Live broadcast carving, the police started to pay attention to it

Chapter 109, I was reported, now I have to step on the sewing machine.

Chapter 109, I was reported, now I have to step on the sewing machine.

Health Administration Supervision Office.

"Hello, hello, I found a Chinese medicine doctor who practices medicine without a license and treats people."

"Where is it?"

"In Bian Di Village, a small farm hospital, there are many patients gathered there, all of whom are uremia patients. The Chinese medicine practitioner has no medical qualification certificate at all."

"Okay, we understand, we will deal with it as soon as possible."

beep beep...

People from the Health Administrative Supervision Office immediately took people to Biandi Village.

At this time many patients are waiting for treatment.

While Lin Yu was seeing a doctor.

Several cars arrived outside the small yard, and several police officers got out of the cars, accompanied by Captain Li from the Health Bureau.

Captain Li frowned, so many people came to see the doctor.

Captain Li led the people into the small courtyard.

Lin Yu took a look and thought it was bad.

on horseback.

Sure enough, something went wrong!

Who the hell made the call? Even the police came.

Captain Li asked; "Who is the doctor?"

No one spoke.

Captain Li asked again; "Who is the doctor?"

Mother Jian said, "Is there no doctor here?"

Captain Li said seriously: "I have received a report call. Someone is treating patients here. Don't worry, we are here to check whether the doctor has a medical qualification certificate."

"It's also for your safety."

The sick people are all looking at me, and I look at you...

I was cursing in my heart: Who made the reporting call?
The studio was shocked.

[Damn it, I’m in big trouble now. My father-in-law is going to get the sewing machine. 】

[I have already said that this is absolutely not possible. My father-in-law does not have a medical qualification certificate and cannot treat patients. If he is reported, he will end up being a sewing machine. 】

[Father-in-law, you’re done! 】

[It's a pity that such good medical skills still need a medical qualification certificate. No wonder Chinese medicine has declined and you have taken it away. 】

[Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of China, but now it is almost extinct. 】

[No wonder folk Chinese medicine practitioners don’t have any advice. 】

[Father-in-law is going to use the sewing machine. 】

[After my father-in-law came out, he switched to live broadcasting and then started sewing...]

Lin Yu looked at Professor Miao: "Come on!"

"This... is a bit difficult."

"Aren't you a professor at the University of Western Medicine?"

"Yes, but I don't have a medical certificate either!"

Lin Yu: (⊙o⊙)…

good guy...

I was so screwed by you...

You, a university professor, do not have a medical qualification certificate.

At this time, the live broadcast room was laughing like crazy.

[Haha... I'm a professor, not a doctor. I'm a professor who teaches doctors. Isn't it normal to not have a medical qualification certificate? 】

[This time Barbie has Q, and has been tricked by Professor Miao. It’s hard to say whether this is an advantage. 】

[I’m so fucking laughing. The professor doesn’t have a medical qualification certificate? 】

[Father-in-law, you are so shy...]

【At least three years to start...】

[Don’t panic, it’s not that time yet, don’t panic...]

Lin Yu was completely speechless.

Don't panic.

Isn’t there a master of bewitchment?
Lin Yu stood up and said with a smile, "Who are you?"

"I am Captain Li. Someone reported that someone is practicing medicine here without a license. We are here to check. Who are you?"

Lin Yu said; "I am the landlord here."

"Who did you rent this to? Who's the doctor?"

Lin Yu explained: "There are no doctors here. This eldest sister is called Sister Jian. She discovered an ancient secret recipe that can cure uremia." "After hearing about it, people around them all came to learn about this secret recipe. They all Uremic patients all want to know if this secret recipe is effective."

"Everyone sits together to discuss how to use medicine. There is no so-called doctor."

Everyone suddenly woke up and responded immediately.

"Yes, we heard that her daughter's uremia was cured, and we all came to seek the secret recipe. I have advanced uremia, and I also want to try this recipe."

"I feel the same way. There is no doctor here at all. We all discuss it together."

"There are no doctors, they are all patients and their families."

“Am I breaking the law by treating myself?”

"That's right, there are so many fake doctors."

Captain Li frowned.


What are they covering up? This is definitely not the case.

What ancient secret recipe?
Isn't this bullshit!

Captain Li: "Show me the ancient secret recipe."

Mother Jian said seriously: "I burned it. This is my secret recipe. Why do I show it to you?"

Captain Li walked back and whispered in Officer Yang's ear: "I think something is wrong. How about taking them all back?"

Officer Yang was startled.

Take them all back?
Have you made a mistake!
They are all uremia patients, and they are all patients. If something happens at the police station, it will be a big deal!

Besides, the other party has not committed any crime, so what right does he have to take it back?

A normal person can take it back for questioning.

If you are a patient, absolutely not.

Officer Yang shook his head: "There is no evidence, so it's hard to lead people. Besides, they are all patients. If something happens, who will be responsible."

"Then if they all take the medicine prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"Didn't they admit it?"

"Obviously, they are shielding Chinese medicine practitioners, and there must be a big problem with this."

The police knew there was a problem, of course.
But absolutely not the patient.

But the landlord is still okay...
Officer Yang coughed: "Landlord, what's your name?"

"Lin Yu."

"Come with me, I need to ask you some questions."

Lin Yu:? ? ? ? ? ?

Police station
As soon as he entered the police station, Lin Yu met a familiar person.

Li Yang looked at Lin Yu and exclaimed: "Lin Yu, why are you here again? Did you commit a crime by making counterfeit banknotes?"

Before the interrogation even started, charges were placed on me.

You are not authentic...

Officer Yang was confused: "Captain Li, do you know him?"

Li Yang nodded; "He is Lin Yu who helped us catch the fraud case last time."

Officer Yang knew this.

A citizen helped the police uncover a fraud case and caught more than a dozen fraudsters. Officer Yang nodded and said, "Since we know each other, I will leave this case to you."

Li Yang smiled and said, "It's up to you to handle it."

"It's okay, it's not a big case. You handle it the same way."

Li Yang nodded and looked at Lin Yu: "What's going on?"

"It's nothing. I just rented a house and was reported. I practiced medicine without a license. I'm not a doctor. How could I practice medicine without a license?"

Li Yang smiled: "This is not a trivial matter. Come in with me and I will make a record for you."

trial room.

"what name?"

"Lin Yu."



"How big?"

"24 years old, don't you know everything?"

Li Yang glanced at us and said, "Tell me what's going on. You're a regular visitor and you know the rules here."

"What's the rule?"

(End of this chapter)

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