Start by adding points from the basics to fight through the apocalypse

Chapter 104: Surrounded by powerful enemies, the pattern of the world

Chapter 104: Surrounded by powerful enemies, the pattern of the world
Six days after the great migration began.

At the Yulong Mountain base, the Sirius Guards were dispatched one after another to clean up the surrounding zombies, and then began to eliminate the various mutant beasts on the Yulong Mountain.

Yulong Mountain will be Li Lin's pig-raising base in the future, with various natural wild boars and wild pheasants, mutant beasts that are relatively low in aggression but grow very fast and have good meat quality.

There is no need to take too much care of these mutated beasts. They know how to find food in the mountains, and when food is grown, feed them what they can't finish.

Li Lin only needs to hunt down mutant beasts that weigh more than a certain weight every once in a while.

Against these relatively ferocious mutant beasts, the strength of the Sirius Guards was somewhat insufficient.

Rabbits know how to bite people when they are anxious, let alone these carnivorous animals.

Not only does it bite, but it can also kill!
Coupled with the rugged mountain road, all kinds of vegetation are extremely lush, blocking the line of sight, allowing the mutant beasts hiding inside to suddenly attack have a certain advantage.

Although the Sirius Guards had sophisticated weapons and were in groups of six, they still could not stop the strange attack methods of these mutant beasts.

So this resulted in a large number of wounded and even dead people.

Li Lin ignored all of this.

With the help of teammates, most of them can survive the sneak attacks of mutant beasts, although it is dangerous.

Those who died could only be considered bad luck.

After experiencing the overwhelming zombie wave and practicing courage, and then experiencing the siege of mutant beasts in Yulong Mountain, it is a very important growth process for them.

From facing zombies with rigid attack methods, to stabbing hard in the head, practice precision.

Nowadays, the various mutated beasts with flexible bodies in Yulong Mountain understand the retraction and release of moves, flexibility, various techniques, and adaptability to the situation.

The enemy will always come out from where you least expect it and give you a fatal blow.

Mutated beasts also follow the most primitive instincts of beasts and adopt the most direct and fastest means of killing enemies.

If you can't even deal with these relatively weak mutant beasts, it's a pure waste of food and resources.

On the opposite side of Yulong Mountain, large-scale buildings have been built, all of which are simple houses made of bamboo and wood.

Now that it's summer, you just need to protect it from wind and rain, and then reinforce it in winter.

These houses are all in units of five hundred households, occupying an area surrounded by fertile fields, arranged neatly in square formations.

Five kilometers to the south on the opposite bank, trenches and countless horse-proof stakes protect the safety of the Yulong Mountain base.

As time goes by and the scale of the Yulong Mountain base expands, this range will increase.

A year later, when that opportunity comes, Li Lin will build a strong and stable city wall to resist the possible tide of beasts!

Seeing that a brand new base was about to rise, Li Lin was happy.

With Yulong Mountain as a complete logistics base, he will start his own business of harvesting leeks!

The first step is to go to the Eagle Eye Club and bring back the prepared food seeds and medicines.

The Eagle Eye Club is on the edge of the Third Ring Road and is densely populated. It is not easy to take out all the food.

Although it is not easy, it is not without methods and opportunities.

Before that, there are still many things that need to be prepared in advance, such as transportation tools.

Transporting those grain seeds back requires a lot of transportation.

Car transportation is definitely not possible, so a wheelbarrow is a good choice. It can carry a load of five to six hundred kilograms no problem, and it can also adapt to many special terrains.

It's just that the operation of the unicycle is a bit difficult, and one disadvantage is that it will end up flipping over.

Therefore, during this period, it was necessary to manufacture large quantities of unicycles and train people to drive unicycles.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Lin also began to prepare his own horn bow.

Normally speaking, the best horns for making horn bows are those of newly grown calves.

Because older cattle inevitably have osteoporosis, their horns are not dense enough, and the effect of horn bows produced is also very poor.

But the armored cow is an exception. Although it is old, it has undergone two mutations, making its horns different from those of ordinary cows.

Not only is it dense, but it is also extremely heavy. When you hold it in your hand, it feels heavy and has a wild atmosphere.

The function of the horn is to grind out the appropriate bow blades and make the bow tip.

He also needed good wood to make the bow body, so Li Lin found a mulberry tree that was over 500 years old on Yulong Mountain. This was the best material he could find so far.

As for the role of beef tendon, it is not used as a bow string for shooting arrows, but to strengthen the bow tire and increase its toughness and explosive power.

A real bow string needs to be light enough, thin enough, strong enough, and able to be pulled continuously.

Many people have misunderstandings about the bow, thinking that it is a "rubber band" like a slingshot, that is, the bow string exerts force.

In fact, no, the real power is the bow tire, including horn blades, beef tendons, and other parts, all of which serve the bow tire.

The bow string is just to pull the bow tire, causing it to explode with huge power, and then fly out with the arrows on the bow string with extremely violent and destructive power!

Making a horn bow requires more than two hundred processes, and more than ten kinds of parts need to be made in advance.

Each of these parts is a separate entity and needs to be glued together.

Li Lin has polished the horn pieces and dried the tendons.

Now most of the materials are ready, but two crucial things are missing.

One is the swim bladder glue used to adhere all parts, and the other is the bow string.

The previous bow strings are definitely no longer good. Although they are good, they are not top quality and affect the feel. The upper limit is too low.

