My different world is game mode.

Chapter 228 Figure in the Glow

Chapter 228 Figure in the Glow
  The light and shadow in the crystal wall are extremely chaotic.

The light from various crystals complement each other here, and the scene in front of you is like the wonderful colors in a kaleidoscope.

As Lindsay ran, she tried to pull out the map to figure out the direction.


For the first time, the map's functionality didn't work perfectly.

This skill seems to treat the entire crystal wall, as well as its internal existence, as a whole. Just like when seen from the outside, the map only shows a huge crystal aggregate!
  "I can only rush forward!"

Staying in a place like this, no one can guarantee that danger will not occur. Lindsay can only keep moving forward and continue to score points.


  With a muffled sound, the girl's head hit a piece of crystal.

Lindsay sprinted in a straight line without encountering any obstacles.

But Hong, who was carried on his shoulders, kept following his running movements.

The results were not surprising.

Unable to identify the specific road conditions in the crystal, Hong threw his head and hit it directly on a raised crystal.

"Ah... huh?"

A girl's murmur reached Lindsay's ears.

Hong woke up just like that!

She realized that the person carrying her was Lindsay, but she didn't want to struggle down. Instead, she covered her forehead with her hands:
  "Lindsay, why does my head hurt so much?"


Can it not hurt?

Lindsay was now running at full speed like a train.

If it were an ordinary person, the cervical vertebra would have been fractured by such a collision just now.

Thanks to Red being a pretty powerful Awakener too.

Now that I was woken up abruptly, I still had the energy to ask myself why my head hurt.

At the same time, the expression on Lindsay's face was one of embarrassment.

He had just knocked Hong unconscious, and now he had knocked her against the wall, causing her to suddenly wake up.

I always feel a little guilty in my heart.

So Lindsay answered without hesitation:

"You just awakened some memories. This may be the cause of your headache."

"Hmm..." Hong covered her head and sounded suspicious, "Really?"


Lindsay was silent for a moment, and then began to describe their current situation:

"Hong, we have rushed into the crystal wall now. There may be danger at any time..."


Suddenly, all the messy lights and shadows in front of the two people disappeared.

Although the crystal wall itself is strong, its thickness is not too outrageous.

With Lindsay's speed, in just a few words, they had passed through the crystal wall itself and entered the enclosed inner space.

But the scene that appeared in front of them was a bit disappointing.

There are no ancient buildings that have been left behind for countless years, nor are there endless treasures that are priceless, nor are there any treasures of heaven and earth that can transform a person.

This is just a space illuminated by crystal light.

Huge rock fragments are stacked together in an irregular manner, making this place look like a broken earth.


Lindsay silently put Hong down.

He prepared his words carefully, without mentioning Hong's recovered memory at all, and only asked the girl what she thought of the scene in front of her:
  "Red, do you feel anything here?"

The tacit understanding cultivated over the past six months made Hong completely aware of Lindsay's caution.

She shook her head slightly and said frankly:
  "Lindsay, I did remember something."

"For example, before I lost my memory, a man penetrated my heart with a long sword. He should be the kind of righteous person you call me."

"But I have no impression of this place at all."

Lindsay was a little unbelievable:

"The sword penetrated through the heart... Are you sure you are still alive?"

Hong grabbed Lindsay's hand and pressed it on her chest:
  "Did it jump?"

Not long ago, Hong's clothes were crushed to a certain extent because it was too painful to regain her memory.

Lindsay quickly took her hand away:

"It's jumping."

Hong shrugged, not caring about this kind of thing at all:

"That's it."

Lindsay began to change the topic:
  "Do you remember anything else?"

Hong thought about it seriously. After a sudden coma and awakening, the recovery of memories in her mind was interrupted, but some important information was retained.

"A guy named Olma should be my previous collaborator."

Hong's tone was very certain:

"If I can find this guy, I will definitely be able to think of more things!"

"We don't have time to look for anyone now." Lindsay shook her head slightly, "Do you remember anything else?"

The girl replied directly:

"Only some fighting skills."

Since there was no information that could help, Lindsay did not persist in asking.

He took the lead towards the messy rock ruins:
  "Then let's look here. It's best if we can find something to deal with the lizard leader."

"You just woke up and you don't know yet."

"The shaking on the ground has stopped. The battle between that guy and the Eyeless Man seems to be over."

Hong nodded to express his understanding, and then asked:

"Did anything else happen while I was unconscious?"

Lindsay replied:
  "If you want to know how I found my way in, I can tell you."

Hong was not interested in this kind of thing at all. She changed her tone and said to Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, I want to discuss something with you."

"If I show signs of recovering my memory next time, no matter what, don't knock me out."

Lindsay asked rhetorically:
  "Even if you might die?"

Hong is very confident:
  "That kind of thing is impossible!"


The two of them chatted briefly while continuing to move towards the jumbled rocks.

It didn't take long.

Stepping on the messy rocky terrain, Lindsay discovered some patterns in the distribution and stacking of the terrain. He stared at the cracked texture of a rock next to him and immediately said:

"Hong, look at the cracks and the tilted angles of this rock. This place seemed to be the center of an explosion before. There is a consistency in the tilted and broken angles of the rocks!"

Hong also follows goodness:

"So if there is something here, it should be at the center of this explosion."

The two looked at each other and adjusted their direction tacitly.

If we move forward according to this speculation, the road ahead will become easier. The rocks stacked on top of each other gradually become larger in size, and some of them can even allow people to lie down completely on them and sleep.

A few minutes later, the center of the rocky ruins appeared in front of them.

The light emanating from the crystal wall makes this place very bright, but there is a golden light ahead that they cannot suppress.

"Lindsay, there seems to be a figure inside?"

Hong couldn't believe it.

In this golden light, she seemed to see a person standing in it!

Lindsay nodded and confirmed the girl’s observation:

"Yes, there is something like a human figure inside."

Lindsay and Red were then ready to continue exploring.

But at this time, they discovered a shocking fact - they could no longer move!

Even not close to the past.

Just observing with the naked eye, the strong will exuded from this figure has spread to them unconsciously.

Faith, obsession, determination...

This power cannot be described in words, and it permeates the surroundings through the ancient sefirah.

Will appears in reality in the form of rules and forms a powerful shackle, making it extremely difficult for the two people inside to even move a finger!


Red gritted her teeth and shouted Lindsay's name.

Lindsay did not waste any energy in responding. He opened his bag and struggled to resist.

Although this power currently only suppresses them.

But Lindsay couldn’t possibly choose to sit back and wait for death!


At this moment, the golden light full of will around the figure seemed to have locked onto something.

It quickly expanded its coverage and spread towards Lindsay and Hong.

At this moment, Lindsay could clearly see that the light was composed of golden arcs with words written on them.

It’s exactly the same as the text composed of golden threads in the crystal outside!
  Lindsay wanted to do something.

But the next second, the golden arc of light came to them with strong will.


"That's too late……"

(End of this chapter)

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