That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 244 The time has come to test love

Chapter 244 The time has come to test love

"Hao Cuicui wants to recognize you and Qiangzi as godfathers? Then why didn't he mention it to me?"

Li Ye was very puzzled after learning about Hao Jian's actions. In his opinion, since Hao Jian had let his daughter recognize Jin Peng and Wang Jianqiang, how could he miss his "thigh"?

Jin Peng handed Li Ye a cigarette and lit it for him while saying, "I originally thought that we could be the godfathers of Xiao Cui'er.
  In the end, we mentioned it to Dayong, but he felt it was inappropriate. You and he are both college students, so we thought let it go. "

Li Ye didn't let Jin Peng light his cigarette. Instead, he held the cigarette between his fingertips and turned it around flexibly.

"Dayong thinks it's inappropriate? Why?"

Jin Peng explained to Li Ye: "We in Qingshui County have few rules and don't care, but in many other places, unmarried young people cannot be godfathers and godmothers for their children. This is the case with the person Dayong is talking about now. "

Li Ye said in a funny tone: "Who is Dayong's partner? She hasn't even gotten married yet! Are you going to take care of Dayong's affairs now?"

In some places among flower growers, there is indeed the situation that Jin Peng mentioned, maybe because of superstition, maybe because it doesn't sound good.

For example, in the Shangqiu area in northern Henan, there is a custom of not being a godfather or godmother to others unless you get married.

But based on Li Ye's understanding of Li Dayong, he wouldn't worry about these things! Since Jin Peng and Wang Jianqiang agreed, he should not decline politely.

Then it's Lin Qiuyan's problem.

Jin Peng smiled meaningfully and said: "You must be careful about this! We can't cause trouble for Dayong, who is from a wealthy family."

Li Ye looked at Jin Peng's eyes and finally thought about it.

A wealthy family? Lin Qiuyan's father is the director of a factory. How does he belong to a wealthy family?
  This is to remind myself not to worry about Wen Leyu’s feelings!

Li Ye sneered and said, "Brother Peng, tell Hao Jian to give me a seat on the day when I become my godfather."

Jin Peng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Xiaoye, why don't you ask Master about this? Ask your family?"

"Brother Peng, you are too small. Why do you think I need to care about other people's opinions? I am who I am and will never be controlled by others."

Li Ye glanced at Jin Peng and said confidently: "Believe it or not, even if Wen Leyu doesn't agree with me being Cuicui's godfather, she will never stop me."

Hao Peng looked at Li Ye in surprise for a long time before he smiled and said: "Xiao Ye, you are right. Classmate Wen is excellent. You are so lucky."

[I’m not a Phoenix man. Who do you think is lucky? I'm lucky. It's also because I have strength, okay? 】

Li Ye sighed, not wanting to explain to Jin Peng anymore.

Hao Jian and Jin Peng have obviously formed a biased view of their relationship with Wen Leyu - Classmate Wen likes you Li Ye, so your old Li family will burn high incense!

But the problem is that Li Ye has been able to get all the way to where he is today without much support from Teacher Ke.

He was admitted to Peking University by himself, and he earned a lot of money with his forward-looking vision. He really "started from a position of strength" and won the love and recognition of Wen Leyu and Teacher Ke's family.

In other words, Li Ye is the "best solution" to Wen Leyu among his peers.

She Wen Leyu would be in a big loss if she didn't marry him, Li Ye!
  . . . . . . .

On the day when Hao Cuicui became her godfather, Wen Leyu came with Li Ye as expected, and gave Hao Cuicui a few small gifts with a smile, which made Hao Jian and Jin Peng both happy and ashamed.

Jin Peng didn't suggest that Hao Jian take the initiative to propose marriage to Li Ye because he didn't want people to say that he was following the trend. But if Li Ye could take the initiative, it would be good for you, good for me, and good for everyone.

More importantly, Hao Jian is different from Jin Peng, Wang Jianqiang, and Li Dayong.

