Go score!coach

Chapter 122 Atletico Madrid goes bankrupt again! [A big chapter with [-] words, please beg me to sub

Chapter 122 Atletico Madrid goes bankrupt again! [A big chapter with [-] words, please beg me to subscribe]

Two years later, when Joan Gaspart announced his resignation as president at Camp Nou, he told the media reporters, fan representatives, club officials and player representatives present about the night he went to the Calderon Stadium to supervise the game.

He said that it was the first time he experienced personally that a team that could threaten Barcelona was growing at an alarming rate.

"That was the most painful defeat in our Barcelona history!"

"Atletico Madrid, this team that we have always been obsessed with, I never thought that one day, he would give us such a desperate and painful blow."

"From the team to the management, after that game, the confidence was completely shattered and we completely lost our way."

"After the Calderon tragedy, we entered the darkness of hesitation and confusion."


At the Calderon Stadium, Gaspart never imagined that he would step down two years later, and he did not even think about the impact this game would have.

0 is better than 6!

After conceding 4 goals in the first half, they conceded 2 more goals in the second half.

Barcelona's defense was completely shattered in this game.

But at the moment the whistle sounded, what Gaspart was thinking about most was not the future, but how to appease the fans.

When word of the disastrous defeat returns to Barcelona, ​​countless fans will take to the streets.

They've had enough.

In this case, someone from the team must step up and take responsibility.

Coach Ferrell?Sporting Director Juan Martinez Villaseca?Or is he Gaspart?

The 55-year-old Villaseca has been working at Barcelona for almost 30 years. He first worked in the youth training and was later promoted to the management. It is not easy to climb up step by step.

But Gaspart has been Barcelona's vice president for 22 years, and he knows better than anyone how to play this game.

Now it can no longer be solved by just coming out to apologize, drawing a pie, or inviting famous celebrities to come out for "objective" analysis.

Someone has to be responsible!
It’s time for someone to take responsibility!

In this case, Gaspart has completely lost his thoughts on poaching Adriano and Deco.

What he is more concerned about is whether he can successfully pass the position of sports director Villaseca.

This requires him to discuss this with the opposition leader on the Blue Elephant side.

Thinking of this, Gaspart made a quick decision, stood up, and shook hands with Cerezo and Xiao Hill.

"It was a great game."

Then, he made an excuse and left in advance.

Cerezo and Little Hill watched Gaspart leave with smiles, not to mention how happy they were in their hearts.

"It's a pity that you don't go to film with him." Xiao Hill smiled at Cerezo.

Cerezo's main business is making movies, but...

"We can't afford it. Our Spanish film market is too small. Oscar-winning actors like this can't look down on small productions like ours."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed again.

"To be honest, I always feel that our family's 5% share is probably going to be lost."

He said he lost his shares, but in fact, Xiao Hill had a headache.

Atletico Madrid is no longer as sluggish as last season. Although the current team is full of waste, everyone is working enthusiastically and very actively.

"It's very possible, but this may not be a bad thing for you."

Cerezo is the one who knows Hill’s thoughts.

This guy doesn't like football at all. It's tiring and he can't make any money. If he's not careful, he'll have to throw money into it.

In the past, the Hill family was engaged in real estate and the old Hill came out to enter politics, so football was needed to build a brand, but where is the need now?

Little Hill often said that on his farm in the suburbs, the input and output were very stable, and he made a solid income, unlike football, where he had to be on tenterhooks all day long.

"Sometimes, I really don't want to come to the game because my heart can't bear it." Hill said with a wry smile.

"That's Yang Hao's fault. It's so exciting. Who can bear such a big victory for you all of a sudden?"


This is an upright victory!
As early as in the stadium, Yang Hao had already received support from Atletico Madrid players and congratulations from Barcelona captain Guardiola.

Of course, Guardiola's congratulations came a bit bitterly.

His situation in Barcelona is really difficult, and the voices of selling him are getting louder and louder.

Yang Hao once again invited him to join the team, but Guardiola again declined.

Later, from the player tunnel to the locker room to the press conference, no matter who Yang Hao saw along the way, he would receive congratulations from the other party.

At the press conference, Yang Hao was once again greeted by reporters standing up and applauding. This represented their recognition of Atletico Madrid's game, and of course their recognition of Yang Hao.

Don't listen to what they say in newspapers. They are just playing with the pen. Real face-to-face contact is their true attitude.

