Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 153: The realm of ghosts and gods, the shock of Tokyo’s miracle doctor

Chapter 153: The realm of ghosts and gods, the shock of Tokyo’s miracle doctor

Lin Yu continued; "The prescription just now is the same as other cancers. Breast cancer, lupus erythematosus, brain tumors, liver cancer, lung cancer, and lymphoma are all closely related."

"Because these are all caused by the heart, after you treat the heart disease, other dialectics, other cancers, symptoms, etc. caused by the heart can all be answered here."

"If you cure the heart, the root cause will be removed!"

"If the heart cannot be cured, there is no way to cure the heart, and other diseases will not be cured."

"The person with lupus erythematosus just now obviously has a heart problem. If your heart cannot be cured, lupus erythematosus cannot be cured."

“The concept of traditional Chinese medicine is integrated.”

"The heart is the system of the entire human body and controls every organ in the body."

"It's just like a computer. If there is a problem with the computer system, you can't do anything. You can't play games, browse the web, or watch movies. It's impossible to do anything."

The classmates next to me all laughed.

Miracle doctor, please explain.

What a small movie.

The surrounding people burst into warm applause and clapped their hands. They were all ordinary people who did not understand Chinese medicine, but after listening to Lin Yu's explanation, they felt that Chinese medicine was very simple.

It's not as complicated as they thought.

The live broadcast room was shocked

[Listening to my father-in-law’s lecture, I suddenly felt that Chinese medicine is not very complicated, it seems quite simple. In this way, we can learn Chinese medicine by ourselves. 】

[It is not impossible to learn Chinese medicine by yourself, and there is no cancer. 】

[Simple, too simple. 】

[I really want to take my father-in-law as my teacher. 】

[My father-in-law explained it very clearly, and I, a person who doesn’t understand Chinese medicine, could understand it. 】

[Who the hell says that Chinese medicine has no scientific basis? Isn’t this the scientific basis? 】

[If there is a problem with liver cancer, the face will be sallow, if there is a problem with the kidneys, the face will be dark, if there is a problem with the heart, they all have symptoms. These are all signs! 】

Lin Yu looked at the many people in Seoul.

There are many elderly people whose faces are either dark or yellow.

These people have more or less physical diseases.

Even patients with liver cancer and uremia have it.

Lin Yu looked at the large number of people and said: "All cancers are actually very simple, not very complicated. Chemotherapy, surgery, nutritional supplements, etc. are of no use."

"When the doctor told you it was cancer, how did you feel? Did you feel uneasy?"

People at the scene nodded.

"Of course, it was cancer."

"I heard that some people were scared to death."

"It's quite scary."

"Cancer is a terminal disease."

Lin Yu continued: "50.00% of cancer patients died from fear, and 30.00% died in the hospital after surgery and chemotherapy."

"They don't understand why there is cancer at all. They just perform surgery on you and then prescribe you various nutritional supplements, saying that cancer patients need nutrition."

"Cancer patients need nutrients, but don't tumors need them? The more nutrients you supplement, the faster the tumors will grow."

"TCM does not have the concept of cancer."

"All cancers are caused by insufficient yang energy and heart problems. Therefore, patients with cancer should not stay at home and go out to bask in the sun frequently. In traditional Chinese medicine, yang means the sun, yang energy, and sunshine."

"Even if you don't take medicine, it won't be a problem for ten to eight years. However, if you are a serious patient, you still have to take medicine to quickly replenish the body's yang energy and change the body environment, and the cancer will naturally disappear."

There was a round of applause...

Inside the villa of Akiyama Kazuhiro

Taniguchi Hanpei stood next to his teacher, lowered his head and said: "Teacher, I lost." Akiyama Kazuhiro, the number one miracle doctor in Tokyo, Taniguchi Hanpei's teacher.

Qiu Shan and Hong looked at the video and said calmly: "It's normal for you to lose. I didn't expect that there is such a powerful miracle doctor in Long Kingdom. He has entered the realm of ghosts and gods."

"What is the realm of ghosts and gods?"

Akiyama Kazuhiro nodded and said: "A kind of miracle doctor who can see through and see Qi. He can know the reason of others without checking their pulse."

"Then teacher...are you also in the realm of ghosts and gods?"

Akiyama Kazuhiro shook his head: "No, there are very few people who can advance to the realm of ghosts and gods. According to the data, only Zhang Changjing has entered the realm of ghosts and gods."

Taniguchi Banhei looked shocked.

Able to see the symptoms of other people's illnesses through Qi.

Akiyama Kazuhiro said: "This person has entered the realm of ghosts and gods. You can learn a lot from him. Let's go to Seoul."

"Teacher, what are you doing in Seoul?"

"Let him join us in Tokyo. I have found out clearly. His name is Lin Yu and he is an anchor. He does not have the authority to see a doctor in Long Country."

"Without the authority to practice medicine, he cannot develop his own medical skills in the Dragon Kingdom, but he can in our Tokyo."

"Let them teach us medical skills and let him become the strongest miracle doctor in Tokyo. It will not take ten years. With him teaching us in Tokyo, it only takes one year for us to surpass the Dragon Kingdom and become the strongest Chinese medicine doctor in the world."

"We can't let those people in Seoul get the first step."

"I think he has a good impression of Seoul."

Taniguchi Hanpei didn't expect that the teacher would pay so much attention to Lin Yu. He was only 20 years old. If he lived in Tokyo, all the Chinese medicine practitioners in Tokyo would learn from him.

In this way, the Chinese medicine in Tokyo will surpass any Chinese medicine in the world.

No one can compete.

Lin Yu returned to the hotel.

As soon as I returned to the hotel, there was a knock on the room door.

Lin Yu opened the door and Pei Xiuzhi stood outside.

"How did you come?"

Pei Xiuzhi was so angry, why am I here?

Didn’t you agree to help me treat the patient?

Pei Xiuzhi said: "You forgot to help the patient last night."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot."

The mother of the entertainment company boss is just a small problem...

Pei Xiuzhi continued: "Mr. Zhang called me and urged me several times to take you to treat her."

"Lead the way. Since I promised you, I will naturally help you."

Lin Yu did not miss the appointment and took Pei Xiuzhi away by car to the entertainment boss's villa to treat his mother.

A few stitches...
Zhang's mother returned to normal, and the originally hemiplegic person came out limping with a cane.

Mr. Zhang exclaimed: "Mom, have you recovered?"

"It's all thanks to the miracle doctor. After a few injections, I regained consciousness."

Mr. Zhang quickly thanked: "Thank you, the miracle doctor."

Lin Yu said: "She doesn't have any major health problems. She will go out and bask in the sun more in the future. The elderly do not have enough yang energy. It will be good for the body to bask in the sun more."

"Absolutely, miracle doctor, I have already arranged the meals, and asked the miracle doctor to stay." Mr. Zhang said sincerely;

Lin Yu nodded: "That's fine."

Mr. Zhang was overjoyed and immediately ordered his servants to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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