Li Ye's business start-up team has a total of five people, four of whom are "brothers", a "disciple army" that tightly surrounds Li Ye.

As for Hao Jian, even though he is the biggest one now, he is still an "outsider".

In the past! Hao Jian was arrogant and thought that he was an irreplaceable "general" under Li Ye.
  But after the Canton Fair, Hao Jian completely understood.

Thousand-mile horses are common but Bole is not common. There are many capable people in the world, but the only one who can "strategize and win a victory thousands of miles away" is Li Ye.

So this time he came to marry her, not only for his daughter, but also to express his feelings.

But this made Li Dayong, who came to sit down, a little embarrassed.

Li Ye also frowned after seeing Li Dayong.

This brother didn't come to dinner for two consecutive days. He lost a lot of weight and his eyes were red and bloodshot.

"You guys should be busy on your own for a while while Dayong and I go out to buy some things!"

Li Ye took Li Dayong out and wandered aimlessly along the empty road.

Li Dayong had no sense of presence in his business start-up team, but Li Ye did not underestimate his best friend.

When Li Ye was looked down upon by others at school, this bear just picked up the leg of the stool and went up to it without saying a word. A lifelong relationship was decided when his temperament was at its truest.

After going to a nearby grocery store to buy some snacks, the two of them walked back.

"Dayong, are you losing weight recently?"

"Losing weight?" Li Dayong asked doubtfully: "What kind of weight loss?"

Li Ye pursed his lips and said, "You have lost weight recently and you don't look good."

In 83, there was no concept of weight loss. If anyone had a fat boy in their family, that was an important criterion for the superior quality of family life. It was more serious than the comparison in private cars in later generations.

Li Dayong's bear-like figure is his mother's most proud medal.

Li Dayong was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and said: "I want to take the TOEFL exam during this period. My eyes are red from staying up late, but I haven't lost a few pounds."

"Take TOEFL?" Li Ye said in surprise: "Dayong, do you want to study abroad?"


Li Dayong nodded and agreed in a dull voice, his mood obviously depressed.

Li Ye guessed and asked, "Have you never passed the exam?"

Li Dayong nodded again, not even agreeing. Li Ye asked again: "Has Lin Qiuyan passed the exam?"

Li Dayong's head lowered even lower.

Although he felt Li Dayong's loneliness, Li Ye still asked: "Where will Lin Qiuyan study abroad? When will she leave?"

Li Dayong let out a long sigh and said, "She will go to Lighthouse Country and leave in the summer."

[The time to test love has arrived. 】

Li Ye finally found the "cause" of Li Dayong's illness.

Not every first love is beautiful, but every first love is passionate and heart-wrenching. Once you lose it, you will inevitably feel heartbroken for a while.

It is extremely normal for Li Dayong, a guy who has been single for twenty years and suddenly comes into contact with girls and "love", to have his IQ plummet.

Li Ye patted Li Dayong on the shoulder and encouraged: "Believe me Dayong, studying abroad is nothing special. Your wonderful life has just begun."

Li Dayong shook his head and asked lonely: "Brother, can money really buy love?"

"How do you know you can't buy it?"

Li Ye felt it was inappropriate after he blurted it out, because this sentence did not apply to him. At least Wen Leyu's love could not be bought with money.

Li Dayong laughed twice and said: "I tried it. I bought her the best clothes and the best shoes, but she said I was too materialistic and had no soul."

"I told her that I had a fortune of hundreds of thousands, but she laughed at me for being too vulgar and not spending my energy on study and struggle."

"She passed the TOEFL test a few days ago, but I didn't. She said that I didn't seek to improve and was addicted to the wonderful living environment created by my family."

Li Ye said directly: "Lin Qiuyan doesn't believe you have hundreds of thousands, does she?"

Li Dayong was stunned for a moment and remained silent. Apparently, Li Ye was right.

Li Ye couldn't help but said: "Dayong! You said too much, so much that they couldn't believe it. Didn't you become a big liar?"

