Go back to the prosperous days and become a layman

Chapter 310 Chapter 309 Sweet and Sour

Chapter 310 Chapter 309 Sweet and Sour
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Zhitong finished tidying up the yard.

Fengzhen and Fengzhi were not idle either, helping to gather the picked cucumbers, loofahs, winter melons, pumpkins, kidney beans, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, etc. and move them into the house.

As for the vines, melon vines, etc., and the dismantled bamboos, they were all piled aside. The bamboos had to be saved for next year, and the melon vines, etc. were used to feed the chickens in the past few days.

Tang Zhitong sat on the steps, lit a cigarette, looked at the empty yard, and thought about what to eat tonight.

Tang Zhitong participated in the training and had not cooked at home for several days. Just now, the two sisters unanimously requested that their brother cook tonight's dishes.

Tang Zhitong readily agreed. He had eaten four dishes and one soup for several days. His family would definitely not be so extravagant. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no shortage of vegetables today, Tang Zhitong planned to make more.

Pumpkins and winter melons are all vegetables that are resistant to aging. Save them for later consumption. Eat the green vegetables that cannot be stored first.

In addition to vegetables, Tang Zhitong plans to cook some meat dishes.

After much deliberation, Tang Zhitong decided to make a shrimp to eat. This thing has a lot of space.

Just do it. Tang Zhitong came to the gate with a cigarette butt in his mouth. He took out the small wooden box from the pharmaceutical factory and put some prawns of about the same size inside. After putting the box on the back seat of his bicycle, he returned to the steps. Continue to smoke.

The shrimps are live shrimps. Put them in a box to suffocate for a while. It’s hard to explain the alive ones, but it’s much easier to explain the dead ones.

After smoking, Tang Zhitong returned to the main room to prepare food. He said he was preparing food, but in fact it was mainly about sitting and instructing the two helpers to work.

Fengzhen selects and washes vegetables, while Fengzhi becomes the garlic picker.

Zhang Guifang saw that her three children were getting along well with each other. She just smiled and let her son and two daughters work. She had no intention of interfering at all. She got up and went out to clean up the pile of debris and give the chickens a meal.

Tang Zhitong plans to make four dishes and one soup, sweet and sour prawns, cucumber scrambled eggs, cold tomatoes, steamed eggplant and loofah egg soup.

As for the prawns, Tang Zhitong plans to clean them up later. Just wash the cucumbers and tomatoes. The loofah and eggplant taste better after being peeled.

The job of peeling the loofah was left to Feng Zhen. She quickly scraped the surface of the loofah with the upper edge of the chopsticks to remove the layer of skin on the surface of the loofah.

The advantage of this operation is that it will not reduce the amount of loofah.

These days, there are no specially leathered knives. Most chefs use only one kitchen knife to get around. Even a few decades later, most chefs will only use the kitchen knife they are most comfortable with.

In those programs, there are sets of kitchen utensils, and most of the cooking skills are not very good. The reason why the guests say the food is delicious is firstly for the effect of the show, and secondly, it is because of the sophistication of the world.

Tang Zhitong did the job of peeling eggplants himself. He was worried about letting his sister peel them with a kitchen knife.

After finishing all this, Tang Zhitong sent his two younger sisters to pound garlic cloves, then got up and went to the door to get the prawns.

"What is this?" Zhang Guifang asked as she watched her son carrying another box into the house.

"Prawn, I forgot my bike just now." After being dried and simmered, the prawns in the box have stretched out their legs, and a little bit of remaining seawater seeps out from the bottom of the box, giving off a fishy smell.

"Where did it come from? This is rare." Zhang Guifang opened the box and took a look. Ordinary people in Sijiu City can eat hairtail in winter, but there are not many opportunities to see this kind of shrimp. In the early years, some people sold smoked fish. I will also sell some grilled shrimps.

