That year the flowers bloomed 1981

Chapter 108 Chapter 108 Jiang Xiaoyan: This is the life I want!

Chapter 108 Chapter 1 Jiang Xiaoyan: This is the life I want! ([-] words for votes)

After Li Ye returned home, he immediately wanted to read the letter from Wen Leyu.

This move made Grandma Li, who was up half the night waiting for her grandson, laugh and scold him harshly.

When I opened Wen Leyu's letter, the first thing I saw was a photo attached to the letter.

The background is Tiananmen, which everyone on earth knows, and the girl in the photo actually makes Li Ye feel like he is in a dream.

【She has become beautiful. 】

Although Li Ye had long been sure that Wen Leyu was beautiful, he was able to see through all external cover-ups based on his years of experience as an experienced driver, and his discerning eye was unique in discovering beauty in the wild.

Li Dayong and Hu Man, who are accustomed to the "big beauty Zhang Yu" view, may still think that Wen Leyu is not as beautiful as Lu Jingyao.

But now Wen Leyu in the photo can make everyone's eyes light up and call her a beauty.

Wen Leyu's clothes and shoes have been changed. The items in the Jingcheng Friendship Store are more fashionable than those in Zhongying Street.

She even changed her hairstyle, and her faint smile coupled with her vaguely elegant temperament made her look as stunning as a phoenix.

[How can I, Li Ye, be so virtuous? I, Li Ye, am the only one in the world, and I am indeed a good match for a beautiful woman. 】

In Wen Leyu's letter to Li Ye, there was nothing out of the ordinary about "missing", it was all ordinary things.

【are you OK?I am very good, my mother, my father, my brother. I have a bicycle that can take you to see Houhai.】

"My sister wants to take me to see Houhai!"

Li Ye shook his head and smiled, lowered his head and started writing the telegram.

It's been a few days since Xiao Nizi's letter arrived, and I don't know how many times her bicycle has been wiped. It's too slow to write a letter, so I'd better write a telegram to express my heartfelt feelings!
The words written by Li Ye are also very ordinary, but if you taste them carefully, you can understand a clear meaning - I am also very good, but I miss you very much.

At the end of the telegram, Li Ye thought about it several times and finally wrote a slightly outrageous sentence.

[I bought two pairs of shoes, one pair is 42 and the other is 37. 】

Li Ye didn't remember what time he fell asleep, but in his dream, he was really sitting on the back of a bicycle.
Smelling the body fragrance coming from the front, listening to a girl's breathing, wandering happily in the streets and alleys of the capital.

. . . . . .

Li Zhongfa really loved his grandson, and Li Ye was still in bed catching up on his sleep the next day!I heard a car horn honking at the door.

Grandma Li Wu Juying came over and called Li Ye: "Xiaoye, the driver your grandfather found for you is here. Come out quickly and have a word with someone."

There were no driving schools at this time. If you wanted to get a driving license, you had to practice with the car in your workplace and then take the test.

Li Ye rubbed his eyes and came out to see a large Dongfeng truck parked in front of his house.

A master driver was holding a rag and bucket, washing and wiping like his own father.

Seeing Li Ye come out, the driver said proudly: "Xiaoye, how does this car look like? I'm not bragging to you, I won't even change it for a Shanghai sedan."

Li Ye knew the driver from his grandfather's workplace. His car was used when his family moved last time.
It's just that at that time it was an old Jiefang produced by FAW, not the Dongfeng 140 produced by Second Automobile Works in front of me.

Li Ye smiled and said: "Master Huo, please use this new car to practice with me, don't feel bad."

Master Huo said openly: "Don't worry about it. If it breaks down, I will teach you how to repair the car. I promise to teach you all my skills and never hide anything."

"Okay, I just have to go to the post office, so I'll get in the car first."

Li Ye went back to the house, picked up the letter he had just written last night, came out, opened the door and got in the car.

"Alas, Xiaoye, don't be impatient, let's do it step by step!"

