Strange game designer.

Chapter 139 "Sea Monster", "Paper Apple" and "Fate"

Chapter 139 "Sea Monster", "Paper Apple" and "Fate"

"Xia Yang's photo has been triggered. I still don't know what the ability of this photo is?"

The students entered the villa to explore. Gao Ming wanted to stop them, but didn't know how to speak.

When he saw his classmates looking like they had been saved, he really couldn't bear to tell them the truth.

The art teacher abides by the school rules and only wants to kill a small number of people. However, in the sixth painting drawn by Xia Yang, except for Gao Ming, all the classmates in Class [-] were turned into pieces and they couldn't even fight.

"Everyone, come on, look for clues! There might be an art teacher's secret hidden in this villa!" Qian Junran thought for a rare time: "The big ghost can't let us go for no reason, she may need our help!"

"Yes." Xishan stood by the door, the surprise in his eyes had faded: "I didn't expect that she is actually a sharp-tongued girl, and quite arrogant. Faced with such a girl, we can just pretend to be forced to do it. It saves her face and protects herself."

Among the students present, only Wang Jie was not so optimistic. He stood next to Gao Ming: "I have a very bad feeling. The 51st student is more vicious than imagined. Judging from the physical education class, he can usually do both hands." Be prepared, one is a trap and the other is an abyss."

Wang Jie's analysis was very logical, but he consulted with the wrong person.

At this time, Zhuo Jun touched the black ring. He was also in a state of not being sober. All the precautions that Situ An had given him before had changed: "Which ring is the problem?"

"Come to the second floor! There is a corpse here!" Xishan shouted in the corridor on the second floor: "The art teacher should be a woman from the sound, but why is this corpse a man?"

"Don't run around!" Gao Ming wanted to remind him, but his classmates didn't listen to him.

Zhuo Jun took the lead and everyone walked towards the second floor of the villa.

In the center of the studio, which was littered with scraps of manuscripts, lay a corpse. It was lying in a huge picture frame, as if it was asleep.

"Is he the husband of the art teacher? Why do I feel that his painting is better than that of the art teacher?" Xishan picked up a painting at random. The pattern that far exceeded the limit of ordinary people's imagination gave him a deep shock. It seemed that he was not admiring the painting, but the Death in the painting was admiring his soul.

"There can't really be a god of death in the world, right?"

"What I painted is not the God of Death, but high life." The man in the painting suddenly took off his mask and looked at Xishan with a smile.

The portrait suddenly spoke, and Xishan threw it out: "**!"

Zhuo Jun, who was looking at the corpse, just raised his head when he was hit in the face by the painting. He clenched his fingers and veins appeared on the back of his hand: "Don't make a fuss."

"The people in the paintings are alive!" Xishan is a pretty good character. After he was frightened, he quickly reminded other students: "Everyone, stay away from those paintings!"

He had warned them in time, but all kinds of abnormalities still broke out around the students.

Blood-stained knives fell out of the painting in Liu Yi's hand. Squad leader Yuan Hui stood in front of a work called "Sea Monster". The painting was composed of different blues, and it literally painted the deep sea. a feeling of.Yuan Hui's body kept getting closer to the canvas. He always felt that there was something hidden in the deep blue, but he couldn't see it.

"It seems like there's something in there?"

Yuan Hui's face almost touched the canvas. Instead of smelling the pungent smell of paint, he smelled the fishy smell of the sea.Something was approaching in the darkness deep in the canvas. It happened that Yuan Hui heard Xishan’s reminder at this moment. The moment he turned his head, an extremely huge mouth appeared in the canvas.

The sea water splashed everywhere, and the fangs bit through Yuan Hui's body, dragging him into the deep sea in the middle of the canvas!
Several students exclaimed. They were so frightened by the canvas that they couldn't close their mouths. What was even more horrifying was that there was no blood after Yuan Hui's body was torn open, but it only emitted an astonishing rancid smell.

Before he could speak, Yuan Hui had disappeared into the canvas, and the work titled "Sea Monster" returned to its previous appearance, a dark blue with nothing visible.

"The bad news is that there is really a sea monster in the painting. The good news is that the Yuan Hui who was eaten was not himself, but a replaced ghost!"

The students were all scared at first. On the left was the Killing Art Room and on the right was the Death Painting Exhibition. There were 13 ghosts hidden among the companions, but of course now there were only 12 left.

"Damn it, what evil has our class done!" Du Bai retreated and bumped into Ma Tao.

In fact, at this point, not only the students in Class [-], but also the ghosts who came to the class instead of classmates are afraid.They were originally meant to catch scapegoats, but now they seem to be on a pirate ship.

Yuan Hui's death was just the beginning. Cai Meimei's scream came from the first floor again. Everyone lay on the stairs and looked down. The belly of the fat man in the same dormitory as Ma Tao continued to swell and almost burst.

"He ate the fruit on the coffee table. The fruit was painted. After he ate it, he kept eating the painting!" Cai Meimei pointed at the fat man, her face turned pale with fright.

The fat man couldn't hear anything. His body was hunched on the ground and he was squirming. He kept eating scraps on the ground until his stomach exploded and paper scraps fell like snowflakes all over the room.

Looking at the fat man on the ground, his facial features melted into another appearance, and then his body completely turned into scraps of paper, becoming one of the scraps.

"Every scrap in this villa is a human life?" The students were frightened by their speculation, and their hands and feet went cold.

"Kill me, kill me, kill me!" A hysterical voice suddenly came from the bedroom on the second floor. A certain classmate who also went to the cafeteria with Ma Tao that day kept hitting his head against the wall.

When the students got closer, they saw that the man's body was penetrated by thin lines that came out of the painting. He couldn't control himself at all.

The painting behind him was blank. There seemed to be something there, but it seemed invisible. The name of the painting was "Destiny".

Even when his head was smashed, the classmate still didn't stop. He was also the ghost of the replacement student. His rancid body could no longer be concealed, and his hysterical screams echoed in the villa.

Three consecutive ghosts who had sneaked into Class [-] were scattered, but the living classmates were not happy at all. Everyone suddenly understood what it felt like to be sad when a rabbit dies and a fox dies.

Gao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and watched everything. Xia Yang's voice sounded in his ears again: "I helped you do what you wanted to do. Didn't you want to kill those ghosts for a long time? You clearly knew that they were ghosts. , why don't you want to do it? I can help you make a choice, I can be the paintbrush in your hands."

Xia Yang is influencing Gao Ming. He wants to become Gao Ming in this way and live in Gao Ming's spirit.If Gao Ming lives according to Xia Yang's will, it can be regarded as Xia Yang being reborn in Gao Ming.

"How about we go back to the classroom?" Xishan retreated to Gao Ming and Wang Jie.

There was no need to discuss, everyone had already started running to the first floor, and they responded to Xishan with action.

(End of this chapter)

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