That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 213 Li Ye, did you write this article?

Chapter 213 Li Ye, did you write this article?
"Brother, brother, what do you think of the sketch script I revised? The teacher asked me to participate in the May Day art performance, but you didn't write a script, which made me worried to death."

After class in the Economics Department, Sun Xianxian pushed a thick notebook to Li Ye, expecting Li Ye to give him some corrections.

Because "Sea Cucumber Fried Noodles" received unanimous praise at the New Year's Day party a few months ago, Sun Xianxian seemed to have suddenly opened up the Rendu line and fell in love with the creation of this kind of comedy show.

In his thick notebook, he recorded sketch scripts one after another. Whenever he completed one, he would ask Li Ye to share his evaluation.

Li Ye believes that Sun Xianxian is still a bit clever. Although he is limited by the vision of the times, he can at least design some laughs, reflect some social issues, and occasionally appear in brilliant works, which are quite novel.

Of course, Sun Xianxian also had selfish motives, because he had successfully roped Bian Jingjing into the comedy sketch group, and the two could often rehearse together.

"Yours is better than the one a few days ago. If you can mix it up, it might be even better."

Li Ye pulled out the pen and was about to mark out a paragraph on Sun Xianjin's notebook and discuss the optimization plan with him, but at this moment, four or five people suddenly came in at the door of the classroom. One of them, wearing a military green coat, shouted as he entered.

"Who is Li Ye?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the door in surprise.

Because from the tone of this man's tone, it was obvious that he was here to cause trouble.

Li Ye capped the pen in his hand and looked at the people at the door coldly. Judging from their age, behavior, and aura, they should be senior students of Peking University.

Li Ye didn't answer, and the others naturally didn't speak either. Squad leader Zhen Rongrong was about to stand up and ask questions, but was pulled back by Chen Xiaoling.

Seeing that everyone was silent, a man in a jacket came out of the crowd and asked again, but this time his tone was much more restrained.

"Excuse me, who is Li Ye?"


Li Ye answered softly, not impatiently, and didn't even move his buttocks while sitting on the stool.

It is true that senior classmates are not easy to offend, because their futures are unlimited, but there are tens of thousands of people in Beijing University, and it is impossible for Li Ye to be a good brother to everyone.

Just like what the comedian said later - there are so many people who don't like me, who do you think they are?

"You are Li Ye?"

The first student in a military green coat to speak looked at Li Ye, walked over, and placed a copy of "Modern Economic Discussion" in front of Li Ye.

Then he opened one of the pages, pointed to the title of an article, and said in a rude tone: "Did you write this article "The Mutual Need for Industrial Transfer and Acceptance"?"

Li Ye glanced at the article in the magazine and probably had a guess in his mind.

Then he raised his head and looked at the other party coldly, and asked with the same bad words: "Who are you? Which department are you from?"


The man in the Chinese tunic suit was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Li Ye's attitude would be worse than his, but just as he was about to have a fit, the man in the jacket from behind had already walked over.

"Hello, we are from the 80s Department of Mathematics. I just saw an article written by Li Ye today. I have some different opinions and want to discuss it with him."

After hearing that this man spoke kindly, Li Ye stood up, nodded and admitted, "I am Li Ye, and I wrote this article."

As soon as Li Ye finished speaking, there was an exclamation in the classroom.

"What are they talking about? Li Ye actually published a paper in a magazine? Why is there no news at all?"

"I don't know! This little brother is mysterious and does unexpected things at every turn. Isn't it unusual for him to publish papers?"

"I don't know if it's strange or not, but it seems that the article he published is quite controversial. Otherwise, why would people with level 80 come here to discuss it with him?"

"It's an argument. We've been watching their senior students bicker and quarrel all day long, but we didn't expect that it would be our turn today."

"Why do people from the mathematics department come to discuss economic issues? We have to help Li Ye, right?"

"That's for sure. Let's go over and help!"

Li Ye's classmates all huffed and cheered, surrounding Li Ye and several senior classmates in the center.

