Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 227, successfully escaped from the bodyguards and entered the airport

Chapter 227, successfully escaped from the bodyguards and entered the airport

Lin Yu walked out of the hotel, looked at the time, immediately found a place without cameras, and changed his clothes. At this time, Lin Yu already looked like an old lady.

In order not to be discovered by others, you must be careful.

Leave no trace behind.

Take a taxi and arrive at the mall.

He went straight to the third floor, sat on the stool next to him, and waited for Salama to come.

Lin Yu looked at the time.

In half an hour, Salama should be coming soon. Lin Yu stared at the entrance on the first floor as time passed by.

10 minutes later...

Salama arrived as promised and entered the mall with her bodyguard behind her. Just like Lin Yu said, buy whatever you see. The bodyguard carried things in big and small bags.

Soon, Salama was on the third floor.

Lin Yu stood up and wandered into the bathroom on the left.

When Salama saw this, she followed Lin Yu into the bathroom, and the bodyguard behind him stood outside the bathroom, waiting for Salama silently.

in the bathroom.

Salama's heart was pounding: "Teacher."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and quickly change clothes with me. After changing clothes, you immediately take a taxi to the airport without waiting for a moment. Do you understand?"

Salama looked around and her face turned red: "Will you change here?"

Lin Yu nodded.

Salama is a little embarrassed, she is a woman!
Although he was helping her escape.

But I haven't changed clothes in front of a man yet.

Lin Yu turned around and immediately took off his clothes.

Salama hurriedly took off her clothes and put Lin Yu's clothes on herself.


"All right."

Lin Yu turned around and looked at Salama. He took off his disguise mask, put it on Salama, and put the wig on Salama's head. He dressed it up carefully so that he could not tell that it was loose. One breath.

Lin Yu: "Where's your cell phone!"

"it's here."

"Okay, you go out now, remember, and learn like an old lady."

Salama nodded; "Understood."

Salama walked out and opened the room, took a deep breath, and left the bathroom unsteadily. At this time, the bodyguards outside looked at the old lady coming out without taking another look. Just as Lin Yu thought, they could not recognize her.

With her heart beating fast, Salama walked to the elevator.

Stepped on the elevator.

Out of the sight of the bodyguard, Salama breathed a sigh of relief.


Lin Yu took Salama's mobile phone and came out of the room, swaggering away from the bodyguard's sight. Now Lin Yu had made up as an Arab woman and wore a black scarf.

Lin Yu quickly took the elevator and left.

"Hey... the princess has been gone for so long, why hasn't she come out yet?"

"Assistant, please go in and take a look."

A female assistant entered the bathroom and called out: "Princess Salama, Princess Salama."

The assistant looked puzzled.

what happened?

Salama isn't here?
Is it...

The assistant opened the remaining doors, but Salama was nowhere to be seen. He was shocked when he saw this, and immediately walked out of the room and blurted out, "No, Princess Salama is missing."

The bodyguard was shocked.

"how come?"

"We clearly saw her going in."

"Have you searched all over?"

The assistant looked flustered: "I've searched everything, but there's no one inside. Salama has left and is not inside."

"But we didn't see her leave."

The assistant hurriedly took out his tablet, searched for information immediately, and looked at the location of his phone appearing outside. He said anxiously: "The princess is outside, follow me immediately."

A bodyguard took out his cell phone and immediately contacted the leader to report the departure of Princess Salama.Several bodyguards immediately followed the assistant.

After tracking the whereabouts of Princess Salama through mobile phone positioning, several people hurriedly came out of the mall and drove away in a hurry.

Lin Yu stood nearby, feeling relieved.

They left after their mobile phones,

Fortunately, he threw his cell phone into a garbage truck. Even if they caught him, it would still take some time. Taking advantage of this time, they immediately found a deserted place, changed their clothes, and headed to the airport.

beep beep...

Princess Assistant's phone is ringing...
"Have you found Princess Salama?"

"We found Princess Salama's mobile phone on a garbage truck, but she was missing. She must have been trying to escape."

"You are really damned. You followed Princess Salama and even no one disappeared. How did you protect Princess Salama and how did you explain to the chief?"

"I don't know either. Princess Salama just went to the bathroom and disappeared within 10 minutes."

"Okay, I'll go to the mall immediately. If people leave, you just wait to be punished!"

beep beep beep...
Dozens of people entered the mall.

Retrieve the surveillance in the mall.

Watching Salama enter the bathroom, ten minutes later, a total of ten people came out of the bathroom. When the assistant rushed in, ten people came and went.

The leading officer: "Investigate these six people immediately. Princess Salama must be hiding among them."

"I ran away right under your noses and you didn't even notice. What a fool."

"Seal the airport immediately. No plane can leave without my order."

"Inspect airports, ferries and cars immediately."

"Everyone who leaves must be carefully checked."

"The whole city is on lockdown."


Lin Yu appeared at the airport, watching Salama sitting on a stool, and watching Lin Yu entering the airport. Just as he was about to come over, he remembered Lin Yu's instructions to pretend not to know him.

Lin Yu went behind Salama and sat behind Salama's stool.

Lin Yu looked at the time.

There's still an hour left, as long as you're on the plane, everything will be fine.

And right now.

Tap tap tap tap······
Dozens of people quickly entered the airport, guarding the passage and checking everywhere.

Lin Yu frowned.

What a great speed.

They found Salama's phone so quickly, so quickly.

At this time Salama felt uneasy.

Is this going to end?
But luckily they didn't recognize Salama's attire.

The others looked surprised.

"Why are there so many security guards?"

"They are not security guards, they are the royal family's private team. Maybe something big happened?"

"What big thing could happen? Could it be that the royal family was stolen?"

"This is impossible. Not even a fly can fly out. How can it be stolen? It can't be a princess who wants to escape!"

"Keep your voice down, don't let them hear you."

"They're checking the passenger's identity."

"Something must have happened."

At this time, the security guards were divided into several rows and checked the passengers' identity information one by one.

Salama felt uneasy.

Just wanted to leave.

Lin Yu whispered; "Don't move, they are checking the passenger's information. You just need to show the information. Don't panic or run away and let them check."

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Salama dared to move.

At this time, the security guard walked to Salama's side.

Salama gingerly took out her identity information.

(End of this chapter)

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