The media all have a position.

Just like Aspen and Marca, some of their reporters have a good relationship with Yang Hao in private. Otherwise, how would Yang Hao know the specific time when Oscar is going to go naked at Poseidon Square?
But in public and in newspapers, they were scolding Yang Hao and his Atletico Madrid.

There is no way, their reader group is Real Madrid fans, if you don't criticize Atletico Madrid, who should you criticize?

The press conference was just a process, but after the press conference, Yang Hao saw Jorge Messi in the player tunnel. He was bringing Messi, Di Maria, David Silva and La Moss and others were waiting there.

"Hello, why are you here?"

Yang Hao was a little surprised and greeted him with a smile.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yang, what a wonderful game!"

"Thank you, Jorge."

"Several children said that I must congratulate you in person. This is a wonderful game." Jorge Messi explained the reason for their presence here.

"OK, go ahead, I'm listening." Yang Hao won the game and was in a great mood.

Seeing Messi, Di Maria, Ramos and David Silva put him in a better mood.

This is Atletico Madrid’s hope for the future!
Of course, children, what unique words of congratulation can you say?

But no matter what they said, Yang Hao always looked very happy and enjoying himself, which greatly benefited these children.

"Leo, how do you think Barcelona played tonight?" Yang Hao had a bit of a bad taste.

I don't know why, he just wants to watch Messi scold Barcelona.

Maybe it's because before he traveled through time, he was really disgusted by Barcelona's cunning maneuver of forcing Messi away.

If Messi in his previous life refused to scold him, then let Messi in his current life do the scolding.

"They played really badly!" Messi thought for a while before he choked out these words.

Yang Hao laughed.

Suddenly, he had an impromptu idea, "How about I take you to the locker room for a walk?"

The four children suddenly became excited and excited, "Is this okay?"

That was the locker room after the game.

"of course."

"Then hurry up and go, I'm going to find Lucio to get a signed jersey." Ramos rushed to the front.

Yang Hao really didn't expect that Ramos would like Lucio. The two of them had completely different styles.

If you want to say he's like Lucio, Pepe is more like him.

Pepe's physical fitness is really strong, and he has the characteristics of Lucio. How else would he be called a monk?

Ramos is short and is a typical Spanish defender, such as Puyol and Marchena.

Yang Hao appeared in the locker room with four brats, which immediately caused a small commotion.

Mainly because some players were too unrestrained when celebrating in the locker room, and there were even scenes inappropriate for children, which caused several children to be startled as soon as they entered the door.

Of course, it's not as big as Vieira throwing a sausage in the face, but the scale is indeed quite big.

However, we can also see the different personalities of the players.

Ramos enjoys this kind of scene, Messi and David Silva are a little shy and embarrassed, and Di Maria is still confused.

Anyway, very interesting.


After playing Barcelona, ​​La Liga was temporarily suspended.

The players were also dismissed on the spot. Many of those who had national team competition obligations would leave tonight. Those who did not have national team competition obligations could have a holiday, but it would only be for a day or two, and they would continue to return to the team for training.

Yang Hao has been very busy and rarely has time to meet these four brats. He simply invited them to eat barbecue at a famous barbecue restaurant in the city. Messi's father was not so lucky.

"Mr. Yang Hao, I heard that you recently moved out of the training base and rented a house by yourself?" David Silva asked curiously.

"Yes, not far behind you."

"We all saw it." Ramos, who was chewing meat, suddenly shouted.

"See what?"

"You often bring home a beautiful young lady."

"Yes, I saw her in the stands just now." Messi raised his hand and shouted.

"Mr. Yang Hao, is that your girlfriend?" Di Maria was quite gossipy.

All the big eyes looked over, and Yang Hao smiled and nodded, "That's right."

I just don’t know how long the relationship will last.

However, he didn't take it to heart.

"I noticed, do you often follow me?" Yang Hao scolded with a smile.

"Sergio said it." Messi said, grunting.


Yang Hao saw Ramos winking at Messi. Why didn't he understand that there was a problem?
"Actually, it was Sergio who said that if you move out, those Real Madrid fans might come and smash the windows of your house. Let us pay more attention." David Silva explained.

Yang Hao suddenly realized that he didn't expect that Ramos actually had this side.

"Here, I'll reward you with a roasted chicken leg." Yang Hao handed it over with a smile.

