The Iron-Blooded Army of Beacon Fire

Chapter 196 Joy and Sadness

Chapter 196 Joy and Sadness

After finalizing the battle plan, without saying a word, He Wei and Cai Rubai reorganized their respective troops and prepared to move forward. This reorganization was convenient because the command post of the 160th Division was located on the first line of defense. The back is very close to the front, so there is still enough time.

He Wei's special agent battalion quickly prepared for battle. The main reason was that his troops suffered little losses in the battle just now. They only suffered casualties of more than thirty brothers. On average, each infantry company participating in the battle had no impact on the combat effectiveness of the entire battalion. No major damage.

However, the casualties of the 956th Regiment were too great, with more than 300 killed and wounded. In order to replenish the combat effectiveness of the 956th Regiment, Situ Fei sent a company from the heavy supply battalion to Cai Rubai and asked him to add him to the combat company. Replenish combat casualties to restore the regiment's combat effectiveness.

Most of the baggage soldiers of the national army are similar to coolies. They have no fighting skills and can only be regarded as soldiers. Their combat capabilities are not even comparable to that of the Japanese baggage agents. No matter how much the Japanese baggage agents pull their hips, they are all Trainers who have received basic training for recruits and basic combat techniques will be able to use rifles and stabbing techniques.

In comparison, the Chinese army's heavy troops are far behind. Apart from carrying shoulder poles and carrying ammunition, they have almost no combat skills. They are more like farmers in military uniforms than soldiers. Using them to make up for the shortage is purely a matter of course. It is a helpless move to rush ducks to the shelves, so it does take a lot of time for the 956th Regiment to replenish these supplementary troops.

Of course, compared with the Japanese army's baggage special agents, the national army's baggage soldiers are not completely useless. At least in an army like the national army that lacks modern baggage equipment, the degree of reliance on baggage soldiers is much higher than that of the Japanese army. Therefore, There is also more respect for the heavy troops, so the heavy troops of the national army have been given the title of "Iron Shoulder Corps" in the army.

Although the secret service camp here is much more relaxed, it is also quite busy. At the temporary residence of the secret service camp, after the officers and soldiers of the secret service camp got off the car, empty cars and tanks drove off the road one after another, covered with camouflage nets. and branches, marching arduously in the wilderness, looking for cover on the backs of hills or the commanding heights of mountains in the wilderness on both sides of the road.

There were more than 200 cars assigned to He Wei by the Military Police Headquarters, plus the tanks, cars, motorcycles of the tank company and motorcycles of the special agent battalion. For a while, the road was filled with the roar of engines and the creaking of tracks. Fortunately, the leading officer of the automobile unit and the tank company commander Zhao Huzhen were both very experienced officers. It didn't take long to hide such a large number of cars and tanks.

Taking advantage of the time when the 956th Regiment was reorganizing, the secret service battalion not only reorganized and prepared for battle, but also began to count the trophies captured in this battle. As a result, there were still bloody 38 covers, crooked handles and full boxes. Boxes of ammunition were neatly placed on the ground.

Although the battlefield was cleaned in a hurry, it seems that a lot of things have been seized. There are three or four rows of 38-type covers, crooked machine guns and 89-type grenade launchers, and 92-type heavy machine guns. He Wei didn't see it. Of course, the most conspicuous ones were the two Type 41 mountain cannons. They were serious 75mm barrel artillery. They stood out among the machine guns and rifles and were very conspicuous.

Chen Xinsheng, commander of the artillery company of the secret service battalion, was constantly fiddling with the two mountain cannons. Since Li Youcai, the commander of the secret service battalion, and the newly formed supply platoon were not there to carry out the special robbery assigned by He Wei, the registration and registration The transportation task naturally had to be done by the officers and soldiers of the combat company. Fu Chen, deputy battalion commander of the special agent battalion and commander of the first infantry company, temporarily assumed the responsibility of quartermaster.

He Wei walked up to Fu Chen who was registering and asked curiously: "How is it? How many things were seized?"

