A swarm of heavy artillery bombarded the cultivators.

Chapter 547 Sunglass Sword Drone Swarm

Chapter 547 Sunglass Sword Drone Swarm

"That's it."

Nan Yunqi asked with some curiosity: "Are you going to Mofa City? Your permission should be enough. The environment there is very suitable for your swordsmanship."

"Zhenjun Yun Gong, I have no such plan now."

Jiang Ding shook his head.

Mo Dharma City is too far away from Lanying Star. Even with the help of various natural wormholes, it would take at least a hundred years for Golden Core cultivators to travel.

This was too luxurious for him, who only had a lifespan of six hundred years.

In addition, this True Lord Yun Gong looks very unreliable. He is not at all as stable and scheming as True Lord Dinghai and True Lord Killing Souls. He thinks of things as they come up, regardless of the actual situation.

It should be because he concentrates on warship construction, academics, and rarely interacts with people.


Nanyun Qi was a little regretful, and she didn't know what she was regretting. She forgot about it in an instant: "Let's continue to learn about this fourth-order magnetic cloud splitting star cannon."

She pointed at the huge cannon on the Chaori battleship, which was more than a thousand meters long, more than a hundred meters in diameter, and weighed 120,000 tons.

"This cannon is made entirely of fourth-level electromagnetic spiritual gold. It took me and thirty-seven Yuan Ying-level colleagues to refine it with the help of the Xianmen's fifth-level weapon refining furnace, which took twenty-eight years and nine months to refine. Made.”

"The gun barrel is engraved with the Ten Thousand Magnetic Thundercloud Acceleration Array. The 1,100-meter-long gun barrel is equipped with 72 electromagnetic accelerators. After 72 times of acceleration, the electromagnetic artillery shell has the ability to kill Yuanying level. .”

"Any associations?"

Nan Yunqi asked.

This is the Tao of the Immortal Sect.

They are not soldiers who take up arms and go to war.

When the seniors see them, most of them try their best to teach and support them, so that they know why they are doing it. At the very least, they need to understand the principles and the ins and outs.

When Yu Qianzi saw this scene, he felt a little envious.

Da Ri Jianzi of the Dongji Demon Sect, no matter where he goes, whenever he meets any of their seniors, he seems to be able to ask for advice on any problem, and the other person is also very enthusiastic and trusts each other very much.

This is unimaginable among the Immortal Sects.

Family sect, master-disciple sect, moon vein, Dharma vein...

Various sects divide people into different groups and separate them. People who are not from the same generation or even share the same master must be wary of each other. Even if there is guidance from seniors and experts, they may appear to be respectful and grateful on the surface, but secretly be wary of them in their hearts.

If he didn't have such vigilance, he would have become a dry skeleton somewhere long ago, and no matter how good his talent is, it would be useless.

"It's somewhat similar to the magic weapon refining method used by Tiangang Disha."

Jiang Ding thought for a moment and said: "Before the twelve earthly evils are banned, it is a low-grade magic weapon. Before the thirty-six earthly evils are banned, it is a medium-grade magic weapon. From the thirty-sixth level to the seventy-two earthly evils, it is a high-grade magic weapon. The further back. , the higher the difficulty of sacrificing the Earthly Demon Restriction, it increases exponentially."

"Many Jindan-level forces have passed down a high-grade magic weapon in the sect for thousands of years, but they have only been able to refine it to the level of sixty-one or two earthly evil spirits. Every step forward is very difficult."

"A high-grade magic weapon. After the Earthly Evil Restriction has been refined to seventy-two levels, the magic weapon will usher in a heavenly tribulation. After passing through it, the seventy-two Earthly Evil Restrictions will turn into a Tiangang Restriction..."

Jiang Ding paused for a moment.

The main cannon of the Magnetic Cloud Split Star, seventy-two electromagnetic accelerators, the Great Perfection of Earthly Evil, and seventy-two Earthly Evil restrictions.

This may not be a coincidence.

"You are right."

