Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 210: Shocking Europe, Betterage said "Mona Lisa" is a fake

Chapter 210: Shocking Europe, Betterage said "Mona Lisa" is a fake
Betterage continued: "We cannot devalue him and think he is a liar just because he is an Oriental."

"I don't believe that he can talk to Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci, and I don't believe that they will teach him the perfect painting talent." The host defended;
Betterage said: "I believe it."


Betterage explained: "I have also imitated their paintings. From their works, you can see the style and mood of each artist, and the sense of age when they painted. This is not something ordinary people can do. of."

“I can even see their experiences in the paintings.”

"You can see his technique, which is the standard painting procedure of Leonardo da Vinci."

The host exclaimed: "Can you still see Da Vinci's painting steps?"

Betterage nodded: "Of course."

"It's also amazing."

"It's not magical. I can do this at the age of 12. I can see the artist's experience, their style and steps, and even their posture when painting from the paintings."

The host sighed in his heart, no wonder you are called the greatest art liar in the world.

The host quickly changed the topic.

Asked: "Mr. Lin said that the Mona Lisa in the Louvre is a fake. What do you think of this?"

Bertlage said: "Yes, he is right, the one in the Louvre is indeed a fake."

Betterage didn't refute at all.

He naturally knew whether it was a fake. He had been to the Louvre countless times and had seen the Mona Lisa. The steps were completely wrong. This was not Leonardo da Vinci's painting style at all.

Bertelage's words shocked everyone and shocked the whole of Europe.

They didn't believe Lin Yu at first and thought he was a liar.

But now!

Even the master of forgery, Bertrage, said so, that the portrait in the Louvre was a fake.

This is worth pondering.

At this time, the whole of Europe was in shock, even more explosive than an atomic bomb explosion.

The one in the Louvre is a fake.

"No way, the one in the Louvre is really a fake. I've seen the Mona Lisa several times, and I only saw Loneliness?"

"God, how could it be a fake?"

"Where did the original work go?"

"The Mona Lisa was stolen once. At that time, some people suspected that the Mona Lisa had been switched."

"I don't believe what the orientalist said, but Betterage is a master of fake paintings. He should have seen that it was a fake."

"The Mona Lisa that I bought and kept for hundreds of years turned out to be a fake. I can't believe it's real."

"What the Oriental said was true."

"Is it really a fake?"

At this time, the host was also extremely shocked. She originally wanted to elicit Lin Yu's words and let Betterage refute, thereby proving that Lin Yu was lying and that Lin Yu was a liar, but she did not expect Betterage to say the same thing.

The host smiled and said: "Mr. Betterlage, don't be joking. That is the Mona Lisa that has been treasured for hundreds of years. How could it be a fake?"

Betterage retorted; "Isn't it a fake if it has been collected for hundreds of years?"

“If it’s a fake, why should it be exhibited?”

"Do you think it would be better to tell the world that this is an authentic painting, or find a fake and put it in the Louvre?"

The host retorted: "Many appraisal masters have appraised it."

Betterage smiled: "I have painted many paintings before, and they did not see them as fakes. Instead, they said they were genuine. A true appraisal master must first become an artist before he is qualified to appraise." "None of them are. Artist, how do you identify whether Leonardo da Vinci's paintings are fakes? Is it relying on technology?"

Betterage said whatever he was thinking on stage!
Regarding the appraiser who appraises ancient paintings, his tone is full of ridicule.

If he hadn't used the wrong color of seasoning back then, he wouldn't have been discovered yet!
In Betterage's heart.

The so-called appraisal masters are all idiots.

All are detected by technology.

The host asked again: "Then how did you tell that the Mona Lisa was a fake?"


"Just relying on feeling? This is a bit unbelievable."

"I have just explained that by looking at a painting, you can see Da Vinci's steps, his style, and even his movements when painting. The steps in that painting "Mona Lisa" are completely wrong. Although It looks very similar, but you can’t tell.”

"Because you are ordinary people and can't understand it at all."

"Appraisers can't understand it either. They can only identify it through the canvas and paint. But we judge it through the steps of painting, or even through the painting, showing the artist's thoughts."

The host was speechless.

The host couldn't find a rebuttal sentence at all.

Who makes him a master of fake painting!
Who makes him an artist?

Rely on feeling, rely on steps, and even rely on thoughts expressed in paintings.

The host wondered: "Does a painting still have thoughts?"

"Of course, a painting not only has a thought, but also a soul. You may not be able to understand it, but as an artist, I can tell you clearly that a painting must have a soul in order to be considered a true masterpiece."

"Just like that painting "Dark Dawn", that painting is a painting with a soul. The artist gave her a soul. When you read it, did you feel shocked? Do you feel that the girl is watching you, your Do you feel compassion in your heart? Do you think of the cruelty of war?"

"You will feel the girl's mood and the girl's thoughts from it."

“This is how the artist injects soul into a painting.”

The host exclaimed: "Mr. Betterlage, you seem to like "Dark Dawn" very much."

Betterage nodded; "It is undeniable that I really like it because it is a painting with a soul. If I had money, I would definitely buy it. Unfortunately, I don't have that much money."

"Of all the paintings I have made, there has never been one more beautiful than Dark Dawn."

"If I have the chance, I will talk with Mr. Lin about my painting skills, and I hope he will give me a chance."

The host exclaimed: "You are already an art master, do you still want to visit him? He is an Oriental."

"I don't care which country he is from, he is a true master of art. I may be able to learn something from him. If possible, I will even learn from him and follow the rules of the East."

Bertelage's words shocked the whole of Europe.

"God, the legendary forgery master Bertrage is actually going to become a disciple?"

"Oh my god, is this Easterner really that talented in painting?"

"I bought it. Betterlage seems to admire Lin Yu very much."

"It can be heard that Betterage admires Mr. Lin Yu very much and even said that he wants to learn from him."

"Have the painting skills of Easterners surpassed Leonardo da Vinci's?"

"Can't believe this is true."

"Perhaps Mr. Lin Yu really got the painting talent of Leonardo da Vinci, and he is a real artist."

(End of this chapter)

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