With the envious eyes of others, Ramos took it happily, grabbed it and gnawed it.

"Leo, have you had your injections on time recently?"

After hearing this, Messi reached out and patted his left leg and nodded.

Injecting growth hormone is similar to injecting insulin. You can choose the leg, abdomen or hand. Messi always injects it in the leg.

Yang Hao had seen it before, and there were many old and new needle holes on his legs.

You know what’s the most outrageous?

In the beginning, he always asked a doctor for injections. I don’t know when he started doing them himself.

This made Yang Hao feel that many people in his previous life actually misunderstood Messi, including Yang Hao himself.

In fact, Messi is a very determined and brave player.

"How are you doing lately?" Yang Hao asked again.

Every once in a while, the youth team will send Yang Hao a youth training report, and every time he will pay attention to the performance of several players.

Of course, there are other kids in the academy.

Ramos, Di Maria and David Silva are all developing normally in their respective age groups, playing one or two games a week, training in an orderly manner, and attending classes the rest of the time.

Messi has always trained and competed with the senior group. Previously, the Atletico Madrid youth team went to Portugal to participate in some cup competition. Yang Hao forgot, but they won the championship anyway.

Not long ago, I went to Belgium and France to participate in invitational tournaments, and won the championship both times.

Today's Atletico Madrid youth training camp is really strong.

Messi has also gained a lot of fame among many Atletico fans who pay attention to low-cut clothing.

Everyone knows that there is such a number one figure in the youth team.

However, this is still a long way from his success.

But Messi recently returned to U13 to compete.

"Why?" Yang Hao was a little surprised.

"The coach said this is the Football Association's regulations." Ramos answered on his behalf. Apparently he had asked the coach about this matter.

"Is there such a rule?"

"Yes, for foreigners, it is said that they must play a few games in the U13 before they can sign up for the intermediate youth training."

Yang Hao really didn't know. He would go back and find someone to find out.

If there is, it is probably just to prevent some people from taking advantage of the loopholes.

It is roughly similar to the kind in China where you have to study in a certain school for two or three years before you can take the exam on behalf of the school.

I guess it shouldn't be a big deal.


Atletico Madrid's 6-goal victory over Barcelona became the focus of the media in Spain and around the world the next day.

Daily Sports wrote a report with the title "Poor defense betrayed Barcelona", pointing the finger directly at Barcelona's midfielders and backfield players, believing that their poor and poor performance led to Barcelona's defeat.

In the report, the Catalan media believed that "Barcelona made various attempts in front of Atletico Madrid and created several opportunities. It even seemed to have control of the ball, but in reality?"

"The low-level defensive mistakes caused the team to concede the ball again and again in the first half, which almost ruined the team's confidence in reaching the top four in the league."

This Barcelona mouthpiece believes that Barcelona management must be clearly aware that the team needs to make changes, major changes.

Daily Sports also specially included a photo of Barcelona captain Guardiola, believing that the Barcelona captain completely lost his reason and calmness at the critical moment, especially when he conceded the first goal.

"He should have remained sober and rational, but he failed to fulfill his duties as a captain on the field."

World Sports News also believed, "This is a disaster!"

This Barcelona media accused the referee of being biased towards the home team, especially when faced with Gravesen's brutal fouls. He tolerated them again and again and did not even take the card from the Danish midfielder. This was a very bad law enforcement.

"The fact is, if he had enforced the law strictly, Gravesen would have been sent off long ago."

Barcelona's mouthpiece believes that the 0-6 score is not a reflection of the true level of the two teams, but more of a speculation by Atletico Madrid at home. "With the help of the referee, they stole a victory and brought Barcelona There’s a disaster!”

World Sports also pointed the finger at Yang Hao, believing that his victory was never convincing.

"No Barcelona fan supports his move to Camp Nou, because everyone knows that it will be a disaster for Barcelona, ​​and it is a shameless betrayal of Barcelona's tradition of ball control!"

There is no doubt that Barcelona's mouthpiece has completely blocked Yang Hao's hope of entering the Nou Camp.

Compared to the media close to Barcelona, ​​Marca is fairly neutral.

Although this media is close to Real Madrid, when reporting on this game, it gave Atletico Madrid a very high evaluation and believed that Yang Hao and his team played the most exciting game this season.

