As a player, can you be normal?

Chapter 219 Turn into style

Chapter 219 Turn into a thousand winds
The game just ended.

The director of the gorilla died in the VIP room, and the murderer was his gorilla secretary.

When the Cairo Guard arrived, the director's bodyguard group had already pinned the secretary down.


"Erwu disaster."





The big square-headed Cairo police officer had a serious look on his face (): "Everyone got the stolen goods. Tell me, why did you open fire on the director?"

The secretary lowered his head, looked at the handcuffs that trapped his hands, and speculated: "Maybe... someone hypnotized me..."

Mr. Cairo slapped his head on the table as a deterrent baton, raised his head and said again: "Are you kidding us?"

The secretary hurriedly said: "No...I didn't!"

A gun was put to the secretary's head.

"The director is a big shot, and the upper management must give an explanation. If that doesn't work, we will find a way to get an explanation."

The secretary's eyes were full of fear, and he said with trembling lips: "I...I just suddenly shook my head, and when I came back to my senses, I had already shot and killed the orangutan director."

Cairo police officer: "Do you want to put the blame on someone else?"

The secretary hurriedly said: "No! Someone must be controlling me!"

"Accomplice?" the Cairo police officer said suddenly.


"Don't pretend to be stupid. Assassinations of big figures are often the actions of an organization." The Cairo police officer emphasized: "It's like this in cartoons."

"I..." The orangutan secretary hesitated, thought for a moment, and said: "Among the people I have come into contact with... there is no special one... except... ah, by the way! A prisoner came to see me!"

Cairo police officer: "Are you talking about the group driving the toy car?"

The orangutan secretary nodded and said as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Yes, it's them! The night before the game starts..."

"Prisoners also have human rights, you bastard." The Cairo police officer squinted and said, "We have investigated and found that they were just filming advertisements nearby."

The orangutan secretary was stunned: "'s definitely not that simple!"


On the aerial plank road, the spacecraft to pick up people has appeared in the sky.

Sauron stood up, looked at the spaceship in the sky and said: "According to what you said, you used the DND rules, it must be the [Seal of Yaksi]... So, do you want to tell me what you did? "

Li Nuo put the dice away and said with a smile: "Of course not, there are some secrets that should be kept in your mind."

Things start from the night before the game starts.

Well, since there are nine empty chapters in the middle, time backtracking is enabled~
more than ten hours ago.

Abandoned commercial street.

Cairo uncle store.

While Cha Bai and Xiao Cailuojun were washing the dishes, Li Nuo and Marjie were chatting outside the house.

"Lend me your [Skill Card: Predict the Future]."


"I guess the matter between Mr. Cairo and the orangutan director may be a side story. I want to take a look."

Li Nuo must have a backup plan every time he does something.

Marger probably understood what he was going to do.

He handed over the skill card he just drew and said, "I'll go with you. Miss Chabai always told me to keep an eye on you. I can't break my promise. Do you know where to go?"

Li Nuo pointed to his nose and said with a smile: "The demon hunter's sense of smell is very sensitive. The body odor of the orangutan secretary today is quite strong."

A cloud of red smoke appeared in front of his eyes, pointing to a certain orangutan brothel.

During the day, the interstellar hunters attacked them, and the gorilla secretary appeared and sat on the folding stool.

Because of the retractable iron bar in the center of the folding stool, the scent of the orangutan secretary lingers on the stool.

The kind that can't be washed off.

Marger: "Tell me the truth, why do you want to take risks?"

Li Nuo walked in front and asked sideways, "What did you say?"

"Hmph..." Marjie lowered his head and smiled solemnly: "You are not frank enough... If this continues, the relationship with Miss Chabai will end here."

Li Nuo's heart skipped a beat.


"We've known each other since we were kids, you can't lie to me."

"Don't talk about things from childhood, don't force me..."

Li Nuo turned around, smelled the scent and led the way. He took out a booklet from his arms and threw it to Marjie.

"See for yourself."

The booklet is the diary of Uncle Cairo.

"Li Nuo, look at other people's diaries..."

"The murderer told me that it's not good to read other people's diaries?" Li Nuo said nonchalantly: "Little Cairo didn't close the cabinet door tightly when he took the hammer. I used [Steal] to find it."

Marjie said no more and read the diary all the way.

——Dudouzi’s happy days——

...Cairo Era 1190.

My son Dororo has two dreams.

First, build the best, coolest race car.

