That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 382 Dare you cheat on me? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death?

Chapter 382 Dare you cheat on me? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death?
Warnema's irregularities.

Li Ye stretched his long legs to get on the stage and beat someone.

He was maliciously despised and didn't even know it. This person was in great disgrace today.

"Don't bother me, don't bother me, don't get angry."

Lao Song finally seized the opportunity and stood between Li Ye, who was obviously angry, and the training class teacher.

"We are all on our own. This is a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple! Mr. Zhuangyuan, please sit down first."

Lao Song smiled with yellow teeth at Li Ye, and forced him to sit on his seat first, then bowed his body and asked Wen Leyu and Fu Yiruo to sit down.

But Wen Leyu and Fu Yiruo had already gone to sit down at Jiang Xiaoyan's side.

After the three people sat down, Lao Songcai pointed at the teacher on the podium and said with a smile: "This is my partner Mr. Ai.
Mr. Ai is familiar with the situation at the lighthouse and has helped many people get visas to go abroad. He is a capable person."

Then Lao Song pointed at Li Ye and introduced to Mr. Ai: "This classmate Li is my fellow countryman and a top student in the Department of Economics at Peking University. He is also very capable in economics."

This made him very proud.

Teacher Ai on the podium turned into a success tutor. He gave a long talk, describing the lighthouse country as a "wind vent" that can make pigs fly. As long as you can get through it, you can pick up money by picking up a sack.

Teacher Ai looked at the students in the audience, and his emotions were indeed aroused by his words. Especially "Classmate Li", who had a stern face just now, also showed a surprised expression.

"If someone says that there is gold all over the lighthouse, they must be talking nonsense. If that were the case, gold would have been worthless long ago.
But it is true that there are opportunities everywhere over there at the lighthouse. Every opportunity can make ordinary people get rich overnight and become the best among people."

"Yes, yes! But computers seem to be difficult to learn."

Teacher Ai, whose eyes were twinkling just now, became more confident again.

"He established his own computer company and became his own boss. Just this year, his company's revenue has reached 100 million US dollars."

"This is my classmate, William Henry Gates III. He was admitted to the world-class Harvard University.

[Is this guy running a training class? Or do you do pyramid schemes? 】

"How many RMB does 100 million US dollars cost? Is it really so easy to make money from a lighthouse?"

"The lighthouse is full of computers. What's so difficult to learn? If I give you a bicycle, won't you be able to ride it in three days?"

The reason why Li Ye was surprised was because Bill Gates was not very famous at this time! How did Teacher Ai know this person?
It took Bill Gates two years to become the world's youngest billionaire, a record that was later broken by Zuckerberg.

But later he found that going to college was of no use, so he dropped out. But do you know what happened to him after dropping out? "

"That won't help. I can learn to ride a bicycle in two days."

"Let's not talk about how far behind Beijing University in the world is in rankings. Let me tell you that even at the beacon of the pinnacle of academics, the identity of a college student does not mean anything."

"Oh, one hundred million dollars? That's so much money?"

Mr. Ai pulled his tie again, raised his chin and said, "This fact proves that the conditions for a person's success do not lie in his academic qualifications, but in the social environment."

"What great skills does a Beijing University student have?"

But now, Li Ye is younger than them.

Teacher Ai turned around and wrote a name on the blackboard that surprised Li Ye - William Henry Gates.

[A bunch of bumpkins who have never seen money, is it wrong to call you country bumpkins? 】

Li Ye felt embarrassed and impressed at the same time. At this level, it would be a pity not to do MLM.

But the rest of the students in the training class, except Wen Leyu and Fu Yiruo, all had red eyes when they heard it. Even Jiang Xiaoyan was thoughtful and seemed to be moved.

Li Ye turned his head to look at Lao Song, hoping to catch something in his eyes, but Lao Song had his back turned and didn't give Li Ye a chance.

"This classmate Li, please listen carefully and don't look around. If you think my class is boring, you can leave now and don't affect other people."

"Did I affect anyone else?"

Seeing Teacher Ai on the podium accusing him for no reason, Li Ye was very puzzled.

Who gave you the courage to provoke me?
Teacher Ai nodded to Li Ye and said: "Yes, you have affected other people. We are not only an English training class here, but also teach people the skills that can help people gain a foothold after arriving at the lighthouse. I don't think you are interested in this either." .”