"The style of play is active, fast, and proactive pressure. Unlike other teams that like to keep the ball at their feet, Atletico Madrid prefers to pass the ball. This is undoubtedly a football style that is very characteristic of Atletico Madrid." Marca believes , this is because Atletico Madrid lacks ball-handling masters like Zidane and Figo, so they have to settle for second best and adopt more pass-cut cooperation to make up for the gap in their players' personal abilities.

El Pais praised Cambiaso by name, believing that the Argentine midfielder has performed better and better after the winter break, especially in recent rounds.

When facing Barcelona in this game, Cambiaso's command and dispatch in the midfield was also very methodical, and he was relatively successful in defending Rivaldo, which made people see a rising midfielder rookie.

"At that time, Cambiaso came to Real Madrid with the aura of Redondo II, but in Argentina, he was more of an attacking midfielder. After switching to Atletico Madrid, Cambiaso continued to appear in the defensive midfielder position. .”

"After watching this battle at the Calderon Stadium, I wonder if Real Madrid will regret that they chose Solari and gave up Cambiaso?"

Since Solari joined Real Madrid, the competition has been quite fierce.

On the left wing, Zidane can play, as can Savio and Munitis. Even recently, even McManaman can play on the left wing, but only Solari has always been dry. Sit on the bench.

But on the other side, after Atletico Madrid shined, their overall performance became better and better, and now they have the momentum to overpower Real Madrid and compete for the championship.

The left wing that originally belonged to Solari now belongs to Vicente and Reyes. Both players have performed very well, especially Vicente, who can be said to be the most eye-catching discovery among Spanish local players this season. Together, Joaquin formed two sharp wings.

Moreover, both of them were selected for the Spanish national team.

"In his first full season at Atletico Madrid, Yang Hao achieved achievements that astonished everyone!"

ABC is paying more attention to Atletico Madrid's targeted defense.

This relatively neutral media believes that the most important thing for Atletico Madrid to beat Barcelona with 6 goals is that they did a good job defensively.

"Barcelona's organization was poor throughout the game, and its offense lacked coherence. It relied entirely on the individual abilities of its stars. There was almost no decent threat, and there was no advantage at all in the midfield."

"Yes, they have an advantage in possession of the ball, but their pass error rate is also high. Once a mistake occurs and Atletico Madrid catches it, they can always threaten. This is the most fearful thing."

"Atletico Madrid seemed to be playing defensive counterattack, but in fact, they did not shrink their formation. They even maintained a high position for a long time. This is a subject worth studying."

ABC believes that regardless of whether Atletico Madrid can win the championship in the end, Yang Hao is able to produce such a performance in his first full season as coach and train such a team, which is already considered quite successful.


With the start of two weeks of national team training, the league is temporarily suspended, and media reporters are scrambling to find other hype materials.

Yang Hao hasn't been to a nightclub for a long time; Ferguson finally admitted that Manchester United is indeed paying attention to Graveson; Inter Milan decided to change coaches, and Cooper is deeply loved by Moratti...

But among the many news hypes, only two major breaking points attracted everyone's attention.

One is that Barcelona coach Ferreira and sports director Villaseca both dismissed get out of class.

Although the outside world had long expected that Ferreira would not stay until the end of the season, but even the sports director Villaseca stepped down, Gaspart was really a strong man.

This in turn also shows the tremendous pressure that the Barcelona president is now facing.

After Ferrer's dismissal, Barcelona management quickly appointed Rexach, the scout director of Barcelona's youth academy, to take over the team.

The 54-year-old Carlos Rexach was a direct descendant of Barcelona's youth training when he played football. He has played for Barcelona all his life. He was once a teammate of Cruyff and the two formed a profound revolutionary friendship.

After retiring in the 80s, Rexach entered the Barcelona youth training camp and later served as an assistant coach to Cruyff and Aragones. He also served as the firefighting head coach for a time. It was Cruyff who created Barcelona's dream of peaking. The right-hand man of the team.

With this distinguished resume, Rexach has a very high reputation in the Barcelona club.

It is inevitable that Ferrer will be sacked, but Barcelona cannot be without a coach for a day, so bringing out the famous player Rexach at this time is undoubtedly the most in line with everyone's expectations at the moment.

In order to show their support for Rexach, Barcelona management, directors and players were all present at the press conference when the new coach took over the reins of Barcelona.