Caught off guard, Master Huo quickly climbed onto the passenger seat and explained to Li Ye: "Listen to me, the one on the left is the clutch, the one in the middle is the brake, and the one on the right is"

"The right side is the accelerator, I know it."

Li Ye started the car and left, showing off his driving skills to Master Huo.

Um?It's a bit forced.

The Dongfeng 82 of 140 was countless times better than the old Jiefang that was running all over the streets, but compared with the cars of later generations, it was not "humane" at all.

There is no power assist in the steering wheel or clutch. The gear lever is one meter long, and the gear gap can be stretched out two miles. To change gears, you need to use both feet to clutch. If the cooperation is not good, there will be a clicking sound!
Fortunately, Li Ye drove a manual transmission for a long time in his previous life. A female driver who only knew how to drive an automatic transmission would definitely not be able to control such a behemoth.

Of course, Li Ye analyzed the problem from the perspective of future generations.

In 82, the brand new Dongfeng 140 was really awesome, and what Master Huo said was really not bragging.

Li Ye once heard from his parents that a driver who was driving a Dongfeng 140 was showing off. When he saw a Shanghai sedan behind him that was about to overtake, he "yielded the lane without giving up the speed."

I don’t know whether the Shanghai sedan’s engine was too old or the driver was cautious, but it didn’t pass after a long time.

Then, the awesome driver was sent to the repair team, and even the old Jiefang was not allowed to drive.

So this Dongfeng 140 is really the treasure in Master Huo's heart.

But Li Ye ignored it and drove the four- to five-ton big thing to the door of the county post office with a fierce maneuver.

Only then did Master Huo come back to his senses.

"Xiaoye, when did you learn to drive?"

"I've never driven a car~, I've only driven a tractor."


Li Ye entered the post office and handed the telegram to the staff.

The staff all laughed: "Tell me, Zhuangyuanlang, where did you find a pen pal? This is four to five hundred words, right? The telegraph fee is expensive."

"Well, it's okay. I just got the royalties, so I'm not short of money."

Li Ye smiled wildly and thought to himself: "For seven cents a word, who are you looking down on? A love letter worth dozens of dollars is not worth the price of a bouquet of flowers in future generations."

The telegraph operator shook his head, laughed, and sent a message to Li Ye.

I am a writer who can make money with my words. I am a romantic literati, but I still care about a few dollars in telegraph fees?
The telegram was sent out quickly. Li Ye paid and got the receipt and was about to leave. He found that today's mail truck had just arrived.

"Master, is there a letter from the capital?" Li Ye asked casually.

"Yes, the leader has repeatedly told me that these letters are more important than gold."

The master on the mail truck specially picked up a small parcel, which was all from the capital.

Li Ye refused to leave, and a circle of large front doors fell down. The post office staff opened the parcel first.

A stack of letters with "XX University in Beijing" on their headers were neatly placed in front of everyone.

"This letter is mine."

Even Li Ye, whose mental control ability is at full level, is a little excited at this moment.

"Master, please help me see if there are any notices from my classmates. I'll give them to them!"

Li Ye reported the names of his classmates.

The post office officer personally counted the envelopes, then raised his head and said in shock: "There are all of them, but you can't touch them unless they are from your school or come in person."

"Then I'll make a call."

Li Ye paid the phone deposit and called the county No. [-] Middle School.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hey, principal! I'm Li Ye."


The phone was silent for two seconds, and then erupted like a volcano.

"You still know how to call back? Have you had enough of wandering outside? Do you want me to send you two travel expenses and let you wander to the end of the world?"

Li Ye moved the phone receiver two feet away, waited for Principal Chang to spray for a minute, and then said with a smile: "I'm at the county post office now! The notification letters for the classmates have arrived, do you want to come over and take a look."

"You made a stupid phone call at the county post office, and it cost you a lot of money in less than two miles. What did you say? The admission notice has arrived?"

