Chapter 173 Red

"Ebony, fire, gems."

Lindsay said these three words without thinking, but the girl was confused:

"Is this the lingua franca?"

"What do they mean?"

Lindsay explained again in animal language, and the girl murmured in a low voice:
"Ebony, flames, gems..."

In the human lingua franca of this world, ebony and flame are both nouns with two pronunciations, while gemstones have three syllables, and there happens to be another tone with a similar sound.

The girl read this byte like this:

"I think you can think about it again..." Lindsay thought of her godmother in the hidden frontier, and instinctively wanted to persuade the girl to change her mind.

But what he didn't expect was that the girl in front of him lowered his head slightly.

From this one-sided perspective, Lindsay could see the bright smile on the other person's face, as well as a trace of expectation full of inner emotions:

"I think this is good."

"Lindsay, I will be called Hong from now on. Do you like my name?"


No matter what, Lindsay couldn't say a word "no".

"I like your name very much."

The girl raised her head, her starry eyes shining with light.

Then she turned around and took the lead:
"That's good, I like it too."

"Lindsay, do you want me to give you a name too?"

Lindsay decisively refused:

"I have a name, and I don't plan to change it."

The girl did not obsess over this and turned her attention back to her name:
"As for the name Hong, can you tell me what it means in common language?"

Lindsay responded:

"In common language, red is generally used to describe the color of objects, such as your eyes, your skirt..."

This was supposed to be a simple popularization of the concept.

But it didn't take long for Lindsay to realize there was something special about Red.

This guy's learning speed is terrifying!

The pronunciations and characters in the common language are engraved in the mind as soon as they are heard.

Ask her to read it again or state the meaning, and there will be no mistakes.

Other combinations of words or phrases are extended from the pronunciation and byte, and can be understood in an instant.

Two hours later.

Red can already hold a conversation with Lindsay in Common English.

After a whole afternoon, the two of them set up camp in the basin and prepared to spend the night.

Red has completely given up on bestiality.

According to her, as a human being, she must adapt to this era.

Of course, the language used cannot be what Warcraft uses.

By the time dinner was being prepared, Lindsay was already a little numb.

Although Hong on the side had lost her memory, she had a sharp mind. She recalled everything that happened today and immediately guessed something.

The girl quietly moved her body and sat side by side with Lindsay in front of the bonfire.

"Hello, hello?"

She pushed Lindsay with her shoulder:
"Lindsay, am I learning a little too fast?"

Lindsay rolled her eyes:
"It's not that it's a little fast, it's that it's unreasonably fast!"

"Most people spend years and months learning a language, but you can learn it in one day... If someone else told me this instead of my own experience, I would just think there is something wrong with his brain."

Facing the girl beside him, the only thing Lindsay could comfort herself with was the language skill on the attribute panel.

This is also his accelerated learning tool.

And he also has the ability to make something out of nothing, which is actually quite excessive when you think about it.

The skill pointer of [Food Production] stopped just on the perfect grid.

Lindsay got a hot, perfect roast and handed it to the girl next to her first.

Hong took the barbecue and took a bite. The corners of his mouth were slick with oil, and his voice became unclear when talking to Lindsay:
"But, this isn't difficult at all, is it?"

"Maybe I knew this language before?" Lindsay shrugged:

"Maybe so."

"Anyway, the speed at which you are learning languages ​​now is absolutely ridiculously fast."

While the two were talking, Lindsay's second piece of barbecue had been made, and he began to enjoy his dinner.

At the same time, Hong's attention began to shift.

She got the barbecue first and finished it first. After throwing away the remaining bones, the greasy feeling left on her fingertips felt very novel.

The girl began to stare at her fingers.

She pinched her index finger and thumb together and rubbed them again, and then her entire palm began to feel greasy.

"Sticky, slippery, so disgusting..."

This sense of curiosity gradually turned into discomfort.

Kurenai wanted to wipe off the grease, but immediately targeted her skirt.

Lindsay grabbed the red and greasy palm.

The girl looked confused and couldn't understand Lindsay's actions at all.

"Although we don't need to pay so much attention to hygiene when traveling in the wild, we still need to develop habits in life."

Lindsay could only continue as if teaching a child:
"It's best not to put dirty things like grease on your clothes."

The girl stuck out her tongue and licked her pink lips:

"Then I should lick it off?"

"You can't lick it either!" Lindsay quickly stopped Hong's movements, "You can wipe it off with something else!"

Hong was a little angry.

She pouted and stared at Lindsay fiercely:
"You can't rub it but can't wipe it, and you can't lick it. Are you looking for trouble?"

Lindsay took out the workbench and used spider silk to synthesize a piece of cloth on the spot:

"Use this to wipe."

Hong took the rag and wiped her hands, and Lindsay saw this and continued eating.

As a result, the girl who finished wiping her hands was not at ease, so she got behind Lindsay's butt and began to study things she didn't understand.

Her beautiful ruby-like eyes stared motionlessly at her butt.

Lindsay was sitting on pins and needles and couldn't even eat, so he had to put down the barbecue and turned around:
"Hong, what do you want to do again?"

The girl pointed at the workbench that Lindsay had just taken out:
"I'm curious, where did you get this thing from?"


Turns out I was curious about this.

Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief with a complicated expression and quickly explained:
"It's my craft, it's the ability to create something that's beyond common sense, like I can bring it out."

The girl's interest became high:

"Skills, you said this before! And the so-called source of matter!"

"Lindsey, when are you going to teach me this?"

Lindsay pointed to her barbecue:

"Wait until I finish eating!"


After dinner, Lindsay gathered some firewood and placed it next to the campfire for later use.

The knowledge teaching to Hong's Awakeners slowly started as night fell.

Lindsay slowed down her tone as much as possible and spoke with the attitude of a beginner:

"Generally speaking, the essence refers to a kind of power in the world, while skills are the various abilities we have cultivated ourselves. When the two are combined, magical effects can be produced. At this time, people can be Called the Awakened..."

After popularizing the basic concepts, Lindsay moved on to the focus of tonight.

He straightened his sitting posture and said as carefully as possible:

"Hong, let me explain to you first. I have four skills with clear routes, namely hunting, life, death, and war. As long as you want to learn, I can teach you..."

Hearing this, Hong was very excited.

She didn't wait for Lindsay to finish speaking before asking:
"What abilities do they have?"

"Wait, Lindsay! I want you to pull something out of your ass! Teach me this!"

 [There will be another update tonight, but I’m a bit slow at typing.I suggest you go to bed early and get up early, and watch it tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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