Strange game designer.

Chapter 108 The Second Student

Chapter 108 The Second Student

After meeting those neighbors again, the childhood shadows that troubled Le Jia and Le Ren dissipated, and some black substances invisible to the naked eye slowly shattered.

Gao Ming put away the black and white photos, the neighbors waved to the two children, and the sound of water gradually faded away.

The bodies of the two brothers left in the shadow world were destroyed, and Gao Ming also understood something from it. All kinds of mental pain in reality correspond to something in the shadow world.

The real solution is not to ignore those pains and pile them up in the shadows, but to bring them back to reality and destroy them in reality so that they are not a burden to either world.

"My mission has been completed. You two will live a good life in the future."

Gao Ming has now truly obtained the right to use the flood photos, and all the efforts have been worth it.

"Thank you, can you tell us your contact information?" Lejia took out his mobile phone: "If you need us in the future, just ask."

After finishing speaking, he may have felt that his profession was rather special, so he quickly spoke: "We can talk about anything we need to do on a daily basis. We are both very strong."

"What the neighbors hope for you is what I want you to do." After exchanging contact information, Gao Ming and the brothers left quickly.

In the cremation room, the two brothers were still looking at the small captain's hats in their hands. It was given to them by Zhang Fendou. From now on, they will be the new captains.

After walking out of the funeral home, Gao Ming felt dizzy and sat on the steps.

His chest collapsed slightly, and streaks of blood caught his skin like rusty wires. Fragments of past death memories flashed through his mind uncontrollably.

In the past, there were flesh and blood ghosts and gods sitting in the torture chamber. After Gong Xiang was injured, the impact of these death memories had to be borne by Gao Ming himself.

"I'm so hungry..."

Gao Ming walked into a nearby shop while holding on to the wall. After eating a bowl of noodles and a plate of meat, he still felt hungry. This kind of hunger could not be fed by appetite and needed spiritual sacrifice to make up for it.

"Want to make a new game?"

There are a lot of deceased photos in the backpack, enough to create a new ghost story game.

Gao Ming was sitting in the restaurant and starting to think up a new game plot, when his cell phone rang.

Gao Ming was a little surprised when he saw the caller. He endured the hunger and answered the phone: "Is something wrong? Liu Yi?"

"Didn't you look at the group of classmates? Zhuo Jun rented a bus to take his classmates to the resort for a party tomorrow morning. He paid for all the expenses." Liu Yi's cold voice came from the mobile phone. She felt that Zhuo Jun was a little abnormal. .

"Zhuo Jun's status is different from ours now, so it's understandable if he wants to show off."

"Don't you think it's a coincidence? As soon as we escaped from a ghost bus, Zhuo Jun prepared another car." Liu Yi sent Gao Mingsang a photo: "It's raining so heavily, and he looks like It’s like being urged by a ghost to have a class reunion.”

Clicking on the picture sent by Liu Yi, Gao Ming narrowed his eyes. The route arranged by Zhuo Jun passed through the East District, to be precise, it happened to pass through Hande Private Academy: "Isn't this guy trying to sacrifice his classmates? He used to go to school No one bullied him when he was there?"

"I'm not sure. Just look at the classmates. I always feel that everyone is not normal." Liu Yi sent several screenshots to Gao Ming: "It's raining so heavily now, and they all agreed that tomorrow There’s something wrong with the party.”

The classmate group is very lively. It has been two days and everyone is still chatting enthusiastically, as if someone will die if his words fall to the ground and no one catches them.

"Perhaps they all have a reason to come." A normal class reunion would definitely be arranged on a rest day, when the wind is nice and the sun is shining, and everyone drinks and chats about the past, but Gao Ming's class reunion was arranged on A resort under heavy rain.

"You still haven't remembered the male classmate who was crossed out in the group photo?" Liu Yi asked casually.

"No, there shouldn't be that person in our class." Gao Ming decided to change his plan and go to the "class reunion" tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Ming rubbed his temples: "Time is very urgent. I want to restore the flesh and blood ghosts and gods as soon as possible." His eyes became a little dangerous, and fate made Gao Ming go to the East District again at a certain time. This time he wanted to directly Situ An was imprisoned in the torture chamber.

"It's a bit contradictory. Although Situ An is a heinous person, to a certain extent, he is also a person who does not believe in fate. The fundamental goal of everything he does is to change his destiny."

"Under the arrangement of fate, one of us will definitely die. Whether he kills me or I kill him, it seems to be an arrangement of fate."

Putting on his raincoat, Gao Ming recalled the memory of death in his heart and walked into the heavy rain.


"I understand, Song Xue, you don't need to rush me anymore, I will definitely be there tomorrow morning." Zhou Sisi looked at Song Xue in the video call speechlessly: "You make four calls a day, and my mother is not so anxious to urge me to get married. Pass."

"You must be there!" Song Xue seemed to suddenly remember something: "By the way, Sisi, do you feel like there is one less person in our class?"

"Quite a few, aren't they all in the group?" Zhou Sisi kicked off her slippers and lay on the bed.

"Then do you still remember who your deskmate is?" Song Xue's expression was very cute, as if she was just curious.

"Gao Ming?" Zhou Sisi was deeply impressed by Gao Ming. Their personalities were at two extremes. Gao Ming liked quietness, while Zhou Sisi liked liveliness. The head teacher even arranged the two of them into a study group.

"It's not him. Who was your deskmate in the second semester of your senior year of high school?"

"Next semester..." Zhou Sisi thought hard. There was a vague face in her mind, but she just couldn't remember it.

Taking out her mobile phone and comparing the names of her friends, Zhou Sisi looked down one by one, but she couldn't match the face: "It's strange, I really can't remember who my roommate is."

"It's okay. I'm just asking casually. Don't take it too seriously. Go to bed quickly. Zhuo Jun will send a car to pick you up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Song Xue hung up the phone with a smile.

"Why have I forgotten who my deskmate is?" Zhou Sisi has a very good personality, so the teacher always likes to place some shy and introverted students next to her, hoping that Zhou Sisi can help her classmates become more cheerful: "Forget it, I don’t think about it anymore, I love so and so.”

Zhou Sisi was spinning on the bed while telling funny jokes, laughing so happily that she completely forgot about the matter.

After getting sleepy from playing, Zhou Sisi got into the thin quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

She had a hazy dream. The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and her deskmate walked upstairs alone with the black lunch box he brought from home.

My deskmate is very strange, he doesn't like to talk, and he always keeps to himself, but his academic performance is very good.

Feeling a little curious, Zhou Sisi followed her. She suddenly wanted to see the face of her deskmate.

When they reached the top of the building, there was no one around. Zhou Sisi saw her deskmate sitting in the corner and opened his lunch box.

"Hello?" Zhou Sisi walked over directly. When she was about to pat the other person's shoulder, she found that the other person didn't use chopsticks to eat the lunch box, and kept digging out some things from the lunch box to eat with both hands.

Feeling something bad, Zhou Sisi stepped back, but her deskmate seemed to hear footsteps. He turned his head, his mouth covered with blood.

Zhou Sisi turned around and ran away in fright, but was knocked down by her deskmate. She struggled desperately and her body became heavier and heavier.

"No, this is a dream! Wake up! Wake up quickly!"

Waving her hands, Zhou Sisi gritted her teeth, making a sound in her throat, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

The quilt was kicked away, and Zhou Sisi's chest heaved violently, but then she saw a bloody face pressed above her head.

(End of this chapter)

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