Rexach promised that he will do his best to lead Barcelona back on track, and the first priority is to maintain the top four position in the league and defeat Atletico Madrid in the UEFA Cup.

"This is a bloody revenge!" Rexach shouted fiercely.

But before Rexach could finish his words, Comrade Cruyff, his former revolutionary comrade-in-arms, stabbed him in the back.

Yes, the two used to work closely together and were brothers, but after Cruyff fell out with the two Barcelona presidents, Nunez and Gaspart, they became strangers to Rexach.

Regarding Barcelona's appointment of Rexach, Cruyff immediately commented, "Rexach should look back at his resume. This is to coach Barcelona, ​​not a Japanese club."

Cruyff pointed the finger of blame at the management, believing that Gaspart was looking for the head coach to be a scapegoat.

The godfather of Barcelona also gave his own advice. He believes that if Barcelona wants to get back on track, the most important thing is to find its own football tradition, and at the same time, it must be strong enough to remove those who do not have or are unwilling to play for Barcelona. All the players were kicked out.

No matter who he is, no matter how powerful his cards are, get out!

But everyone can see that Rexach has neither such courage nor such power.


I don’t know if it was due to Mu Xiuyu Lin. When Atletico Madrid continued to lead the standings, they received a court summons from Malaga City for no reason. The reason was that they questioned the source of funds and transfer commissions for Atletico Madrid’s signings. distribute.

After retiring as chairman of Atletico Madrid, Hill has been living in a manor in Segovia, northwest of Madrid, and has always kept a low profile. In addition, his physical condition is not very ideal, so he has not made many appearances.

But this court summons once again pushed him to the forefront.

Following the Malaga court, the government agency that had previously hosted Atletico Madrid also asked Atletico Madrid's new management to come forward to state the current financial situation of the team and last summer's signing operations.

From Chairman Cerezo, to General Manager Xiao Hill, to Yang Hao and other department heads, they were all "invited" to have a cup of coffee.

La Liga's leader is in financial custody again!
This piece of news quickly detonated the media around the world, but this time Atletico Madrid handled it very quickly.

As soon as Yang Hao and others walked out of the government office building, they immediately called everyone and sent messages to the group. Press Officer Andrew Balasco had also been prepared and immediately invited many media reporters to the scene to race against time in Carl. A press conference was held at DeLong Stadium.

Atletico Madrid once again clarified that this matter was just a routine inquiry and that the club had not done anything illegal.

Yang Hao also said in an interview that everything in the team is normal.

Privately, he also called every player and told them the true situation of the club, telling them not to worry and that everything was fine.

In just one day, the operational efficiency of Atletico Madrid's management mechanism was fully demonstrated after the reform, especially after the reorganized departments performed their respective duties, the entire organization's management system was completely transformed.

After the incident subsided, Xiao Hill and Cerezo were thankful that they had listened to Yang Hao's advice.

If there is no reform of the management system, Atletico Madrid will be in trouble again!


"Thank you Yang, you're right."

Judging from the public opinion reported back by Andrew Balasco and the communication between Yang Hao and the players, the storm has subsided for the time being.

The next step is to end it quickly at the Malaga Courthouse.

In Yang Hao's previous life, Atletico Madrid has been suffering from financial disputes since they were relegated. This severely damaged the team's morale and also made it difficult for Atletico Madrid to recruit outstanding talents. As a result, Atletico Madrid has been unable to upgrade and return to La Liga.

Because of the emergence of Yang Hao, Atletico Madrid successfully avoided relegation, and during the summer operations, a large sum of money was withdrawn, which eased the team's financial pressure. However, what followed was investigation by the courts and government agencies.

"It's okay. Now this matter has been temporarily settled. There is not a big problem on the players' side. The most important thing now is to resolve the matter quickly without delay."

The Malaga Court's doubts about Atletico Madrid mainly have two aspects. One is some of the operations of the old Hill when signing people, and the other is Atletico Madrid's latest financial situation.

The second article comes from previous statistics by Deloitte, which believes that Atletico Madrid is currently the only team in Spain that has significantly reduced its debt in the past few years, and now Atletico Madrid ranks first. The court believes that this is "counterintuitive." .

Do you know how bad La Liga’s finances are right now?

According to media reports, not long ago, the Spanish Parliament specifically discussed the debt problem of Spanish football clubs. The right-wing government now in power intends to promote the privatization of membership clubs, which is to let the clubs fend for themselves.

