A century-old family that runs through the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 168 The following year of the first year of Chenghua

Chapter 168 The following year of the first year of Chenghua
In the first year of Chenghua, the Ming Dynasty used troops everywhere.

The Dadengxia Uprising had broken out since the Zhengtong Year, spreading to Guangdong and Guangxi, and even as far away as Hunan, Zhejiang and Fujian. By the Chenghua Year, it had completely grown into a serious problem for the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Chenghua couldn't bear it anymore and finally sent out troops to counter the rebellion.

Han Yong led an army of 16 people southward. After three months of fighting, he defeated 320 rebel fortresses in a row. Then he cut off the big vines, making it impossible for the rebels to travel between the two sides of the Big Teng Gorge. Finally, they completely defeated the rebels at the Battle of Nine-Layer Cliff, and the south Then it was decided.

Han Yong, who had made the first contribution to quelling the rebellion, received a commendation and was rewarded by supervising the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi as the left deputy censor of the capital.

Not only that, in April, chaos broke out among the refugees in Jingxiang.

In April of the first year of Chenghua, Liu Tong, Shi Long, Feng Zilong, and others set up a yellow flag in Dashi Factory and gathered a crowd to start a rebellion. They claimed to be the king of Han and Jianyuan was victorious. They gathered tens of thousands of people and plundered Jingxiang.

In fact, it is not uncommon for refugees to cause trouble, except for the fact that after the Ming Dynasty officially entered the Little Ice Age, there were more natural disasters every year, and there were also a lot of refugees born as a result.

The most outrageous one was during the Zhengtong period, when drought broke out in four provinces including Beizhili, Shandong, Shaanxi and Shanxi at the same time. More than 20 refugees flooded into Henan. As a result, Henan had “insufficient food to provide and insufficient land to accommodate them.” "In this case, of course there was a rebellion led by some well-intentioned people.

However, at this time, the Ming Dynasty's national power was at its peak, and it was still able to open warehouses and release grain in a timely manner, so the refugees settled quickly and the rebellion was quickly wiped out.

To be honest, the emperor was a little surprised.

Although the scale of the refugee rebellion this time was several times larger than before, Zhu Jianshen was still not panicked.

According to his experience, these guys only used more to defeat fewer, and the guard soldiers were really poorly trained, so they could dominate one side. When the counter-rebellion army arrived, they would immediately kill them.

Sure enough, when Zhu Yong led his army to the south, it seemed that the rebels who dominated Jingxiang were vulnerable. In just five months, the rebels were completely wiped out and the thieves were killed.

Although it seemed that the Ming Dynasty was full of crises, and two large-scale uprisings broke out within a year, in fact, the foundation of the Ming Dynasty was not damaged.

Both uprisings were put down in a very short period of time, which shows that at this time, the Ming Dynasty still had an efficient military and administrative system, and could easily coordinate the forces of all parties to put down the rebellion. This was different from the various aspects in the late Ming Dynasty. A total collapse is completely different.

more importantly--

At this time, the Ming army was still fully paid. What was there to fear from mere rebels?
The Ming Dynasty entered a brief period of peace.

But what neither Zhu Jianshen nor the Dukes in the court expected was that this rebellion was just an appetizer.


The time came to the second year of Chenghua.

At this time, the cabinet had undergone major changes.During the reign of the previous orthodox emperor, Qunfu Chen Xun, Miao Zhong, and Gao Gu had passed away successively. Li Xian was still the first assistant in the cabinet, while Yan Yan became the second assistant, followed by Yu Qian and Peng Shi.

In the second year of Chenghua, Li Xian also passed away. After serving as the chief assistant for more than ten years, he finally came to the end of his life.

According to the general rules, the second assistant should strictly succeed him as the chief assistant of the cabinet and control the court.

However, the severity at this time has actually already been half buried.Although he is named Second Assistant, at the age of 71, he has actually shown his obvious age. Except for some major events, he has rarely participated in government affairs. Li Xian, Yu Qian, and Peng Shi are the main The backbone who helped the emperor handle government affairs.

Now that Li Xian is gone, it is naturally impossible for him to take over the position of chief assistant. Moreover, the two Chen Guogongs finally became the chief assistant. The civil servants are bound to cause trouble. In the final analysis, Yan is just a military commander.

Compared to his father, who was both civil and military, he was much less serious. He was actually responsible for military affairs, and he was not as strong as his father was when he was still alive. Under such circumstances, even if he wanted to, the civil servants would not will be allowed,

In fact, with the death of Yan Keng, the power of civil servants has gradually overwhelmed the nobles. Most of the nobles, except when their shadows can be seen when leading troops on expeditions, mostly play a small and transparent role at other times.

Although the Yan family still has a place in the court relying on Yan Keng's shadow, in fact, as the power of civil servants grows and is shuffled, their influence is also constantly decreasing.

But this is also true. After all, conquering the world immediately cannot rule the world immediately. This is why Yan Ling decided to vigorously develop the family imperial examination.

Yan Jingxiu is an example of a non-main family bloodline entering the center.In addition to him, there are probably dozens of people who have served as officials in various parts of the Ming Dynasty over the years. This will be an important force at critical moments.

Yan Jingxiu was not promoted, so Emperor Chenghua appointed Yu Qian as the chief minister of the cabinet, and Yan Jingxiu and Shang Ren were added to the cabinet.

But it didn't take long, and by November, the severity was gone.

His son inherited his father's position, but this generation of Chen Guogong did not show extraordinary talents like his grandfather, and even his father could not compare.

Yan Yan came to have a son in old age, so he doted on his son very much, so much so that he doted on his son Yan Yundeng and turned him into a little overlord.

Of course Yan Ling had admonished him, but Yan Yan could not bring himself to teach him hard. Over time, this child became a very naughty child. He even claimed to be smart, but in Yan Ling's view, he could only be regarded as a mediocre person. , or even worse, but he himself did not realize this.

His whole body was filled with frivolity and pride.

26 years old, at this age, as the heir of a large family, he should have matured long ago.At this time, Yan Ya and Yan Keng were already in high positions and planning for the world.

But he didn't see a trace of it on this child.

Not only that, compared to Yan Keng and Yan Yan, who have a closer bloodline to him, Yan Yundeng's bloodline has become much weaker.

The other party's arrogant character also made him feel vaguely uneasy.

He is over 100 years old and has seen countless people. Yan Ling feels that such a person may not be a good successor.

The problem is that Yan Yan has no other son except him.

The fact is that the population of Chen Guogong's palace is not as prosperous as that of Yue Guogong's palace in the south, let alone the eldest brother. Yan Keng only has two sons, and Yan Yan's wife has nothing to raise, only one son and four daughters.

If we really destroy him, no one will replace him.

Let’s use the dreaming technique first and try it out to see if it can be transformed.Yan Ling frowned and thought.

(End of this chapter)

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