Chapter 103: Battle for people! (Please subscribe)
Inside the Vice-Chancellor's Office.

Guan Leshan was sitting on a chair, holding Chen Gong's information in his hand.

Sitting opposite was Qin Xuehai.

"Do you have any idea?"

Qin Xuehai put the information on the table and said: "Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and provide special training models for special talents."

"I want Chen Gong to skip the university stage and directly enter clinical practice."

"Teaching work at the university level can no longer meet Chen Gong's growing knowledge needs."

"As a clinical student, sooner or later he will need to go into clinical practice."

"Chen Gong has a solid medical foundation and rich knowledge accumulation, but his clinical knowledge is no better than other disciplines. Only when he reaches the clinic can he truly play his role."

"Knowledge is for use. We cannot waste Chen Gong's talent. He is wasting his time in school, and it can even be said to be a waste of talent."

"He obviously has a rich enough knowledge system and a solid foundation. If these things cannot be put into effect as soon as possible, the greatest possibility is that they will be forgotten."

"I think Chen Gong can completely skip college-level courses and he can enter clinical practice now."

"This is my idea!"

This is the method Qin Xuehai came up with after hesitating for a few days.

He felt that Chen Gong's continued stay in school was undoubtedly a waste of his talent.

Two days ago, he even went to Ma Baoqing to talk about a series of clinical operations that Chen Gong took when Xu Tong faced dizziness outdoors that day.

Ma Baoqing's evaluation of Chen Gong is: "This is a young man who has completed his knowledge reserve and has clinical possibilities."

Therefore, Qin Xuehai made up his mind at that time. He wanted Chen Gong to skip the basic university courses.

After Guan Leshan pondered for a moment, he asked a question: "Are you sure this won't be a drag on the seedlings? On the contrary, will it... delay Chen Gong?"

Qin Xuehai burst out laughing when he heard the sound.

To encourage seedlings to grow?

"Leader, you really underestimated Chen Gong's ability!"

"I have a suggestion here. You can ask these teachers to prepare an exam for Chen Gong. If he passes, we will let Chen Gong jump directly to the fifth grade."

"what do you think?"

When Guan Leshan heard this, he thought it was a solution: "Well, this solution is okay."

"By the way...I'm not worried about this."

"I'm mainly worried...will the medical school of basic medicine be robbing people?"

When Qin Xuehai heard this, there was a smile in his eyes.

He had never thought that Chen Gong was the genius Yang Guangye said before.

He didn't even think about it.

No matter how outstanding a talent is, it is unlikely that he can set foot in several different fields at the same time and then demonstrate such a terrifying talent, right?
However, I really didn't expect that Yang Guangye's genius, who was as arrogant as a small family and kept his secrets to himself, so that no one could see him, turned out to be Chen Gong!
These two thousand-mile horses suddenly overlapped!
And now, what they have to do is... secretly steal this thousand-mile horse!

Qin Xuehai quickly lowered his voice and said:
"Leader, we can't be vague about this matter!"

"Xiao Chen is a talented person in our clinical college."

"You may not know that he is a clinical genius with absolute somatosensory talent."

"To put it bluntly, he is a clinical person by nature."

"Whether he is engaged in internal medicine or surgery, his rate of progress is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Chen Gong can quickly complete the accumulation of clinical experience within a few years, and then the energy in his body will bloom instantly."

"So, you must be decisive about this!"

"You can't say that because Chen Gong has scientific research talent in the field of biochemistry, his clinical growth will be delayed, right?"

"Besides, medicine must start from the clinic and eventually return to the clinic."

"In medicine, there is now a title of compound talent, which is different from before."

“Not only does it require clinical technical skills, but it also requires sufficient scientific research capabilities.”

"I think Xiao Chen is a comprehensive talent in this area. Only when he goes to the clinic, sees patients, and discovers deficiencies can his scientific research capabilities be stimulated."

"I don't think there is any problem!"

"Besides, leader, who said that when it comes to clinical practice, scientific research can't be done? Aren't I trying to do both now?"

"Are you right?"

Qin Xuehai quickly brainwashed Guan Leshan. No, it should be said that he was enlightened by reason and moved by emotion.

"But if you let Chen Gong simply stay in school, it is true that his scientific research ability can be used, but what about the clinical level? What about his absolute somatosensory talent? Isn't this a waste?"

"So, I think it's better to go to the clinic."