"There is a letter from the university. They won't let me touch it, so I can't open it either!"

"Just wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Five minutes later, several bicycles came rushing over, including not only teachers from the County No. 5 Middle School, but also two people from the County Education Committee.

Principal Chang and several school teachers didn't bother to wipe their sweat and went to read the notice from the capital.

"I passed the exam, I passed all the exams."

Principal Chang's hands were trembling. He read it several times before carefully putting the letter down, picking up the corner of his clothes and wiping the corners of his eyes.

In 82, teaching and educating people was really a hard job, and there was a high probability that after years of hard work, the results would come to nothing.

This year, County No. [-] Middle School really had a good harvest.

Li Ye said: "Principal Chang, I happen to have a car here. Could you please organize it and send the admission notices to the students, and send some warmth by the way? There is no chance to send any warmth after a few days."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why don't you leave? I'm still in a hurry to eat!"


No one dared to offend the excited bull, so Li Ye quickly climbed into the cab and occupied a seat first.

Otherwise, what arrangements will you make for the teachers at the school, the leaders of the Education Committee, and the postmen at the post office?
There are only three seats in total, and Li Ye doesn't want to eat dust inside the car.

After pushing each other around, Li Ye, Master Huo, and Principal Chang entered the cab, and the others all climbed into the Dongfeng car.

"Li Ye, do you know the homes of your classmates?"

"I know, I went there once last month."

"Then go to school first."

"What are you going to school for?"

"We can't go empty-handed! After rehearsing the play for so many days, we must sing it well."

Principal Chang was leaning on the seat of the cab, the pride on his face was simply beautiful.

. . . . . . .


The long guillotine fell together, and small handfuls of grass were instantly shattered into pieces.

Jiang Xiaoyan's mechanical hand raised and lowered the knife, turning the messy grass on the left into finely chopped feed on the right.

Younger brother Jiang Xiaoning came back from outside carrying a bundle of grass and threw it next to Jiang Xiaoyan.

Then the child, who had a look of misfortune on his face, sat slumped on the side and panted, competing with the dogs enjoying the shade under the shade of the tree.

He had never done this kind of work before. He had to go to the fields to pull weeds on a hot day, and then tied them up and carried them back. Is this the kind of work I, the only seedling in the family, should do?
Jiang Xiaoyan raised her eyelids and ignored her unlucky brother.

Ever since her college entrance examination scores were announced, Jiang Xiaoning's good days have come to an end.

In the past, when Jiang Xiaoning didn't study well, my mother would only yell at her angrily and occasionally chase her and hit him.

But Jiang Xiaoning had a reason, "No matter how good my sister is at studying, won't she still fail the exam? What's the use of going to school?"

Whenever this sentence is thrown out, the grandparents at home will protect their precious grandson and turn their backs on the losing granddaughter who spends money to study again.

But when Jiang Xiaoyan's score of 479 was revealed, Jiang Xiaoning was stunned.

Especially when the teacher at the rural middle school suddenly became popular and vowed that Jiang Xiaoyan would definitely pass the exam, Jiang Xiaoning felt that overnight, Chen Jinhua, his biological mother, had become a stepmother.

Cutting grass, fetching water, feeding pigs and sheep, all the work that Jiang Xiaoyan did in the past fell on Jiang Xiaoning.

If you want to learn, go ahead and lie to the devil!You should work harder from now on. Studying is your sister's business.

Whenever the grandparents at home said a few words, Chen Jinhua would yell back twenty sentences.

So much so that the grandparents said helplessly: "The notice hasn't come yet, are you going to rebel now?"

"If you rebel, just rebel. In the worst case, I will take Xiaoyan alone."


Ever since Chen Jinhua said these harsh words, the family's power status has completely undergone an irreversible change.

Now Jiang Xiaoyan works if she wants to, and goes out for a walk if she doesn't want to. No one dares to mess with her. Even if she complains a few words, Jiang Xiaoyan pretends not to hear.

