A swarm of heavy artillery bombarded the cultivators.

Chapter 452 Old friends are dying one after another0

Chapter 452 Old friends are dying one after another

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together and compressed toward the center.

Mana begins to transform from gas to liquid.

If successful, the body and soul can be refined with the power of qualitative transformation, thereby extending the life span to 250 years. The upper limit of the life span of 30 years during the Qi training period can also be stacked.

If you fail, your body and soul will be destroyed.

The body and soul of the foundation builder are too old.

At the age of one hundred and twenty-six years, a mortal at this age is already a pile of bones. Any slightest trauma will trigger a chain reaction of physical collapse.

"What will be the result?"

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature?"

Jiang Ding muttered to himself, suddenly showing a hint of coldness.

"If we really follow the laws of birth, old age, sickness and death, what's the point of our cultivation? Why won't we die here after a hundred years?"

"The laws of nature are also reversible!"

"Central array spirit computer."

Jiang Ding calmed down: "With the Taiqing Flying Sword as a mortgage, can I temporarily obtain a deity transformation meritorious service? If the person inside fails to break through the foundation building, can I retain the qualitatively changed spirit in the lower half and seal it and send it to the secret realm of sleep?"


There is no delay in the sound of the central array spirit computer.

"Within one thousand years, just turn in a copy of the deity transformation merits."

"That's good."

Jiang Ding closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation. He no longer looked anxious and uneasy, almost as if he was about to give birth to an inner demon.

The people around him also held their breath and did not dare to make any noise.

I don’t know how long it will take.

Tick ​​tock!

There was a sound coming from somewhere, like the first drop of water falling from the jade plate of a bright mirror.

"It's done."


Jiang Ding suddenly opened his eyes, his smile bloomed, and a joy came from his heart. He no longer had any worries, and he laughed loudly: "As expected of the future Jiang Tianjun's mother, how come she can't even pass a mere foundation-building level?"


"impossible things!"

Under the agitation of emotions, the invisible breathing technique suddenly became ineffective.

A boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, with a childish face, like a high school student, was laughing wildly at the door of the training room with his arms akimbo, saying words that made people want to cover their eyes and ears.

"Is this uncle?"

The tough-headed young man and woman were stunned.

If it wasn't here, wherever you saw it, you would think it was a kid who skipped classes from some school.

There is no difference at all between this appearance and this shameful temperament.


Jiang Ding quickly put down his hands on his hips, gave them a serious and friendly greeting, and disappeared again.

After a long time, the turbulent spiritual energy of heaven and earth calmed down.

After a few days of stabilizing his cultivation, the door to the training room slowly opened.

Amid the faint pressure from Foundation Establishment, Lin Wanqiu walked out. The dark brown skin on her face became whiter, with fewer wrinkles. Even some of the white hair on her head turned to black, and the whole body changed from white to white. Convert to black.

Suddenly he looked much younger.

From being in his nineties to being in his sixties or seventies, he is much healthier and stronger.


Jiang Yuan called out tentatively, hesitating and not daring to acknowledge him.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong?"

Lin Wanqiu didn't know why.

"It's really mom."

Jiang Yuan was shocked.

Forget about the pervert, she has been like this since elementary school, and she has become accustomed to it over the years.

But when we get along day and night, my mother, who has always been the image of an elder in my heart, suddenly becomes younger than me. Standing together, it feels like I have become my mother.

This suddenness brought a great sense of dreaminess to her heart.

"Congratulations, aunt!"

Lin Yuanwang said happily. He had just experienced the death of his relatives one after another, and he never wanted to experience it again.

It feels really good to still have an elder in the world who can rely on me.

"Congratulations, grandma!"

The two little guys said in unison.

"Good grandson!"

Lin Wanqiu smiled until her eyes narrowed into slits.


After staying at home for a few more months, it was confirmed that Lin Yuanwang's mental state had improved and he could already go to work and practice normally. Jiang Ding asked Jiang Yuan to practice some exercises, float his body, and leave his hometown again to return to school.

He didn't immediately fly into the aerial fighter planes. He turned around and landed at the gate of Rongcheng Cemetery.

After buying a few handfuls of white chrysanthemums nearby, Jiang Ding followed the flow of people and lined up to enter the cemetery.

Around him, there were mostly people like him, looking sad and taciturn. Even if it wasn't a festival, there were many people coming and going.

"It turns out that in the city where I was born, people are leaving all the time."

Jiang Ding thought silently.

"Every moment, someone is born. It's a reincarnation."

"I always ignored these things before, thinking that I would never encounter them, but in the end I just thought."

Walking slowly in the cemetery, the crowd gradually dispersed.

In the end, I was left alone, surrounded by silent tombstones.

Jiang Ding paused.

"The Tomb of Guo Gongkui."

"Guo Gong is famous as a monk at the ninth level of Qi training. His mother...father... was born in Rongcheng City, Xianmen Province, Guizhou Province in 11068. In 11084, he was admitted to the Taoist Department of Qianling University. Twenty years later, he graduated with the third level of Qi training. , and then went to serve in Canghai Xiaojie..."

"In 11115, he joined the teaching staff at Rongcheng No. Middle School. During this period, he was full of talents and taught nine foundation-building monks..."

"In 11127, Duke Guo taught the first Immortal Sect champion in the history of Rong City, Jiang Ding, the Sword of the Sun, who made great contributions to the Immortal Sect. It must be remembered in the history of history that time cannot erode even a single inch. There are still people who remember..."

"In 11202, Duke Guo passed away at home, and he will be remembered by future generations."

Jiang Ding placed white chrysanthemums in front of Guo Kui's grave.

"Teacher Guo, have a good journey."

In a daze, he remembered that many years ago, Guo Kui slammed the table on the podium, scolding someone for writing the wrong symbol for the first rule of the Immortal Sect for giving points, and he looked so angry.

It's 11208 now.

High school teachers have passed away one after another a few years ago, and he attended the funeral every time, bringing an end to the relationship between teachers and students.

"Hi, Jiang Ding, it's you again."

From behind, a familiar voice came.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang."

Jiang Ding turned around and said hello.

It is Zhang Dingjun, the instructor of Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School. He is now in the early stages of foundation building and is also the last remaining teacher among the high school teachers.

"Back from school again?"

Zhang Dingjun placed a handful of white chrysanthemums in front of Guo Kui's grave, then walked to the nearby graves of Mr. Wang Lan and other old colleagues, and asked casually.


Jiang Ding nodded and kept up.

"Lao Guo, there is actually hope that we can go further."

"He values ​​his children too much."

Zhang Dingjun placed the chrysanthemums in front of Teacher Wang Lan's grave and sighed: "You passed the exam to become the number one scholar in the Immortal Sect. The Immortal Sect rewarded you with a foundation-building pill and a set of three foundation-building treasures. He had no use for it and left it to his children. Later, he gave it to The same goes for his top-quality foundation-building pill, which extended his life for more than ten years just by relying on his skills."

"all good."

Jiang Ding shook his head.

This is what Guo Kui thinks is the right choice, and outsiders are not qualified to comment.


Zhang Dingjun stopped talking.

The same goes for him. His classmates and colleagues have disappeared one after another. After several years, he still feels empty in his heart.

After Jiang Ding followed Zhang Dingjun to pay homage to the deceased teachers one by one, he waved his hand, flew into the sky, merged with the air and space fighter planes, and flew into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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