"There is no problem in giving him an assessment!"

"So, leader, your decision is really important. It would be a real pity if this talent was delayed!"

"A thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but a general is hard to find, but Chen Gong is a rare handsome talent!"

"It's a far-flung relationship!"

After Guan Leshan listened, he nodded slightly, obviously agreeing.

It was not because Qin Xuehai CPU was used.

Guan Leshan quickly raised the last doubt: "What if... the School of Basic Medical Sciences is unwilling?"

"Xiao Chen has just become the first person in charge!"

"I heard from Secretary Gu that Chen Gong did an impressive job and is obviously very good."

"Are they willing to let him go like this?"

"What if the other party is like us and has made any special development plans for Xiao Chen?"

Qin Xuehai took a deep breath: "So, be quick!"

"Besides, I'm going to talk to Xiao Chen now."

"I'll convince him!"

Guan Leshan nodded: "Well, hurry up and do it!"

Qin Xuehai didn't care about etiquette anymore and hurriedly went out and left the office to find Chen Gong.



Chen Gong was translating documents in the library at this time.

Previously, Chen Gong admitted that he underestimated the abilities and skills needed to translate professional works.

Chen Gong indeed has a sufficient professional vocabulary.

However, translating such professional documents also requires terminology skills, which is the knowledge and skills required to be able to engage in terminology work and use terminology theory and terminology tools to solve terminology problems in translation work. It is complex and highly practical. It runs through the entire translation process and is an indispensable professional ability for translators.

Terminology management is the core content of translators’ terminology capabilities and has become an indispensable part of language services.

In addition, there are post-editing capabilities.

There are big differences between Eastern and Western cultures.

Language, as the basic output channel for expressing culture, is even more so.

Post-translation editing ability requires Chen Gong to accurately grasp the scientific ideas that the other party wants to express, the author's scientific research philosophy, scientific research stance, scientific research-inducing sentences... all need to be accurately grasped.

In this way, better translation can be achieved.


In the next few days, Chen Gong read a lot of books and read many translations in the field of biochemistry.

This morning, Chen Gong came to the library. After turning on the computer, she found that the International Association for Professional Book Translation (TAUS) had issued a certificate to herself.

"Membership Certificate of the International Professional Book Translation Association"

Chen Gong looked at the electronic certificate in the mailbox and obviously hesitated.

Is this thing... useful?

However, after Chen Gong read the specific information, he suddenly felt that the other party was a liar...

You actually have to pay?
Then send the documents by mail?

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt sounded.

【Ding!Translation (English-Chinese translation): lv3 (professional level)]

【Ding!Get exclusive rewards: Instant translation of spoken language lv3 (professional level). 】

Chen Gong was surprised when he discovered something interesting. He felt that his tongue... had changed!
Speaking is probably one of Chen Gong's shortcomings.

His English proficiency was limited to test paper ability, and he was unable to speak in a single word.

But now, Chen Gong felt that his tongue seemed to be more flexible.

He feels that English has become as natural to him as Chinese.

This reward is better than nothing.

Chen Gong did not expect that he would improve his speaking ability just by learning to translate.

Next, Chen Gong began to translate the original text of the two pages.

This time, Chen Gong didn't spend much time.

Soon, Chen Gong finished the translation. He picked it up and read it carefully several times. He only had one feeling: natural!

Yes, this is the highest level a translator needs to have.


The so-called natural means the original appearance. Just like taking a photo, it can be accurately restored to the way the other person should look, and it feels very natural.

The same goes for translation.

It is necessary to accurately grasp the other party's language environment and text concepts in order to achieve a natural level.

Soon, after Chen Gong translated two pages of "Analysis of Downstream Events of Signaling Molecules", he submitted it to the magazine.

The other party quickly approved it, and then quickly entered the review process.

Guan Wenxiang, editor of China Science and Technology Press, was obviously stunned after seeing the translation sample.

He didn't expect that someone would finally start translating this book that had been vacant for more than half a year?
The book "Analysis of Downstream Events of Signaling Molecules" covers difficult topics in biochemistry and molecular biology.

It is a professional book written by Professor Amir, a Brian Conway Award winner, a member of the Council of the International Electrochemical Society and an Indian-American.

It is a typical series where people are popular but books are not popular.

Because Amir rarely promotes his book, and this book is not even a professional work.

