My different world is game mode.

Chapter 327 The Manic Snake

Chapter 327 The Manic Snake


"Black snake!"

The sound of scales rubbing against leaves could be heard in the forest.

Soon some of the awakened ones discovered the enemy and began to loudly alert their companions.

Those who could fight stepped forward one after another, spreading out in a fan shape, protecting those who were unable to fight behind them.

Only a few seconds passed.

Shadows stirred in the forest, and snakes approached from it.

But the darkness of the night makes it difficult to tell their status.

It looked like there were dozens of them, but looking into the dark forest, I felt that this number might be too few.

The only thing one can be sure of.

Lindsay looked at the other party.

There was no wind, no rain, and no gravity abnormalities around the camp.

There are silver rings on their black snake scales.

The snakes in the dark forest also began to panic and even retreated.

At this moment, Lindsay suddenly moved.


"Everyone, pay attention!"

Explorer Lei Ze shouted. He knew the danger of darkness, so he first determined that the strategy of this battle was to focus on defense.

In addition to toxins, this green mist also obviously contains source of essence, which is a natural skill of Warcraft.


In addition to the strong and strong pythons in the snake group, those smaller individuals also have the ability to carry poison!

He met this man yesterday.

But the ordinary people in the back...

"Don't worry, everyone, you will never get through this poisonous fog!"

Several slender black figures suddenly moved forward.

Right next to an awakened person.

But the poisonous mist that was heading towards the camp a second ago immediately reversed its direction and surged towards those poisonous snakes!

This poisonous mist itself is corrosive, and even monsters are unwilling to touch it with their bodies.

A man wearing a cloak came to the front. He didn't make too drastic movements, he just opened his hands, and the fluctuations of the source of essence spread outward, covering the poisonous mist that came in.

"Stay within the bonfire and don't go out to fight!"

Under the commotion, he even felt like retreating!

"Get away!"

The powerful force allowed him to move as fast as lightning, and in the next second he was already at the edge of the bonfire.

The other party's name is Shi Ke, and he is a Fenheng master.

The only good news is that this mist is not very fast, and the awakened person can handle it with physical fitness.

After the snake raised its head, it opened its mouth and sprayed venom forward. This yellow-green liquid expanded rapidly when it came into contact with the air, and then turned into balls of green mist, almost covering the entire camp on its route.

"Is this...poisonous mist?"

Pythons are accustomed to suffocating their prey by wrapping and squeezing them, rather than paralyzing and killing their prey with venom.


Lindsay frowned and thought quickly in her mind about how to protect the ordinary people behind.


Lei Ze's shouting seemed to anger the monsters in the forest.

Lindsay immediately glanced behind her.

generally speaking.

Someone from the expedition team has already taken a step forward.

The dagger in Lindsay's hand pointed downwards vertically, and her whole body stabbed towards the ground like a flying swoop!

"Mr. Drake?"

But don't wait for him to take action.

There were just slender figures swimming around. They surrounded the camp and could launch an attack at any time!

The wandering speed of the snakes suddenly accelerated, and the dangerous air sank between the light and shadow of the campfire and the forest.

But Warcraft cannot be explained by this common sense.

Awakeners of this profession are very unique, and after advanced, they can have an impact on everything in the world. Compared with the elemental school that simply controls elements, its abilities are more comprehensive and powerful!

Attacked by poisonous fog in turn.

The man controlling the poisonous mist shouted loudly.

He took a step forward with his left foot and rose into the air.


No one else had time to be surprised or confused.

Because in the next second, Lindsay's dagger struck the ground.

The seemingly empty ground suddenly heard the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart!


At this time, an emerald green snake shadow appeared from the ground. It was completely hidden in the air just now, and it moved almost silently, just like a top assassin preparing for action.


"These snakes can also become invisible!"

The Awakened One, who looked confused just now, now only has gratitude on his face.

If it weren't for Lindsay, he wouldn't have noticed the monster crawling on the ground, and he would have inevitably run into trouble.

Lindsay still looked calm and just shook her head lightly.

He continued to use the map to conduct reconnaissance to confirm the movement tracks of other monsters.

The others saw this thrilling scene and did not react without any reaction. Among them, the team leader Lei Ze immediately spoke:

"People behind, bring the fire extinguishing powder and be careful of their invisibility!"

The explorer calls the shots.

The clever ordinary people behind him came up with two sacks.

They poked the bag open, waved forward, and a layer of white powder spread around the camp.

Several invisible poisonous snakes that had just emerged from the forest also revealed their traces.


The arrow flew out immediately, and sure enough, two more poisonous snakes were nailed to the ground.


"They're coming!"

It was as if a silent charge sounded.

The snakes began to emerge and launch a general attack on the human camp.

But the strongest among them are the third and fourth level monsters.

Although there were a large number of monsters, their traces were discovered by Lindsay in advance, thus losing the advantage of a sneak attack. Coupled with the fact that the awakened people cooperated with each other and relied on the defensive advantages of the camp to hold on, the battle process was almost safe.

The whole battle came and went just as quickly.

Less than half an hour later, there were no more venomous snakes in sight that dared to attack humans, and the traces of fire extinguishing powder on the ground were a mess.


Among the crowd, Lei Ze, as the leader, breathed a sigh of relief.

He narrowed his eyes and used his own skills to make sure, then turned to look at Lindsay:

"Mr. Drake, are there any enemies around?"

Lindsay looked at the map before giving the answer:

"At least there are none within my detection range."

Lei Ze then looked at his other companions:

"Everyone has worked hard."

"It's getting late, let's take a rest first, and I'll make arrangements for the night watchmen tonight!"


After being attacked by monsters, people naturally had no intention of continuing the bonfire party.

When Lei Ze arranged for everyone to rest, Lindsay also came over:

"Leize, let me handle these corpses. There are some things in them that are valuable."

Of course Lei Ze would not refuse:

"Then trouble you."

"After cleaning up, Derek, you can go and rest immediately. I don't think there will be a second wave of attacks in a short time. But it may not be safe in the second half of the night. I hope you can join the vigil by then."

"Of course, no problem." Lindsay nodded.

He activated the skill of collecting materials, crossed the bonfire, and began to collect the harvest of tonight's encounter.

[Material: snake gallbladder]

[The bitter snake gall has a certain detoxification effect when taken directly; it can be used as a material to make other props. 】

[Ordinary materials, low value. 】

[Material: snake scales]

[Strong snake scales can be used as materials to make other props. 】

[Ordinary materials, low value. 】

[Material: poison sac]

[Venom sacs containing snake venom can be used as materials to make other props. 】

[Ordinary materials, low value. 】

Three materials.

Among them, [Snake gallbladder] can be used to make detoxification potions; [Snake scales] can be used to make venomous snake scales; [Poison sac] can be used to make snake venom potions.

While collecting materials, Lindsay also identified the snake's carcass.

In the introduction of the corpses of these snake monsters, there is a message that appears frequently.

——[The anger of the forest is affecting its people, and life is becoming manic. 】

(End of this chapter)

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