rise has been unstoppable.

Such a powerful neighbor made them feel uneasy.

Only Bai Li didn't have so many worries. Instead, he smiled and said, "If Wuniu City is so prosperous, how can the Yulong Mountain base be so grand?"

He knew Li Lin's temper and was confident that he could protect the interests of Baishui Village in his cooperation with Li Lin.

Bai Li's optimism has also been passed on to other mountain tribes. Since they will be beaten if they fall behind, they will work hard to become stronger.

At least Li Lin doesn't show his greedy and evil face at present. He is still a good partner and pays attention to a relatively fair exchange of interests.

After only staying in Wuniu City for a while, the group took a car to the Yulong Mountain Base.

Along the way, they passed several small cities that had lost all life. Seeing the dilapidation and desolation inside, they understood a little bit about the horror of the apocalypse.

There is a fortress every twenty kilometers along the way. There are fifty to one hundred city guards for daily management and maintenance, and there are also a large number of mercenaries and adventurers gathering.

They are mainly responsible for scavenging and reclamation of surrounding towns, as well as cleaning up some mutant beasts in the mountains.

As the scale of the Yulong Mountain Base grows larger and larger, although it has only been two months since the fourth opportunity, the current scale and territory of the Yulong Mountain Base are more than three times larger than two months ago.

The entire M City and Y City, most of the nearby L City, T City, and W City, and C City also account for a small half.

The total population of the base has exceeded 50, and the number of City Guards and Sirius Guards has also exceeded [-].

The most difficult thing for any organization is to get started, but once you find the right direction and ride the wave, even a pig can fly.

This is the case with the current Yulong Mountain Base.

The city lord Li Lin was just an ordinary clerk before the end of the world, and the general manager Wei Ya was a college student who had not yet graduated.

But that's it, under absolute system control, the Yulong Mountain Base immediately became a blockbuster, with flying dragons flying in the sky.

As long as Li Lin doesn't die, the Yulong Mountain base will continue to expand crazily following his will.

When we arrived at the Yulong Mountain base, we saw that the small villages were closely connected. The fertile land on both sides of the strait had been planted with food waiting for a good harvest.

A few months have passed, and the first batch of sown grain has already been harvested. Now it is the second batch, and the rice ears that are about to be harvested have already bent the rice stalks.

Looking at such a grand scene, the mountain tribe had a hint of envy in their eyes.

Why are they called mountain tribes?

It’s not because their ancestors were losers and were driven into the barren mountains to live.

There are many poisonous insects and ferocious beasts in the mountains, and the average life span of their mountain clan is no more than 40 years old.

Later, when the Federation was established, medical conditions became better, and their average life span also increased slightly, but it was only around 50 years old.

Now, they have the opportunity to live on the plains outside.

But by their generation, they have become completely accustomed to life in the mountains.

It is a very painful decision to give up your ancestral family business and come out.

"That building is the Yulong Mountain Warrior Academy, and it is the future of our Yulong Mountain base..."

"That building is the White Tiger Arena, where the elites of our Yulong Mountain base gather..."

"That building is the Adventurer's Guild..."

"That building is the mercenary union..."


Along the way, Li Lin introduced some famous buildings to everyone.

Everyone listened carefully, and at the same time they truly felt the power of Li Lin and his Yulong Mountain base.

As the saying goes, a weak country has no diplomacy. A small tribe like theirs with only 2000 people seems extremely small in front of a giant like Li Lin.

But Li Lin did not squeeze them, and everything was a fair exchange of benefits.

At this moment, even Tie Jiao couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards Li Lin.

At this moment, they could feel Li Lin's sincerity.

If they were in Li Lin's position, they would definitely not trade like this for what they wanted, but would directly lead someone to rob it!
After walking across the chain bridge, everyone came to an ordinary building. Li Lin smiled and said: "This is my city lord's palace. It is built against the mountain, but it has a unique charm."

The City Lord's Mansion is not big or luxurious, and it gives everyone the impression that it is not worthy of Li Lin's status and strength.

Although ordinary, it is the center of power of the entire Yulong Mountain base, determining the life and death of tens of millions of people, and will even affect the direction and outcome of the entire apocalypse.

With her beautiful hair split on her shoulders and wearing fresh and clean jeans and a white shirt, Wei Ya came forward with a smile, "City Lord!"

"This is Wei Ya, the general manager of the Yulong Mountain Base. She is usually responsible for logistics work."

Li Lin gave a brief introduction, "If I am not at the base, then she will be responsible for everything in the entire Yulong Mountain base."

The previous words had already attracted the attention of everyone in the Shanjian clan, but Li Lin's subsequent words made everyone tremble in their hearts, and they fully understood Wei Ya's importance in the Yulong Mountain base.

Under one person, above ten thousand people!

Standing in the crowd, Bai Zhuzhu looked at Wei Ya's confident smile and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of inferiority in her heart.

Although she is the pearl of Baishui Village, what does she mean in front of Wei Ya, who is in charge of the Yulong Mountain Base?

Next, Li Lin spent three days taking a group of mountain tribesmen to visit the entire Yulong Mountain base.

Whether it is the White Tiger Fighting Arena, the Yulong Mountain Warrior Academy, or even the frontline battlefield in neighboring C City.

Only when they saw millions of zombies and went to fight them personally did they truly feel the horror of the apocalypse, which was far more than just poisonous insects and ferocious beasts in a hundred thousand mountains.

This trip to the Yulong Mountain Base had a strong impact on them. They had to understand their position and understand the power of the Yulong Mountain Base.


 A new volume will open tomorrow, and the dusk divides. .

(End of this chapter)

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