Instead, the Elsevier Group compiled Amir's ideas from multiple papers such as "The Lancet" and "Cell" and published them.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the end.

Because the compiled information is too loose, lacks logical derivation, and has too many gaps.

But this time, China Science and Technology Publishing House wanted to translate it because the copyright was free.

Therefore, we tentatively invited expert translators in the reward area.

But after this bounty post came out, no one paid attention to it for a long time.

Therefore, the backend has canceled the threshold for bounties for translation, and no longer requires the threshold for high-level biochemistry professors. At the same time, it has also lowered the substantive rewards and instead used invisible rewards to attract talents.

What does that mean?

First of all, you must know that the VIP of China Science and Technology Press is also called the lifelong consultant status of China Science and Technology Press.

Although you won't be given a dime, you can enjoy the consultant treatment of China Science and Technology Press, enjoy lifetime free reading, and access to scientific and technological materials... and other privileges.

In addition, the VIPs of China Science and Technology Press are not as many as expected, but...each of them is a top expert and talent in various industries.

These VIPs are invited to participate in exchange activities, academic forums, and some salons organized by China Science and Technology Press every year.

Even special-level VIPs can participate in some international summits or events for free.

This involves the difference in VIP levels.

However, this VIP is actually a pass in the technology circle.

At that time, the editor-in-chief believed that the people who could translate this book must at least be industry leaders. Giving a VIP would kill two birds with one stone. Not only would it attract talents, but it would also translate the book without much substantial loss.

Moreover, the author who can translate "Analysis of Downstream Events of Signaling Molecules" is obviously not an ordinary person, and cooperation will be inevitable in the future.

Giving a VIP is obviously the most appropriate.

After all, the value of this book is still very high.

It involves a lot of professional terminology and biochemical knowledge, and there is a lot of fragmented knowledge. It is difficult to connect it. Without sufficient level, it is impossible to complete.

Therefore, this kind of treatment is relatively suitable.

At this time, when Guan Wenxiang saw the other party submitted the application, he immediately chose to accept it.

Guan Wenxiang is an academic talent. It is not easy to work as an editor at China Science and Technology Press, because editors here need to have extremely high professional qualities and knowledge reserves.

After all, it is a technology company with the prefix "国"!

Guan Wenxiang has read some of the content of this book before, so he knows the content well.

However, Guan Wenxiang frowned immediately after seeing the two pages of translation.

Because he found that this translation gave him a different feeling?It's very natural... very silky... and very... yes, very sluggish.

How can this be? !
Guan Wenxiang quickly continued to read it twice.

After reading it, he didn't take a break and quickly found the original text and read it carefully.

This time, Guan Wenxiang was stunned!


What an amazing translation!

This kind of natural reading environment is very consistent with the creator's thinking, and his grasp of scientific research terminology is also very accurate!
At this time, Guan Wenxiang found an expert translation.

He found that this translation was even better than the expert translation from the editing agency. It was even more accurate in terms of language and logic.

Scientific literature does not pay attention to excellent writing and gorgeous rhetoric. The first element is to respect science, respect the scientific research ideas of the original author, and achieve natural restoration.

What matters is nature!
This requires the translator to have sufficient resonance with the other party's scientific research philosophy, and to have sufficient unity and precision in the terminology management of the core content.

This is so difficult!
Translation is not about using translation software to translate between English and Chinese without emotion, but it needs to induce and inspire readers to produce scientific thinking.

Especially for this kind of professional journal, its role is not as simple as a reference book.

These top biochemistry tycoons may only have a few books in their lifetime.

These are even the other party's hard work.

Therefore, an accurate translation is of great value!
This is why China Science and Technology Press invites experts to become consultants.

Guan Wenxiang is the editor of "China Science and Technology Press" and is in charge of the biochemistry section. He also has sufficient appreciation for such professional books.

But when he saw Chen Gong's translation, he was still extremely excited.

He is extremely certain!
Find the right person!

Where is this boss?

Guan Wenxiang suppressed his inner excitement and hurriedly got up and walked towards the leader's office.

However, when he saw the other party's information, he couldn't help but be stunned.


"First-level biochemical laboratory technician? First-class anatomy laboratory technician?"

These information directly dumbfounded Guan Wenxiang.

That's it?

That's it? !
How can a junior experimenter be so powerful?

What are you kidding...

Moreover, when Guan Wenxiang looked at the other person's name, he suddenly felt that it looked familiar.

