Chapter 132 The fourth opportunity comes

In the third month after the end of the world, City M has been completely recovered.

This day will usher in the fourth opportunity of the end of the world.

Still the same as the smoke bomb Li Lin deliberately set off in the second month, the Sirius Guards and the City Guards all dispersed.

In small teams, groups are distributed in designated areas.

It's just that this time compared to the last time, the territory they occupied was larger and wider.

A small part of C City and the entire territory of M City, covering more than 1 square kilometers of land.

With such a large range, coupled with the intensity and generosity of the fourth opportunity, a ball of light will fall from almost every square kilometer.

Therefore, this time it will be an unprecedented feast.

It's just that this time the light orb lead is extremely ordinary, so ordinary that it has no effect on Li Lin.

Because he is so strong, he is far ahead of the fourth opportunity.

Because the fourth chance of the light sphere leadership directly improves the strength, and the improvement is very small.

It can directly improve a person's physical fitness by about three times.

Moreover, the light balls this time are extremely special. Each person can only absorb five, and the effect is getting worse every time!

The first one has the best effect, which can increase the physical fitness of an ordinary person three times, while the next four in total can only increase the physical fitness of an ordinary person twice.

Li Lin proposed many solutions to the light ball falling from the sky.

If the quantity is small, then go by position.

Starting from Li Lin and going down, there are generals, commanders, captains, and team leaders.

If there's enough, everyone gets a share.

This is the rule, the rule set by Li Lin.

Protecting those with vested interests also protects the ordinary people below.

Otherwise, if a fight breaks out, how many of them will be the captain's opponents?
If the people below want to enjoy this treatment, then work hard and strive to become the team leader and captain as soon as possible.

Even when the territory continues to expand later, and the City Guards and Sirius Guards expand their recruitment, more leadership positions will appear.

Fortunately, there are enough opportunities this time to allow all the Sirius Guards and City Guards to get one.

At the same time, one person can achieve maximum effect.

Similarly, this is also the reason why Li Lin decided that he must have ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people to become a team leader.

After getting the opportunity this time, the ordinary Sirius Guards and City Guards will have five times the physical strength, the elites will have six to seven times the strength, the average team leader will have eight times the strength, and some powerful ones will have the strength It's ten times.

As for the captains, almost all of them are more than ten times better, and some are even close to fifteen times as talented.

For the leadership class, all of them have exceeded fifteen times.

There is not much difference in the guard generals. Zhang Jie and Guo Peng are not too talented. With the support of Li Lin, they can catch up with the first step.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sky suddenly darkened, and the setting sun was like blood. Suddenly, a colorful ray of light pierced the thick clouds and spread to the world.

At this moment, everyone stopped working and looked at the wonder of the sky. The gorgeous colors were reflected in everyone's eyes.

They knew that another opportunity had come.

However, they have been told in advance that everyone should not get excited, do not run around, and just stop where they are and don't move.

These opportunities are given to the Sirius Guards and City Guards. If someone does not listen to the advice and insists on fighting for them.


In a daze, everyone saw countless blood-colored balls falling from the sky. The speed was not fast, but not slow either. It only took 30 seconds for them to fall.

When they saw the ball of light falling from the sky, except for a few lucky people, everyone else stayed where they were.

And those who suddenly move, once discovered by the City Guards or Sirius Guards - kill them!

Even if he escapes by chance, he will be included in the wanted list of Yulong Mountain Base, and if he has any family members, they will also be implicated.

Of course, those who are ambitious are not without opportunities.

Li Lin had already told the Mercenary Guild and Adventurer Guild that if he wanted to compete for the leadership, he could go outside the base.

Those who were ambitious or unwilling all left.

Some of these people will also gain something.

After all, they don't need to leave the base too far, they only need to stay close to the outside of the base. This is also a large range, and there are many light balls falling.

Li Lin watched this scene silently, without any disturbance in his heart.

He had already seen this scene in his previous life.

Although there were many balls of light, none belonged to him.

The camp of human survivors in the previous life was already small, and there was not so much safe territory for people to fight for. It was also disorderly, and the number of people fighting for it was even more fierce.

In just 5 minutes, the guards rushed over.

It's Wu Bing, "City Lord, two leaders!"

Soon, the other guards rushed back, each with two leading essences in their hands.

Li Lin picked up a leading essence and felt it, then said: "The effect of this leading essence is average. Each of you can take one."

All the guards responded: "Yes!"

The guards each took one, and Li Lin looked at Wei Ya aside, "You take one too."

This was something that had been said a long time ago. Wei Ya did not hesitate and just asked carefully: "What about them?"

They refer to some people who perform well in the logistics department.

Li Lin said that if there are any remaining leaders, they will be rewarded.

"Call eighteen people over."

Li Lin nodded, "I'll just keep two!"


Wei Ya smiled and said, "I'll call them right away."

These people are out there.

With the leadership reward, her words in the logistics department will have more weight in the future.It's not that others didn't listen to what Wei Ya said before, but it was a matter of proportion.

Some people work as monks for a day and only work as part of their job.

Wei Ya needs to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people and impress them with truly good things.

Tell them that if you work hard and work hard, you will have a bright future even in the logistics department.

