That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 320: New Year’s Eve, or the night of eight hexagrams?

Chapter 320 New Year’s Eve, or gossip night?

"This is a call from Hong Kong Island, asking for Mr. Li. Which Mr. Li do you think it is?"


Li Ye chewed the peanuts in his mouth slowly and said with some confusion: "Mr. Li, grandpa, aren't you Mr. Li?"

Li Ye has no intention of exposing all of his family background.

A man’s private money! You can leave out a little bit, because you usually have to spend money and pretend to be poor with a bunch of dollars. Doesn’t that make you a Puritan?

But private money is private money, and you must not leave it all out. Otherwise, you are only in your early twenties and the adults in your family want to make decisions for you. How can you refuse?

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of dollars at this moment? How much is the national foreign exchange reserve?

But Li Zhongfa looked at Li Ye who was calm and calm, and said with a smile but not a smile: "But I don't know her! She is a woman, and her name is Fan or Ling."


Everyone in the main room of the Li family was stunned, and then they all looked at Li Ye strangely.

At this moment, Li Ye, facing everyone's gaze, seemed to have awakened his mind-reading skills and could hear the gossip in their hearts.

Wu Juying: "Female, a girl again. What are you going to do, dear grandson?"

Li Juan and Li Ying: "Brother actually got married to a girl in Hong Kong Island"

Han Chunmei: "This boy is good-looking, but that's not all a good thing!"

Li Yue: "Hahahaha~ I laughed so hard."

Li Ye stood up helplessly and took the phone.

"Hello, I'm Li Ye, who are you?"

Fan Xiuling's happy voice immediately came from the other end of the phone: "Congratulations on getting rich, Mr. Li, it's me, Fan Xiuling,

We are all having New Year's Eve dinner at A Cong's house today. Just now everyone said they would rush to send you New Year greetings at midnight, but they called many times and couldn't get through, but I got through in one go."

Li Ye patiently listened to Fan Xiuling's New Year's greetings, and then said with a smile: "You can get through it in one try, then you must have the best luck this year!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Li for your kind words, and may we all have a prosperous new year."

Fan Xiuling on the other end of the phone was obviously excited, and her tone of voice was trembling with excitement. I wonder if it was caused by the distortion of long-distance calls.

Fan Xiuling seemed to want to say a few more words, but it was Luo Runbo on the other end of the phone, who also said a few blessings such as congratulations on getting rich, and finally Pei Wencong.

"Mr. Li, everyone is rushing to give you New Year greetings and wish you a happy family reunion and all the best."

"Okay, thank you, thank you, but Lao Pei, when we say New Year's greetings here, we first want to say New Year's greetings to our elders."

Pei Wencong was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Yes, I respect Mr. Li very much. Is he here?"

"Just a moment."

Li Ye covered the receiver with his hand and said to his grandfather Li Zhong: "Grandpa, Mr. Pei from Hong Kong Island wants to wish you a happy new year."

Li Zhongfa reached out to answer the phone receiver and asked Li Ye in a low voice: "Is it Pei Wencong?"

Li Ye nodded and said: "Yes, Hong Kong Island is accustomed to saying "Congratulations on getting rich, prosperous business and so on. Try not to say Happy New Year."


Li Zhong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't have time to think too much and reached out to take the receiver.

Many old-school Hong Kong people never say "Happy New Year" when paying New Year greetings, and they don't usually use "Wish you a happy New Year" when writing letters.

Because "happy" and "fast fall" are easily confused words in Cantonese, many superstitious Hong Kong Islanders are taboo about this word.

"Mr. Pei? It's been a while since I saw you in Beijing. I've been wanting to contact you, but unexpectedly you called me first. I should have given you New Year's greetings first."

"You can't say that," Pei Wencong immediately said sincerely: "As a flower-growing nation, elders are respected. If you wish me New Year greetings first, that would be against tradition."