On weekdays, Guan Wenxiang often posts on medical forums and posts from time to time.

He is no stranger to the name "Call me Teacher Chen".

After looking through the other party's posts, he saw the other party's previous posts.

Suddenly, he was a little dumbfounded.

It turns out that I had replied to the other person’s post before.

Previously, this teacher Chen asked me how to choose if a paper received acceptance notices from two journals at the same time, one with publication fee and one with manuscript fee.

Guan Wenxiang's online name is " Regardless of whether or not". After he saw it, he naturally made fun of it.

However, I didn't expect... the other party turned out to be a real boss? !
But this first-level experimenter is obviously not very convincing.

This made Guan Wenxiang immediately curious.

Who is the opponent?

Could it be that the boss is opening a small account?

Medical Forum is an international forum organization. In order to ensure user privacy, these materials cannot be accessed.

But these are not important anymore!
Guan Wenxiang just wants to show the content to the editor now.

The editor-in-chief's name was Deng Hongchao. When he saw Guan Wenxiang coming in, he frowned, pinched his nose, and lowered his eyes:

"You are such an adult, why are you still acting like a child, so frizzy?"

Deng Hongchao was a classmate of Guan Wenxiang's doctoral supervisor, and he also admired Guan Wenxiang very much, but this kid didn't look like an adult. Even though he was in his 30s, he didn't take it easy and didn't talk to anyone.

Of course, there are also advantages. Guan Wenxiang is still very reliable when it comes to work.

Guan Wenxiang smiled upon hearing this and quickly handed over the printed information!

"Leader, look, you've met a master!"

"A big shot is behind "Analysis of Downstream Events of Signaling Molecules". Take a look at this translation manuscript."

Hearing Guan Wenxiang's words, Deng Hongchao was stunned for a moment: "Oh?"

"Come on, let me see!"

You know, he has almost forgotten about translating this book. It's not that it's not important, but... no one has done it.

After all, not many people read the original works compiled by the Elsevier Group.

Their translation is also dusty.

However, this is the index book compiled above that basically must be translated this year.

The so-called indicators are actually hard indicators, which are the tasks above.

It must be done!

It would be a lie to say that he is not in a hurry, but... Deng Hongchao contacted several experts, but no one paid any attention to him.

Can only give up!

He was ready to improve his salary, but now someone came to visit him?
For a moment, Deng Hongchao also became interested. He put on his glasses and started to read seriously.


The more he looked, the more delighted he became.

The more you look at it, the more amazing it becomes.

"it is good!"

"It's amazing!"

"It's amazing."

"I didn't expect that I met a master?"

"Haha... Come, let me talk to the other party!"

"The treatment can be appropriately increased, if the other party can translate such an effect..."

"Hey, the author who has translated to this level must at least be a well-known person in the domestic biochemical field, and may even be a member of the overseas high-level talent introduction plan."

"Look at the writing style, as well as the translator's professional terminology editing skills, they fit perfectly and are very natural!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the other party must have rich overseas study experience. I estimate... nine times out of ten, they are imported high-level overseas talents..."

Hearing Deng Hongchao's words, Guan Wenxiang smiled awkwardly: "Leader..."

" you want to see his information?"

"But, according to the forum certification, he is a first-level experimenter!"

Hearing this, Deng Hongchao was obviously stunned for a moment: "Oh?!"

"Let me see!"

After reading it, Deng Hongchao was silent for a moment and said seriously: "We are in the content business and we don't read these."

"If the other party can translate such content, we can give the other party enough respect." "Let's contact the other party, and then I will go there in person, and if possible, sign the contract."

"After all... our reward will only be given after the other party completes the submission."

Guan Wenxiang nodded and immediately sent a message to Chen Gong:
"Hello, Mr. Chen, I am Guan Wenxiang, the editor of China Science and Technology Press. We are very satisfied with the sample of "Analysis of Downstream Events of Signaling Molecules" that you translated. We would like to make an appointment with you to sign the contract. When will you be available? ?”

Chen Gong was about to leave the library at this time. After seeing the other party's reply, he said: "Next Monday."

"I'm at Shanhe Medical University..."

After making an appointment at the time and place, Guan Wenxiang said to Deng Hongchao: "Boss, the appointment is made!"

Deng Hongchao nodded and smiled: "Okay! Accompany me to meet this mysterious Teacher Chen!"


Here, Chen Gong was relieved when he saw what the other party said.

