Chapter 187, Feng Xiaomo’s worries

Lin Yu was speechless. Do you think rich people are all murderers? They will kill people if they buy fake goods?
Feng Xiaomo said: "By the way, you just said that Wolfgang Betledge was a fake painter. What happened in the end?"

"It's nothing. He has been riding a sewing machine for several years. By the way, his wife helps him sell it and has also been riding a sewing machine for a few years."

Feng Xiaomo was dumbfounded.

Stepped on the sewing machine?
This is illegal.

At this time, Feng Xiaomo thought that he helped Lin Yu sell. Although she was not his wife, she was also an accessory!
If you were caught, you wouldn't have to go in and step on the sewing machine.

When Feng Xiaomo heard what Lin Yu said, he panicked: "Why don't we go get your paintings back before they are sold and go back?"

Lin Yu smiled: "You can look at the contract. You have signed the contract. If you regret it, you will have to pay a certain amount of liquidated damages. The liquidated damages are not much, about 15.00% of the value of the goods."

"Take the one I imitated last night, which is 500 million US dollars. How about you pay liquidated damages?"

Feng Xiaomo couldn't sit still.

500 million?

Or US dollars?

That's 9000 million. How can she have that much money to pay liquidated damages?

At this time, Feng Xiaomo suddenly thought of something and looked at Lin Yu in shock: "Have you planned it a long time ago and asked me to sell for you? If I am caught, it will be me who steps on the sewing machine in the end, not you····"

Lin Yu smiled: "I'm not that kind of person. Don't worry, when something happens, I will handle it alone."

How could Feng Xiaomo believe Lin Yu's words.

Husband and wife both fly away when disaster strikes!

Besides, their relationship is not that of husband and wife. It is impossible to say that all the responsibilities of the police station are hers, and they completely shirk the responsibility.

The more Feng Xiaomo thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

I regret even more when I think about my future life of using a sewing machine.

I knew it would not come.

Feng Xiaomo stared at Lin Yu and asked word for word: "Tell me, have you been plotting against me for a long time?"

Am I plotting against you?

I give you money, but I still plot against you?
what are you thinking!

Lin Yu advised: "You have to be reasonable. It was you who said you wanted to bet. It was you who said at the beginning that my painting could not be worth [-] yuan and it could not be sold."

"You must bet. The development of things is beyond my expectation."

"Who would have thought that the first painting was worth one hundred thousand dollars."

"The second one is incredible, it's worth 8000 million US dollars."

"Aren't you also moved?"

"Didn't you also agree?"

"Didn't you also sign the contract?"

Feng Xiaomo thought about it and realized what he said made sense.

She doesn’t want to step on the sewing machine!

Lin Yu comforted: "Don't worry, it's okay, they won't find out, and even if they find out, we won't step on the sewing machine."


Lin Yu explained: “First of all, fake paintings require a prerequisite.”

Feng Xiaomo asked in confusion: "What's the premise?"

"That's the name."

"Every genuine painting has a signature. Whether it is from the Dragon Kingdom or Europe, there are paintings with signatures. If these signatures are counterfeited, it is a fake painting. Once discovered, they will step on the sewing machine."

"This is the case with Wolfgang Beitlage, a master of pseudo-painting. He imitated the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, and also imitated the signatures."

“That’s why you go in and step on the sewing machine.”

"I'm different. I didn't imitate Picasso's signature. This is the art I painted. Although it is the same as Picasso's style, imitation is not illegal." "As long as you don't sign your name, you won't step on the sewing machine. You understand. ?"

Feng Xiaomo was dubious, is this really the case?

In order to reassure Feng Xiaomo, Lin Yu continued: "Don't worry, I won't let myself step on the sewing machine."

Feng Xiaomo wondered: "Since there is no signature, how come they are so sure it is a Picasso painting?"

"This is simple. They used scientific analysis of data. The first thing is whether the canvas conforms to Picasso's style at that time? Does the paint conform to Picasso's characteristics at that time?"

“Also, does the style match?”

"Creating a fake painting is not as simple as you think."

"Do you think any painting you draw is an authentic work by Picasso?"

"You need to understand the conditions of Picasso's life, understand his thoughts, and even more understand Picasso's inspiration, in order to create authentic works of Picasso."

Feng Xiaomo suddenly realized.

"It turns out that it's just like when we sing, everyone has a different feeling when singing."

"That's probably what it means. You are a singer. If you want to imitate the queen's songs, you have to understand how she feels when she sings and feel her passion when she sings."

Feng Xiaomo nodded, she understood this.

Everyone sings differently and has their own style.

It's like listening to 'Norwegian Wood' and knowing this song is Wu Bai's song.

When you hear the sound, you will know whether it is the person singing.

The same goes for paintings. Master appraisers have seen many Picasso paintings and can tell whether they are Picasso's style at a glance.

Feng Xiaomo asked: "The reason you do this is to make money?"

"Then you sing to make money?"

"That's different. I sing for my career."

"Then if you don't have money to sing, will you still sing?"

Feng Xiaomo remained silent.

If I don’t have money, I can’t even sing!

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Look, if you don't have money, you won't be able to sing, right? Hobby is one aspect, but it would be better if you can make money."

Feng Xiaomo was silent for a moment: "I want to have better development in my career."

Lin Yu smiled and lay on the sofa.

Poured a glass of red wine.

Feng Xiaomo came up and asked, "Aren't you a Chinese medicine practitioner? Why are you thinking about painting?"

"Hobbies, hobbies."

How much money can a traditional Chinese medicine doctor make? A painting can cost tens of millions. But if you treat a doctor, you can't treat thousands of patients!
Only ghosts do Chinese medicine!

When you earn enough money, you can buy some luxury yachts, luxury villas, and luxury cars.

Then enjoy life slowly and start the live broadcast.

No one would mind having less money, right?
Feng Xiaomo held the wine glass and asked: "Look, your paintings are the same as Picasso's. In fact, you can open a painter's shop yourself. I believe many people will appreciate your paintings. There are many painters who do this." "

Lin Yu was speechless.


Isn’t this exhausting?
Why not imitate other people's paintings and make money faster?

Others think about how to grow into a giant, but Lin Yu directly becomes a giant. Although he is not himself, as long as he has enough money.

Besides, as a painter, this is not a easy road to walk!
If you, an unknown painter, want to be recognized, you can't do it just by relying on your painting skills.

It needs the recognition of capitalists and the recognition of the network.

If others don’t approve of you, don’t say how good your painting is, no matter how good it is, no one will buy it...
(End of this chapter)

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