That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 215 Teacher Ke was also young once

Chapter 215 Teacher Ke was also young once
Li Ye's suggestion of "open debate" was finally adopted to a limited extent by the Department of Economics with the support of Professor Zhang.
Then, Peking University students were exposed to the new thing "debate competition" three years in advance.

And Li Ye's name finally began to spread in Beijing University.

"There is a widely circulated proverb in the West - there is no free lunch in the world, so I would like to remind the opponents that blindly introducing and developing low-end manufacturing for the needs of the West will inevitably increase the risk of manipulation of mainland industries."

"I oppose Zheng Fang's opinion. The introduction and development of any industry is not blind. The country is already selectively introducing needed industrial capital, especially advanced industrial technology. This is a positive behavior that has more benefits than disadvantages."

"The opposing views are not valid. Capital is not a philanthropist. They will only give you what they need, not what we need. They always protect their own interests. Many of the technologies we introduced were from ten years or more ago. Technology, here’s the proof.”

"We have the world's largest untapped consumer market, a complete light and heavy industrial base, and already have bargaining chips. Everything depends on manpower."

On Saturday afternoon, in a large classroom of Peking University, the "Beijing University's First Economic Debate Competition", which was very simple in all aspects, was in full swing.

As a member of the "opposition" team, Li Ye, together with several senior students from the 80s and 81s, launched a heated debate with four "positive" students.

There were actually hundreds of students watching around, and even the aisles were packed. There were even students from other schools who came over after hearing the news.

Everyone was full of novelty about this unprecedented debate mode.

Debate competition actually originated in Great Britain and later became popular in the Chinese-speaking circle.

Without Li Ye, Peking University’s first exposure to debate competition would have been in 1986.

That year, the Lion City Broadcasting Bureau, located at the throat of the Strait of Malacca, hosted the first Asian College Debate, and then sent invitations to the mainland by inviting universities from institutions.

At that time, it was the Peking University team that had never been exposed to this kind of debate mode. They traveled thousands of miles and won the final crown.

Then TV One broadcast the event twice nationwide without any prior notice, causing a strong sensation across the country, especially in colleges and universities.

Ruled debate is one of the hallmarks of modern society.

The mainland's reform and opening up has just begun, and everyone is exploring. In addition to economic exploration, other areas are also being explored. If young people want to explore, how should they use it?

Arguments are the most common way. Many students who usually have good relationships often become estranged because of an argument.

This shortcoming can be solved by using the debate competition as a formal tool for ideological collision among students.

This interactive and equal form of public discussion and debate, which emphasizes mutual respect and convincing people with reason, will best reflect the principle of "treating the issue rather than the person" to the greatest extent.
The debate was fierce, but after the debate, everyone was still friendly.

And in this more formal occasion, with so many people watching and recording for you, you can’t stop labeling others, right?

Just like Song Ziyuan, if he says the words "damn" to Li Ye again like he did last time, everyone will remember him and it will become a black history that he can never erase.

At the end of the debate, Li Ye stood up and said: "Once upon a time, our silk, porcelain, and cotton cloth sold well all over the world, letting everyone know about the powerful, civilized, and fertile land of the East.

So why can’t our generation achieve the same brilliance?You must know that it has been less than 200 years since our land lost its status as the world’s largest economy.”

There was silence in the large classroom. Li Ye looked at everyone and said firmly: "I think that as long as we work hard enough, we can build a strong manufacturing country.

We can make this land the center of the world again, just like our ancestors did. "


"Clap clap clap ~"

After a few seconds of silence in the large classroom, warm applause erupted.

There may be many people who disagree with Li Ye's views, but looking at it, which student does not have a heart for a strong motherland in his chest?
But in the 80s, no one thought about what flower growers would look like 40 years from now, so who would dare to shout the slogan "World Center"?

This is not like launching satellites in previous years.

But Li Ye shouted out, and he shouted confidently and firmly.

This aroused strong resonance among all the young people present. This generation of college students all consciously shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing flower planting. So wouldn't it be good to set a "world center" goal in their hearts?

"Classmate Li Ye, although your remarks are very irrational, I don't want to object because I am willing to accept this dream."

As the debater for the positive side, Yang Chen also had some "festivities" with Li Ye, but now he also came over and shook hands with Li Ye again.