Soon all the leading essences were divided, and Li Lin also picked up his two leading essences.

About a minute later, the leading essence in everyone's hands suddenly exploded into a ball of bloody mist, which was sucked into their bodies in surprise.

The next second, everyone felt the energy transforming their bodies. The weaker they were, the stronger the feeling.

When Li Lin arrived, he only had two attribute points.

He knew this would be the result, so he didn't feel any loss in his heart.

The "Sirius Evolution Method" after practicing for six years puts him far ahead of the current version.

"Since everything has been gained, let's let it go."

Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, Li Lin said: "Let each commander make a statistics and send it to the generals. I want to see how many unlucky ones there are and how many lucky ones there are!"

These unlucky guys are naturally those who were unlucky and did not get the ball of light due to accident.

The lucky one is the one who drops multiple light balls in his area.

With the return of the Sirius Guards and the City Guards, most people were beaming with joy, obviously having gained a lot.

Of course, there are also a few unlucky ones who did not get the honors for one reason or another.

For example, the spirit essence fell into the water and was washed away to an unknown place.

Another example is that the distance is too far, and when he rushes over to lead the essence, it all dissipates.

Of course, some were found to have been picked up and hidden in advance.

10 minutes is a short time, even if you find and kill the person later, it will be of no avail.

Although it doesn't help, he still has to kill if he needs to!

Those people are unwilling to join the Yulong Mountain Base and can only be regarded as savages without any value.

There are many of these people, even more than the total population of Yulong Mountain Base.

Most people are waiting and watching, wanting to see the results of joining the Yulong Mountain Base.

Some people are overly cautious and treat the Yulong Mountain base as a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Some people are even extremely paranoid. In their hearts, Li Lin is a complete tyrant, oppressing them and sucking their blood.

Li Lin would not kill them all, but he would not condone them either.

After retaking the entire territory of M City, the number of people in the Yulong Mountain Base has exceeded 17, and the scale of the base's buildings has expanded.

These worthless savages are the happiness comparison index that Li Lin deliberately left for the official members of the thriving Yulong Mountain Base.

Although life is a little busier now, they are extremely safe, protected by the Yulong Mountain base, and have an extremely clear growth path.

After final statistics, a total of 26 people did not receive the award.

Compared to the Sirius Guards and the City Guards, who are about to break through the base of [-], it is not too much.

But without this opportunity, it would be almost impossible for them to catch up with others.

Except for a very small number of people who will have other luck, the rest will be left behind for the rest of their lives because of this opportunity.

Opportunities in the early stage are very precious. If you fall behind one step, you will fall behind step by step, and the distance between you will become farther and farther.

This is the end of the world. Strength is important, but luck is equally important.

However, Li Lin did not gain anything except those two attribute points.

Because of the reason why everyone was dispersed, a few treasures of heaven and earth were unexpectedly discovered.

The lower level of the king's rank - borrowing the mother to return the fetus.

The plant is only about ten centimeters long, about the size of a chopstick head, with yellow roots and red flower stems, spherical in shape, with small knobs on the surface.

The characteristic of the plant is that it parasitizes the roots of other strong plants in order to rob the other party of nutrients for its own growth, hence the name "borrowing mother to return fetus".

It has hemostatic, myogenic, and analgesic effects and can help quickly recover from injuries.

Moreover, this mother-returning plant is a polyviparous plant. After one plant is found, there are usually several nearby.

The low-grade 100-year-old blood Ganoderma lucidum needs no introduction. Eating it directly increases a person's strength, and it also has good healing effects.

It's just that it does everything, but it doesn't do everything.

The growth strength is not as good as the century-old ginseng, and the healing effect is not as powerful as the lower-level king-level treasures of heaven and earth.

But one good thing about Blood Ganoderma is that it can be regenerated.

There is a mother fungus underneath it. Use a knife to cut off part of the top each time without harming the mother fungus underneath. Then water it with mutated animal blood, and you can get a steady stream of Blood Ganoderma.

In addition, several leaf beads were also discovered. Although they are not a natural treasure, leaf beads have good effects on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing away heat and detoxifying.

In the future, if someone at the base suffers minor injuries that are not serious, they can just apply the leaf beads externally and they will be able to jump around in no time.

There are also several wild camellias and September chrysanthemums, which have good effects on relieving fatigue and regulating the body.

Also taking this opportunity, Li Lin sorted out the entire M city inside and outside to see where there were more mutant beasts and where there were still remaining zombies.

In the following time, Li Lin sent his personal guards to hunt and kill those powerful mutant beasts.

As for ordinary zombies, they are dealt with by the Sirius Guards.

Next, Li Lin will aim his attack at Y City, and he is also preparing to enter Shiwanda Mountain again to see how the imperial mid-level fairy peach in his memory looks like.


 A new volume will open tomorrow, One Hundred Thousand Mountains. .

  The protagonist goes to Shiwan Mountain to hunt for treasures, and at the same time begins to contact the powerful people from the previous life, who live in the mountains. .

  The most important thing is that he will lead the base to reverse the apocalypse. .

  Instead of waiting for the end of the world to develop. .

(End of this chapter)

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