"Aren't I going for training? The food standards set for the students there are high. I came back early and had three days of meal tickets. The steamed buns and shrimps were all exchanged for tickets." Tang Zhitong joked. "Oh, can you do this?" Zhang Guifang may not have doubted his presence, but maybe she didn't want to go into details and didn't hold on to him.

"Yes, I've already asked the master chef over there." Tang Zhitong asked the master chef over there. I guess the master chef over there would also have a headache after seeing this thing. Due to the conditions of freshness and transportation, it is impossible to eat prawns in summer. normal person.

Tang Zhitong knew from the information he obtained from old papers that at the grand ceremony two months later, the state banquet that Master Corn and Lao Hu from the south would have included anchovies.

For a banquet of this level, you will definitely not mess with canned anchovies, and transporting fresh fish to Sijiu City will take a lot of effort...

Tang Zhitong pulled a basin and began to handle the shrimp. He pinched the shrimp head and body and folded them slightly, so that the shrimp head detached from the body. Don't use too much force here, otherwise the shrimp line will break and have to be pinched out again.

After taking out the shrimp threads, Tang Zhitong used scissors to give the shrimp a pedicure and open its back, and then threw it in a basin for later use.

"Don't want these?" Zhang Guifang asked distressedly as she watched her son handling the shrimps.

"No, this stuff doesn't taste good." Tang Zhitong didn't like eating shrimp heads, so the shells were stuffed into his teeth.

"It's too hard for you." Zhang Guifang muttered and complained.

"Mom, you can't be blind. Don't you still have chickens? Feed the chickens to lay eggs." Tang Zhitong said cheerfully without stopping his hands.

"There are so many shrimps, why don't you send some to Jingwen's mother?" Zhang Guifang saw that she couldn't convince her son, so she stopped insisting.

"It looks like a lot, but it's actually not much. Let's wait for another time." Tang Zhitong shook his head decisively. His rhetoric was just to fool Zhang Guifang. What kind of world has the mother-in-law never seen? As long as you dare to give it away during this season, you will definitely suspect that there is something wrong inside.

"Okay, let's do it." Zhang Guifang stopped persuading. Instead, after asking Tang Zhitong what he wanted to cook, he cut the eggplant into segments, placed it on a plate, and steamed it in a pot.

Eggplant is a vegetable that likes oil, so it doesn’t like it without oil, but there is one exception, that is eggplant with garlic paste, which is delicious even without oil.

After Tang Zhitong finished processing the shrimp, he poured some white wine, sprinkled with some salt, threw in some chopped green onion and ginger slices, kneaded them evenly and set aside.

For shrimps and crabs, people at the beach like to eat them plain, without even rinsing them. In fact, shrimps and crabs are not dirty, and they do taste fresher this way.

Cucumber scrambled eggs, cold tomatoes, steamed eggplant and loofah egg soup are not difficult. What is a little more difficult is the sweet and sour prawns. The key is to cook the sweet and sour sauce.

Stir-fry the prawns and set aside. After Tang Zhitong cleans the pot, pour some oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, pour in the prepared sweet and sour sauce and start boiling.

The key to sweet and sour sauce is the ratio of sugar to vinegar. Generally speaking, half of the sugar and half of the rice vinegar is better. If you like it sweet, you can add more sugar. If you like it sour, add more rice vinegar.

Tang Zhitong doesn't like to put ketchup. He thinks it tastes a bit weird and has no soul. He always believes that this original method is the most spiritual, and rock sugar is the best among them.

Since this method requires special attention to the heat, it was gradually replaced by the simpler tomato sauce. Even if you go to a Shandong cuisine restaurant in a few decades, you may not be able to taste the old-fashioned sweet and sour sauce.

The sugar in the pot is slowly simmering, and bubbling is just the beginning. If you are not familiar with it, you can do it slowly over low heat, so that it will not become bitter. You have to simmer it until the sweet and sour sauce turns brown.

At this time, immediately put the fried shrimps into the pan and stir-fry them. The sweet and sour sauce is hung on each shrimp, and it is successfully cooked.

(End of this chapter)

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