That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 306 What we sell is not commodities, but history

Chapter 306 What we sell is not commodities, but history

Director Xiong and a few people quickly assembled a set of armor and put it on a shelf.

"Brother Li Ye, this armor was just made by our Chang'an Craftsmanship Institute. Mr. Huo insists on letting you take a look. What do you think?"

"Let me take a look? Why?"

Li Ye looked at Mr. Huo Renqiang in surprise.

Aqiang let out a breath, pulled Li Ye aside, and explained: "I am now the deputy minister of the Ministry of Investment, but that Minister Hu doesn't deal with me. This time I am asked to be responsible for this armor cooperation project, and I don't understand. "

Li Ye smiled and said, "You don't understand and I don't understand either? Why don't you ask your boss to send you a knowledgeable person?"

Aqiang said: "A total of two people were sent to me. Last week, one was pulled over by a man named Hu, and this week I drove away another one. Now I am the only one left."


Li Ye also admired Aqiang very much. There were two people under his command, and they were turned into mere commanders in just two weeks. No wonder he wanted to take his own path and step down from the post of deputy minister of investment.

But this job is a solid middle-level job within the Seris Company, with a basic salary of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars per month, as well as performance commissions, and the year-end bonus at the end of the year is not a small sum.

The key is that the room for improvement is much higher than that of Aqiang's previous comic supervisor.

Li Ye has never met the newly appointed Minister Hu, but now it seems that the other party looks down on Aqiang, the "three-no" cadre.

He has no education, no experience, no skill, but he is stuck in the waist of the investment department. He is similar to the eunuchs of the ancient times.


Aqiang has no education, experience, or skills, but he is loyal.

During Pei Wencong's most difficult years, he accompanied him through all the hardships, so Pei Wencong wanted to "promote" Aqiang again.

It's just that three points of promotion depend on connections and seven points depend on ability. If Aqiang is really not good, Pei Wencong can't do anything about it. Running a business is not a gang, and loyalty cannot be the first priority.

So for this armor list, if Aqiang does well, it's okay, but if he doesn't, Minister Hu suggested to Pei Wencong that Aqiang be kicked back to Hong Kong Island, and it would be difficult for Pei Wencong to object.

"Okay, I'll take a look, but at most I can give you some suggestions. The final decision still depends on you."

Li Ye couldn't refuse, but still walked to the armor.

But when he reached out and touched it, something felt wrong.

"Why is it so thin and yet so light?"

The last time Director Xiong gave Li Ye the armor, he took it back to Zaojun Temple and kept it. Occasionally he would wear it to show off to Wen Leyu, so he knew the two were not the same thing just by touching it.

A Master Lu who came with Director Xiong also said: "This one weighs almost thirty kilograms, which is not too light. The one the props team ordered is lighter than this.

However, we used stainless steel material, which actually costs more than a 40-pound one, making it easier to wear and more comfortable. "

"This is not for wearing. Didn't they tell you the product requirements?"

Li Ye looked at Director Xiong and others, and then said: "Since it is an antique armor, it should be as close to the ancient look as possible. How could there be stainless steel in the Tang Dynasty?"

Master Lu was stunned for a moment and said: "If the armor is made of iron, it will be very troublesome to maintain it. Once it is not properly maintained, it will easily rust."

"Well, it's just troublesome to maintain. Think about the generals in the past. Did they have to personally maintain their armor?"

Li Yedao: "It's best if you summarize a complete set of maintenance procedures and write them in detail into an armor maintenance manual.

It should be done by the buyer themselves, but not too easy. In short, the buyer should be able to enjoy the fun of a warrior."


Director Xiong and Master Lu were both stunned for a while, and then Director Xiong couldn't help but said: "Aren't you just looking for trouble?"

Li Ye waved his hand and said: "As for me, this is my suggestion. I think you use stainless steel to make armor. It is an industrial product and a movie prop. It may not be easy to sell for a few hundred yuan, because it does not have the effect of holding down a house.

But you use iron, and everything is based on ancient armor protection. If you match it with cultural elements, the price will be hundreds of dollars. Which one do you choose? " Before Director Xiong had time to speak, Master Lu said: "You... what you said, brother, is not a fool, but is the buyer a fool? "

Li Ye smiled and did not answer him, but directly told Aqiang: "Call Hong Kong Island, find a luxury goods marketing company, and entrust them to make a product marketing plan. You can make it according to the requirements. Don't be too smart."

Aqiang nodded slowly and said: "I understand somewhat, just like LV Cartier, don't cheat the poor!"

"What does it mean to be silent about the poor?"

Li Ye said unhappily: "An armor that is exactly the same as ancient craftsmanship and is a pure handiwork of a master craftsman. Shouldn't it be a luxury item?"

"What you have to do is to ask people to take money, but they may not be able to buy it. Do you understand?"

A Qiang didn't dare to refute and nodded repeatedly. Anyway, he did as Li Ye said, and Pei Wencong didn't dare to scold him if he messed up.

Then Li Ye said to Director Xiong: "Actually, I'm telling you, it's hard for you to understand, but the armor you gave me is a good example. It's not ordinary at first glance."

Director Xiong smashed his lips and said: "Brother, to tell you the truth, your armor was made by a few masters more than ten years ago. Now you can't even hold a hammer."

Li Ye nodded and said: "Anyway, just do it! I can't explain it to you. I'll write a short script later. When you go back, go find Director Xie and ask him to shoot a short commercial for you. "

"When the time comes, you only need to tell Director Xie a word, and he will understand everything."

Director Xiong asked hurriedly: "What are you talking about?"

Li Ye said seriously: "Just tell him that what we sell is not armor, but the culture of the Tang Dynasty and the history of flower cultivation.

When people look at this armor, they can feel the awe-inspiring atmosphere of the battlefield, and have the urge to put it on and kill the enemy with arms. "


After a few people were silent for a moment, Master Lu said: "I seem to understand a little bit. It means that when people see it, this armor is very old and has been worn by the warriors of our ancestors, right?"

Li Ye thought for a moment and said, "That's pretty much what it means."

Director Xiong slapped his thigh and said, "Oh brother, didn't I understand that you said this earlier? Isn't it just making old antiques? We in Chang'an have that craft, and we are very good at it!"


. . . . . . .

Director Xiong and Master Lu rushed back to Chang'an immediately after receiving the script that day, but Aqiang had to stay in the capital for a few days.

Li Ye didn't expose Aqiang's desire for a girlfriend, but just inquired about the recent situation in the investment department.

"Mr. Li, to be honest, the recent situation is not very optimistic. The rules in the mainland and Hong Kong Island are very different. We Hong Kong Islanders are free, but the mainland is a bit dogmatic."

Li Ye glanced at Aqiang and asked calmly: "Is Hong Kong Island very free? Aqiang, are you free to live in Hong Kong Island? Is it freedom to eat? Or is it freedom to house? Or is it freedom to have sex?"

Ah Qiang is speechless, do all educated people scold others without blood? If you just say that I'm throwing money at you, won't that be the end of it?

Li Ye then said: "Aqiang, since you have come to invest in the mainland, you must learn to deal with people from the mainland.

Any investment company in the world must learn to "follow the host" when investing in another region. In other words, you must understand who is the master. "

Li Ye looked at Aqiang and said word by word: "Don't make money from the master while despising the master for being old-fashioned and backward. Do you understand?"

"I understand Mr. Li. Without you, Mr. Li, I, Aqiang, would not be what I am today. I will try my best to adapt."

Aqiang looked at Li Ye who looked serious. Although he didn't quite understand what he meant, he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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