Now, there are only four members-only clubs, namely Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Athletic Bilbao and Osasuna.

However, these four clubs have high debts, especially Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Real Madrid's debt now exceeds US$3 million, and Florentino has been pushing the government to "demolish" the old sports city project.

In La Liga and La Liga, many teams have begun to be unable to pay wages. In Cadiz, there is even a "tragic situation" where players are forced to sleep in the locker room. You can imagine how bad the current financial situation is.

Under such circumstances, Atletico Madrid has significantly reduced its finances and its results are so outstanding, so it is natural that it will be targeted.

Who told Old Hill to have a precedent before?

"We have no problems with our finances, and we are not afraid of them coming to investigate." Fernando Vazquez, director of the finance department, is very confident in the finance department he is in charge of.

"After I took office, I have been conducting compliance self-reviews for a period of time, and the financial statements and financial processes are also very standardized. However, some of the previous issues may be a little more troublesome."

Throughout the ages, transfers in European football have involved a lot of insider information, and no transfer is completely legal and compliant.

It's a bit like filing your taxes.

Enterprises always want to pay less, and it is best to avoid it if possible, and will try every means to avoid it. The government is eager for you to pay more, and it is best to hand over all earnings.

This creates a conflict, which requires a game between both parties.

Even the best financial officer will inevitably involve some gray areas.

And these gray areas may be what everyone usually does, but if I check, you are screwed.

Especially when the transfer involves cross-border transactions, involving differences in interest rates, tax rates and other aspects in different countries, there is even more room for maneuver.

In fact, not long ago, Thomas, the newly appointed chairman of the Spanish Professional Football League Committee, established a special investigation agency, mainly focusing on the club's capital loss and debt issues.

As a result, the first unlucky one was Valencia.

Otherwise, why does Yang Hao always feel that the owners of these La Liga clubs are really stupid and outdated.

The cause of the matter was that although Valencia lost the Champions League final, it still received a bonus of US$2800 million from UEFA, and subsequently sold some stars including Farinos.

At the beginning of this year, Valencia's annual report found that none of the money was reflected in the club's daily operations. So where did the money go?

Note that not only Valencia, but also Deportivo has this problem.

It's obvious that you have people taking dirty money from the club.

Although it is a joint-stock company, the club's money belongs to the club. If you want to take it privately, you have to go through formal channels.

This is a bit like the corporate accounts and personal accounts of domestic companies.

Whether it is the problem of Old Hill this time or the problems of Valencia and Deportivo, they are actually the same.

The owners of these clubs are just like the owners of domestic companies. They don’t have a penny in their company accounts. The owners cry all day long and say they are poor and can’t make any money. But what’s the reality?
Pockets full.

As for how to get money out of the club, there are too many ways.

The most famous ones are Calderon and Mijatovic, the later presidents of Real Madrid. These two guys tried their best to license the Real Madrid trademark and put all the income in their own pockets. God knows how much they were greedy?
Isn’t Barcelona also paying attention to Gaspart’s black money issue recently?
Also, transfer has always been the most lucrative position. Why did Paul Futre quit?

Because this fat guy didn't take advantage.

When Yang Hao was a football fan in his previous life, he really didn't pay attention to this.

But now, when he actually coached in La Liga, he discovered that European clubs actually have almost the same virtues.

"Tell me, is it possible that someone is deliberately trying to mess with us?" Xiao Hill suddenly said this.

Everyone present was stunned.

Want to mess with Atletico Madrid on purpose?

Who is it?

You don’t need to guess to know that the political and business circles are all in the same boat, and there are people who are willing to join Atletico Madrid. Apart from the people next door, who else is there?
The key is to grasp this time point very well.

Two weeks after the national team match, there will be a city derby in Madrid, and then there will be the UEFA Cup semi-final between Atletico Madrid and Barcelona. If Atletico Madrid is involved at this time, if it is not handled well, people will really lose their hearts.

"To be honest, if you say that Florentino has such great energy, I don't believe it." Yang Hao expressed his opinion.

If Florentino really has such a powerful ability, why would he be the chairman of Real Madrid?

"But as to whether anyone maliciously reported it or contributed to the flames, that's not something I can figure out."

Several department heads nodded and agreed with Yang Hao's analysis.

Some things are actually difficult to explain clearly.