It seems that my efforts during this period have not been wasted.


Chen Gong looked at the translated electronic certificate in his mailbox and curiously posted it to the forum.

"Family members, who knows? I got this certificate by accident. I looked it up online, but couldn't find it. It didn't seem to have much value... The other party asked me to pay a membership fee of 100 US dollars, and then mailed me the certificate. The other party was Liar?"

While talking, Chen Gong handed over the International Professional Book Translation Association certificate issued by TAUS.

Then, Chen Gong's phone rang.

Qin Xuehai asked straight to the point: "Xiao Chen, where are you? I have something important to talk to you about."

Chen Gong lowered his voice: "I'm in the library, Director Qin, are you looking for me? I'll wait for you at the door."

Qin Xuehai said OK and hung up the phone.

He hurriedly walked outside.

Time has to be raced against!
Before Lao Yang knew about this, he had to get there first!
Otherwise... I don't know what happened if I was disturbed by Lao Yang...


At this time, Guan Wenxiang was about to leave Deng Hongchao's office after sorting out the relevant matters.

Suddenly I saw a post from someone I followed.

After taking a closer look, I was stunned for a moment.

"Leader, Teacher Chen sent an update."

Deng Hongchao was stunned: "Oh? Look what it is?"

After Guan Wenxiang opened it, he was stunned!

Deng Hongchao was even more shocked!
"Certificate from TAUS Association?!"

" it so powerful?!"

Guan Wenxiang was also dumbfounded.

But... looking at Chen Gong's somewhat unflattering remarks, the corner of his mouth twitched.


Good guy, is this guy really showing off?
Still really don’t understand? !
The value of this certificate is not known elsewhere, but their publishing house, which specializes in translation work, knows it very well.

Although it is just a private association, it has the same level of official certification.

The most difficult thing for members of the International Professional Book Translation Association is the assessment!

It is necessary to pass the professional content translation assessment in a very short time, and it is all professional vocabulary and terminology. It is said that the passing rate is very low!
Difficulty is high!

Although, CATTI is currently the most valuable translation certificate.

However, TAUS is the most difficult professional assessment to pass.

CATTI is only for the translation industry.

TAUS is specifically designed for professional document translation.

One is an ordinary person, the other is a high-end player, obviously not the same type of player.

Therefore, TAUS’s hype in the circle is not low.

Unexpectedly, this teacher Chen actually passed the TAUS assessment? !
Guan Wenxiang couldn't see clearly: "Is this... a real boss?"

Deng Hongchao swallowed: "He is definitely not an ordinary person."

Of course, if they knew that Chen Gong passed the test inadvertently in order to translate this book... they would be even more shocked.

Because Chen Gong originally participated in the assessment of this association just to test his learning results.

Then I accidentally passed it again!


Chen Gong didn't know about this, but after posting this question, he came outside the library and waited for Qin Xuehai's arrival.

Not long after, Qin Xuehai ran over panting.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs, he waved to Chen Gong and motioned to come over.

Chen Gong walked over and handed the water glass to Qin Xuehai: "Director Qin, if you have anything to do, just let me go. Are you so tired from running?"

Qin Xuehai smiled: "The matter is more important, so it would be more appropriate for me to ask you in person."

"Let's go, find a quiet place."

While talking, Qin Xuehai took Chen Gong to his office.

After coming in, I poured Chen Gong a cup of tea.

"Xiao Chen, my next question is very important. I hope you will think about it seriously."

"Of course, if you can't make up your mind, you can talk to your family and get their opinions, how about that?"

When Chen Gong heard the sound, he became obviously curious. What on earth is going on?
"Director Qin, just say it directly. I can make the decision myself on some things."

Hearing Chen Gong's words, Qin Xuehai nodded:

"Okay, let me ask you, if you were given a chance now to jump directly from sophomore year to senior year, would you be willing?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Gong's eyes suddenly widened: "Skip a grade?!"

Qin Xuehai nodded: "Yes!"

"Of course, we can also guarantee your postgraduate study, but the time has passed now, and some procedures are more troublesome, but...this is not the most important thing."

"The reason why I chose the fifth year is not the senior or graduate school."

"It's because I hope to make a new choice in my life when you are in your fifth year."

"Whether you choose clinical practice, scientific research, or other majors, it's all fine."

After hearing this, Chen Gong was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that he... could actually choose to skip a grade!

