I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 153: The Theory of Ghosts and Gods, the First Siege

Chapter 153: The Theory of Ghosts and Gods, the First Siege


There was silence in the battlefield.

Not a single soldier took off his armor and left.

Most of the people who can stand here are men in their 30s and [-]s, and many of them have wives and children.

When they heard Su Liang humiliating themselves like this, they were angry at first, and then felt deep unwillingness in their hearts.

Not willing to be scolded as a loser and a waste.

Don't be willing to waste your days and achieve nothing.

Unwilling to live in vain for more than twenty years, he could not even protect his wife and children.

Unwilling to fall like this.

Who would be willing to be a make-up in the next life?

Su Liang suddenly touched their sore spot.

The soldiers all had red eyes, clenched their fists, and their hearts seemed to be filled with fighting spirit.

On the side, Wen Yanbo also felt excited after hearing this.

In the past, he had also boosted morale in the military camp and scolded the soldiers for their incompetence.

But he was never able to ignite the soldiers' emotions like Su Liang did when he penetrated the whip.

Wang Xin, Wang Kai, Mai Yunyan, and Tian Jing looked at Su Liang with admiration in their eyes.

They have always been biased against Taiwanese admonishers and believe that it is too easy for Taiwanese admonishers to get promoted.

Just move your mouth and hands, and you can rise to great heights and gain fame and fortune.

Now, they finally see the role of Taiwan's admonishment officials.

Su Liang's words can at least double the combat effectiveness of these 2 people, and these generals are also affected and want to attack Beizhou City immediately.

At this time, Wen Yanbo stood up.

"My fellow soldiers, this time I, Wen Yanbo, am personally on the battlefield. No one can take away your military glory, and no one can rob you of your rewards!"

"After the city is breached, I will ask the officials for rewards for everyone!"

"For those who die in battle, I will collect their remains and send their coffins back to their hometown. Their families will be exempted from three years of corvee service. If their parents are old and weak and have no one to look after them, they will be given three liters of rice per day to last their lives..."

Su Liang's words gave the soldiers morale to fight; Wen Yanbo's words relieved them of worries.

If he survives the war, he will receive a higher official position and a higher salary.

If he doesn't survive, he can still get a supply for his parents, wife and children.

Some soldiers couldn't help but look down at the armor on their bodies.

This armor is livelihood, disaster, and great opportunity.

At this time, Wen Yanbo looked at Wang Xin.

The latter immediately understood and stood up and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, break Beizhou and capture the army thieves!"

As soon as this sound came out, the soldiers shouted together.

"Destroy Beizhou and capture the army thieves!"

"Destroy Beizhou and capture the army thieves!"

"Destroy Beizhou and capture the army thieves!"


There was a roar of mountains and tsunami.

The sound is so powerful that it can spread for miles.

Many soldiers vented their dissatisfaction.

When the military thieves in Beizhou City heard this voice, chaos immediately broke out on the city tower.

"The enemy is coming to attack the city. Enter the fighting tent quickly! Enter the fighting tent quickly!"

They shouted for a while, and then gradually stopped when they found that there was no movement in the military camp ahead.

Seeing that his morale had returned, Wen Yanbo looked at Wang Xin and said: "Today, we have enough meat tubes, so we can train normally. As for when to attack the city, we will wait for notification!"

"Yes." Wang Xin immediately handed over his hand.

Afterwards, the soldiers began normal training.

Su Liang guessed that they would most likely attack the city tonight. After all, this was the time when the soldiers had the most fighting spirit.


An hour later.

Wen Yanbo, Su Liang, and Wang Xin led a group of soldiers around outside Beizhou City.

The city wall of Beizhou City is nearly three feet high, and there is a war shed built on the wall.

The so-called war tent.

It is a prefabricated house suspended outside the city wall, similar to a wooden bunker.

The war shed was covered with nearly three feet of soil, with a shooting hole in the middle. The soldiers covered their bodies with a bell board and could shoot with bows and arrows from multiple angles.

The King of Army Thieves was very clear about the strategy of city defense, and he must have read Zeng Gongliang's "General Martial Arts".

War sheds and bell boards are powerful tools to prevent city siege. The description in "Wu Jing Zong Yao" is very clear.

After seizing the military assets, his first step was to build a war tent.

on the way back.

Wen Yanbo asked Wang Xin: "Have you never tried a catapult?"

"Yes, but they are small catapults. There are more than ten of them, and five or six of them are broken!" Wang Xin said with some lack of confidence.

This kind of war tent is extremely difficult to deal with and does great damage to the attackers, but it is afraid of medium and large catapults.

If hundreds of vehicles could be mobilized, flying rocks would rain down like rain, and they would attack continuously, they could completely defeat the war tent.

Wen Yanbo smiled helplessly and stopped talking.

Su Liang also knew the reason.

The imperial court spent money, making sacrifices to heaven and earth, lavishly.

However, military expenditures are all provided grudgingly. I am afraid that only Chanzhou and the northwest have such large catapults.

The more Su Liang got to know these forbidden troops, the more problems he found inside.


In the afternoon, in the military tent.Wen Yanbo, Su Liang, and Wang Xin sat together.

After studying the map of Beizhou City for a moment, Wen Yanbo said: "A frontal attack on the city would be too costly and inefficient, so it is not advisable!"

"Prepare three hundred engineers and tools. The main force will feign an attack in the north of the city tonight. These people are digging a tunnel in the south of the city. They are expected to attack for five nights. When the tunnel is opened, they can enter the city. Remember not to tell other soldiers that it is a feint attack... …”

"Your Majesty understands."