"We just calculated that we have 310 usable 38-guns, six crooked handles, five grenades, fifteen boxes of 6.5mm rifle ammunition, ten boxes of hand grenades, and a box of pistols. Six, eighteen sabers, and the others are still being counted. However, we have not captured any of the Japanese heavy machine guns. I saw them all when we were cleaning the battlefield just now, and they were either blown to pieces by our cannons. Or let those chariot soldiers crush it, anyway, I won’t catch a single thing.”

"By the way, battalion commander, look at these RB sabers. You said that the Japanese are also interesting. Sergeants can be issued combat knives. With the money to make knives, it is better to make some useful pistols. The devil's bastard box pistol is not easy to use. .”

Fu Chen said and kicked a bunch of sabers on the ground. He Wei also squatted down and looked at the knives curiously. Most of them were ordinary Cao Changdao and Weiguan knives. He swiped at them casually when he suddenly saw something inside. It is a saber with a bluish-purple handle and an extremely delicate attire. The workmanship and attire are much higher than those of ordinary mass-produced machine-made sabers.

He Wei picked up the knife and pulled it out, and he could see that there were several words engraved on the blade of this exquisitely crafted saber - "Guan's Sun Liu," which seemed to be the name of the knife, and below the name of the knife, there were two words engraved on it. -Mukai, when He Wei saw the word "Mukai", he immediately thought of something. After a little thought, he understood that this knife was probably the saber of Mukai Toshiaki, another murderer who was as famous as Noda Takeshi. He Wei personally took it. After Noda Takeshi's head was chopped off, he kept thinking about how to kill Mukai Toshiaki.

But for an infantry brigade with thousands of people in an ambush, He Wei had no time to find this guy alone. Although he was thinking about it when cleaning the battlefield after the war, he also had no time to search for a junior officer among thousands of corpses. Unexpectedly, he got the grandson's saber among the trophies. Although it can be inferred that Mukai Toshiaki went to see Noda Takeshi, He Wei still felt deeply regretful that he could not chop off the grandson's head in person. After all, According to his original plan, he also wanted Toshiaki Mukai to die under his own sword, so that he and Takeshi Noda could die neatly and go on the road together.

However, He Wei would never have imagined that Toshiaki Mukai was killed not by the Chinese army, but by the Japanese army's special agents who had broken up in battle.

"Hey, most of these knives are worthless, but this one is a good thing. I have to keep it."

He Wei smiled, threw the rotten knives aside, and picked up Mukai Toshiaki's saber. He planned to match this sword with Noda Takeshi's family heirloom sword, which would be indispensable for his future development in the military. To engage in interpersonal relationships, it is also necessary to welcome and send.

These two heirloom swords seized by the Japanese invaders on the battlefield are excellent gifts. Even if they cannot be given away, after the war is over, if you are still alive, you can get them after you retire from the army in a few decades. An exhibition, a donation to a museum, a documentary, etc. are also powerful evidence of the Japanese army's animal behavior.

Carrying the saber, He Wei walked up to Chen Xinsheng again. He was playing with two Type 41 75mm mountain cannons. He Wei was deeply impressed by these two mountain cannons, because in the Japanese marching column on the road, the Japanese mountain artillery It was the Japanese combat unit that was at the forefront and was directly knocked out in the first round of fire attack by the spy battalion. Naturally, these two mountain cannons did not fire a single shot.

"So, are these two mountain cannons still usable? They haven't been damaged, right?"

He Wei also stepped forward and shook the hand wheel of the cannon. However, as soon as he got closer, there was a smell of blood, which made He Wei frown. Chen Xinsheng pointed at the barrel of the mountain cannon and said : "Battal Commander, I have checked these two mountain cannons. There is no problem at all. They can be used. It's just that we shot too hard just now. The cannons are full of parts from the Japanese soldiers, and there are intestines and rotten meat on the barrels. , it fucking stinks, I asked someone to wipe it away and the smell still won’t go away.”

He Wei nodded: "As long as it can be used, it's good if it can be used. Where are the cannonballs?"

"I have also ordered the artillery shells. Two cannons, four ammunition auxiliary vehicles, a total of 240 mountain artillery shells. This is the Japanese Type 41 mountain artillery. The one sold to our national army is called the Taisheng Sixth Year Type mountain artillery. The army artillery is also equipped with a lot of equipment. The mountain artillery battalions of several divisions use this kind of gun. I have a classmate in the artillery battalion of the 89th Division. They use this kind of gun, but the performance is not the same as our Bofu. Si Qiwu mountain cannon is incomparable, but it is better because of its lightness. Battalion Commander, do you mean to use these two mountain cannons on the little Japs?"