And it’s all of a sudden!
Qin Xuehai continued: "I know that this matter will have a greater impact on you, and you may not be ready yet."

"But there are a few things you need to know."

"First, college-level courses may not be of much help to you. I believe your own accumulation is enough!"

"In this case, you obviously won't gain much if you continue to stay in college."

"Second, the earlier you enter clinical practice, the more training you can get. Clinical practice is not like school. By then you will know where you are lacking and then make targeted improvements."

“You can learn and develop more fully when you enter clinical practice.”

"In addition, you can understand more clearly what you really want."

"You are a clinical student, and you will have to reach this point sooner or later. First of all, your clinical talent is excellent, but... the sooner you enter clinical practice, the sooner you can discover what you really want."

"So, my opinion is that you can now skip the basic university education stage and enter clinical practice to better receive clinical education!"

"I know that you have scientific research talents, but... this does not affect you, because although you are in clinical practice, you will not have too much clinical pressure, and what is more important is learning."

"You can do both research and study at the same time."

"Of course, there are no absolute pros and cons in everything. After you enter the clinic, you will actually... lose a lot."

"The first thing is the integrity of the university. You can't spend your university life like ordinary people. This may be something you can't make up for in your lifetime."

"Secondly, clinical practice is not as good as scientific research. You need to spend more energy on diagnosis and treatment, and the focus cannot be what it is now."


"So, the choice is now in your hands. I think you should consider it carefully."

After Qin Xuehai explained all the pros and cons in detail, he gave Chen Gong the choice.

Qin Xuehai looked at Chen Gong, he knew that this choice was too crucial.

It is also difficult!
Because Chen Gong's situation at this time is different from others, he has more choices!

He is the star of the Biochemistry Teaching and Research Department and the future star of the Basic Medical College.

However, isn't he a clinical genius?

Just when Qin Xuehai thought Chen Gong would think about it for a long time.

Chen Gong suddenly smiled: "Do you still need to choose?"

"I promise!"

"When can I go to the clinic?"

After Qin Xuehai heard this, he was obviously stunned: "Huh?!"

" agreed?!"

"This...don't you think about it carefully?"

"This choice..."

Chen Gong smiled slightly: "I wanted to be a doctor from the beginning!"

"Scientific research...just because I can't go to the clinic now, I have to find something to do."

"Moreover, scientific research is also one of the essential skills for modern medical clinicians."

"I think my reserves are enough."

"It doesn't mean much to me if the school continues."

"what do I need to do?"

After hearing Chen Gong's words, Qin Xuehai's brain was obviously a little down!


Do you do scientific research just because you have nothing to do in school?
good guy...

What should we do if someone hears this reason?
Looking for something to do, I actually got a three-star project from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and was the first person in charge.

good guy...

It's really unbelievable. Chen Gong normal?
Qin Xuehai suddenly laughed: "Okay!"

"very good!"

"In this case, you wait for my news, because your situation is special and you may need to undergo an assessment organized by the school."

"After you pass it, you're good to go!"

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll report the news to the leaders and organize the exam as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Qin Xuehai hurriedly left the office and rushed towards Guan Leshan.

Naturally, I was extremely excited.


The next day.

Gu Bin found Yang Guangye with a solemn face and held a piece of information.

Yang Guangye is in a good mood these days.

After he gave the first person in charge to Chen Gong, he devoted himself to being the acting person in charge. Instead of reducing his work efficiency, he actually increased it a lot.

After Chen Gong became the person in charge, he successively proposed two ideas and directions.

The first is several biochemical and molecular biological test indicators of atherosclerosis.

From S100 calcium-binding protein, to small RNA molecules, and cellular particles.

The discovery of these three indicators has rapidly increased the progress of the subject.

The second is to add the vascular model theory to the study of atherosclerosis.

The blood vessel model theory actually does not belong to the field of simple biochemistry, but involves knowledge of blood circulation.

However, after incorporating the blood vessel model theory, Yang Guangye was surprised to find that the accuracy of the experiment was rapidly improving.

In addition, the vascular model theory involves physiology and local anatomy.

His joining made the overall idea of ​​the subject clearer.

Even the blood vessel model theory may become the next stage of the laboratory's planning.

It can be said that Chen Gong’s macro-thinking on the general direction of this topic is much stronger than him!
This made Yang Guangye amazed in his heart!

This is really a thousand-mile horse!

