That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 326 The wild goose plucking its feathers

Chapter 326 The wild goose plucking its feathers

Li Zhongfa led Pei Wencong and others out of the terminal. Li Ye and Li Dayong fell behind, each struggling to drag two suitcases.

Pei Wencong and his party came with only four people, but they brought six suitcases.

The two little ones were dragged away by Li Yue and Pei Wenhui, leaving four oversized and overweight ones behind for the brothers.

Although there are wheels under the box, there are no pulling belts, and they are not as easy to use as the one Liu Muhan used more than a year ago.

[Should we get the trolley case out first? 】

Li Ye remembers that the prototype of modern trolley cases appeared in 1987.

In 1991, an airline pilot named Adele Fendi improved a new type of box, registered a patent, and gave it a new name: Rollaboard.

But unfortunately, this guy forgot to go to the patent office to renew the patent in 1995, causing the patent to expire.

Although it is impossible to avoid copycats for low-tech items like trolley cases, if you want to become a brand, especially a high-end brand, it is impossible to bypass patents.

Li Ye was thinking about the trolley box, and Li Dayong next to him seemed to have deliberately slowed down. When he saw Li Yue and Pei Wenhui were a little further away, he suddenly asked Li Ye in an excited voice.

"Brother, how's that pussy I pretended to be just now?"


Li Ye was stunned for a moment and said casually: "It's not bad! It's just unsatisfactory."


Li Ye was telling the truth. Li Dayong just passively enjoyed Pei Wenhui's tenderness and didn't say anything to Lin Zisheng and Chen Juming.

Moreover, Pei Wenhui is very reserved and gentle. Even hugging her is embarrassing and cannot be called "warm".

If this is like the girl decades later, if she ran up to her boyfriend with a big jumper, the little monkey climbed up the tree and chewed a few bites, and then Li Dayong made some weird insinuations, it would be considered a perfect pretense.

But this was the early 1980s, too much was too much, and it might have become immoral.

But Li Ye spoke so calmly, and Li Dayong, who was full of expectations, was speechless.

"Brother, is this still unsatisfactory? I'm almost dying of tears!"

"show off?"

Only then did Li Ye notice the brilliance in Li Dayong's eyes, and asked with a smile: "Are you so arrogant now? Where are you now?"

"Isn't this embarrassing enough? Didn't you see the look in their eyes just now?"

Li Dayong had nothing to hide from Li Ye, and said directly: "They were not very angry with me before. Lin Qiuyan always felt that I was not good enough and had something to do with them. But looking at it just now, I feel like I finally breathed a sigh of relief." It went smoothly.”

"It's okay to be angry," Li Ye said with a smile: "Let the unpleasantness of the past pass, and the good days are still to come! When you see your ex-girlfriend in the future, you should feel 'Thank you for not marrying him in the future. ’.”

"Well, don't worry, I feel this way now."


In fact, Li Ye didn't mean to let Li Dayong show off, but he could guess that Li Dayong was holding it in his heart.

Li Dayong is only twenty-one years old. It is really difficult to expect him to be as broad-minded as those old guys and ignore everything. Therefore, it is better to let go of the anger in your heart as soon as possible to avoid affecting your mental health.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late after ten years, which is the inspiration of a big man. A gentleman's revenge from morning to night is the normal reaction of young people.

. . . . . . .

Li Ye and Li Yue drove Pei Wencong and others back to Qingshui County.

When he arrived at the door of Li Ye's house, Pei Wencong said with emotion to Li Zhongfa: "I have known Mr. Li for so long, and I am only able to visit him today. I am really ashamed, so ashamed."

Li Zhongfa smiled and said: "What's there to be ashamed of? I'm just afraid that the poor conditions at home will make Mr. Pei laugh."

"No, no," Pei Wencong said hurriedly: "When I was a child, my mother and sister lived in a leaky rented house. That's called shabby!"

"I have long heard from Li Ye that Mr. Pei started from scratch. He is indeed admirable. Please come in."

"Okay, okay, old sir, please don't be so polite. According to seniority and etiquette, I am still your junior!"

"Hahaha, you can't say that. Everyone should have their own opinions, otherwise it won't be easy for us to drink later."

"That must be my respect for Mr. Li, please don't be too polite."

While exchanging pleasantries with Li Zhong, Pei Wencong got out of the car and entered Li's house.

After entering, Wu Juying led Li Kaijian's family and welcomed Pei Wencong.

Pei Wencong felt that except for Wu Juying, who acted very naturally, the others were a little reserved, especially the two little girls, who were obviously very nervous.


Pei Wencong sighed secretly, because he felt a trace of life.

At this time, Li Ye walked up behind the two sisters and pushed them. He said with a smile: "What are you two doing in a daze? Hurry up and give New Year greetings to Boss Pei. How can one red envelope be enough? At least two."

Then Li Ye pointed at Pei Wenhui again: "Here, there is also this sister Xiaohui. I also want to wish her a happy new year and ask for a profit."


The Li family all looked at Li Ye in surprise, and both Wu Juying and Li Kaijian looked kindly.

This is an overseas friend! Are there people who ask for money in person like this? Is it a shame? Are you short of money?

Li Juan and Li Ying looked at Li Ye with their mouths open, which clearly meant, "Brother, don't cheat us. No one in the family can beat you, but we two can't. My mother is really beating me!"

However, the two little girls were infinitely obedient to their elder brother Li Ye. With Li Ye's encouragement, they could only timidly accept the red envelope, and imitating the etiquette taught by Li Ye, they said "Congratulations on getting rich, and bring it with you."

