Taoist Master of Fantasy World

Chapter 181 Fengya Hall

Chapter 181 Fengya Hall

After going downstairs from Pingshui Residence, in the short distance between the central stairwell and the main entrance, Xu Zhenyun rarely became the focus of attention of men and women——

Of course, it was with Mu Qingyun.

Since he and Liang Hongbo purchased many complete sets of clothing at Yuxiu Village, the crab-green brocade robe that cost more than 1000 taels on his body "appeared" for the first time today.

In addition, Mu Qingyun's clothes and temperament are really extraordinary.

So although they were just said to be "sister and brother", from an outsider's perspective, they were obviously a pair of handsome men and beautiful women; and judging from the direction they were walking, they were clearly coming out of the room, as if they had just "finished business".

Such "high attention" and "misunderstanding" made Xu Zhenyun a little uncomfortable; but deep down, there seemed to be a little joy...

After walking out of the sandalwood front door and walking up the aisle, Xu Zhenyun breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly caught up, stood side by side with Mu Qingyun, and said in a low voice: "First Sir... When you walk in the world, do you always dress like this?"

"I didn't feel it when I was in the room just now; now looking at it from a mortal perspective, it's really eye-catching..."

Because Mu Qingyun only slightly adjusted her face and eye color, once her delicate and graceful face is combined with the stature comparable to that of an unusual woman, the chemical reaction is amazing. In layman's terms, her temperament is full.

Mu Qingyun glanced at Xu Zhenyun lightly, and corrected her seriously: "It seems that my 'worldly merit', little brother, has not yet matured to the point where it has become a success. Now that you have gone out, why haven't you calmed down in time to address me?"

Xu Zhenyun was startled, thought for a moment, and then said: "Sister Mu is difficult to speak, and Sister Yun is tacky; shall I call you Sister Qingyun?"

Mu Qingyun looked at Xu Zhenyun again, seemingly calm, but Xu Zhenyun was shocked.

It was as if his little thoughts had been completely seen through.

Xu Zhenyun's rejection of "Sister Mu" and "Sister Yun" is actually not an unreasonable statement and has some basis; but in fact, calling him "Sister Qingyun" is very appropriate.The use of plural words has a vague sense of approximation.

Xu Zhenyun originally thought that this intention was very hidden; but he did not expect that Mu Qingyun knew everything.

The two of them walked along the aisle, originally going in the direction of "Tianxin Garden"; but Mu Qingyun suddenly turned her head, stopped suddenly, stretched out her hand and said, "Brother, go there."

Xu Zhenyun looked in the direction Mu Qingyun pointed and saw that it was "Fengya Hall", one of the twelve scenic spots in the divine capital.

The twelve scenic spots in the divine capital form a ring to guard the "Tianxin Garden", with three spots in each "quadrant".Among them, in the "big arc" in the southwest direction, Pingshuiju is located in the center, with "Zhengming Tower" on the upper left and "Fengya Hall" on the lower right.

The first auction house in the city of God.

When I looked up, I saw something unusual - in front of the main entrance of Fengya Hall, there were 12 light blue and green waiting lanterns hanging, which was very eye-catching.

In today's world, the lighting is red and blue, and other colors are rarely used; this is clearly a sign of a special "program".

Mu Qingyun smiled and said: "It's a coincidence. Today actually happens to be the 'Wonderful Day'. I'll buy you a piece of clothing. It will be useful in the future when you play the role of 'Top Rich'."

Xu Zhenyun said in astonishment: "Buying clothes? Can't I use this one? Lao Liang bought it for me. It's worth more than 1000 taels."

Mu Qingyun shook his head and said: "It's still far from it. What's being auctioned here today is not extraordinary; those who are qualified to bid are all the top people in terms of wealth in the capital of God. I'll talk to you in detail after I go in."

While talking, the two came to the main entrance of "Fengya Hall".

When he was about to enter, there was a person blocking him in front of the door. However, when the person stretched out his hand, he bowed slightly, which was not impolite: "Have you made a reservation for the tickets?"

Mu Qingyun said calmly: "No."

Xu Zhenyun carefully looked at the young man in charge of the door. First, he had an upright appearance. Second, although he wore the most ordinary cloud scarf on his head, he was wearing a blue silk brocade robe of first-class quality. The quality was not as good as How different is this one on me!

The young man looked troubled.

Mu Qingyun was obviously very familiar with it, and said calmly: "It is okay to pay a temporary deposit and reserve a seat. Generally speaking, there should be extra seats at the Miaoyi Festival."

The young man's eyes brightened slightly, and he said quickly, half out of curiosity, and half in a "general" tone: "5 taels."

Mu Qingyun's expression remained unchanged, and he took out five banknotes from his sleeves - on the front was an aerial view of the exterior of the Jin Shen Capital, and they were clearly "1 taels" of large-denomination banknotes.

Xu Zhenyun was shocked.

Because of the restrictions of the rule of "living with the world", of course the "salary" of monks with high cultivation level is higher, but they may not necessarily be particularly wealthy; income other than "salary" needs to be earned with "secular" power !
Mu Qingyun's secular identity is that she is a rich woman?
The young man looked slightly surprised, but he was only slightly stunned and was not too "shocked".Soon he took out a jade seal-like object from his sleeve and took a photo of the five banknotes one after another.

