A century-old family that runs through the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 146 Meng Zhang Yongle, getting married and taking charge!

Chapter 146: Dreaming back to Yongle, getting married, and taking charge!

The commotion in the Yan family's secret room lasted until late at night before it finally ended. Yan Keng walked out in a serious manner with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

A serious look on his face made him want to cry without tears.

Where did he know he was going, that guy would be his grandfather!

But in his heart, he was still shocked by the news he heard today.


There are really immortals!

The Yan family is a family favored by immortals!
Although he was taught a terrible lesson, his heart was still full of shock, joy and pride.

A century-old plan to seize the dragon!There was more determination in his eyes.

I will definitely give my life for my family!

Unlike the unrest in the Yan family's home, the Forbidden City was quiet at this time.

Countless palaces extinguished their lights in the night, pitch black like a lying giant beast.

In the palace, Zhu Qizhen's short body was lying on the bed, turning over and over, and seemed to be mumbling something.

If someone leans in right now and can hear it, that’s—


In the dream, countless soldiers dressed in Ming army uniforms but with a white ribbon tied around their heads were wreaking havoc in the city of Beijing. They looked ferocious and rushed towards the imperial city crazily.

The Forbidden Army continued to fall under the attack, and the entire city was on the verge of falling.

Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Gaochi stood in the imperial city, looking at the shaken imperial city together.

The rebels have rushed to the city wall, gradually occupying the outer perimeter of the city wall, and the city gates have begun to loosen.

They finally broke into the city and rushed towards the three of them with red eyes.

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but scream in fear as he raised the blood-stained sword high and was about to cut it off.

However, the next second, only a scream was heard, and the rebels in front of him had turned into headless corpses.

Countless soldiers of the Ming Dynasty surged out of the darkness on high-headed war horses, with high Yanzi flags flying above their heads.

Zhu Qizhen saw Yan Keng. He was waving his saber, and the firelight shone on him, as if a god descended to earth and was a savior.

The screen freezes.

"Huh!" Zhu Qizhen opened his eyes suddenly, panting.

Looking at the surrounding decorations, the memory returned, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare.

Recalling the contents of his dream, he suddenly realized——

Isn't this the rebellion during the Yongle period?He had read in history books that he had hated the ambitions of rebellious ministers and traitors, and admired the loyalty and bravery of Chen Guogong, but after all, it happened decades ago, and his feelings were not deep.

Only by experiencing that battlefield personally can one feel the speed of life and death at that time.

In Zhu Qizhen's mind, the figure who looked like a divine soldier descending from the sky appeared again.

My master, no wonder your father is so relieved about you.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go to court."

The respectful voice of the eunuch came from outside the room, and it was already a little dark.

Zhu Qizhen rubbed his eyes. At this time, there was still the afterglow of that fierce battle in his mind, and he seemed to be still immersed in that battle.

Looking at the already old Yan Keng in the morning, he felt particularly friendly.

With the eunuch's shout, the court meeting officially began.

Step by step, he responded to the memorials of his ministers one by one.

Later, the little emperor called out the three ministers who had made the most merit, praised them again in front of everyone, and personally straightened their clothes in order to show his favor to them.

But when he arrived in front of Yan Yan, he couldn't help but be startled.

Yesterday, except for Zhang Fu, everyone else could not see clearly from a distance. Now that he was closer, Zhu Qizhen found that the face of the fifth army judge was covered with bruises.

He couldn't help but asked pitifully:
"My dear, you have worked really hard on this expedition. The injuries you sustained have not healed yet... It's really hard for my dear."

The severe body trembled.

There was a strange expression on his face: "Weichen, Weichen..."

He glanced to the side from the corner of his eye, and Yan Keng had a threatening look on his face.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Luchuan bandits are very fierce, and my injury has not healed yet."

Yan Yan said righteously.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it has been orthodox for seven years.

This year, Zhu Qizhen married his queen, Qian.

She is Qian Gui's daughter.

This year, Zhu Qizhen was 16 years old.

He became an adult mentally.

Physically, it was enough. Yan Keng was at this age when he went north to join Zhu Di.

Over the years, Yan Keng has slowly returned the power of the court to Zhu Qizhen.Many matters were originally arbitrary by the cabinet, but Yan Keng was only shown to Zhu Qizhen because he could train the young emperor. Now all memorials must be submitted to the emperor for decision-making, and he is gradually weakening his influence in government affairs.

Finally, on Zhu Qizhen's first morning meeting after his marriage, he formally filed for retirement.

"Wei Chen was favored by the late emperor, received his entrustment, and was ordered to assist His Majesty. This is a great honor. Wei Chen has also worked hard and did not dare to relax for a moment. It has been seven years now."

"His Majesty has grown up and has outstanding talents, while the ministers have also grown old. In recent years, they have often felt unable to handle political affairs."

"I beg your Majesty to allow the bones of the old minister to be buried in his hometown."

The voice fell, and there was no sound.

Yan Keng is 62 years old, which may be a very old age among the people, but to the big shots in the court, this is nothing.

There are a lot of people in their 60s and [-]s in the temple, and there are even more people in their [-]s.To put it bluntly, if you are not over [-] years old, you will never reach this status. After all, not everyone is like Yan Keng who takes off all the way.

If he grows old, some of the people in the court will be dead in the grave.

Some officials clearly saw through Yan Keng's thoughts and couldn't help but admire him.

There are many people who can see this, but there are not many people who are really brave enough to cut off their wrists and give up the supreme power that holds millions of lives in the world.

In the end, it led to a serious conflict between the imperial power and the prime minister's power, leading to tragedy.

Yan Keng's ability to do this made them think highly of him. He was able to take and give up. He was a true husband.

However, there are also people who have evil thoughts in their hearts.

Especially the censors, that is, the officials.

Their eyes were particularly malicious.

But no matter what, at least on the surface, they were still persuaded to stay, and Yan Keng's ministers even stood up to speak out against him.

"You can't do it, Mr. Chen Guo!"

"Chen Guogong was at his peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, why is it so bad?"

Even Zhu Qizhen tried to persuade him to stay, with an urgent tone.He was a little confused by the sudden run at first, but after he realized what happened, he acted extremely flustered.

However, Yan Keng's attitude was very firm.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to retire and return to my hometown!"

He emphasized his tone, with a hint of incredulity.

Zhu Qizhen sighed, with tears faintly appearing in his eyes.

Yan Keng was talking about begging for bones, which meant that he was about to return to Ningbo Mansion, and he would never see each other again.

But he was also unwilling to disobey his mentor's wishes, so he held back his reluctance and said in a choked voice:

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yan Keng bowed deeply to the emperor for the last time.

Your Majesty, you have grown up...

(End of this chapter)

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