That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 298 People think we are worthless!

Chapter 298 People think we are worthless!

In the Peking University dormitory, Li Ye was writing a manuscript in front of the window. Sun Xian came over and placed a stack of application forms in front of him.

"Brother Yi, take a look at these applications for joining the society and see if any of them satisfy you."

Li Ye squeezed the thickness of the application and said with a smile: "It's only been a few days, why are there so many? Didn't there be an announcement that no new applicants would be recruited this year?"

Because of the incident of "Looking Homeward, Solitary Army", the Solitary Army Literary Club received a large number of applications from students, so Li Ye had to post an announcement that he would not recruit new people this year, but it doesn't seem to be very effective now.

"If the announcement works? What do you need dollars for? What do you need movie stars for?"

Sun Xianxian lay down on the bed next to him and said weakly: "You have been hiding these days, but I have suffered a lot.

Each and every one of them is a wise and talented general, as if today I do not allow them to join the society, and tomorrow they should be locked up to reflect deeply on what heinous crime they have committed.

But when I look at what they write, it’s not much better than Dad. If we include them, it’s just an extra penny. "

"What do you mean by hiding in silence?" Li Ye said funnyly: "Aren't I trying to calm down and find inspiration? Do you understand inspiration?"

"I understand inspiration, but I don't understand your inspiration."

Sun Xianxian stood up and looked at Li Ye with admiration and helplessness: "We have known each other for more than a year, and I have never seen you lack of inspiration. As long as you want it, it feels like you are taking a scoop from you." Just scoop it out from your mind, one scoop at a time, one scoop at a time."


"You're still scooping up water. Do you think you're scooping water from a water tank?"

Li Ye scolded with a smile, and then said: "Don't complain. Although you have been busy and tired in the literary club these days, you have gained a lot, right? Just the effort you put into your words can make you see an increase."

"How can I not grow up? I'm just talking to a group of people all day long, and I drink from two big jugs of water every day."

Sun Xianxian complained again, and then said: "By the way, brother, there is one more thing. Since the day before yesterday, the actors have stopped coming to exchange scripts with us.

The fourth and seventh children are still mumbling today, saying that you have neglected others and prevented everyone from having more in-depth communication with them. They don’t know if there will be opportunities for communication in the future. "

Laosi Zhou Zhihe and Lao Qi Ge Linshen are both students who participated in the writing of "Looking Homeward". This time, Pan Hong, Xiao Nie, and screenwriters from the Shanghai Film Studio came to exchange scripts. The two of them cooperated extremely well. enthusiasm.

It's just that beautiful women like Pan Hong and Xiao Nie have seen many boys who admire them since childhood, so they can naturally see the sparks of hormones in their eyes.

So after not seeing Li Ye for several days, he naturally stopped coming.

Li Ye couldn't help but said: "Don't they know how to be annoying? You should talk to the screenwriter when exchanging scripts. What's the point of chatting with other actresses all day long?"

Sun Xianxian curled his lips and said: "You can say this. If I say it, the fourth and seventh children will be anxious to me. They have used half a box of scalp oil these days, and they even borrowed my pants. They are so frivolous." What a slut.”

"It's no use being a coquettish person," Li Ye pushed the application form and said, "People from the film studio probably won't come here again, just tell them and give up!

If you are so thoughtful, you should improve your professional courses. The fourth grader almost failed last semester, right? "

Sun Xianxian said in surprise: "Not coming? Why? Have you received the notice?"

Li Ye said calmly: "They may think they don't need us anymore!"

After several days of secret competition, several film studios finally had a showdown with Pei Wencong and revealed their final bottom line.

Pei Wencong has also formed a film and television team and has begun formal cooperation negotiations. So how much value is left in Li Ye's "intermediary"?

Sun Xianxian was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's fine. Our main task is literary creation. The literary club is full of people these days. Who has the time to write!"

"We will have a meeting tonight to discuss the next arrangements."

"Okay! I'll go and inform everyone."

. . . . . .

In the evening, Li Ye came to Gujun Literary Club and unexpectedly found that Director Xiong from Chang'an Film Factory was also there.

Li Ye said doubtfully: "Director Xiong, is something wrong with you?"

Director Xiong smiled and said: "It's nothing, just that the factory sent some local specialties. I thought I would always come here to trouble you these days, so I brought some over for everyone to try."

At this time, Li Ye noticed two large linen bags placed behind Director Xiong, full of unknown items.

"No, Director Xiong, you are too polite!" Li Ye said with a smile: "We haven't been able to help you much these days. You are making us so embarrassed."

"What do you mean you didn't help? If you can write the novel, you have done us a great favor."

Director Xiong sighed and said very matter-of-factly: "No matter who is filming "The Lonely Soldier" this time, doesn't the city of Chang'an have to be included in the final movie?"

"Now we can't compete with the coast, but as soon as the movie is broadcast, won't everyone know that Chang'an also had its glory more than a thousand years ago?"

Li Ye nodded slowly and said, "Yes, Chang'an was once the greatest and most prosperous city in the world."

"Oh, that's right!"

Director Xiong slapped his thigh and said happily: "So, as long as the filming of this movie starts, we will not lose anything."

Li Ye smiled and said, "It's not a loss."