"Please wait a moment." Li Ye interrupted Teacher Ai with a smile and said, "Since you said that I have influenced other people, then I will influence you again!"


Li Ye pointed to the name on the blackboard and said: "The Bill Gates you just mentioned is not an ordinary person. He started to teach himself computers in elementary school. When he was in middle school, he earned tens of thousands of dollars with his computer knowledge.
And he dropped out of Harvard not because he felt that going to college was useless, but because of several reasons. For example, he failed several subjects and was asked to repeat a grade by the school.

In addition, he is quite partial to academic subjects. He cannot meet the graduation requirements in English classes, and his physical fitness classes are also very poor. He is not good at dealing with people, and he is always being cheated out of money."


Li Ye told a series of gossips, which successfully "influenced" other students and stole Teacher Ai's limelight.

Teacher Ai looked at Li Ye in surprise, and after a long while he said, "Classmate Li, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. None of what you said is true."

Li Ye said calmly: "It's really untrue. Harvard University has records, doesn't it?"

"But even if what you said is true, it just proves that a person who is not very good at studying can also succeed."

Teacher Ai reacted and said to Li Ye: "People like Gates who are not good at studying and communicating with others can succeed. Who can deny that the environment of Beacon is superior?"

"Because he can compete with dad."

Li Ye sneered and said: "After Gates established his own company, the first order was from his father's law firm, and the second order was from IBM. I don't need to tell you about Gates' relationship with IBM, right?"

Li Ye glanced at Teacher Ai and said calmly: "And if you want to talk about success, why don't you talk about Wang An, who graduated from Harvard with a master's degree? Instead of talking about Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard?"

"In today's computer industry, Wang An's company is much stronger than Gates' Microsoft, and Wang An is still Chinese."


Teacher Ai was stunned again. He really didn't expect that a kid from the mainland would know so many things about the lighthouse.

The Li Ye in front of him was very different from the mainlanders he had been in contact with these days. If he had known better, he would not have provoked him.

But now if Li Ye is allowed to "influence" the students in the class, then this business that makes a lot of money every day will be considered a failure.

After a moment, Mr. Ai said coldly: "Classmate Li, I don't know where you heard some information from, but you only know one thing but not the other. I can tell you clearly that Wang An provoked IBM. In the end, it can only end in bankruptcy.”

"Gates' Microsoft is different. He has established a good cooperative relationship with IBM. Gates' sales this year are only 100 million, and in the future it will be 500 million or 1 billion.
This means that those who understand current affairs are heroes. If you climb a high branch, you can become a phoenix. For us, going to the lighthouse is to climb a high branch."


Following Teacher Ai's narration, the students in the training class finally became divided.

Many people showed aggrieved expressions.

Teacher Ai doesn't understand mainlanders very well. What he said was too straightforward and shameless.

When mainlanders go out to make a lot of money, they must say it is because of their own abilities, not because of some high-altitude pursuit.

"Hey, everyone, look at the clock, get out of class is over at that time! It's time for us to take a break."

Lao Song took action in time to stop Teacher Ai from continuing to bewitch, then gave Li Ye a look and asked him out.

The two of them left the classroom. Old Song nodded and bowed and said with an apologetic smile: "Zhuangyuanlang, I'm just working with someone to do a small business. Are you angry with me? Don't be as knowledgeable as that teacher Ai."

"In addition, I heard that there is a Carlsberg auction house overseas. I also want to learn foreign language and conduct the business of Zhuangyuan Building overseas..."

Li Ye tilted his head and said with a smile: "Old Song! If you think you don't make enough money, I'll give you a membership promotion."

"If you really want to learn foreign languages, I'll find a work-study student to teach you one-to-one, and we'll teach you and teach you. Why do you have to get involved with people like this who have forgotten their ancestors?"

Lao Song smacked his lips and said, "Isn't it just that I was greedy for a moment? I invested my own money, and the number one scholar, you allow me to get back my money and show my noble hand."

What Lao Song meant was that he invested his own money and hoped that Li Ye would not disrupt the situation.

But Li Ye sneered and said: "Tell me, Old Song, what kind of situation is this? If you dare to mess with me again, believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now, you idiot?"


"Tell me, who are you trying to trick?"

(End of this chapter)

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