Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 108 Brain tumor?

Chapter 108 Brain tumor?

"This is?"

Seeing that the girl remained silent and pointed at her mouth anxiously, then shook her head, Zhao Sheng felt a little hard to judge for a moment.

Is it because of oral disease that you can’t open your mouth to speak?
Or were you born unable to speak and then got sick?

Looking at Zhao Sheng, who can be said to be very experienced, he was a little unsure at this time.

"Doctor, Shanshan suddenly can't speak."

Seeing Zhao Sheng's confused look, the old lady of the old couple spoke up.

Looking at this old couple, they look like they are in their 60s, and the girl is only in her 20s, so she is a woman of old age.

When you get a girl when you are old, you will be particularly fond of her.

"Suddenly unable to speak? When did it start?"

Zhao Sheng was a little surprised and continued to ask.

Suddenly unable to speak is called aphasia. This symptom is divided into two types: true aphasia and "false" aphasia.

True aphasia, such as acute cerebrovascular disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, craniocerebral trauma, cranial tumors and other diseases, if the language center is affected, symptoms of sudden aphasia may occur, and may be combined with other neurological dysfunctions. Symptoms, such as crooked mouth, limb weakness, disturbance of consciousness, etc.

The second type is "pseudo" aphasia, which mainly refers to the symptoms of being unable to speak despite no problems with the articulatory organs. It is mainly common in some psychological problems such as hysterical aphasia.

However, seeing that the girl is so young and looks only slightly pale, Zhao Sheng is more likely to have a sudden aphasia caused by psychological problems.

"Doctor, just now, when Shanshan was in kindergarten, she suddenly had a headache, and then she couldn't speak."

The old lady continued.

Before retiring, the couple were both teachers, so they were very supportive of their daughter’s choice of a career as a kindergarten teacher.

What's more, my daughter went to the famous Experimental Kindergarten of Normal University.

But just now, the director of the kindergarten suddenly called the old couple and asked them to come to the kindergarten.

After going to kindergarten, the old couple discovered that their daughter, who used to give the most lively and interesting lectures to the children in the kindergarten and was also the most talkative on weekdays, was actually speechless!
This made the old couple so anxious that they immediately brought their daughter to the hospital.

"Have you ever had a headache before?"

Zhao Sheng thought for a while and asked.

If it is aphasia caused by brain tumors or local functional disorders caused by cerebral vasculitis, then there will be headaches and dizziness before.


The old lady said with great certainty.

She usually knows her daughter's situation very well, that's why she can answer so quickly and surely.

The temperamental kindergarten teacher also shook her head. She, who was usually the most talkative, could not even say a word at the moment. This feeling was simply too uncomfortable.

This feeling of wanting to say something but not being able to say it is like pressing the pause button and the world stops immediately.

"Have you had any injuries recently? Especially to your head?"

Zhao Sheng thought for a while and asked again.

"No, Shanshan has always been fine and not injured."

The old lady continued.The girl also took out her mobile phone and typed two big words [No] on her mobile phone.

Seeing that the girl can understand what he is saying and can type clearly on her mobile phone, this shows that the girl's recognition and understanding of text are normal. She can understand but cannot speak. This is motor aphasia.

Motor aphasia is due to damage to the language functional areas of the cerebral cortex, such as the frontal lobe and temporal lobe, causing the patient to have motor aphasia, which means that the patient can understand and understand what others are saying, but has difficulty speaking himself.

There was no history of head trauma or headache, which could rule out headaches caused by sequelae of craniocerebral injury and cerebrovascular disease.

Then, the only remaining possibility is brain tumor.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng asked the girl and the old couple again: "Have you suffered any major mental stimulation incidents recently? The kind that happened suddenly and you couldn't accept it?"

The old couple shook their heads quickly.

The girl also continued to type a few big words on her mobile phone [Doctor, I’m fine!Not lost in love and not crazy! 】

Zhao Sheng also smiled slightly when he saw what the girl typed on her mobile phone.

Well, you can also type like this on your mobile phone, which means that it is not aphasia caused by a sudden psychological problem.

In many cases, sudden emotional and psychological stimulation, such as ups and downs, can make people speechless for a while. When the emotions calm down, the language function will recover.

"Let's get an MRI of the brain first."

Zhao Sheng thought for a while and said.

Under the current situation, headaches and aphasia caused by the sequelae of craniocerebral trauma, cerebrovascular diseases, and major psychological problems can basically be ruled out. Then a brain MRI must be done to rule out brain problems. Tumor.

[Doctor, do I have a brain tumor? 】

When the girl heard that she was going to have an MRI of her brain, she immediately typed it on her cell phone and showed it to Zhao Sheng.

One of her friends had a headache and suddenly couldn't speak. When he went to the hospital, he was diagnosed with a late-stage brain tumor. This incident greatly stimulated her.

Therefore, when she suddenly had a headache and could not speak, she would inevitably suspect that she had a brain tumor.

Brain tumor is something that a girl in her early twenties has never thought about.

"Let's do some tests first, we can't be sure yet."

Zhao Sheng has been able to determine that there is a problem with the girl's brain, but what kind of problem it is will not be known until an MRI is done to confirm it.

The ability of his right hand can only be used to detect spatial structures and three-dimensional imaging. To determine whether there are tumors in the skull and to distinguish between brain tissue and brain tumors, his right hand cannot yet reach this level.

Besides, even if one day his ability improves to the point where he can distinguish tumors from brain tissue, can he put his right hand on the patient's head, touch it, and then tell the patient, "You have a brain disease? No, it is" Is there a tumor in the brain?
That’s too lax!
No matter how experienced a normal human doctor is, he cannot tell the extent of the disease in the patient's brain just by touching the top of his head.

This is no longer a question of whether you are powerful or not, or whether you have rich experience or not. This is contrary to common sense and anti-science.

"Shanshan, the doctor told me to check first."

"We are still so young, it can't be a brain tumor, no way!"

The old lady comforted her daughter.

These words were meant to comfort her daughter, and they were also meant to comfort herself.

Hearing the old mother's comfort, the girl calmed down a lot and nodded vigorously.

Next, Zhao Sheng prescribed a brain MRI examination for the girl, and the old couple accompanied the girl for the examination.

(End of this chapter)

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