"As long as it works, it's going to be a big battle now. Our battalion and Commander Cai's troops are about to move to the front. According to my wishes, our battalion will not plunge into the front-line trenches to fight the Japanese. We What can help are special weapons such as artillery and tanks. The Japanese have more cannons and we have fewer cannons. If the captured mountain cannons can be used, we will naturally use them. The mountain artillery battalion assigned to us by the Sixty-sixth Army has four mountain cannons. Let's use them again. Using the two captured mountain cannons, we can make up six mountain cannons, which can be regarded as a powerful firepower."

Hearing this, Chen Xinsheng understood that He Wei planned to let the artillerymen of the secret service battalion play the leading role in the next battle, so he said excitedly: "Batalion Commander, don't worry, these two mountain cannons can definitely be pulled out, and the sound will be loud. I will turn around and start from Let's gather some people from the artillery company and get a few gunners to familiarize themselves with these two mountain cannons. They will definitely not have diarrhea when they go to the battlefield." Chen Xinsheng said, and looked at the two four-guns with a slightly contemptuous look. The Japanese mountain cannon said: "If you ask me, these Japanese mountain cannons are not rich. These two mountain cannons are well maintained, but they are also old cannons that were manufactured ten years ago. I learned Bofors when I was in the military academy. Like the Japanese, I really don’t like the gun.”

He Wei smiled and said: "You don't like it? We bought it, the Japs built it themselves, and the Japs now have better mountain cannons. The Japanese's latest Type 94 mountain cannon has very good combat performance, but it's just too late. Change of equipment, and I estimate that these two mountain cannons belong to the wing artillery squadron under the Japanese infantry wing. They will definitely not be the latest and best artillery, and the equipment level of the Japanese troops is also inconsistent. The equipment in the wing artillery squadron The Japanese troops with Type 41 mountain artillery are definitely elite, so we have to deal with them carefully."

The Type 41 mountain cannon must have been looked down upon by Chen Xinsheng, who started learning the imported Bofors mountain cannon at the military academy. However, He Wei had a good understanding of the Japanese army's equipment level because of his advantage as a time traveler.

RB is not a wealthy country, and the equipment level of its various units is also inferior. Its army divisions are divided into two types: permanent and ad hoc. Generally speaking, the artillery equipped by the infantry wing of the permanent division is Type 41. Mountain artillery, Type 92 infantry artillery and Type 94 rapid-fire artillery, while the artillery equipment of the ad hoc division infantry wing is the old Taisho 11-type flat-firing artillery and curved-firing artillery. Of course, RB, this poor imperialist The nickname is not given for free. In fact, this standard cannot be achieved 100%.

Due to insufficient equipment, many ad hoc divisions and even the infantry regiments of permanent divisions were unable to equip the regiment artillery in accordance with the above standards, and had to use the old Sany-type mountain cannon from the Russo-Japanese War to replenish the number. , some Japanese divisions even used this backward artillery thirty or forty years ago until the 1940s.

According to He Wei's memory, the 16th Division he had to deal with was a serious standing field artillery division with good equipment and strong firepower. It was a difficult opponent to deal with.

Then, He Wei saw a Type 92 infantry cannon next to the two Type 41 mountain cannons, and asked: "Can this infantry cannon be used?"

Chen Xinsheng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The sight, leveling bubble and breech block were all damaged and completely useless. However, a lot of 70mm infantry artillery shells were captured. I got 200 rounds. It's a pity that there are only artillery shells." , but there was no artillery fire."

"It doesn't matter. I'll find someone to change it later and see if it can be used as a mine."

Just when Chen Xinsheng felt sorry for the damage to the 92nd Infantry Cannon, Hu Zhaowu, commander of the Third Infantry Company of the Secret Service Battalion, ran towards He Wei in a hurry, followed by almost a platoon of soldiers, carrying a pile of sacks and boxes. Some soldiers were also He put the rifle with the bayonet on his shoulder, and hung all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, garlic, vegetables, etc. on the gun. He looked like a Japanese soldier entering the village.