"Then I'm leaving. This is my phone number and address. You must look for me when you get to Chang'an. Besides, our factory has said that we will send souvenirs to the literary society every year. They are not worth a few bucks, so don't dislike it. .”

Director Xiong grinned, turned around and left.

Li Ye asked Sun Xianxian and others to open the sack and found that it was filled with walnuts, jujubes, dried chicken and other non-staple foods.

Don't underestimate these little things. In 83, we were still far from being plentiful.

Craving egg yolk pie? Craving Oreos?

Are you thinking about shit?

It’s a pleasure to have snacks like walnuts and jujubes.

. . . . . . . "Today we have a meeting to discuss two things. The first is the recruitment of new people in the literary club. From now on, we will only recruit five new people every year. The rest can join if they want, but we do not accept applications, only collections of works, so that they can Come up with your own published work.”

Neither Li Huaisheng nor Yang Yumin came today. It was Li Ye's first time to host a literary club meeting, and he made a dead rule that offended people.

There are so many people who want to join the literary club these days. Naturally, they have to rely on people like Sun Xianxian and Zhou Zhihe. Several meritorious ministers feel that they have some face, and they always want to intercede with Li Ye, which annoys him. .

Now Li Ye directly asks them to "let their works speak for themselves", which is to "stop" everyone, and to emphasize who is the boss.

There can only be one boss in the literary club, so don't treat Li Ye as a cadre.

More than a dozen people had different expressions and obviously had their own thoughts, but in the end no one dared to beep with Li Ye.

The basis for a boss to show off his power is to have ability. The pocket money in everyone's pockets is proof of Li Yeshi's ability.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Li Ye threw out a few pages of thin manuscript paper with several large characters written on it - "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an".

"Second, this is the outline of my new novel. We are divided into several groups to collect historical information, flesh out the characters, and also try to write a film and television script."


There was silence in the literary club, and more than a dozen people looked at the thin pages of manuscript paper.

Then, like cold water falling into hot oil, it became lively with a "sizzling" sound.

"Hey~, are we going to make another movie? Good guy, if this keeps up, we're going to steal Jingdian's job!"

"It's only been a few days! Li Ye, do you have new inspiration? Do you have any secrets? How about accepting me as your disciple?"

"Put it down! I haven't become a disciple yet! Besides, can you learn this inspirational thing? Do you know why our dormitory calls Li Ye 'Brother 1'? He is the only one!"



Li Ye knocked on the table and asked after it calmed down: "Then, who thinks he can be the main writer?"

Everyone was stunned, and someone asked: "Isn't the chief writer Lao Yang?"

Li Ye shook his head and said, "I asked, but he didn't have time."

Li Ye did ask Yang Yumin, but the guy had money in his pocket and went crazy. Not only did he buy a courtyard house, but he didn't see anyone all day long, so he immediately rejected the job as the main writer.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and then all looked at Li Ye.

Yang Yumin's writing style is very good, but your seven-inch blade is not bad either! If you don’t write the story, who will?

Li Ye is also very busy. He is now in his sophomore year, and the courses are much more difficult than when he was a freshman. He doesn't want to end up taking a make-up exam when the time comes.

In addition, after his elder sister Li Yue came to the capital, Li Ye always had to educate her and take classes. There were also a large number of manufacturing construction plans that required him to strategize. If he were to write a new novel, it would affect his relationship with Wen Leyu. Qingqing me me.

"I'm very busy recently, please think about it! From now on, the distribution ratio of manuscript fees will follow the past practice, and the main author will get more money,"

"Come here today, the meeting is over."

Li Ye left cleanly, leaving a group of classmates looking at each other.

At the beginning, Li Ye asked Yang Yumin and Li Huaisheng to insist that the school set a distribution ratio for the retained manuscript fees, just to form a "routine" in the future.

Otherwise, this big pot of rice will break up sooner or later.

Now that everyone saw that the large amount of pocket money from the main author had the opportunity to fall on their heads, everyone forgot how much they weighed, and they were all excited.

But before they could ask Li Ye to introduce himself, Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway.

The next afternoon, when Li Ye was about to go to Wen Leyu for dinner after class, his head teacher Mu Yunning stopped him.

This semester, Mu Yunning changed from the "nanny-style" working style of last semester. Shenlong never came to an end. Li Ye met him once at the beginning of the semester and even wanted to ask her about going to the lighthouse.

This reminded Li Ye of his college teacher who he met twice a semester in his previous life, and his main focus was "freezing".

"Teacher Mu, are you looking for something to do with me?"

Li Ye thought about how during this period of time, he absolutely stayed on his own and didn't cause trouble, so he couldn't guess what Mu Yunning wanted to do with him.

Mu Yunning said nothing and handed Li Ye several literary journals.

"Here are some of my previously published works. Check to see if they meet the criteria for joining the society."

Li Ye looked at Mu Yunning in surprise for several seconds and asked, "Teacher Mu, do you want to join our literary club?"

Mu Yunning nodded without saying any nonsense.

Li Ye thought for a while and asked again: "Teacher Mu, may I know why?"

Mu Yunning said: "To make money, I want to try being the main writer of your new novel."

Li Ye: "."

(End of this chapter)

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