A century-old family that runs through the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 115 A decisive blow!The king of Han became a vassal

Chapter 115 A decisive blow!The king of Han became a vassal

"Your Majesty, the illegal things done by the King of Han are not all true. There are many things that people in the world have said, and the common people just follow the wind and rain. Word of mouth spreads it, and there is inevitably some distortion." Yan Keng's voice was very calm, even in the Telling lies:

"Although the King of Han was a little arrogant, he still obeyed the laws of the Ming Dynasty."

In fact, some of the things Zhu Gaoxu did can no longer be described as "illegal". His domineering and stubbornness made the ministers other than his faction and the people of the capital miserable. But what Yan Keng said, naturally Has its own purpose.

"The King of Han's prowess and bravery are recognized by us. He accompanied His Majesty to fight in the north and south, and made great contributions and has a high prestige. Although the reputation among the people is not good now, in time, the truth will be revealed to His Highness the King of Han."

After a conversation, Yan Keng raised Zhu Gaoxu a little higher, and Zhu Di's face also looked much better.

After all, he is his second son. He also followed him in the wars in the north and south. In Zhu Di's mind, he began to recall scenes from the past. After all, he is his own son. He has followed him in the wars since he became an adult. What a feeling. It cannot be given up.

Just when Zhu Di's favorability for Zhu Gaoxu began to rise, Yan Keng suddenly made a 180° turn.

"However, I really do have some things that I don't understand." In the next words, the painting style changed from the "warm memories" in front, full of coldness and murderous intent:
"Previously, His Royal Highness the King of Han asked Your Majesty to add more guards for him, but I didn't understand."

"His Majesty used the hardship in Yunnan as an excuse to change the title of King of Han to Qingzhou, but the King of Han was still unwilling to leave the capital. Since he was unwilling to leave the capital, in such an important place as the capital, there were hundreds of thousands of troops guarding the three battalions, and the five hundred guards of the Han Palace had already That's enough. But he still wants His Majesty to increase the number of guards. I can't figure out what the purpose of having so many guards in the capital is."

"At this time, your majesty is cutting off the vassals. The Qi vassal and the Min vassal have both been stripped of their guards, leaving only wealth and honor. At this time, the King of Han proposes to increase the guards. Doesn't this make your majesty break the trust of the vassals? If your majesty does this, then all None of the vassals will be convinced. It is impossible for the King of Han not to understand, but he still proposed it. I do not understand what the King of Han thinks. This is the second reason."

"The King of Han has twice refused to accept the vassal status, but now when His Majesty has issued an order to move the capital, the King of Han suddenly requested to stay in Nanjing. The reason for the delay was that the King of Han could not leave His Majesty, and His Majesty was deeply in love with him. . In this case, at this moment, we should go to the new capital together, why do you want to stay in Nanjing alone? I don't understand these three reasons."

"I really can't figure these things out, so I would like to ask your Majesty to help me clear up my confusion."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Di was stunned.

This was the first time he thought from this direction.

Why did the King of Han still ask for more guards when he knew he was cutting down the feudal vassal?He obviously didn't want to leave his side, but he always used the excuse of being reluctant to leave his father. Why did he ask to stay in Nanjing when the capital was moved?
When everything is connected, the answer is obvious.

Yan Keng's words are very clever, and he suppresses his emotions first. Zhu Di was already a little soft-hearted and had a great impression of Zhu Gaoxu. Now Yan Keng overthrew him and told Zhu Di that he would not do such illegal things because of his More ambitious.

What people want is the world.

Such a way of speaking, such ups and downs of turns, made Zhu Di more deeply impressed, reacted more intensely, and felt even more uncomfortable about what Zhu Gaoxu did.Moreover, he secretly put on the coat of a neutral person: Look, I also said good things about the King of Han, but I just discussed the matter as it happened, and I did not favor Prince Ao.

This also made these words more credible in Zhu Di's heart.

If Zhu Di had been offended by Zhu Gaoxu's words before, he probably felt that the other party was getting high. Although it was irritating, it did not rise to the level of usurping the throne and treason. Now he really feels that his son Too ambitious.

Good boy, you want to imitate your father!

Are you going to establish Nanjing on your own and divide the Ming Dynasty into two when your father is gone?
Zhu Di's thoughts inevitably turned to this aspect. After all, he had his own treasure in front of him.Who is Zhu Gaoxu?In the past few years, he has followed him to conquer Beizhi, Shanxi, and Suzhou. He has made great achievements in battle, and most of the generals' hearts belong to him.If after his death, he attacks his prince, even if Yan Keng and others assist him and finally put down the rebellion, how can the Ming Dynasty withstand two broken rivers and mountains?
Moreover, with two royal infightings, the future succession of the Ming Dynasty may turn into chaos, and every generational change of power may require bloodshed!

For the elderly Zhu Di, in addition to his own reputation, what he paid most attention to was the continuation of the dynasty.

Killer!Yan Keng's words are the final blow!

After this moment, there was no possibility of Zhu Gaoxu ascending to the position of crown prince.

Zhu Di's face turned completely gloomy, and the fear in his eyes turned into anger. He clenched his big hands tightly, and the veins popped up on his bronze skin, showing the emperor's mood at this time.

He squeezed out these words through his teeth:
"The King of Han is acting like this because he is trying to... usurp the throne!"

After saying that, he seemed to be venting his anger and slammed his fist on the table with a loud bang, which made Yan Keng grimace.

But Zhu Di didn't seem to feel the pain. He walked out of the desk angrily and walked around the study room angrily, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Mo Lin! Thanks to you today!" After walking back and forth twice, Zhu Di suddenly turned around. How could he not hear that Yan Keng didn't "understand"? He was clearly reminding him in disguise. Own:

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I will really be deceived by this traitor!"

"I will entrust this treacherous son out! Qingzhou... Oh, Qingzhou, I dislike the desolation of the land of Yunnan, Qingzhou is not prosperous enough, I will not allow you to even go!"

"Mo Lin, what do you think of Le'an? It's close to Beijing and the city is small. If the King of Han is unscrupulous, the army will arrive at night. Even if the traitor has great abilities, he will not be able to stop the imperial court. An army of millions!"

From what Zhu Di said, it could be seen that he was really angry.After all, the original Qingzhou was also a big city, but Le'an Prefecture, Shandong Province, was not a prosperous place at that time. In comparison, it was not even as good as the place where King Su and King Ning stayed.

Yan Keng stood up from his chair and bowed deeply:
"Your Majesty is wise!"

There is no need for him to speak anymore. Zhu Di, an experienced politician, will arrange everything in the future.

In the 14th year of Yongle's reign, King Zhu Gaoxu of Han Dynasty was forced to leave Nanjing amidst Zhu Di's wrath and officially became a vassal in Le'an.

The 14-year battle for the Yongle crown prince finally came to an end.

The prince, after running the business for so many years, also had some eyes and ears. He knew that it was only after Yan Keng was called into the palace that the King of Han was forced to declare vassal status.

Chen Guogong Yan Keng, who originally had little weight in Zhu Gaochi's heart and was even on the opposite side, suddenly gained a very important position in the prince's heart and gained his gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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