"If people don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish?" Li Ye shook hands and said with a smile: "What we have to do is to turn dreams into reality."

Yang Chen shook hands vigorously: "Let's encourage each other."

Li Ye nodded: "Let's encourage each other for the great revival."

"Revival of flower planting!"

People around him were affected and began to discuss the topic of "reviving flower planting".

Li Huaisheng and Yang Yumin, who had been standing by for a long time, came over and took Li Ye's arm and left.

"Let's go, let's not get drunk today. What you just said is more enjoyable than Shan Tianfang's storytelling. You have to tell everyone enough tonight."

"I'm not a storyteller, that's what you said."

Just as Li Ye was about to laugh and curse with Li Huaisheng, Wen Leyu walked over from the front row of the classroom and winked at Li Ye with a smile.

Li Ye said to Li Huaisheng: "I have something to do first, and I'll talk about it later."

Li Huaisheng immediately said: "You go, you go, business is important."

After Li Ye followed Wen Leyu out, Li Huaisheng said to Yang Yumin: "No matter how heroic he is, he can't resist the smile of a beautiful woman. Alas, our little brother is very fond of that girl."

Yang Yumin tilted his mouth and said quietly: "Don't say sarcastic words, as if you don't envy me."

"Ha~, each other, let's not talk about each other."

. . . . . .

Wen Leyu called Li Ye out and asked him to go home with him for dinner.

Li Ye asked, "Is it just about eating? Or is there something else? You have to tell me everything so that I can be prepared."

Wen Leyu glanced at Li Ye sideways and said with a smile: "What preparations are needed for this? Could it be that my parents also ate you?"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Li Ye leaned into Wen Leyu's ear and said, "What if they want to recruit a son-in-law? Do you think I have to be more reserved? Take a closer look at whether their daughter is ugly or handsome. ?”


Wen Leyu originally came to see Li Ye come over and moved his little head to Li Ye's mouth thoughtfully, but unexpectedly he heard such words.She was stunned for a second, her face turned slightly red, but she was not shy. Instead, she turned her head and put her face in front of Li Ye.

"Come, take a hard look, are you satisfied or not?"


Wen Leyu's bold reaction made Li Ye unable to stop him.

His relationship with Wen Leyu has continued to heat up these days, and the layer of window paper has become translucent after rubbing. Wen Leyu has always been on the reserved and passive side.

Who would have thought that Wen Leyu, who had always been cold and gentle, would suddenly turn into a bold general today?

"Actually, I'm not satisfied, Xiaoyu, you know best,"

Li Ye held Wen Leyu's hand and said softly: "The most satisfying thing in my life is that I met you, the girl who suits my heart the most. You are willing to hold my hand and walk with me together." four Seasons."

Wen Leyu, who had squinted his eyes and had a sullen face, couldn't hold back any longer.

She and Li Ye have been in contact for a long time, and their feelings for each other have become clear. If she is dissatisfied at all, she has long felt it.

"If you keep being glib, do you believe I will tell my mother?"

"Yeah, yeah, help me hide it~"

"Hmph, hurry up and leave. We have to cook when we get home! I want to eat pickled fish."

"Ah? Are you calling me to eat or to cook?"

"I'll do it! I didn't ask you to do it. My mother asked me to learn to cook from now on!"


The two of them chatted and walked away, but they didn't notice that there were several sets of eyes staring at their backs.

. . . . . .

Wen Leyu's pickled fish was not very successful, but everyone at the table was very generous and ate it up, shouting that it was delicious.

This made Wen Leyu very happy. Of course she knew her cooking skills and she also knew that her cooking was not very good.
But I worked so hard and even killed a big live fish, so I should give you some praise no matter what, right?
If anyone dares to dislike me, I won’t do it next time.


Wen Qingsheng opened a bottle of drink and placed it in front of Li Ye.

"You know this thing, right?"

Li Ye nodded and said: "Coca-Cola, the best-selling carbonated drink in the world, is three times more expensive than Arctic Ocean. I have conducted research on Hong Kong Island and found that its market share exceeds 80.00%."

Wen Qingsheng was a little surprised by Li Ye's answer, but he still said solemnly: "Then do you know how difficult it is for it to enter our mainland?"