Then he took out an "Inspirational Compass" from his sleeve and wrote two words at a very fast speed like a dragon and a phoenix dancing.

After only waiting for more than ten seconds, a middle-aged man wearing a black gauze hat and black robe came up quickly and respectfully presented a purple wooden sign with both hands.

There was a faint fragrance floating on the wooden sign.Mu Qingyun took the wooden sign and said very casually: "Brother, come on."

Xu Zhenyun nodded and followed Mu Qingyun in.

The scene inside surprised Xu Zhenyun——

Originally, Xu Zhenyun was mentally prepared to see the "peak of luxury" in the divine capital.But after going through two twists and turns, including winding corridors and roads, we arrived at our destination, and the scenery and style were slightly beyond Xu Zhenyun’s expectations!
The layout is a bit like a "cinema" or "audience hall". It is a huge fan-shaped room with a low front and high back.But the layout of the inner compartment with three wooden walls and an empty front is similar to the layout in "The First Lecture on Entering the Tao".

Finally, the entire atmosphere is quiet and solemn, and the lighting is only enough to illuminate the interior, which is far from being magnificent; if you feel it carefully, it does have a solemn flavor of "church".

Mu Qingyun led Xu Zhenyun to the "private room" in the seventh row and fifth column.

Each private room has seats, tables and chairs, a set of tea sets, a small stove, and a "sand table" about a foot in diameter on the table - if you look closely, it is clearly a rather large "inspiration compass" !
If there was one in all the private rooms, this would probably be the only "luxury" aspect here.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, a middle-aged man wearing a square gauze hat slowly came to the field and gently applauded three times.

Then, he stretched out his hand to lead!
At the back side door, two men in green clothes held a picture frame in their hands. They slowly stepped forward and came to the center of the field; they held the object in their palms motionless.

This set of operations really made Xu Zhenyun confused!
Shouldn’t the person who presides over the auction be able to speak well?

Why is he a mute? He doesn’t even have an opening statement?No item introduction?
Also, according to "convention", shouldn't the person presenting the auction items be a young woman?
Well... it's not impossible for men; but these two people are plainly dressed and have very ordinary looks and temperament, which is actually different from what they imagined.

It's not just that; Mu Qingyun told herself that it was "the most expensive clothing"; but now it seems that the auction is a painting?

The most egregious thing is that this "painting" obviously doesn't have any outstanding features - it can only be said to be very abstract style, with thick ink lines simply painted and outlined, as if it were a painted bird; Xu Zhenyun inexplicably thought of "Phoenix Bird Picture".

Fortunately, Xu Zhenyun has excellent eyesight. From a distance of more than ten feet, he can still see three small words on the right side of the "abstract painting":

Dong Mingyan.

Dong Mingyan?Who is this?

"5000 taels!"

"7000 taels!"

"Seventeen thousand, five hundred taels!"


Before Xu Zhenyun could come to his senses, the sound of bidding quickly sounded.

Mu Qingyun smiled slightly and said, "Brother, you have gone to big restaurants like Zhengming Building many times. Have you never seen anyone in strange clothes before?"

An idea flashed in Xu Zhenyun's mind, and he immediately said: "Is it... chest embroidery?"

Mu Qingyun said happily: "It's not too stupid."

In the customs of Xinyuan Continent, almost all clothing used by ordinary people will have patterns embroidered on the chest.For example, the crab-green brocade robe worn by Xu Zhenyun has a "green bamboo pattern" on the chest.

As for the more common ones, there are 24 styles in total, such as "Songs and Cranes Prolonging the Year", "Dragon and Phoenix Promote Good Luck", and "Three Friends of Sui Han", which are commonly used in daily attire.

Only monks will wear uniforms or uniforms of solid colors.

However, when Xu Zhenyun once had a meal at "Zhengming House", he also saw a man who was obviously good-looking and surrounded by people, but the pattern embroidered on his chest was extremely strange. It was similar to the "abstract painting" in front of him.

I thought it was full of personality and performing performance art; I dare to say that what I am wearing is the most expensive clothes in the world!
Xu Zhenyun asked doubtfully: "This Dong Mingyan...is the top painter in the capital of God? Did he get his 'authorization' to have his paintings printed on his chest, worth tens of thousands of dollars?"

Mu Qingyun smiled and said: "The second half of the sentence is correct; but Dong Mingyan is not a 'first-class painter in the capital of the gods'; he is your fellow disciple - a Chinese disciple in this year's national election, ranked third, artistic No. .13 people.”

Xu Zhenyun was stunned.

Mu Qingyun explained: "About a month after the national election every year, Fengya Hall holds the 'Miaoyi Festival', which randomly selects the paintings of the disciples who chose the first-class painting method in the national election that year. Twenty pieces were produced and circulated throughout the world."

"But the purpose of this painting is fixed - it cannot be collected or resold; it can only be customized as a 'breast embroidery' on clothes; it can be regarded as a symbol of 'immortality'."

"Of course, in fact, it is also a stage that can be used to 'show off'."

"15.00% of the money earned belongs to the author; 30.00% is turned over to the Shendu official office; and 50.00% is remitted to the 'Tongji Hall' as a pension for families whose members have died or become disabled due to the 'Blood Rebellion'."

"The pension from another channel is not inconsistent with the official relief of Dajin, and you can receive double it."

(End of this chapter)

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