Strange game designer.

Chapter 202 I need you to play the NPC in the Kaitan game

Chapter 202 I need you to play the NPC in the Kaitan game

"I can create all level one to level four abnormal events, and I can even give scores and rewards to each ghost BOSS."

There are many ghosts gathered around Gao Ming. The only person who owns the House of Resentment is an art teacher and a physical education teacher. He also swallowed a black and white photo full of school teachers in his heart. With his ability, he can even restore Han De Private College.

"Ghosts alone are not enough. A senior psychotherapist once defined fear this way - when you feel threatened, if you feel that you are incapable or do not have the resources to solve it, you will feel worried and distressed."

"I need to stimulate their desire to survive and strong emotions to the greatest extent, and I can start from many aspects."

"The external environment is unsafe at first glance, the eerie and terrifying atmosphere of tension, and various internal psychological hints and guidance..."

Gao Ming is really suitable for making horror games. He has worked as a psychological counselor in a felon prison. He already knows the weaknesses of the human heart well. He has also conducted in-depth research on various cruel and twisted felons. Not only does he understand the reasons for the formation of fear, but he has even experienced it himself. I have experienced it and retained the memory of death again and again.

Not to mention anything else, Gao Ming can design a lot of strange ways to die.

There are no techniques, it’s all practice.

Before dawn, Gao Ming and Liu Yi separated, and he returned to the old city alone.

After getting out of the car, he received a message from Yan Qiu - the house is occupied by someone, I will wait for you in the third alley of Minlong Street.

"Wang Qiu's information? Has he been threatened?"

The classmates of Class 13 are now a thorn in the side of the Investigation Bureau, and there are too many people in the vast sea who want to catch them.

"My home is not very safe, but the location mentioned in the text message may be more dangerous."

Gao Ming thought for a moment, then walked into the adjacent corridor, took out the birthday cake photo, and entered the shadow world through the door opened by his father and mother.

The place where he got off the bus was very close to Minlong Street. After walking in the shadow world for more than ten minutes, he arrived at the place mentioned in the text message.

He got into a dilapidated hut, took back his birthday photos, and escaped from the shadow world.

Birthday photos may not seem to have much effect, but they allow Gao Ming to freely travel between the two worlds. It is very difficult for the Bureau of Investigation to catch him.

The familiar sound of rain reached his ears. Gao Ming looked outside along the crack of the door. Several investigators from the Lishan Investigation Bureau were hiding in the depths of the alley with various weapons. Han Qiu was huddled in the corner with Fa Cai in his arms. The child His expression was very sympathetic, like a kitten that had just been adopted and then discarded.

"Team leader, do you think Gao Ming will come back?" The people in the second investigation team were very nervous.

"When a resident of a building in Lijing Apartment disappeared, I felt that there was something wrong with Gao Ming. If Bai Xiao and Qin Tian hadn't delayed things, I would have caught him long ago." Ma Lian, leader of the second investigation team Very confident.

"I really didn't expect that the General Administration would personally order the arrest of people. What kind of class is Gao Ming's class 13 like? I saw a video email on the Internet, which said that the students of class 13 seem to know the truth. They..."

"We are investigators from the Bureau of Investigation. We must not be deceived. Maybe that video was sent by the scapegoat to divide us and the citizens!" Ma Lian glared at his men: "Stop talking and keep an eye on that high school." born!"

After hearing the conversation between the second investigation team, Gao Ming also had an understanding of his current situation.

"The Investigation Bureau is very hostile to us, Class 13, and it seems that I have to speed up the progress." Gao Ming pushed open the wooden door in front of him, walked into the back alley, and appeared among Long Qiu and the Investigation Team Two.

Seeing the person they were waiting for suddenly appear like this, the investigators had a very unreal feeling. Their ambush was like the emperor's new clothes, completely exposed.