When the mentality changes, the style also changes.

For example, today, Chen Jinhua went to the market early in the morning, but she still hasn't come back at noon, and there is no one at home to cook.

Jiang Xiaoyan was not in a hurry at all, she slowly cut the grass, and she learned how to work hard.

"Xiaoyan, why didn't you cook?"

Jiang Yougui came back. When he lifted the lid of the pot, he saw that there was nothing to eat, and his face immediately dropped.

Jiang Xiaoyan said calmly: "I don't know! I'm just doing it!"

Jiang Yougui covered his growling stomach and said anxiously: "It's already noon, and the family doesn't want to eat."

Jiang Xiaoyan said: "I didn't pay attention, why don't you ask grandma if she is hungry?"

"." A soft nail made Jiang Yougui hold his breath.

There are four living people in the house, but no one can cook. Who can you ask?

Grandma Jiang and Grandpa Jiang are both at home. Why don't you go and ask?
"Okay, okay, I'll cook, I'll cook, okay!"

Jiang Yougui started cooking angrily.

There is no justice, he can't control anyone in this family.

The only obedient biological daughter has now followed her mother's example.

Keep quiet, don't make noise, don't make noise, just give you a chance of not cooperating, what can you do?
"Oh, let me cook! I am too old to enjoy the blessings!"

Grandma Jiang opened the curtain and walked out of the house.

She is an old woman and knows that once she reaches out her hand today, she will never be able to get rid of the cooking job in the future.

Chen Jinhua is now going to the market to earn money, and her granddaughter is also going to college. The future life of the Jiang family will be very sad!
Jiang Xiaoyan curled her lips and didn't care at all about grandma's complaints.

[My grandma is busy all day long, and no one feels sorry for her. Grandma is only over 50 and is stronger than my grandma. She just wants to be taken care of. 】

[When I leave, what will I do on my own? I must establish rules for the family now. 】

"Mom, you rest, I'll cook, I'll cook,"

Jiang Yougui felt sorry for his mother and quickly said that he would cook, but then turned around and yelled at his son Jiang Xiaoning.

"Why don't you come over here to cook with me? You can't study all day long, and you can't do the work. Why don't you come over here?"

"I don't know how to cook! What does it have to do with me!" Jiang Xiaoning, who had suffered a terrible disaster, had a bitter look on his face.

"Can't you learn how to do it? Are you eating for free?"

"Ba ba ba ~"

Jiang Xiaoning is complaining with all her heart!Suddenly I heard a car horn honking outside the village.

Then, there was the sound of "cracking" firecrackers and the "dong-dong-clang-clang" sound of gongs and drums.

"I'll go out and see."

Jiang Xiaoning jumped out and ran out.

Want me to learn to cook?

Just kidding, if you learn how to do it, you won’t be able to cook every day in the future?

Do you think I'm stupid?

. . . . . .

Jiang Xiaoning ran out as fast as he could and came back even faster.

"Dad, Dad, there is a big car coming outside, and there are also village cadres, coming towards our house."

"Ah? Coming to our house?"

Jiang Yougui was stunned for a moment, and then he saw his daughter who was pretending to be deaf and dumb just now, and ran out in a hurry.

After Jiang Xiaoyan went out, she saw a group of people walking towards her home.

At the front is Principal Chang who is smiling, and several other cadres from the township.

In the middle is the school's physical education teacher and music teacher, who are playing gongs and drums with many talents.

At the back of the crowd, Hu Man and Han Xia were jumping high and high, trying hard to wave hello to Jiang Xiaoyan.

Jiang Xiaoyan couldn't move, her whole body was petrified and she couldn't move.

Although she was mentally prepared after knowing her score, when the moment actually came, she was still the fragile and soft little girl.

Principal Chang walked up to Jiang Xiaoyan and said with joy on his face: "Congratulations, classmate Jiang Xiaoyan, congratulations on being admitted to Beijing Aviation College."

