That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 290 A stubborn donkey doesn’t know the taste of soft rice

Chapter 290 A stubborn donkey doesn’t know the taste of soft rice

"I hope that all students will show their style, friendship and level in the next competition."

The long-prepared first National College Debate Competition finally kicked off. Debate teams from more than two dozen colleges and universities came to Beijing University to engage in intense debates that lasted for nearly ten days.

If you look at the names on the rostrum with enough weight, you will know how much attention the relevant departments attach to it.

Pei Wencong, who came from afar, also occupied a seat on the podium, and his ranking among the guests was not low.

Just yesterday, Pei Wencong enthusiastically donated 300,000 US dollars to Peking University, and Peking University reciprocated by transferring the film and television copyright of "Looking Homeward" to Talang Literature Publishing House for free.

Although donations are donations and copyrights are copyrights, and money and value cannot be equated, this undoubtedly gives many people face.

What's more, the school immediately gave Gujun Literary Club a 30% share in a US dollar + RMB matching model, allowing them to improve the creative environment and reward relevant creative personnel.

This is not a clear statement - [Look, when we asked for 300,000 US dollars, it was not just some nonsense, but some people didn't know the goods. 】

Li Ye didn't know how Wu Jinyuan was feeling, but looking at the red eyes of Li Huaisheng and Yang Yumin, Li Ye wondered if they still couldn't sleep tonight and had wild thoughts.

Li Huaisheng put his arms around Li Ye's shoulders and whispered: "Brother, the debate will be over later. I'll invite you to Lao Mo's restaurant!"

Li Ye said: "Why are you going so far away? The old Zhao's restaurant at the door is pretty good! I actually prefer Chinese food."

Li Huaisheng was stunned and said, "Don't even think about saving money for me, brother! We brothers don't behave like this."

Li Ye curled his lips and said: "How much money can you save on one meal? If you really feel sorry for yourself, you can treat me to Fengzeyuan for ten days."

"Okay, I'll treat you to Fengze Garden for ten days, that's it."


Really human!

. . . . . . .

Because there are many participating schools, Peking University has prepared several competition venues, and multiple competitions will be held in one day, allowing students from various schools to freely choose their favorite school to watch and support.

It can be seen from the number of people watching on site that Tsingta University, Beijing University, and Minzu University are undoubtedly the most popular.

Li Ye is waiting in the classroom next to the venue to come on stage! Li Dayong and Fu Yingjie came over: "Brother, I can't get in. You have to find a way to find a seat for me."

Li Ye said in surprise: "Didn't you go find Xiaohui? Can't you get in if you follow her?"

Because of Pei Wencong's patriotic behavior, Pei Wenhui is still very popular at Beijing University recently, and it is impossible not to enter the debate venue.

Li Dayong said sarcastically: "We can't rely on other girls for everything."

[You are really a stubborn donkey who doesn’t know the taste of soft rice. You deserve to eat grass for the rest of your life. 】

Li Ye didn't have time. He was just about to find a classmate to take Li Dayong there when he saw Pei Wenhui appear at the door, waving and smiling at Li Dayong.

Li Ye patted Li Dayong on the shoulder: "Here, don't make so many bad habits in the future. What do you and I have when we are together?"

Li Dayong, who was 1.89 meters tall, quickly went out with a low eyebrow.

Fu Yingjie licked his lips and said to Li Ye, "Is it too late for me to change my name to your brother now? You can also help me find one."

"Go away, you are several years older than me!"

Li Ye laughed and cursed and drove Fu Yingjie out. Of course, he also knew that Fu Yingjie was deliberately being funny, otherwise he would have used a gentler method to ensure that he would not hurt the heart of a boy who longed for love.

But when Li Ye turned around, he found that Yang Chen, Qin Yongsheng and others were looking at him quietly, with eyes that were full of affection.

Alas, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be, and the world is in decline. Do you still want a man's face?

. . . . . . .

"I would like to ask the affirmative. You claim that the emergence of morality precedes the law. What is the factual evidence? As far as I know, in the Western Zhou Dynasty in our country, "Zhou Rites, Qiu Gong, and Si Xing" appeared."


"I would like to ask the second argument of the affirmative. Since morality is the standard that governs human behavior, what should be the explanation for the fact that the country is now launching a severe crackdown on crime?"

"."    Li Ye looked at the three contestants from Beijing Foreign Languages ​​College, feeling her oppressive language and tone, looking for the opponent's weaknesses to see if there was any chance of defeating them with one blow.

