Chapter 404 Buddha’s War
  An army of millions of tanks continues to advance in the sea.

It was dragged through white waves, mixed with pieces of flesh and blood and blood flowers from the monsters in the sea.

There are often violent storms, and huge waves crash down from time to time, crashing into neat phalanxes of tanks, sending them flying in all directions, and many of them are even smashed into the sea hundreds of meters deep, as if they have suffered A devastating disaster.

But after a while, the huge waves dissipated, and the amphibious tanks came up one after another, each forming a neat phalanx without any changes.

Amidst the smell of blood that permeates hundreds of thousands of kilometers,

The monsters in the deep sea also learned humility.

Whenever they smell the engine oil of the tank army, they will flee hundreds of kilometers away. They no longer think that they are the overlord of the deep sea, and there is a huge necessity to maintain the dignity of the overlord of the sea.

"Ahead, Moshi Island is thousands of kilometers in size and has a population of more than eight million."

In the legion channel, Jin Lingfeng's voice sounded.

The army of tanks that covered the sky rushed onto the beach, and the sea water slipped from the armor, leaving water marks on the beach.

A few kilometers into the land, a tank battalion paused and adjusted its muzzle slightly.


Thirty-six armor-piercing shells controlled by Lingzi radar flew into a temple in a small city more than [-] kilometers away. They were accurately divided into a dozen fragments and passed through the heads of the temple's upper floors and fanatical Buddhists.

Then use magic to carve warning words on the wall of the main hall, and those who erect the Buddha statue will die.

Several surrounding tank battalions also have their own division of labor, scanning nearby cities with spirit radar. Once the soul fluctuations of fanatical Buddhists are found, an armor-piercing artillery shell with no accidental damage will be blasted over.

Everything is done.

Regardless of the surprise or fear of the mortals in the city and temple, the tank army rumbled across the land and drove into the distance.

"The Buddha's enemy is ahead!"

"The Supreme Treasure Cauldron Maitreya is watching over you. After your death, you will be able to go to the Paradise of Paradise in the West. Each of you will have thirty-six beautiful wives, and you will have no worries about food, clothing, wine and meat!"

"This is Maitreya's blessing for everyone!"

In front of the torrent of steel, there are more than [-] elite Buddhist troops with bright uniforms and bright swords and guns. Each of the soldiers has a strong aura, at least they are all warriors who have completed their physical training.


"Kill Buddha's enemies! Go to the Paradise of Paradise!"

Encouraged by the monks who accompanied the army, the morale of the army was high!
  The shield soldiers were in front, the spearmen were behind, and the red-armored cavalry, all composed of inner-qi warriors, were cruising on both sides of the army, ready to deliver a decisive and fatal blow at the critical moment when the two armies were anxious.

Among the core of the army, some Xiantian realm generals had deep despair in their eyes.

"The Baoding Maitreya Sect is quite good."

Jiang Ding nodded slightly: "We did not let the people come out to die indifferently, but used the army to fight. They still have a bit of backbone."

Yes, in his opinion, these people with cold weapons are the army.

Holding weapons, having a strong desire to kill the enemy, and being in order, each of these are absolute military characteristics and have nothing to do with strength.


After repeated scanning to confirm that there were no other ambush, hundreds of howitzers with burning exorcism spells were blasted out, each covering hundreds of meters, drowning the red-armored army who was shouting something in front of them. Flesh fragments and flames rose up, and they recovered. Quiet.

"What backbone can He have?"

An Siyan said disdainfully: "The large number of deaths of believers will cause him to be injured. If it weren't for the philosophy of the Immortal Sect, he would definitely not feel comfortable now. How could he dare to take the initiative to expand this trend."

Over the past twenty days,
  An army of four million tanks flowed through the inhabited islands in the sea, carefully cleaning up the temples of the Baoding Maitreya Sect and the fanatical Buddhists, destroying tens of thousands of temples and Buddha statues.

Donghai is returning to its former self.