"Thank you. Thank you principal, thank you."

Jiang Xiaoyan thanked the principal and leaned forward, wanting to thank the boy who should be thanked the most.

But a figure stood in front of Jiang Xiaoyan, stretched out his hand and said to her: "Congratulations to you, classmate Jiang Xiaoyan, you are the pride of our Hebin Township, and you will do more to bring glory to our hometown in the future."

The village cadres actually wanted to shake hands with Jiang Xiaoyan.

This scene was extremely envious in the eyes of those watching the excitement around.

"Oh, the Jiang family is about to ascend to heaven! Even the cadres from the township are coming!"

"I didn't expect that a girl who lost money could be so capable."

"Keep your voice down, let Chen Jinhua know that you said her daughter is a loser, and you didn't even smash the door of your house."


The postman handed the precious envelope to Jiang Xiaoyan.

"Daughter, please open it and take a look!"

Jiang Xiaoyan wiped her eyes, opened the envelope, and saw the handwriting and official seal clearly.

It wasn't until this moment that she felt completely at ease.

"Teacher Hu, please copy it!"


A piece of big red paper was posted directly on the door of Jiang's house. Teacher Hu, who had the best calligraphy in the school, copied Jiang Xiaoyan's admission notice and copied out a piece of good news.

"What is this writing?"

"I can't recognize it completely, but I saw the word "Jingcheng". The Jiang family girl must have been admitted to a university in Beijing!"

"Oh my God, Xiaoyan is going to the capital! Wouldn't it be possible to see XXX?"

"You're really good, you're really ambitious. Let's see which girl from all over the country can go to the capital city."

There were more and more villagers and neighbors, and the gate of Jiang's house was so swamped that Chen Jinhua, who was returning from the market, struggled to squeeze in to the door of her house.

"Daughter, why are you crying?"

"Mom, I passed the exam, I passed the exam!"

"I know you passed the exam, but why are you crying?"

Although Chen Jinhua questioned her daughter sternly, she didn't even notice it. She cried harder than anyone else.

Why are you two crying?In fact, the two of them knew better than anyone else that they just didn't want the strong exterior they had built over the years to be ruthlessly broken by tears.


Jiang Xiaoyan felt aggrieved for a long time before saying, "I haven't cooked yet!"


"Cooking is easy, we know it, and we help you cook."

"That's it, Xiaoyan's mother, hurry up and cook to entertain the teachers! If it weren't for these teachers and leaders, would your Xiaoyan be able to get into college?"

A group of old women rushed into Lao Jiang's house, pushing aside the stunned Jiang Yougui, and quickly boiled water and made noodles. However, there was no food at home, so it seemed that they could only make noodles.

"None of them are useful," Chen Jinhua cursed at her husband and commanded: "Third Aunt, I will lend you two chickens first. I will buy them back to you at the market the day after tomorrow."

"Fourth Uncle, do you still have some leeks at home? Cut me two stubbles."

"Xiaoyan, hurry up and go to the countryside to buy wine, both white and beer."

Chen Jinhua made arrangements three times, five by two, and then borrowed tables and benches to settle down Principal Chang and others.

Jiang Xiaoyan accepted the money from her mother and smiled apologetically with Li Ye, Hu Man and others before running to the supply and marketing cooperative in the countryside.

She really wanted to say thank you to Li Ye now, but there were so many guests at home, and she had to be busy entertaining them.

But as soon as Jiang Xiaoyan ran to the entrance of the village, she saw a group of children milling around Li Ye's Dongfeng 140.

Among them is Jiang Xiaoning.

Jiang Xiaoyan's heart moved, she ran over in a few steps, and kicked her brother Jiang Xiaoning on the waist.

"Wocao, who are you? If you dare to hit me, are you going to heaven?"

Jiang Xiaoning, who was kicked off her horse, became anxious and got up and roared at her sister.