This Sanbian was a girl, and Li Ye vaguely remembered seeing her once. It seemed that when he bought the Zaojun Temple courtyard house, she came to help Professor Zhang move.

But now this girl named He Xue is not as gentle and humble as when she moved.

Her words were extremely fierce, and she would wave her arms at every turn, using movements and tone full of the sense of the times to intensify and exaggerate her aura to suppress her opponents.

According to the rules, He Xue will ask one question each of the first, second and fourth debates at Peking University.

Her final question was: “If morality can regulate human behavior, what else do we need laws for?”

"Whoa whoa whoa~"

There was fierce applause at the scene. In 83, when information was limited, this kind of unquestionable question really resonated strongly with the audience.

yes! If morality is useful, what do we need laws for? Doesn’t the existence of law prove that morality cannot restrain human behavior?

After the applause, according to the rules of the debate, Li Ye, the affirmative, needs to make three arguments and summarize his arguments. Then, after the other party has also made three arguments and summarized his arguments, it will enter the free debate stage.

Li Ye stood up and began to state: "After receiving this debate question, we first consulted our professors and teachers in the History Department of Peking University, and then got a conclusion that has been confirmed -

The emergence of morality stems from human beings' own sense of shame and the objective needs of clan society to fight against the cruel natural environment. "

"We humans have known a long time ago that only through unity and cooperation can we survive and reproduce more safely. This requires a standard to restrict everyone's behavior, so various unwritten conventions have emerged.

For example, stealing other people's property is a bad behavior, beating children is also a bad behavior, and robbing other people's wives is even more bad behavior."


The debate was filled with laughter. In an era when the point of laughter is very low, Li Ye’s words and deeds may cause comedy effects at any time.

Li Ye had to stop speaking and waited until the laughter dissipated before continuing: "Standards like these are the earliest prototypes of morality."

"The emergence of laws is precisely because some people do not abide by recognized moral standards and impose punitive restraint regulations.

It is guilty of murder and arson, it is guilty of bullying, and it is guilty of murdering one's husband. Think about it. Of all these crimes, which one does not violate the moral standard? "

Several debaters from the Peking University debate team quietly scanned the audience and found that many audience members began to think deeply. They knew that Li Ye's statement had an effect.

Come on, come on, everyone, use your brains and think about it as I said.

As long as you think according to what others say, won't you be led away by the nose?

Li Ye paused for a few seconds, and then continued: "Moral restraint is a great achievement nurtured by the flower-growing nation's thousands of years of civilization. Its wide coverage, deep penetration, and greater impact on society are far greater than laws and morality. Constraints can be said to be everywhere,

Just think about it, before you knew what the law was, did you already know that you should not steal the persimmons in the orchard or pick up the sweet potatoes from your fellow villagers? "


Many people were stunned because they felt as if they had broken the law.

"The law has loopholes and flaws. For example, two primary school students met an old lady who accidentally fell on the way to school."

Li Ye paused for a moment, then endured the entanglement in his heart and said, "Then according to the law, two primary school students do not need to help the old lady up, but if they don't help the old lady, and the school teacher finds out, what are the consequences?"


No one spoke, but everyone understood that these two primary school students could not be rated as good students.

"If morality cannot be the standard that restrains human behavior, but only follows the rigid provisions of the law, then our society will no longer have warmth. No one will help an old man who falls, no one will care about uneven roads, and you will break your throat if you meet a gangster. It’s all useless”


"You're laughing so hard! Where did you get this three-part debate at Beijing University?"

"Well, I suspect he got it from the cross talk troupe. It's really funny."

Li Ye finished his summary of the debate and sat down.

The teammates on the debate team looked at each other and agreed that there was no problem and everything was going according to plan.

When he got the defense topic, Li Ye knew that it was impossible to directly deny that "the law is a binding standard". At this time, the court sentenced several bad guys every day, and the basis for the verdict was the law.

So the strategy everyone formulated is - if we only follow the law, what will this society look like?

If this kind of words were put forward decades later, they might arouse everyone's contempt. After all, no one has swept the "snow in front of the door", so who cares about others?

A thief was electrocuted while stealing, and he still has to go to court to demand compensation. Do you want to talk to me about morality?

But in 83, if you left an old lady hanging on the ground for three hours without helping her, your work unit would hold a meeting to criticize you, the heartless scum.

(End of this chapter)

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