Li Ye listened to his grandfather Li Zhongfa happily chatting with Pei Wencong on the phone, and felt that the wrinkles on his face seemed to slowly unwind.

The two chatted for a full two minutes before Li Zhongfa's expression changed again. He covered the phone receiver tightly with his hand and looked at Li Ye doubtfully.

"Xiaoye, Mr. Pei's sister wants to talk to you."

"Just talk!"

Li Ye was too lazy to chat with them. He reached out and grabbed the phone and said, "Xiaohui! Do you want to be polite to me too?"

"Mr. Li, I don't mean to be polite to you, I just want to get some luck from you at the first moment of the New Year, hehehehe."

"Look for luck! Okay, okay, what do you want to hear? Is it to wish you good fortune and family reunion? Or is it to wish you and Dayong a long life and a happy marriage?"

"Hehehehe, thank you Mr. Li. If it is convenient, please Mr. Li bring New Year blessings to Dayong and his family on my behalf."

Because of Li Dayong, Pei Wenhui and Li Ye are actually more casual than Pei Wencong, and they can occasionally make some harmless jokes.

But Li Ye's "Xiaohui" and "Hundred Years of Love" once again made the men and women of the Li family prick up their ears like German blackbacks.

【Is it over yet? Five minutes of phone call, two women looking for Ono? Is this a fatal peach blossom? 】

Seeing Li Zhongfa's doubtful eyes, her sister Li Yue couldn't help it any longer. She covered her mouth and swayed on the horse to hold back her laughter.

Li Zhongfa glanced at Li Yue sharply, and the latter whispered honestly: "Grandpa, that is Pei Wenhui, and Li Dayong is a couple.

You all, don't think so wildly. Just like our Xiaoye, he is so strange to the girls from the Wen family. Other girls have no chance at all. "


Grandma Wu Juying rushed to ask: "A couple with Li Dayong? Who? Mr. Pei's sister from Hong Kong Island?"

Li Yue nodded and said, "Yes! I see her often in the capital and I'm very familiar with her."

Dad Li Kaijian, a grown man, couldn't help but ask: "Is Li Dayong dating the billionaire's sister?"

"Yeah~, what's so strange about this?"

"." This year's New Year's Eve is destined to be a night of gossip. No one in the Li family is interested in the Spring Festival Gala program after midnight. They all discuss Li Dayong's thousand-mile marriage.

But when everyone was tired and went back to their houses to take a nap, Li Zhongfa called Li Kaijian over.

"Starting from tomorrow, do not agree to any favors that want to place your nephew in an instant noodle factory.

I also tried to get rid of all the greetings I had given in the past, and I absolutely cannot put incompetent people into the instant noodle factory. "


Li Kaijian took a breath and said in surprise: "Dad, what happened? I heard you just called Hong Kong Island. Didn't we have a good conversation? Why did something unexpected happen there?"

“Hmph~, it’s just that the conversation was good, I’m the one”

Li Zhongfa suddenly glanced at Li Kaijian and said, "Why are you asking so many questions? You can do whatever you are told. If you can't refuse any favors, just come to me."

Li Kaijian was suddenly scolded by his father, and he did not dare to refute, so he had to agree: "I understand, Dad, I have resigned from all the favors from those families in the past few days."

"It's not all resignation. I will definitely recruit those who are capable, and I will definitely not accept those who are ineffective. Do you understand?"


Li Kaijian left with a lot of worries. He had accepted some favors these days, and it would be very hurtful to refuse them now. After all, the wages in the joint venture factory were really not low, and the temptation was too great!

After everyone left, Li Zhongfa looked at Li Ye's window and sneered: "You little bastard, you still want to fight with me? You have a big share of your job!"

At this moment, grandma Wu Juying came over and asked, "What's wrong? Who messed with you?"


Li Zhongfa refused: "I'm saying, our grandson is really not bad!"

. . . . . . .

The sound of firecrackers on New Year's Day gradually subsided at three o'clock in the morning, but continued to sound at five o'clock in the morning.