At today's morning meeting, Yang Guangye was surprised to find that everyone in the laboratory was very satisfied with Chen Gong so far!

Behind all this satisfaction is confidence in the subject experiment.

Yang Guangye finally realized that he was wrong. If he had given the identity of the first person in charge to Chen Gong early, maybe all this would have been smoother, right?

Of course, it is undeniable that Chen Gong also has many shortcomings.

For example, in terms of basic operations of scientific thinking, Chen Gong’s experimental requirements are too demanding and are close to the ideal state.

This made everyone in the laboratory complain.

Every week, a data meeting is held to discuss the progress of the test, but Chen Gong's requirements for data are extremely high every time!

This made everyone in the laboratory speechless and choked.

In this regard, Yang Guangye also tried to persuade Chen Gong, but the other party still did not change.

Because Qi Huandu sometimes cannot reach Chen Gong's level of rigor and harshness in data.

Overall, though, things are moving in a good direction.

Yang Guangye has even begun to imagine the future!

After completing this topic, they have a high chance of getting the next stage topic.

By then, it will no longer be a 400 million and three-star project!
They are very likely to get tens of millions of project funds and four-star focus!

By the time……

The picture was so beautiful that Yang Guangye didn’t even dare to think about it.


At this moment, Gu Bin opened the door and walked in with a solemn expression.

Yang Guangye was stunned for a moment: "Leader, what's going on?"

Gu Bin directly placed a piece of information in front of Yang Guangye.

"This is an application document for the School of Clinical Medicine."

"I saw it accidentally too!"

Yang Guangye suddenly laughed: "Oh? Over there at the Clinical Medical College? What kind of application?"

Gu Bin looked solemn: "You will know after you open it and take a look!"

Yang Guangye smiled slightly, shook his head, opened the file, and was immediately shocked by the content.


"Chen Gong...Chen Gong wants to skip a grade?"

"No... Chen Gong skipped a grade and has to go to the hospital?"

" is this possible!"

"This clinical college is clearly unreasonable!"

"Chen Gongming is a talent discovered by our School of Basic Medicine, and he is now the first person in charge of our project."

"That won't work!"


"Is this Qin Xuehai... Qin Xuehai presiding over it?"

"Good guy, this bastard, steal someone from me!"

Yang Guangye suddenly became angry and stood up with excitement on his face.

"Secretary Gu, no!"

"This is too hasty."

"I can't promise!"

Gu Bin frowned: "This matter was obviously decided by Chen Gong on his own."

"Otherwise, the school would not be able to do this."

Yang Guangye suddenly became anxious and excited: "That won't work either!"

"It must have been that bastard Qin Xuehai who tricked me!"

"He is clearly robbing people!"

"Chen Gong's talent is obvious to all of us, and Professor Xu Tong is extremely complimentary."

"He is a rare talent in the field of biochemical research."

"He is the future star of our school."

"No, absolutely not!"

Gu Bin shook his head and took out another document:
"This is the information submitted by Professor Guan Leshan."

"Gong Chen is also an excellent clinical talent."

"Now we have the ability to improve surgical procedures, and we have received an outstanding case award."

"Moreover, while in school, I also participated in the improvement of surgical techniques in the province."

"They have evidence!"

Yang Guangye quickly picked up the document and read it.

Lower cervical spine pedicle internal fixation...

Excellent case...

After seeing it, Yang Guangye was stunned.

He thought about it carefully.

Suddenly something came to mind...

Qin Xuehai, this bastard... turned out to have known this for a long time?

Was he being plotted by the other party?
It turns out that what he and Qin Xuehai were talking about was Chen Gong!

This thousand-mile horse... coincides with each other? !
For a moment, Yang Guangye's scalp went numb.


He took a deep breath: "No, no!"

"Absolutely not!"

"I'll go find the leader, no... I'll go find Chen Gong."

"We can't let this matter go like this..."

"I believe Xiao Chen was forced to do so!"

"Qin Xuehai, this bastard... steal people from me!"


ps: The clinical chapter will come soon. After all... this book is "Being a Doctor, You Don't Have to Be Too Normal".

After procrastinating for so long, we finally got to the point.

However, there will still be space for the school.

All the cool things you should have will be there, so don’t worry.

Finally, I would like to thank the leader of the "Regardless" alliance leader for the 10000 reward, thank you boss!

(End of this chapter)

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