Chapter 185, starting price is 8000 US dollars?

Swain led the two people into the office. In addition to Swain, there were several other appraisers, all of whom were foreign appraisers.

"Swain, you said there are masterpieces by Picasso?" Israel asked;
The general manager of the Spanish auction house in Israel is also an appraiser who specializes in appraising paintings by Picasso, Van Gogh, and other celebrities.

Swayne nodded: "Yes, these two have produced a masterpiece."

Israel looked at Feng Xiaomo and Lin Yu.

Dragon country people?
How did they get Picasso's paintings? Israel knew that the aesthetic culture of the East was completely different from that of the West, especially abstract paintings, which Easterners simply could not appreciate.

Israel asked: "How did you two get the Picasso painting?"

Lin Yu smiled and said: "It was given by a friend, and we don't know who it is from."

Giving away a Picasso painting?

It’s really a close relationship!

"What's that friend's name?"

"We are here to sell paintings. If you think they are fake, you don't have to buy them!" Lin Yu was unhappy.

You're still checking your household registration!
Israel smiled and said, "Sorry, I asked too much."

Israel looked at Swayne and said, "Look."

Swayne nodded, turned around and said, "You two sit down for a moment, and I'll have someone make you two cups of coffee."

Swain enters the office with the painting.

in the office
Israel looked at the painting, nodded and said: "It is the style of Picasso, and the paper is also a product of Picasso's period. Now let's see if the paint is the same. We need to identify the paint immediately."

"If it were an authentic work by Picasso, this masterpiece would probably cost hundreds of millions."

"I'm afraid that someone else copied it."

Swain: "Not really."

"You have forgotten the master of forgery, Bertrage, who is a figure that scares the collecting world. Whether it is the paintings of Picasso, Van Gogh, or Leonardo da Vinci, he imitates them perfectly."

Swayne was reminded of the master of pseudo-painting, Beatrice.

That person who made the collecting world despair.

It is said that he imitated Picasso, Van Gogh, and Leonardo da Vinci to a superb level.

Many appraisers and collectors have been deceived.

It was only after a small mistake that he discovered he was cheating.

At that time, more than 300 fake paintings were forged, with a value of hundreds of millions, and one fake painting was even auctioned for 8000 million US dollars.

Israel said: "In order to prevent the painting from being forged, we need to use machines to check whether the canvas and paint are in line with the style of Picasso's period."

Swain asked; "If it is forged, could it be forged by the man just now?"

Israel smiled and scornfully said: "Impossible. How can they forge the level of Picasso? Look at the accomplishments of this painting. It is not something that ordinary people can paint. It will take at least decades."

"How could they be so young and forge such beautiful paintings?"

"Besides, they don't understand Picasso's style at all. Since there are still two days left for the auction, they will check it immediately. If it is real, they will render it immediately. This painting is enough to cause the rich to go crazy."

The two of them took the painting and entered the testing room.

Tested by staff.

Within a short period of time, the data was produced.

The canvas and paint are all appropriate to the period.

The inspectors even restored 3D paintings.

Swain smiled and said, "Is this the latest test?"

Israel nodded and said: "Yes, if it is a counterfeit, the counterfeiter will do it professionally, and there will be traces of every brush and ink. The depth of the brush and ink can be known by using a machine to detect it."

"Different areas have different colors. If it is a Picasso painting, he will not change the color or the shade of the color. But if it is a model, it is different. He will try to change it and deliberately imitate it."

"And this fabric has not been touched at all. It was formed in one go." Swayne nodded, naturally knowing what one pass was.

He just bought paintings that were not famous at the time, cleaned the paint on the canvas, and then forged a new painting by a famous artist.

Israel: "So this is the most scientific method. Look at this painting. The colors are very even. Wherever the colors are not used, the brush and ink are very even."

“The colors echo each other, and the painting is incredibly beautiful.”

"This is arguably Picasso's most classic painting."

"So perfect."

Israel looked at the painting and sighed;
At this time, Israel believed in his heart that even if it was not Picasso, even if it was a forged painting by someone else, with this painting, he could achieve the masterpiece...

But if you were a really famous painter, you would never forge other people's paintings.

This is a shame for them.

Israel: "Sign a contract with them immediately and let the news out. The price of this painting will definitely reach [-] million US dollars."

At this time, the two of them were sitting outside drinking coffee.

Feng Xiaomo felt uneasy. This was just a painting. If this was discovered, would he have to go in and step on the sewing machine?
Lin Yu looked calm.

I have nothing to worry about.


Israel walked towards the two of them with a smile: "Which one is the owner of this painting?"

Feng Xiaomo said: "I am."

"Hello madam, the painting you brought has been identified by us as a masterpiece by Picasso. Thank you for trusting Christie's Auction House. This is our contract and we will auction your painting."

"Of course, according to the contract, we will charge 15.00%."

Feng Xiaomo exclaimed: "Is it really Picasso's?"

Israel nodded: "Yes, it is undoubtedly Picasso's masterpiece. I believe this painting must be a painting from Picasso's peak period. It is very perfect. Many rich people like to collect Picasso's masterpieces."

"I believe I will give you a satisfactory price."

Feng Xiaomo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

I complained in my heart: Your test is not very good. I saw with my own eyes that this was a painting painted by Lin Yu.

Feng Xiaomo asked: "Is this painting about the same price as that one?"

Israel shook his head: "Although they are all paintings by Picasso, this one is particularly useless. This painting is a painting from Picasso's peak period, and the price is at least 8000 million US dollars. Our starting price is 8000 million. "

Feng Xiaomo opened his eyes wide.

The starting price is 8000 million US dollars?

Is the price so high?
Are you sure it's 8000 million, not [-]?

Feng Xiaomo was frightened and looked at Lin Yu: "Did you hear that just now? The starting price is 8000 million, still in US dollars."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes.

This is my exquisite painting. You think it is just a few small circles, a rooster, and a fish.

If a high-quality product is hand-made, the price will definitely be different.

Feng Xiaomo looked at Lin Yu and said nothing, and asked: "The price is so high, what if... what if no one buys it?"

Israel smiled.

No one buys it?

What are you kidding?
I don’t know how many people buy Picasso’s masterpieces!
Everyone is rushing to buy it, not only as a collection, but as time goes by, the value of this painting can even increase!

The room for appreciation is huge.

Even in a few years, it is certain that it will even rise to [-] million!

(End of this chapter)

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