"Brother, brother, get up and kowtow to dad~"

"What time is it? Is it early?"

"It's late. We've all come back from paying homage to Master Huai with grandma. Mom made some dumplings for you. If you don't get up, you'll be a mess."

Li Ye had no choice but to get up in a daze, put on his clothes and prepared to follow his father to visit his family to pay New Year greetings.

The tradition here in Dongshan is to kowtow to your elders on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year. Even relatives and elders who are beyond your reach will inevitably have to pay homage today.

Therefore, the saying "a man has gold at his knees" does not make sense in this era. If you don't kowtow dozens of times throughout the morning, it means that your family is not prosperous.

Only when you reach the seniority and status of Li Zhongfa and Wu Juying, can you sit at home as stable as a mountain and accept the kneeling of juniors with peace of mind.

Then Da Ma Jin Dao chats with the younger generation for a few words, such as "How are you doing? Is this year a bad year?" to express the elder's care for the younger generation.

In the past two years, the topics everyone discussed were basically inseparable from Li Ye, including but not limited to his studies, income, and the legendary object.

But this year, the tide has suddenly changed.

"Hey, didn't we talk about Xiaoye's matter earlier? That's all a thing of the past. He and I are just classmates. Besides, we have returned to the capital. We can't do things accurately for children, but Li Dayong is amazing. "

"What's wrong with Dayong?"

"Dayong dated a rich girl, a billionaire's girl"

"Wood grass!!!!!!"

At this time in 84, overseas billionaires were more bluffing than Mr. Ke and Wen Qingsheng. If you don’t believe it, just look at "The Wrangler". Zhu Shimao’s biological father was a billionaire.

In an era when the country's foreign exchange reserves were only two to three billion, the billionaire's girl was not just white and rich, she was a princess or a princess!

Li Dayong, a common man, actually got the favor of the princess and princess. Isn't this a cool plot that was ahead of its time? It will be at this level at some point a few decades later.

So when Li Ye kowtowed all morning and returned to Li's yard, a group of old women surrounded Li Dayong and chattered, as if they wanted to eat the bear.

"Dayong! How did you get into trouble with a girl from Hong Kong? Tell your aunt quickly, and I will teach your inexperienced brother later."

"I don't have it. It's all nonsense."

"Hey, you're still not honest. Your mother told you that the watch she is wearing is imported. To be honest, was it given by a billionaire?"


Pei Wenhui actually gave Li Dayong a ladies' watch and asked him to take it home to honor Li Dayong's mother.

"Look, he's still shy. Why should he be ashamed of such a big man?"

One sentence reminded Li Dayong.

The bear-like body is slightly stooped, the big head hangs shyly, and he smiles innocently without saying a word, "How do you like it!"

I'm shy, can you bite me?

After a group of old ladies left indifferently, Li Dayong came over with a grimace and said, "Brother, why did you put me on the fire to roast me? I haven't told my mother yet."

Li Ye glanced at Li Dayong and said calmly: "First of all, I didn't spread this rumor. Also, how long do you think you can keep it secret? Is it that our classmates don't know, or that Jin Peng doesn't know?"

Just as Li Dayong was about to defend himself, Li Ye said again: "Let me tell you, Xiaohui will come to Dongshan with his brother in a few days. If you can, just pretend you don't know her."


Seeing Li Dayong and Li Ye muttering over there, Li Kaijian asked Li Zhongfa in a low voice: "Dad, will it be bad for Dayong if we do this? He might not have reached that stage yet!"

"Why, isn't it because of Ono's credit that Dayong was able to hook up with the daughter of Hong Kong Island? You can't just do good things and not take responsibility, right?"

Li Zhongfa said very unhappily: "A big tree attracts wind. You can't always let Ono be the conspicuous one. This is called diverting trouble from the east. No, this is called diverting firepower."

Li Kaijian: "."

Dad, I also went to school and served as a soldier. Don’t these two words mean the same thing?

(End of this chapter)

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