"High...fate?" Ma Lian was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, Huang Qiu had already rushed into the rain with Fa Cai in his arms. After not seeing him for several days, Huang Qiu thought that Gao Ming didn't want him anymore, but he didn't expect that Gao Ming would come over even though he knew it was a trap.

"The second investigation team is here. It seems that the third investigation team should be stationed at my house." Gao Ming stood in front of Huang Qiu and glanced at the investigators: "It seems that there have been relatively few abnormal incidents in Lishan recently, so you can dispatch so many people. Catch me."

"Gao Ming! Give up the resistance! Follow us back to the Lishan Investigation Bureau!" Ma Lian's voice was very strong. He was not asking for Gao Ming's opinion at all. He directly asked his men to get close to Gao Ming.

"Your attitude towards me was very bad last time, and you are equally unlikable this time." Gao Ming was about to make a big change for the Lishan Investigation Bureau. He looked at the investigators of the second investigation team, and there was no trace of emotion on his face. Fear: "Congratulations, get rich."

The investigators stopped in place. They looked back at Ma Lian and felt a little panicked. After all, Gao Ming was the person named by the General Administration to find him, and he escaped alive from the out-of-control Level 4 abnormal event.

Hearing Gao Ming's call, Fa Cai rolled his chubby body, hugged Gao Ming's legs from behind, and poked his head out with tears in his eyes, as if asking Gao Ming what he was calling him for?


Hearing the meow, the investigator saw the fat cat.

"Fake it! Catch him!" Ma Lian felt that he had been tricked, so he took out his stun gun and pointed the gun at Gao Ming angrily.

But just when he pressed the trigger, an indescribable feeling of fear enveloped his body, and every cell seemed to be frozen.

There were screams of terror from behind, and Ma Lian found that the rain could not fall on him, and the top of his head was covered by a shadow.

Eight arms stretched out in all directions, and the ground and walls were all turning into flesh. None of the investigators in the second group ran away, and they were all thrown into the Flesh Fairy's room of flesh and blood resentment.

"The Lishan Investigation Bureau will need to replenish its personnel soon. At that time, I will send myself and Bai Xiao in." Gao Ming did not kill the investigators of the second group, but was just prepared to use his own way to go there. Convince them.

"Why don't you take them into your heart? Don't they even have the qualifications to make props? I'm about to run out of paint." Xia Yang muttered in Gao Ming's ear. Gao Ming had never noticed that Teacher Xia was so verbose before.

With the hope of getting rich, Gao Ming also brought Wan Qiu into the shadow world.

In reality, Yan Qiu, who was submissive, became curious about everything he looked at after entering the shadow world. The shadows lingering on the buildings seemed to take the initiative to approach him, and even the shadows seemed to feel friendly to him.

The last time Yan Qiu followed Gao Ming into the Surabaya apartment, he also took a different path. He seemed to be deeply loved by shadows, small animals, and children.

Pushing open the courtyard door of No. 4 Minlong Street, Wei Dayou who was hiding here and the villagers of Cripwan Village all ran out.

"Gao Ming! Oh my god! You haven't come back for so long, we all thought something happened to you!" Wei Dayou came up and gave Gao Ming a bear hug.

"It's nothing serious. I just attended a class reunion." Gao Ming called all the trustworthy people to the vicinity of the supermarket. The living people stood on the left side of the street, and the ghostly neighbors and the investigators who had been invaded by the shadows stood on the street. right.

"The East District of Hanhai will soon be in chaos. I need everyone's help to work together to do something." Gao Ming's eyes swept over everyone's face. Among them were simple villagers and experienced elite investigators from the East District. The newcomers who were disappointed with the Bureau of Investigation also had students from Hande Private Academy who were used as sacrifices by Situ An. On the other side of the road, there are all kinds of ghosts.

"Just ask, if there's anything you can do to help, just say it." Wei Dayou patted his chest, very generous.

"I need you to play the role of NPC in the Kaidan game."

(End of this chapter)

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