Jiang Xiaoyan glared and said fiercely: "The family is too busy to cook. You are playing here. Go and buy wine at the rural supply and marketing cooperative, including white beer."

Jiang Xiaoning's neck felt stiff. He had never suffered like this since he was a child.

But before he could curse, Jiang Xiaoyan said even more arrogantly than him: "Are you going? Do you dare not go?"


The two armies faced each other and the brave one won. Half a minute later, Jiang Xiaoning, who had been domineering in the Jiang family for more than ten years, finally succumbed to the majesty of her sister Jiang Xiaoyan.

"Just go, there are still a few cents left after buying it! You would be a fool not to go."

Jiang Xiaoyan looked at her younger brother who lowered his head and walked away, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

【This is the life I want!What life I lived before. 】

. . . . . .

Principal Chang and the others did not come here to eat for free. There was food loaded from the school on the Dongfeng car.

These days, no matter how old an official is, he will be subsidized with food stamps and grain when he comes to eat.

However, in a hurry, a meal is definitely not a sumptuous meal, but can only be regarded as full of sincerity.

Chen Jinhua said ashamedly: "I'm really sorry to all the teachers and leaders. My family is so poor and I've made everyone laugh."

"Hey, people are poor but ambitious. Who dares to laugh at you?"

Several cadres from the township met for a while and said: "Jiang Xiaoyan is the first child in our Binhe Township to pass the imperial examination. We cannot let the child suffer. The township will provide a 100 yuan reward to strengthen the child's reputation."

"Hey, our village is small, so we can't compare with the countryside, but we can still get 50 yuan. Sister Jiang, don't worry, no matter how difficult it is for us, we can't let our children suffer with money."

In a few minutes, the township and village had settled for 150 yuan, but the old man from the Jiang family was dumbfounded.

"You haven't even gone to school yet, and you already have money?"

A half-drunk old man next to him smiled and said: "Brother Jiang, do you know that Fan Jin won the exam?"


"Hey, you don't know, but your granddaughter passed the Jinshi exam!"

Old Man Jiang understood.

My granddaughter is in Beijing to take the exam. She is in high school!

His mind suddenly became more alive, and he started to think while looking at the village leader at the wine table.

When a township leader asked the Jiang family again what difficulties they had, Old Man Jiang finally seized the opportunity.

"Ahem, if we talk about the difficulties at home, there is indeed another one. My grandson is 18 this year. He graduated from junior high school and did well in his studies. He originally wanted to work as an electrician in a flour mill in his hometown."

Several township cadres were always embarrassed, but with so many people guarding them, they could only say generously: "Uncle Jiang, don't worry, I can't make the decision to be an electrician, but I will personally arrange it for you to become a worker in a flour mill."

"Oh, thank you, leader. I will kowtow to you, old man."

There was a lot of pushing and shoving at the banquet, and the atmosphere was very good.

But an unexpected voice suddenly rang.

"I don't want to be a worker, I want to go to school."


Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaoning, who looked stubborn.

Jiang Yougui gasped as soon as he stepped out of his shoes.

"What nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight? Your sleep has disturbed you."

"I just want to go to school, and I also want to get into college!"

"I am grass."

Chen Jinhua also moved her hands, twisted Jiang Xiaoning's ears and pulled them out.

However, the cries of injustice more than Dou E's, soared into the sky for a long time.

"I just want to go to school, and I also want to go to college. Uh-huh, wow, wow, I want to go to college. You have to believe me."

 I barely passed [-] words today. Regardless of the quality, I hope everyone will support Lao Feng for his diligence. If you have a vote, give it a vote. If you don’t have a vote, thank you for subscribing. Thank you very much! ! ! !

  Thank you to the book friend "Passionate Utopia" for the 1000-coin reward, thank you to the book friend "Bank House Mortgage Credit T" for the reward, thank you to the book friend "Chasing to Happiness 123456" for the 500-coin reward, thank you to the book friend 20170403123453626 for the reward, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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