In 83, I personally owned hundreds of thousands of yuan and was still a student in my early twenties. It was strange that a girl with Lin Qiuyan's vision could believe it.

Li Dayong: "."

Li Ye sighed and said, "Dayong, what do you think is true love?"

Li Dayong pondered for a few seconds and said like a repeater: "Love is the noblest and purest emotion in the world. It is like the light at dawn, illuminating our hearts."

"Yes, yes, you have been brainwashed."

Li Ye couldn't listen anymore and interrupted Li Dayong and said: "Love is not that complicated. It's just two people. You like me and I like you.
  Love is between two people. You are willing to be with me, and I am willing to be with you.
  Love means that I feel happy when I am with you, and you feel comfortable and joyful when I am with you. After we leave each other, we will miss each other very much and it will be very painful. "


"So Dayong, tell me now," Li Ye looked into Li Dayong's eyes and asked: "Does Lin Qiuyan actively like to be with you? When you are with Lin Qiuyan, you will feel relaxed, happy and sincerely Are you happy?"

Li Dayong: "."

Li Ye asked again: "Dayong, do you think Lin Qiuyan will feel pain after she leaves you?"

Li Dayong was stunned for a long time, and then said without confidence: "I think so! We agreed that we will write letters to each other then. I will review it for a year and try to go to the lighthouse next year."

Li Ye had to admire how the love in the [-]s was so persistent and single-minded.

Seeing Li Dayong's appearance, Li Ye also understood why he was unwilling to be Hao Cuicui's godfather.

At this moment, he may not dare to go against Lin Qiuyan. He is afraid that he may just make a small "mistake" and break this first love.

How could he know that there is no one who does not make mistakes in his life?

If Lin Qiuyan wanted to find fault with him, the wrong color of his underwear would be an unforgivable sin.

Li Ye put his arm around Li Dayong's shoulders and said as he walked: "Dayong, give each other a year.
  As long as you and Lin Qiuyan can keep in touch for a year, no matter whether you can pass the TOEFL or not, my brother will help you go to the lighthouse so that you can finally get married. "

Li Dayong broke free from Li Ye's arm and looked at Li Ye in shock: "Brother, do you have a way for me to go to the lighthouse?"

Li Ye did not guarantee it, but said ambiguously: "Believe me, just wait for one year."

Li Dayong was doubtful. He couldn't be sure whether Li Ye was comforting him or whether he was really sure to get him to study abroad in Lighthouse. After all, there are currently many people vying for a place to study abroad, unless they use Teacher Ke's help. relation.

But based on Li Dayong's understanding of Li Ye, he probably wouldn't use such a back door.

But considering Li Ye's "record" in the past year, it doesn't seem impossible.

At first, Li Dayong was still working hard to get into a technical secondary school, but Li Ye said, "As long as you follow me, everyone can get into a bachelor's degree."

Then, all eight people in the small group were admitted to the undergraduate program, and they were all from the capital.

Li Ye used one of his bicycles to "join" the business, and in just two years, he had a net worth of hundreds of thousands.

Since the three days of high fever that year, Li Ye, the "eldest brother" who is only a few months older than him, seems to have become omnipotent due to the dream of Old Huai.

"Brother, I believe you. If she changes her heart within a year, I will be blind."

"Okay, this is my good brother."

Li Ye really didn't just comfort Li Dayong.

Luo Runbo just had a phone call with Li Ye a few days ago, telling Li Ye that his income from Hang Seng futures has reached nearly eight figures, and asked Li Ye whether to adjust financial leverage.

Luo Runbo was excited and worried at the same time, because he had been in the industry for many years and had seen many situations in which he gave up on good things and ended up with nothing. Now he reminded Li Ye that it was also the professional ethics of a trader.

And now there are still one or two hundred points away from the expected target of [-] points. It is estimated that Li Ye's profit will be doubled by five, six, seven or eight times.

By that time, it won't be easy to get Li Dayong to the lighthouse?
  But Li Ye felt that his kindness might not be put to good use.

(End of this chapter)

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