Li Ye knew because Coca-Cola was the first foreign-funded company to enter the mainland after 78.

From the time Coca-Cola decided to return to the mainland in 78 until it cooperated with COFCO to start production in 81, it went through three years of twists and turns.

Seeing Li Ye's silence, Wen Qingsheng thought he didn't know, so he explained: "Coca-Cola wanted to enter the mainland and talked with us for three years. At first they wanted to set up a factory in Shanghai, and then they chose us, COFCO.
Coca-Cola has been sold in Beijing since the year before last, but the effect is not ideal. They even have to promote it by offering a balloon for free if you buy a bottle. Up to now, they are not allowed to advertise on the First Television Station. "

Li Ye listened quietly. He knew that Wen Qingsheng was telling him that the introduction of foreign capital was very cautious. Even a large company like Coca-Cola would have to negotiate for several years.

So I don’t know how outrageous the concept of “accepting industrial transfer” revealed by Li Ye in that article is.

The mainland does not exclude advanced technology from overseas. In 78 alone, it introduced 22 large-scale advanced technology projects, but the control was extremely strict.

To truly relax the entry conditions for foreign investment, we will have to wait until the promulgation of the "Regulations on Encouraging Foreign Investment" in 1986 to encourage export-oriented and advanced technology-based enterprises to invest in the mainland.

More than ten years later, almost every city has one or more joint venture clothing companies, and Pengcheng has seen an influx of countless foreign-funded companies.

And those large and small companies that engage in foreign trade on Hong Kong Island also rely on the food in the mainland to fill their stomachs with fat and live in extravagant luxury.

It can be said that the road of "exchanging shirts for planes" has fattened many vampires and finally succeeded in counterattacking, and it is also unknown how much sweat, blood and tears have been spent during this period.

So when flower growers no longer need these middlemen, they are still complaining about why "their money" was taken away.

More than 70.00% of the trading companies on Hong Kong Island later closed down, but they still felt innocent.

Living is already a "gift", but they take wealth and honor for granted.

But it is still 83. Let alone the grand situation in a few decades, even Wen Qingsheng cannot see clearly what the situation will be like in three years.
He could only tell Li Ye that some roads were difficult and dangerous, not to mention that they might be a dead end, which was very unrealistic.

Li Ye pondered for a moment and then said: "Actually, the article I published was just some personal opinions and reflections, put out for everyone to study and discuss. I didn't expect some subsequent impacts."

Wen Qingsheng looked at Li Ye in surprise and asked, "Didn't your article have Zhang Qiyan's inspiration or influence?"

Zhang Qiyan is Professor Zhang, and obviously Teacher Ke already knows that Professor Zhang "appreciates" Li Ye.

Li Ye said decisively: "No, I wrote that article after I came back from Hong Kong Island and gave it to Professor Zhang to read, but he didn't change a word."

Wen Qingsheng looked at Teacher Ke, who said calmly: "It's good that you can learn from Zhang Qiyan, but in the future, try to discuss issues within the school, and don't be too casual when publishing articles."

Li Ye nodded in agreement. Teacher Ke's conservativeness was also a kind of protection for him.

Wen Leyu helped: "Li Ye originally wanted to discuss it within the school. He also suggested that the school launch an internal debate competition, which is very interesting."

Teacher Ke: "Debate competition?"

"Look, mom, you don't know either, right?" Wen Leyu explained in detail: "It means everyone openly debates a certain point of view, divided into pros and cons."

Wen Leyu said a lot in one breath, especially Li Ye's last "center of the world" remarks.

Then, Li Ye saw the surprised looks in the eyes of Wen Qingsheng and Teacher Ke.

After a while, Wen Qingsheng started drinking with Li Ye, and then Wen Guohua intervened again, and the old two-on-one drama began.

When Li Ye left, Teacher Ke sent him to the door and said softly: "Whatever you want to do, just do it! Young people have passion and dreams. After all, it is not a bad thing. Who can do anything to you?" Woolen cloth?"

Li Ye looked at Teacher Ke in surprise. This was not like her style.

But after Li Ye and Teacher Ke looked at each other for a few seconds, he suddenly understood, who has not lived a youthful and passionate life?When Teacher Ke was young, he might have been braver than Li Ye!
(End of this chapter)

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