Pei Wencong said very happily: "Yes, the new year will bring good fortune, good luck and fortune, good things come in pairs, double and double."

He was really happy.

Pei Wencong used to date Li Ye, and he always had an "unstoppable" feeling of being dominated. Although he later followed Li Ye and almost "made a fortune while lying down", he now likes the feeling of being dominated by Li Ye, but he always It feels like the relationship between the two has fallen into an awkward situation where "friends are not like friends".

After enjoying the feeling of being "taken away", Pei Wencong certainly wants to keep this relationship for a long time, so he also hopes that his relationship with Li Ye can go further.

Later, with the interaction between Pei Wenhui and Li Dayong, this embarrassment was somewhat resolved, and now Li Ye's attitude made him feel signs of developing towards "the good of the whole family".

That is the result Pei Wencong hopes for!

The two sisters, Li Juan and Li Ying, were in a daze and took six red envelopes from Pei Wencong, plus two red envelopes from Pei Wenhui. The thick ones in their hands felt a bit unreal.

When have you ever made so much money?

The little sister Li Ying reacted the fastest. When she saw the Pei sisters and her brother Li Ye entering the main room, she held the red envelope and lowered her head to walk out the door.

But as soon as she left the courtyard, she felt the collar around her neck tighten, and my mother's voice sounded coldly behind her head.

"Where are you hiding?"

"No mom, sister said there are gifts in the car, I'm going to help move the things."

"If you talk back again, hand over the money you hid before."

"How can I still have money? You took it away last time."

Li Ying grinned and grimaced, turned around obediently, and raised all the red envelopes above her head with tears in her eyes.

After Han Chunmei took it, she didn't feel soft at all towards the poor little girl.

If you dare to hide money secretly, I won't beat you up.

But after Han Chunmei left, Li Ying slowly laughed.

He turned his little hand over, and two yellow Hong Kong dollars fell into his white little hand.

"Huh? What kind of money is this? 1000?"

"Really, even if you let me draw another red envelope, that would be great!"

The number of red envelopes is countable, but the money inside is uncountable. Li Ying would rather get beaten a few times than have her hair plucked.

If you have the ability, let me count with the Pei brothers and sisters.

. . . . . . .

Li Ying was both regretful and happy, but Li Kaijian and his wife were in trouble.

Because after opening the sixteen red envelopes, the total amount was really staggering.

Han Chunmei said with a sad face: "How can you repay this gift? You can't return the money to others, can you?"

In the Mainland, if someone gives your children lucky money, as an elder, you should return the same amount of lucky money to them.

But when Li Kaijian and his wife opened the red envelopes and counted them, they found that there were tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in red and yellow envelopes. What should they do?

It would have been easier if the Pei brothers and sisters had given them RMB, and they would have just added two more and returned them as they were, but they gave them Hong Kong dollars, so it would be too obvious for you to give them back!

"I'll call Xiaoye to come over and discuss it."

Li Kaijian had no choice but to ask his son for help whenever he had trouble.

In addition to the New Year's money, Pei Wencong also brought a box of gifts to everyone in the Li family.

The Li family is not in the habit of taking advantage of others.

When Li Ye came over and heard it, he said, "I originally prepared a gift for Dayong and Pei Wenhui. You can just give it to them later."

Han Chunmei immediately handed the stack of Hong Kong dollars to Li Ye and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry for you, Xiaoye. If you save this money, it won't be of any use if you keep it at home."

Li Ye waved his hand and refused: "This money belongs to my sister, just keep it for them."

Han Chunmei wanted to persist, but Li Ye had already gone out.

When he came back, he had two small boxes made of mahogany in his hand.

"This is a pair of jade pendants that Lao Song helped me buy in the capital. It's just right for Dayong and Xiaohui."

Li Kaijian picked up the jade pendant and rubbed it, feeling the unique moist feeling. Even if he didn't understand jade antiques, he knew it was a good thing.

"Xiaoye, how much did you pay for this jade pendant?"

"One thousand eight hundred yuan!"

"What? You won't be tricked by that guy Lao Song, right? These two things are only 1,800 yuan?"

Li Kaijian was really bluffed. After all, one thousand yuan was not a small amount of money in 84. He didn't believe it.

Li Ye smiled and said, "You think eight hundred yuan is expensive here, but it's not the same price in Hong Kong!"

Unlike porcelain and tattered furniture, jade is much less likely to be picked up.

Because the jade culture of flower growers has a long history, many people know its preciousness. Do you want to spend ten or eight yuan to buy someone else’s treasure?

It’s better to wash up and sleep! Unless the situation is depleted, they won’t sell it at all.

Sure enough, when Li Kaijian gave these pair of jade pendants to Pei Wenhui and Li Dayong, Pei Wencong thanked them repeatedly, and the joy on his face was so strong that it seemed that he couldn't get rid of it.

Whether it's worth it or not is another matter. People attach great importance to their brothers and sisters. This is better than any amount of money, and no amount of money can be exchanged for it.

And Li Dayong also secretly pulled Li Ye out and said sheepishly: "Brother, shouldn't you give this kind of thing in pairs to Wen Leyu? It's not good to give it to me now!"

[Brother, what you said is that I have to tell you if I have something better! 】

Li Ye made a serious face: "My father gave this to Xiaohui. You are just a companion, so you don't want it! I don't want you to give it back to me, but then the couple will be broken up."

"No, no, no, I'm just saying, just saying."

Li Dayong quickly held on to the jade pendant, fearing that something unlucky would happen during the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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