Wang Xin thought for a while and then said: "Mr. Wen, when we attack the city, how will we attack? Now all the people in the city are soldiers, and the White Lotus Sect believers are particularly convinced of Wang Ze and are even willing to die for him. We... We can’t massacre the city!”

Wen Yanbo frowned slightly, this is a big problem.

Those followers of the White Lotus Sect who practice sorcery regard Wang Ze as their leader, obey his orders, and even think that he is the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

And these people drive the people to fight. Once there is a fire in the city, the people will definitely be the first to die.

It's almost inevitable.

"Those who don't surrender will be killed until we catch Wang Ze. It's no longer a military uprising in Beizhou. If we can't take it for a long time, the White Lotus Sect believers in other places will also cause trouble. I will bear the consequences of any consequences!"

After hearing this, Wang's confidence suddenly gained confidence.

At the same time, he also had admiration for Wen Yanbo. There were not many Shangguan who could take on such a responsibility.

At this time.

Su Liang suddenly asked: "Why do those believers worship a military thief so much?"

Wen Yanbo also looked at Wang Xin curiously.

Wang Xin sighed helplessly.

"This Wang Ze has been studying some folk religious secret scriptures for a long time, and secretly preached that 'Sakyamuni Buddha has declined, and Maitreya Buddha will be alive'."

"When he was a boy, his mother carved the character '福' on his back. Strangely enough, for some unknown reason, the character '福' bulged out on his back, and it looked like he was born with it. , he claimed to be a man of destiny, and because of his good eloquence, many believers believed that he had come to the next world to save people in need."

At this moment, even Zhao Zhen was offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, asking for the protection of God Haotian!

The common people believed this kind of talk about ghosts and gods as soon as they heard it.

Wen Yanbo sighed: "If we can make those believers collapse in faith and no longer believe in Wang Zhi, we probably won't have to kill so many people when we enter the city!"

Wang Xin nodded in approval.

Su Liang also kept this in mind, thinking about how to destroy the faith of those believers.


That night.

After nightfall.

Wang Xin and Tian Jing led eight thousand soldiers, armed with various siege tools, bows and arrows, to launch another attack on the north city of Beizhou City.

Mai Yunyan, the Xiangzhou regiment training envoy, and Wang Kai, the Zizhou regiment training envoy, were responsible for digging tunnels in the south of the city.

Wen Yanbo and Su Liang stood at the rear, guarded by dozens of soldiers.

Under the bright bonfire, the two could clearly see the battle situation at the top of the city. Next to them, there were more than ten soldiers who were responsible for counting brave soldiers in order to reward them.

This was Su Liang's first time seeing a city siege up close.

Siege battle.

What matters is the coordination ability between soldiers.

A personal hero is useless unless he is a knight who can jump three feet high and is invulnerable.

No matter how powerful the master is, if he encounters rolling stones, logs, or arrows that are as dense as raindrops, he will only be injured and die.

Long arrows flew together, like a heavy rain, and stuck on the top of the city wall of Beizhou City.

At the same time, the Forbidden Army soldiers quickly approached, and then began to hold the escalators, smash the war tents, and fight with the enemy troops inside.

boom! boom! boom!
Not long after, various rolling stones and logs fell from the city wall, forcing back a group of Forbidden Army soldiers.

"Form up a team and attack again!" Tian Jing shouted at the top of his lungs.

This is how siege works, it must be done one after another without stopping for a moment, otherwise all the efforts will be wasted.

Another wave of arrows struck.

The Forbidden soldiers shouted and rushed over again, holding a shield in one hand and a long knife in the other, like a tiger descending from the mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, on top of the city wall.

A young man with a strong build and huge earlobes looked at the battle ahead, frowned, and murmured: "Today, why do I feel like these people have been beaten to death, and their attack power is so fast!"

This person is Wang Ze, the leader of the army thieves.

Now he calls himself the King of Dongping County. When everyone sees him, they call him: Great King.

He does have some abilities in military operations.

From time to time, he ordered his subordinates to adjust the direction of the attack, but they fought back and forth with the imperial troops below.

Another wave of arrows rained.

At the moment, only the rain of arrows can suppress the opponent's momentum and make the Forbidden Soldiers advance.

However, as soon as they reached the standing shed, they became unable to attack.

The other side fired cold arrows from time to time, and the soldiers had to attack and retreat.

This battle lasted well into the night, and the two sides were still in a stalemate, each suffering losses.


At this time, Wen Yanbo ordered the withdrawal of troops.

The Forbidden Soldiers quickly formed a team and ran towards the military camp.

Wang Ze took a long breath, and his body was covered with cold sweat. Although he held on, the soldiers' desperate efforts tonight were far beyond his expectation.

Immediately, the 200 people digging the tunnel also withdrew.

Wen Yanbo didn't go far before he ordered the nearly a thousand soldiers behind him to stop.

These people were holding torches and scattered everywhere.

The large army put out the torches and rushed straight to the military camp.

This move was naturally to create the feeling that the army had not retreated, so that the rebels did not dare to rest.

These people will return to camp just before dawn.

Early the next morning, the sky was very bright.

As soon as Wen Yanbo woke up, Su Liang ran over with a piece of white paper in his hand, extremely excited.

Su Liang said excitedly: "Wen Xiang, do I know how to make the believers in the city lose their faith in Wang Ze?"

 Thank you to book friends 20180411000857234, Luo Feixue, Stealing Books All Over the World, and the destined rewards. Thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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