A few days later, this large island with a population of nearly [-] million was cleared, and the troops entered the sea again.

"The next one is Muling Island. This is a large island with a population of hundreds of millions. It can be called a small continent. It is one of the eight most important strongholds of the Baoding Maitreya Sect. There may be..." An Siyan reported the battle plan , suddenly saw the young man in green in the communication screen in front of him, his eyes moved.

"Yes there will be."

Jiang Ding shook his head: "Incense God, I have seen strong emotional behavior."

Among the third-order spirit radar of the super aerospace fighter,
  A large number of densely packed enemies came over, and among the strong smell of incense, there was first born a half-human army with various weird horns and thick scale armor, including those at the foundation-building level and Qi-training level, and their number was as high as dozens. Ten thousand.

Send the appearance and breath information of these people to the legion channel.

"It is the Kinnara tribe among the eight divisions of the Buddha. It has many horns, looks like a human but not a human. It is half a creature created by incense. It often holds large drums, bronze bowls and other magical instruments. It is good at psychedelic music and attacks.
  It is transformed from the fusion of the souls of believers and monsters. It is a kind of army that the Buddha and gods like very much. It is easy to manufacture, the cost is controllable, and the strength is not weak. "

An Siyan had three jade slips and magic weapon embryos floating around his body, storing extremely rich information, and he immediately explained to everyone.

Another kind of enemy, humanoid, covered in black, ugly face, with four arms, holding a lyre in his hand, with his fingers on the strings.

"The Gandharva tribe among the eight divisions of the Buddha, also known as the incense god division and the incense god, is made in a similar way. It is said that whenever the Buddha wants to listen to music, he will burn a stick of incense, and the Gandharva King will lead his tribe Come here, the manufacturing method is similar, and you are good at sound attack spells."

"Buddha's eight parts, each part must have a master..."

An Siyan paused in his words.

Amid the solemn Sanskrit sounds, a radiant Maitreya Buddha appeared with his hands clasped together and each holding a Buddha treasure in his six arms.

On the side, King Kinnara with giant horns on his head and holding a big drum, and King Gandharva holding a lyre and covered in pitch black stood respectfully. They were all terrifying auras in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir.

"Buddha's enemy!"

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

"...Take refuge in my Buddha..."

The sound of Maitreya from Baoding is like a bell and a bell, containing endless compassion, and golden sound waves spread in all directions.

  Boom, boom, boom...

Beside him, King Kinnara knitted his arms and smashed the drum head violently. The surrounding tribesmen with all kinds of horns smashed the big drum and bronze bowl in front of him at the same time.

King Gandharva and her followers plucked the strings with four arms and a graceful rhythm.

Large drums, bronze bowls, lyres, and various musical instruments are played by hundreds of thousands of the mythical Buddha's followers.

In an instant, flowers were falling from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and golden sound waves and swastika characters spread in all directions, all rushing towards the young man in green clothes in the sky.

Countless people's voices whispered in their ears, teaching them earnestly, making them turn their hearts to the light and take refuge in my Buddha. This is the fate obtained through many generations of practice, and it is destined.

"...You bastard, you still haven't woken up!"

With everything being prepared, Baoding Maitreya clasped his hands together and gave a wake-up call.

Nothing happens.

All the immortal monks looked at this incense god strangely and fired all their guns.

"Another person scolding me."

The young man in Tsing Yi, who was surrounded by countless golden ripples, golden lotuses and swastika characters, was not very angry and showed a trace of curiosity: "How did you come up with this fantastic idea?"

"Use the magic of enchantment to deal with a person who has understood the meaning of the sword?"

  The muzzle of the super aerospace fighter is faintly blue, and the third-level high-grade magnetic field psychic energy gathering and killing array patterns flash within dozens of kilometers, and the terrifying sword intent of destruction is revealed.

A blue-gold flying sword slowly emerged, locking onto the core of Incense's faith.

 The coding efficiency has dropped, I didn't mean it.


  (End of this chapter)

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