Zhen Rongrong also came forward and said: "Several students, our class is in favor of all forms of academic discussions, but please control your emotions and have a friendly discussion, okay?"

"of course can."

Jacket stretched out his hand to Li Ye, shook hands and said, "I am Yang Chen, and he is Song Ziyuan. We are both members of Xiaocaodang Ziqiang Literary Club, and we usually like to discuss some current affairs issues."

The man in the military green coat glanced at his companion, without any intention of shaking hands, and said directly: "I have strong disagreements with your article "Mutual Needs for Industrial Transfer and Acceptance"."

"In this article, you vigorously advocated the benefits of accepting backward industries in the Western world, and described the West's blood-sucking exploitation of us as the mutual needs of both parties."

"We introduce industries that Westerners don't want to engage in, and then export goods to the West at low costs. Do you understand how this low cost comes about?"

Song Ziyuan raised his voice and said with deep disgust: "This is our self-exploitation. By squeezing our compatriots, we achieve the purpose of flattering the stinky feet of Westerners. Damn it!"


"Who do you say deserves to die? Who do you say deserves to die?"

Sun Xianxian was the first to refuse. He pushed his small head directly in front of Song Ziyuan and started to roll up his sleeves angrily.

The temper of Heilongjiang people is not ordinary.

Monitor Zhen Rongrong was also very displeased and said: "How are you talking? Let's discuss issues. Why do you want to attack them personally? If you do this again, I will ask you to leave."

"Why did we attack you personally? Do you know what this classmate Li Ye said in the article?"

Song Ziyuan picked up the magazine without giving in, pointed at it and said: "Look at this article. Developing countries accept industrial transfers from developed countries, which is the only way to become rich and powerful. How to accept it?"

"Tell me how to accept it?" Song Ziyuan looked at Li Ye and asked directly: "Is it a joint venture? Or should it be wholly foreign-owned?
I think you are not introducing industry, you are introducing dangerous doctrine, and you are pushing our brothers and sisters into the abyss of oppression. "The surroundings were silent for a few seconds, but then there was a "boom" and it became noisy.

"How can you put such a label on me? Li Ye just expressed his views on the economy. You are going too far."

"Now we are in contact with foreign investors, and the Canton Fair is held every year. What's wrong with Li Ye's views? You don't understand it at all, but you come to accuse a student."

Yang Chen, who was wearing a jacket, stood up and said in a deep voice: "Don't get excited, everyone, we are just here to discuss the issue.

The views stated by Li Ye in this article are very different from our current strategy. We believe that he has the intention to tie our industry to the Western economy.
If this intention succeeds, we are likely to be severely exploited by the Western world. We may have to export tens of thousands of pieces of clothing in order to exchange for a car.
This is the second one. What if we develop light industry, but the West puts forward various difficult conditions and suddenly no longer wants our products?Should we just let them exploit us? "

"And being published in a national journal like this, the impact is huge."


Zhen Rongrong and others stopped talking because although they did not understand what Yang Chen and Song Ziyuan meant, the word "exploitation" was too sensitive.

Everyone looked at Li Ye, especially Song Ziyuan, whose eyes were glaring as if they wanted to pull the tail out of Li Ye's back.

Li Ye was not in a hurry to refute Song Ziyuan and Yang Chen, he just confronted them with selfless and fearless eyes.

After 20 seconds, everyone's depression reached the extreme, but Song Ziyuan's confident momentum began to become restless and scattered.

Li Ye's emotions, expressions, and eyes were all too calm. He didn't have the embarrassment of having his shortcomings exposed at all, as if nothing had happened.

Finally, Li Ye said: "The premise for me to write this article is that we flower growers will join the big circle of world trade.

If you join in, then the industry bundling caused by the market economy is inevitable. "


Everyone looked at each other in shock, because Li Ye's words seemed to mean that since it is on the table of world trade, "exploitation" will be everywhere.

To say such a thing in 83 was not an ordinary boldness.

