Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 111, beg me?It’s useless for me to break the law when I see a doctor.

Chapter 111, beg me?It’s useless for me to break the law when I see a doctor.
Zhang Zhenzhi sat for consultation.

More than a dozen people entered the Chinese medicine pharmacy.

Mother Jian smiled and said, "Doctor Zhang, do you still remember me? I often come to you to get medicine to treat my daughter."

What are you talking about!
This month, Jian's mother has been getting medicine here. She comes here every week. The old Chinese doctor will naturally remember it, and she also remembers the prescriptions!
Zhang Zhenzhi rolled his eyes: "I'm not Alzheimer's, so I will naturally remember you. I'm here to prescribe medicine again today, isn't it just three days ago?"

"No, I brought them here to get medicine."

Zhang Zhenzhi looked at the people behind Jian's mother: "Are you all sick?"

"Yes, old gentleman, we are all uremic patients."

"We came to see Lin Yu for medical treatment. Unfortunately, Lin Yu was taken away. But before he was taken away, a pharmacy was opened and we came to get medicine."

"Old sir, please give us some medicine!"

Zhang Zhenzhi looked at Jian's mother and asked, "How is your daughter?"

"Xiao Li, come here and let the old Chinese doctor take a look."

Jian Rongli walked over and said with a smile: "Old sir."

Zhang Zhenzhi looked at Jian Rongli and still remembered that a month ago, she was still a haggard and pale little girl, with a sick look all over her body.

But now!

But things are very different now.

The whole body is full of eyes, the face is rosy, and the face is full of smiles. This is not a patient, this is clearly a healthy person!

Did that medicine really cure the uremia patient?
Zhang Zhenzhi has been practicing medicine for decades, but he still can’t believe it.

He said, "I'll take your pulse."

Jian Rongli stretched out her right hand and Zhang Zhenzhi took the pulse.

Smooth and powerful.

No different from normal people.

He nodded and said: "You are fine. It seems that the medicine can indeed cure your condition. Congratulations, little girl, you are cured."

Jian Rongli nodded.


She felt relaxed and refreshed, no longer troubled by the disease.

The others were envious.

The late stage of uremia was cured.

This is the real Chinese medicine.

Zhang Zhenzhi said: "You all come up and prescribe medicine! Come one by one, line up, and I will check the prescription for you."

At this time, a middle-aged aunt stepped forward, handed over the prescription, and asked: "Each of us has a different prescription, and the weight of the medicinal materials is also different."

Zhang Zhenzhi explained: "Your bodies are different, so the prescriptions will naturally be different. If the prescriptions are the same, it would be a quack."

"Obviously the young man who prescribes medicine for you is a master. He gives you different medicines for each of your bodies."

"I admire him very much, and what about others!"

"It was taken away."

Zhang Zhenzhi looked confused; "Being taken away?"

"Yes, it seems that he doesn't have a medical qualification certificate."

Zhang Zhenzhi shook his head and sighed, without saying anything. He seemed to have something unspeakable in his heart. Great changes had taken place in the past ten years.

Zhang Zhenzhi has several old friends who are Chinese medicine practitioners and have been treating patients for decades. They all know each other.

Sometimes we sit together and discuss medical skills with each other.

what a pity·····

It's a pity that none of them have passed the medical qualification certificate that they need to take before they can practice medicine, but Zhang Zhenzhi did.

Now they are all retired, but he is the only one who still insists on traditional Chinese medicine.

Still insisting on sitting in the clinic.

Their family has a hereditary traditional Chinese medicine tradition, and when the next generation comes, the inheritance may be lost.

Zhang Zhenzhi nodded: "I understand, this is really not good for him. The current environment is very strict. Without a medical qualification certificate, I really can't help you."

"But don't worry, I will help you see a doctor in the future. If you have any questions, just ask me." The uremic patient expressed his gratitude.

Zhang Zhenzhi started to take the medicine. No matter how many medicinal materials were needed, not even a gram should be missing. He was very serious...
Zhang Zhenzhi said: "He is no longer here. I have to remind you that you must make the medicine according to the prescription above."

"Must comply."

"Otherwise it would be more troublesome if something went wrong."

"Don't think that if you take two medicines and make one, your condition will get better faster. This is a wrong decision. I have checked everything and the medicines given to you have been measured."

"Don't mess around."

Facing the old Chinese doctor's instructions, they nodded one after another, saying that they would not mess around. When life was involved, they did not dare to mess around.

"Don't worry, we won't mess around."

"Old Chinese doctor, don't worry, we won't mess around."

Zhang Zhenzhi said: "Where do you prepare medicine? If there is no place, there is a separate hospital in my hometown. It used to be a place where medicine was dispensed. It is quite a big place."

Jane's mother was overjoyed.

This is great.

There are only a few rooms in the farmhouse and there is no room for them. What should I do at night?
You can't squeeze them together!

Now that the old gentleman has a place to live, it just solves their problem.

"Thank you, old gentleman, we haven't found a place to stay."

"Thank you so much."

"Thank you."

"Old sir, can a dozen of us live here?"

Zhang Zhenzhi nodded: "Of course, I will take you there after I grab the medicine for you. Make the medicine separately, not together. Make your own medicine. Pay attention to both gentle and violent fires."

A small farmyard.

This is a real courtyard house, the kind that covers several acres of land. There are many rooms in it, and there is even a place dedicated to brewing medicine.

Looking at the houses here, it seems that they are several decades old.

It was very well preserved and everyone was very curious.

"This must be a heritage family."

"Yes, look at such a big house, and there are so many places for brewing medicine. It must be a family of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Who is this old gentleman?"

Everyone was very curious about the fact that one person was guarding such a big house, and judging from the size of the house, it must have been a wealthy family in the past.

It is still a family of traditional Chinese medicine. There are many stoves nearby, each stove is arranged neatly. These stoves are used to cook medicine for others.

Zhang Zhenzhi looked at Jian's mother and said, "Call that doctor! Just tell him that I will help take care of him, so he doesn't have to worry."

"If there is a chance, let him take the exam for a medical qualification certificate. Don't interrupt the inheritance."

Mother Jian nodded and took out her mobile phone...
In the room

Lin Yu is live broadcasting.

As soon as it started broadcasting, tens of thousands of people came in.

[Father-in-law, why are you out?Not taken away. 】

[What do you know? Father-in-law has a backing, so he is naturally not afraid. Father-in-law, what did they say? 】

[Father-in-law, now that you have left, what will happen to your patients?Do I need to go back to Western medicine for treatment?Abandoned the patient? 】

[Now that my father-in-law cannot protect himself, he still cares about patients. 】

[If this continues, something will definitely happen. My father-in-law is protecting his own safety and it is his policy to leave in time. 】

[So disappointing, I thought my father-in-law would step on the sewing machine! 】

Lin Yu looked at the comments.

Explained: "It's okay. We are now on bail pending trial. I will no longer treat people. It will be difficult for any of you to seek medical treatment from me!"

At this time, beep beep...

Jane's mother called.

(End of this chapter)

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