Now, Atletico Madrid has suffered such a big loss, and Real Madrid is the one who benefits.

So was Real Madrid and Florentino doing this?
who knows?
"Taking a step back, even if it was really them who did it, they are now doing us in full compliance with the laws and regulations. If we are to blame, we can only blame ourselves for the problem."

Yang Hao never liked making inferences without evidence, so he would not think about whether they did it.

"Whether it's them or not, we must win the next game, not only because of this crisis, but also because of this championship!"

"That's right!" Fernando Vazquez spoke out in support of Yang Hao.

Xiao Hill also understood what Yang Hao meant.

At this point, there is no point in pursuing whether it is right or not.

Anyway, this game has to be played, and it must be won, no matter what!


Not only Xiao Hill was so suspicious.

Subsequently, Spanish media also spread gossip news, believing that Real Madrid was behind Atletico Madrid's investigation.

But Florentino reacted quickly, contained the spread of the news in time, and personally called Cerezo to clarify that he and Real Madrid had nothing to do with this matter.

As for whether there is, who knows?

As Yang Hao said at the press conference, this incident is a rare opportunity for Atletico Madrid.

After the review, Atletico Madrid's current financial situation is relatively healthy.

"At least in La Liga, we are considered a financially healthy team, and the official seal of approval has been given to us!"

Yang Hao felt that this was more effective than no matter how much he said before.

At least everyone is completely reassured about Atletico Madrid's finances.

Deloitte and the government have successively confirmed that Atletico Madrid's financial situation is out of crisis, is it still false?
After the two weeks of national team training ended, the players returned to the team one after another. Yang Hao approached them one by one to understand the situation. He also informed the club of the current situation to further reassure the military.

For the next city derby, Yang Hao directly gave the goal at the team's tactical preparation meeting the day before the game.


"We are now 2 points ahead of Real Madrid. If we cannot win at the Bernabeu Stadium, then we will reverse. This is something I cannot accept in any case, and I believe that the same is true for you."

Real Madrid has many stars, but this also means that they have a heavy task to participate in the national team games. Some players even played two national team games in a row, and the return trip was also in a hurry.

Yang Hao concluded that Real Madrid's stars will be very tired.

Therefore, at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, most of Yang Hao's planned starting lineups are players who have no national team competition duties or have not played much playing time. They have more physical fitness and are in better shape.

Only on the front line, both Adriano and Pandiani went to South America and traveled back and forth, which was very tiring and physically exhausted.

But there is no way, I have to grit my teeth.

At the tactical level, Yang Hao wanted to adopt offensive tactics from the beginning, taking advantage of the physical fatigue of Real Madrid players, trying to get the upper hand from the beginning, grab a goal, and then let Real Madrid press out to attack.

At that time, Atletico Madrid will be able to counterattack Real Madrid.

The overall strategy is like this, but in terms of details, Yang Hao and Lillo also carefully designed many targeted tactics and coordination routines for the team, hoping to preemptively strike at the opening of the Bernabeu Stadium.

In fact, the game is indeed progressing according to Yang Hao's plan.

From the moment the game whistle sounded, Atletico Madrid completely suppressed Real Madrid.

The players of the Sheets Army firmly suppressed Real Madrid in the half through running and covering without hesitation. The players on both wings were also very active and frequently created opportunities on both wings.

The only problem was that Adriano, who started the game, was out of form. He missed a close header opportunity and then missed the ball with a kick in the penalty area.

After repeatedly missing scoring opportunities, Atletico Madrid suffered a painful blow in the 28th minute.

Figo suddenly appeared in the middle. After receiving a pass from McManaman, he tried to break through with the ball. When he was about to break through Gravesson, the Danish midfielder had to resort to foul tactics and gave Real Madrid a chance outside the frontcourt penalty area. There is a direct free kick opportunity from about 25 meters away.

Zidane took the free kick.

The French superstar used his signature elegant move to take a very high-quality direct free kick, which hit the angle between the crossbar and the post and bounced into Atletico Madrid's goal.

Absolute dead end!
1 is better than 0!

Van der Sar was helpless in the face of such a free kick.

Atletico Madrid fell behind.

 On Saturday, I was alone at home typing and eating braised chicken and rice (a large portion with a lot of chicken). I was very heartbroken. Please comfort me!Please subscribe!Begging for a monthly ticket!Thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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