Just over a year ago, at the graduation ceremony of the 77 Economics Department, a Peking University teacher said that individual students express anti-Marxist views, and cultivating such people is simply cultivating the gravediggers of the proletariat.

In the midst of a wave of criticism of "bourgeois liberalization", an old man from the Department of Economics of Beijing University published "Research on Modern Western Economics and my country's Socialist Economic Modernization" in the "Journal of Beijing University", followed by "First Daily" It was republished in half a page, which aroused strong social response, and Western economics had a legitimate living space in the mainland.

So it is conceivable that in the current environment, the attitude towards Western capital is not uniform.

There are actually many aspiring young people like Song Ziyuan. Li Ye has met many students from Peking University in the past year, and it is normal for him to blush and get thick-necked over a point of view.

They actually love this country more than most people, but what they think is that although I am poor, we do not pick up rags, let alone wait for your ass.

But Li Ye is very aware of the fact that only those who pay will be rewarded, and he is afraid that you will not even be worth being exploited.

Latecomers, in the process of catching up, do not know how much inequality they have to endure and how many tears they have to endure before they can succeed.

When 40 years later, after a long period of patience, the flower growers attracted the attention of the world again,
Looking back at the road we have traveled, we can see that we have used each shirt, each button, each toy, and each drop of sweat of our brothers and sisters to fill out a bright road in the thorny mountains step by step.

It can be said that Li Ye is the only person in this era who can see the light through the fog, and he is also the staunchest supporter of the market economy.

Song Ziyuan's eyes widened, he looked at Li Ye and asked in a deep voice: "Do you really think that we need to be exploited in order to develop?"

"You misunderstood it. It's a trade tie."

Li Ye shook his head and said: "But it is still unclear who is binding whom. We need the world, and the world also needs us.
They can blackmail us with orders, and we can also blackmail them with production capacity. "

"This is impossible," Song Ziyuan suddenly waved his hand and said: "People are buyers. If they don't buy yours, they can buy other people's. When the time comes, we have spent a lot of money to build excess low-end industries, and we will definitely be controlled by others."

Buy someone else’s?

Li Ye smiled slightly and did not explain any more.

No one in 83 would have thought that a few decades later, flower growers would almost squeeze out all the daily necessities manufacturers around the world. You just don't buy mine and buy South Vietnamese monkeys. In fact, the source is still made in China.

The powerful manufacturing industry developed by flower farmers for decades has made the whole world tremble.

"why are you laughing?"

Song Ziyuan looked at Li Ye's smile, and the more he looked at it, the more angry he became, because Li Ye's contemptuous eyes made people feel like a college student laughing at a primary school student for not knowing calculus.

Li Ye was not ready to argue with Song Ziyuan and the others, so he said directly: "I admire your concerns about this country, but you are not from the economics department, so you should not make any hasty judgments on some professional economic issues. Good discussion."

"What do you mean by that?"

Now even Yang Chen was not happy. No matter which major they majored in, nowadays college students generally have the idea of ​​"serving the country and the people". Li Ye denied their qualifications to participate in the discussion on the grounds of different majors. This was too much.

But Li Ye said: "You are from the Department of Mathematics, so I would like to ask you a mathematics question. Who do you think this year's Nobel Prize in Mathematics will be awarded to?"


Zhen Rongrong, Sun Xianxian and others were a little confused and didn't understand why Li Ye suddenly asked this question.

Some students are even asking each other, who are the nominees for this year’s Nobel Prize in Mathematics?

But Song Ziyuan laughed loudly and said: "Hahahaha, there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics at all. You don't even know this, why are you asking this question? It really made me laugh to death."

But Yang Chen's mind was spinning and he felt something was wrong.

But at this time, Li Ye had already spread his hands and said helplessly: "Look, I don't even know that there is no Nobel Prize in mathematics, but I want to discuss mathematics problems with you.

So if you don't even have basic economic knowledge, why do you think you can evaluate my economic views? "

Song Ziyuan's laughter stopped suddenly, and he looked at Li Ye with a complex expression. He was very angry, but he couldn't express his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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