A swarm of heavy artillery bombarded the cultivators.

Chapter 520: Coming to Beiyuan Cultivation World

Chapter 520: Coming to Beiyuan Cultivation World

Jiang Ding took a breath.

After six years of driving, when the greenery was in front of him, his heart could not help but be touched a little, but then it disappeared and the figure slowly dissipated.

Even if the consciousness sweeps over, nothing can be found.

"Magnetic Hidden Technique"!

Over the years, after continuous enlightenment in the incarnation, I finally achieved a small success recently. With the increase of the Taiqing Flying Sword, even the early Yuanying monks could not find anything in person.

A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would also not be able to find it unless he scanned it carefully.

The Beiyuan in front of you is rich in water and grass, full of vitality, vast and magnificent, far beyond the realm of cultivating immortals in the Three Kingdoms. It is also dangerous. If you are not at the peak of Jindan, you can run rampant.

"The True Lord Divine Crow..."

Jiang Ding muttered.

If it weren't for this person, he would still be meditating in Tushan Immortal City now, and would not consider going out until his strength was beyond the limit. At that time, he would be much stronger than he is now.

Now, it doesn't work anymore.

Carrying a billion-dollar loan from Xianmen, I can't even take any time off.

“Safety still comes first.”

"Don't be anxious, it doesn't matter if you don't have a chance."

Jiang Ding planned: "Xianmen's loan can be solved, but if it doesn't work, I can still use the loan to support the loan. Although it is very shameless, the spirit of the Xianmen Central Bank will forgive me."

Mainly because he spent too much on refining the flying sword.

At least 30 million low-grade spiritual stones are produced every year. In order for Taiqing Feijian to grow rapidly, it must have a ruling area.

Step into the grassland.

In an instant, subtle spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured in from all directions, turning into trickles and pouring into the Dantian.

Jiang Ding's soul relaxed and he felt much more comfortable.

The soulless desert is really tormenting the immortal cultivators.

When I return to the aura environment, I feel like a fish returning to the water, and my whole body and mind feel happy.

Feel it for a moment.

Jiang Ding stood up and floated in the air, his consciousness gently passing over the grass, brushing away the two looming feet.

The consciousness spreads fifty kilometers.

He hid his figure and flew away.

After a while, dozens of cattle and sheep appeared in front of them, followed by a young man riding a donkey.

The boy was thin, with dark skin, and was wearing a tattered sheepskin. His body shivered from time to time in this cold winter, and he huddled tightly on the back of a donkey.

"A poor-looking herder boy."

Jiang Ding observed him silently and did nothing.

After the young herdsmen drove the cattle and sheep to this area with abundant water and grass, they allowed the cattle and sheep to graze.

Shiveringly, he took out a piece of cold and hard plant stem, something like a potato, which had been cooked in advance and had a dark skin.

He didn't even brush off the charcoal-black skin, and just took a big bite. After a few bites, he completely finished it, and then licked his fingers.

The stem pieces are only about the size of a fist, which is not enough to satisfy your hunger.

The herdsman boy rested for a moment in a leeward place, stood up straight, and searched around on the grassland. He picked up pieces of dry and hard cow dung, first piled them into small piles, and then put them into the hemp rope behind his back. In the net bag.

Occasionally, when I see some berries, I will look happy, eat some of them, and put away some of them.

Sometimes the cattle and sheep wandered far away, and he quickly drove them back.

For several hours in a row, the herdsman boy spent his time like this. Although he looked very tired, he did not dare to rest too much. He kept collecting dried cow dung and gradually piled it up into a hemp rope bigger than himself. The net bag was dragged awkwardly. “Herdsmen on the grasslands work harder than many sharecroppers.”

"The grasslands are too barren."

Jiang Ding sighed.

Next, he spent a few days to investigate the surrounding land thousands of miles away. It was a normal nomadic settlement, living and production society. There was nothing abnormal, and the Daozi-level sensitive soul had no warning.

Within a few days,

Except for two or three hours a day, the herdsman boys are busy collecting dried cow dung and berries.

Great harvest.

The cow dung was packed into seven or eight hemp rope net bags and tied behind a few docile cows. Even the donkey he was riding had several bags tied up. He could only carry a large bag of berries and follow the sheep back step by step. .

Suddenly, the young herdsman's brows turned cold.

It was so slight that he didn't even notice it, he just thought it was a drop of water falling from the sky. This kind of thing was very common in the wilderness.

He touched his cheek and continued to move forward with his torso.

He didn't see that behind him, a young man in green clothes was silently thinking about something.

"This is the pasture of the Bone Knife Tribe."

Jiang Ding looked through the copied memory of the herdsman boy and sent a stream of spiritual energy equivalent to a blood elixir into the other person's heart as a reward.

"This is a medium-sized tribe with a population of nearly 10,000."

"The nobles in the tribe, well, he knows this, they are called captains of thousands, as well as priests, captains of thousands, etc... all have the surname Hei."

"The Hei family is born to be the supreme noble species of the grassland. All tribal leaders and priests are descendants of the Hei family - this is as natural as air, sunlight, water, and breathing. No one is surprised. It is born this way. There is no reason. ."

“No matter how brave a warrior is, even if he can hunt an eagle, hunt a pack of wolves alone, and be invincible on the battlefield, he cannot become a tribal leader or priest.”

"Otherwise, the Immortal Heaven will punish him and make his body rot and die."

"Only the descendants of the supreme grassland nobles, the Hei family, can become leaders and priests, and own all the cattle, sheep, horses, and women in the tribe."

"There's nothing else to do next. Just let the animals graze every day, pick up cow dung and hand it over to the master, otherwise they will be whipped."

"The people are miserable."

After reading the memories of the herdsman boy for more than ten years, Jiang Ding's eyes flashed: "The good news is that you didn't go the wrong way. This is the territory of the animal path of the Six Paths Sect. Otherwise, who would let a group of mortals from the Hei clan rule here, and it would be like this all of a sudden? For many years, for children and grandchildren.”

"The next step is to find the core of the Animal Dao Hei clan, the Animal Spirit City."

"There is a high probability that the True Monarch of the Divine Crow is in the Animal Spirit Fairy City. There is a fourth-level low-grade spiritual vein here, which is enough to become a retreat place for Nascent Soul monks."

"Then, while the True Lord Divine Crow is out, beat him to death."

"It's over."

"I don't believe it. In the devil's way, it is also a time of war and chaos. The Six Paths Sect and the Nascent Soul monks are working hard to track down and so on. Their feelings are so deep."

Jiang Ding quickly made a plan.

The figure flashed, broke through the air again, and came to the center of the Bone Knife Tribe, in the middle of the large tent guarded by many prairie warriors.

A bearded man wearing a sword closed his eyes and meditated. His true energy had reached the peak of his inner energy, and he was trying to attack the innate.

He opened his eyes, showing a hint of confusion, then closed them again.

“There’s a little more information.”

"The location of the Hei Khan's Court. As expected, there should be traces of Hei's monks in that direction. If you find them, you can find the location of Animal Spirit City."

Jiang Ding unleashed all his concealment abilities and flew through the sky at a neither fast nor slow speed without coming into contact with anyone.




(End of this chapter)

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