"Battal Commander, we found a lot of food supplies from the Japanese baggage trucks. There are dozens of boxes of dry bread, as well as a lot of livestock and vegetables. They were probably snatched from people's homes. What should we do with these things?"

He Wei looked at it and said: "We will keep the dry bread ourselves, and divide the other things into two parts. Keep one part for yourself, and give the other part to the 956th Regiment, and let the special agents and cooking squads of each company put the things away." Take it and tell the brothers that we won the battle today and eat meat tonight. Don’t forget to call the brothers from the chariot company, the automobile unit and the mountain artillery company assigned to us."

"Got it."

Hu Zhaowu shouted and organized the soldiers to distribute the food. Many soldiers who heard that there was meat to eat also cheered and cheered loudly. For a while, the surrounding area was filled with happy air.

The words were divided, the Japanese army was in dire straits. When he learned through the communication tube dropped by the plane that the third brigade under his command was suspected to be completely wiped out, the captain of the 9th Infantry Regiment, Katagiri Gorō, immediately ordered the troops to march forward. .

When he learned the news, apart from being shocked, Katagiri Gurou still felt a little lucky. After all, the communication tube dropped by the plane did not use 100% certain words, and aerial reconnaissance may not necessarily be able to determine what is happening on the ground. The corpses were those of the officers and soldiers of the Third Infantry Battalion. Coupled with the confidence that the Japanese army had strengthened the combat effectiveness of infantry battalion-level troops and the bonus of a self-comforting mentality, Katagiri Gorō still believed that there was a high probability that the Third Infantry Battalion would not be completely wiped out.

But when the troops entered the battlefield of the ambush battle, facing thousands of corpses of officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion, as well as the unyielding remains of Major Toyama Nosuke, the captain of the Third Battalion, the only thing left in Katagiri Gorō's heart was The little bubble of hope burst.

It was not only Katagiri Gurō who was shocked, but also all the officers and soldiers of the Japanese Ninth Regiment. On the battlefield where the Third Battalion was ambushed, nearly two thousand Japanese officers and soldiers were crowded together, some on the road, and some After being squeezed off the road, both officers and soldiers looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

There are corpses everywhere, broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, broken rifles and machine guns everywhere. The road is stained red with blood and broken limbs. What is even more terrifying is that there are countless corpses scattered in the wilderness on the left side of the road. Yes, there are chariot ruts embedded with red flesh. The situation there is a hundred times more miserable than on the highway. At least many of the corpses of the officers and soldiers of the Third Brigade on the highway are whole corpses, and there are only a few weapons. damage.

But almost all the corpses on the left side of the road were turned into meat paste and meat pies. Most of the corpses were separated and their brains were everywhere. Some were even just a ball of paste, and even the shape of the person could not be seen.

Not to mention collecting the corpses, most of them can't even identify and verify the corpses of the dead officers and soldiers. Of course, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Regiment knew that these comrades from the Third Battalion encountered tanks, and they had seen similar scenes. , but it was mostly the Chinese army being crushed by their own tanks, but now it was their comrades who were wantonly killed and ravaged by the Chinese army's tanks. This scene shocked the Japanese officers and soldiers of the Ninth Regiment. It's hard to describe in words.

Nearly two thousand Japanese officers and soldiers just watched, but no one made a sound, not even a voice. RB advocates Buddhism, and there are many believers in Buddhism, and RB’s monks also have to serve as soldiers, and some become soldiers. The former monk was a Japanese soldier. He even took out Buddhist beads and silently recited scriptures, and began to show off his false compassion at all while killing Chinese soldiers and civilians wantonly.

And after a few minutes, some Japanese recruits who were separated from their shocking thoughts began to vomit.

The color on the face of Ninth Regiment Captain Katagiri Gorō had long since disappeared. He squatted down tremblingly and closed his eyes for Toyama Nosuke, the captain of the Third Infantry Regiment, and then looked around at the scene around him. Looking at his subordinates who had already suffered a sudden blow to their morale even before a head-on confrontation with the Chinese army, Katagiri Gorō suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat.

Then he pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted: "Damn Chinese army, if I don't avenge this revenge, I will be an imperial warrior in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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