The bow string he wanted was better!
The matter of fish glue is not urgent yet. Someone is already doing the preliminary work, and it still needs time to prepare.

On the contrary, it was the bow string, and he had to start taking action.

No one in the base can help him with the bow string matter, so he can only do it himself. …

City C is a large basin with a large plain inside.

Because the plain is large enough and rich in products, it has formed the southwest economic center headed by C City.

With a population of 4000 million, it ranks first in the southwest and is enough to rank among the top [-] federal cities in terms of population.

M City, which is close to C City, has only a small amount of plains, and most of the remaining areas are hilly areas.

However, due to the dense population, with 500 million people living there, there are no mutant beasts in these hills. The most common ones are mutant dogs, mutant snakes, mutant rats, mutant pheasants, etc., which are relatively easy to deal with.

But no matter C City, M City, or even several nearby cities, they are all located in the same basin, and most of them are hilly areas.

This heralds very bad news.

There must be mountains and plateaus around.

The Qinling Mountains in the north stretch for thousands of kilometers. They are towering and steep. Coupled with the fission and expansion of the Aquamarine Star, they are ever-changing. They are occupied by various terrifying beasts. They are collectively referred to as the Savage Forest by the survivors of later generations.

After the fission of Aquamarine, the wild forest spanned hundreds of thousands of miles, dividing the entire federation into two parts from north to south. No one had ever crossed through the center of the wild forest.

To the east is the Dawu Mountain Range, which stretches for nearly a thousand kilometers, strongly isolating City C from the sea to the east.

Because it was shrouded in heavy fog all year round, visibility was extremely low, and the survivors later turned it into the Great Smoky Mountains, where all kinds of powerful mutant beasts roamed.

After the fission of the Aqua Blue Star, the Great Smoky Mountains were also enlarged twenty times, stretching tens of thousands of miles across.

To the south, people call it the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which are all hills one after another. After the water blue star fission and expansion, it turns into mountains, which contain all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts, as well as the most deadly poisonous miasma, with just one mouthful. , can turn people into a pool of blood.

As for the west, it is the roof of the world, the highest peak of Aquablue Star, the Fearless Peak with an altitude of 9000 meters.

Before the end of the world, adventurers in the world considered it the highest honor to climb to the top of Fearless Peak and step on it under their feet.

It is covered with snow, no matter the four seasons, and thousands of miles of ice!

After the end of the world, I haven't heard anyone say that anyone has climbed up.

Below the Fearless Peak is a huge plateau with an altitude of 5000 to [-] meters. Because the ultraviolet rays are too strong, soil erosion is serious, and the original permanent population is not large, making it extremely desolate.

Later, due to the black light, both humans and animals died, and it became a paradise for zombies, with few other life forms living there.

Because it was so desolate, it was called the Great Western Wasteland by survivors.

City C is trapped in the middle, and these are all the enemies Li Lin will face.

He alone could not kill all those powerful mutant beasts even if he chopped off the dragon scale sword in his hand.

Therefore, in the last life, Li Lin experienced three times of city destruction and mass extinction.

We can't blame the top players for not working hard. They are surrounded by enemies and can only survive in the cracks.

But even so, death is still inevitable in the end.

Li Lin's city-state was invaded by mutant beasts, and he had received news before that several nearby city-states were also besieged by mutant beasts at the same time, and the situation was precarious.

Therefore, Li Lin could even imagine that it would be a matter of time before those city-states were breached in the next few months.

They are located in a basin and are trapped by the surrounding mountains, which limits their development and is surrounded by enemies on all sides.

And outside the mountains, the survivors were not feeling well either.

Powerful sea beasts landed, each one invincible, and city-states were conquered one after another.

Therefore, in the 28th year of the end of the world, mankind is really in dire straits.

Very few people survived in the end.

Perhaps one day, it will become even more precious and rare than the iron-eating beast.

Faced with powerful enemies all around, Li Lin can only grow hard and grow crazily!

He dealt with the enemy's high-end combat power, while the men he trained were able to compete with the mid- to low-end combat power of the mutated beasts.

Compared with the weakness of humans, the advantages of mutant beasts are really great.

Although it is surrounded by powerful enemies, it also means that there are abundant resources.

Whether it is the wild forest, the Great Smoky Mountains, the Hundred Thousand Mountains, or even the great western wilderness on the roof of the world, they all have a large amount of natural resources and treasures.

As long as they can get it, the upper-level combat power of humans will catch up with the mutant beasts and compete with them.

But there is no rush, they still have a chance.

The mutant beast kings in the future have not yet grown up. They are also quietly accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to soar into the sky and become a blockbuster.

Humanity is cruel and has caused countless deaths. In one year, the number dropped sharply from 90 billion to 28 million, and [-] years later, it was less than [-] million.

The mutant beasts are even more cruel. They devour each other and compete to evolve, completely following the most primitive and bloody jungle laws.

Fighting every day, fighting desperately.

Not crazy, not live!
The strong live, the weak die!

The mutant beasts survive and the fittest are eliminated, and mutant beast kings are born one by one.

Human beings, on the other hand, still remain rational after all, causing themselves to lag behind from the beginning.

Then they fall behind step by step, falling behind step by step, unable to catch up again, and eventually become a victim of this apocalypse and are ruthlessly eliminated.

Now, Li Lin has set his sights on the outskirts of Shiwanda Mountain, two hundred kilometers away from M City.

There is a thousand-year-old purple blood vine there, which is used to make bow strings, which are the strongest and most durable.


(End of this chapter)

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