Nan Yunqi nodded approvingly: "The current magnetic cloud splitting star cannon cannot be called a baby. It needs to be refined, warmed and raised by you, and then it can survive the magic weapon tribulation, so that the seventy-two electromagnetic accelerators can melt. As one, it truly becomes a fourth-level heavy artillery."

"After that, you still need to smelt with elixir fire, continue to invest in the fourth-level electromagnetic spirit gold sacrifice, and some other heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and return to the factory from time to time to upgrade, so that they can continue to grow..."

"Well, it takes quite a lot of time and spiritual stones."

she concluded. "This "Level 4 Heavy Artillery Maintenance Manual" contains my notes. Go back and read it carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, send me an email. I will reply to you when I have time."

The fourth-level baby-level heavy artillery is not only powerful, but also requires high levels of use. Even daily maintenance and upgrades are a huge expense. There are all kinds of details, and they need to rely on the powerful immortal industry foundation... No It can be used during an unexpected encounter.

"Thank you, Lord Yungong!"

Jiang Ding solemnly took the sent document.

"the last one."

"Dyson Mirror Sword Drone."

Nan Yunqi showed a hint of excitement: "This is the main reason why I postponed the construction of the god-level fortress and appeared here."

With a free move, she made the deck at the bow of the Super Sun slowly move backwards, and drones flew out one after another, and there was a huge space formation inside.

Jiang Ding concentrated his attention and looked at a drone.

I saw that this drone was more than 100 meters long and 20 meters wide. It had no wings. It had a big end and a small end. It slowly narrowed from the big end until it finally shrank into a sharp point.

The whole body of the drone is as smooth as the ground, without a single wrinkle.

When sunlight shines down, it is naturally concentrated by the mirror surface of the aircraft. Each drone can easily gather all the sunlight within a radius of one kilometer, leaving no trace behind, and then reflect it all out.

The overall look is like a giant mirror sword that is more than a hundred meters long and more than twenty meters wide!

One after another, a total of 829 sword-shaped mirror drones spit out airflow from their tails and fly in the sky, maneuvering flexibly up, down, left and right. Each sword-shaped drone exudes a clear aura of a third-level high-grade magic weapon. .

There is still some distance from the final number of 1,024 drones.

"It's still a little bit worse now."

"The idea you and Zhang Junsheng came up with is actually very good."

Nan Yunqi rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "The Xianmen's three-dimensional defense array and the technology of Dyson's Sun Mirror Fortress have been miniaturized and used in regular legion battles. Once they can be formed, they will definitely give the Xianmen a better fight. The method will bring about a change that will far exceed the military formation innovation led by Xu Shihuashen."


"too expensive."

She sighed again: "Not only does it require a large amount of god-level materials, it also requires strategic-level specialties such as mercury-silver spiritual gold. Unless a world with rich reserves of mercury-silver spiritual gold is discovered, it cannot be promoted to the army."

"There are also huge troubles in terms of control. Ordinary monks simply cannot bear so many drone messages and control them flexibly."

Sword-shaped drones flew into the sky one after another, thousands of meters apart from each other, and spread over dozens of kilometers. They absorbed all the sun's rays and fine-tuned their fuselages.

In an instant, the sky darkened and night fell.

Everyone looked up in shock.

Under the daylight, it was clearly noon, but the surroundings were plunged into pure darkness, without a trace of light shining down, and it was the deep polar night.

He barely used his consciousness to get past the unobstructed group of sword-shaped mirror drones.

I saw that within a radius of tens of kilometers, many sword-shaped mirror drones formed a concave arc in the sky that could not be seen at a glance.

The sun's rays shine in and are reflected by them!

Many sun rays converged to one point, forming an extremely bright and dazzling ball of light, illuminating the sky and the earth. The terrifying extreme high temperature hit, instantly dissolving the formless consciousness and all the prying eyes around it.

Everyone's vision went dark, their souls were in severe pain, and they could no longer see anything.

After a long time, I opened my eyes again and the light dissipated.

Looking at the horizon again, a black hole the size of a house appeared in the sky. The edges were as uneven as melting, and the healing speed was extremely slow.




(End of this chapter)

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