Second, there are endless potatoes to eat every day.

The way to make a racing car... I found a teacher for him. He can open a shop in the future, and don't be like me, a desperado running around.

As for potatoes... Hellstar can't grow anything anymore because of that bastard Gorilla.

I want to find seeds that can grow potatoes anywhere so that my children can eat them every day!
Cairo's fighting force, the legendary warriors, will return to duty today.

Goal: Find potato seeds for my kids!

...Cairo Era 1211.

Unconsciously, more than 20 years have passed.

Today is another harvest day!
I finally found the spot map for Potato Star.

son!In a few years I will go back with potato seeds!
...Cairo Era 1215.

I have a grandson!
When I go back, I will take them with me.

Dororo said that he and his family are waiting for me to go back, and I miss you too.

...Cairo Era 1219.

I got the letter.

Dororo is dead.

I have no son.

...Cairo Era 1220.

I returned to Hellstar.

Dororo turned into a banana because of the gorilla director's trick.

It wants to acquire the street.

But Dororo is waiting for me to come home. We Cairo people all have a certain stubbornness. We won’t let go of something we’ve set our sights on until we achieve our goal.

I killed Gorilla's company.

Killed to a bloody pulp.

But that bastard only knows how to hide.

Outnumbered, even the best warrior I once was, has aged me.

... Spring, 1221, Cairo Era.

The daughter-in-law left with the gorilla.

I'm so was obviously that bastard who killed Dororo.

I found letters left by my daughter-in-law.

It turns out... this girl was threatened. If she doesn't follow the gorilla, my grandson and I will be in danger.

Got the news in the afternoon.

The daughter-in-law was also turned into a banana, and she may have wanted revenge.

...Cairo Era 1223.

No more revenge.

If I die, my grandson will really have no family.

But I can't give up my son's shop.

what should we do……

...Cairo Era 1224.

A group of prisoners arrived and heard that a Cairo Grand Prix was going to be held.

If Dororo were still alive, he would definitely pester me to participate in the competition.

I had three guys come to see me today.

That ugly woman with white hair moved me.

Give it a go.

Then take your grandson and leave this planet.

Today, my grandson showed me his painting. There is me, Dororo, and a family. The name of the painting is "The Happy Life of Tudouzi".


Marjie put the diary into the backpack compartment: "Could it be that the old guy left it there intentionally for us to read?"

"It's possible, but it's unlikely." Li Nuo said, "Anyway, the old guy helped us this time, so we'll repay what's due."


"Okay, I think we might be able to get some side missions or hidden missions."


"Old Ma, there are some things I don't want to talk about, so don't ask." Li Nuo stopped talking. He just saw the shadow of his mother in Uncle Cairo's diary. He stopped and said, "We're here."

In front of him stood a three-story building surrounded by pink light.

"Secretary Gorilla is here." Li Nuo said.

In front of the building gate, a group of scantily clad female orangutans are soliciting customers.

There is also a three-color lamp hanging at the door similar to that of a barber shop.

"It's a small hair salon~ I miss it so much." Li Nuo touched his chin and recalled: "When I was a child, my parents always fought. In order not to hurt myself, I ran out of the community when they fought. Later, we fought with Liangjie Street. We have established good relationships with unemployed female aunts in a small hair salon outside.”

"Did you omit some key content..." Marjie couldn't help complaining.

Li Nuo's face suddenly became serious: "We must find a way to get close to the gorilla secretary."

"Your style of painting is a bit stiff." Marjie asked, "What are you going to do?"

Li Nuo said: "We tried it with the group of interstellar hunters during the day. As long as we don't use our own force to cause chaos, the collars around our necks will not be judged as attacking other people."

He licked his lips and said: "Use your [Skill Card: Predict the Future] and my [Seal of Yaksi], you might be able to have some fun."

At this time, the female orangutan at the door noticed Li Nuo and Marjie.

As a foreign race, their eyes became wary.

Li Nuo whistled at the group of female orangutans: "A date!?"

The female orangutans were stunned.

"Stinking rogue!"

Then he spat in Li Nuo's direction with an "Are you kidding me" expression.

This phlegm is like a bullet.

Li Nuo was so shocked that his hair instantly stood up, and he subconsciously stepped aside.

With a bang... the phlegm made a crater in the wall behind him.

"you are vicious……"

Li Nuo turned around and left.

Are all the guys in the funny world monsters?
Marger covered half of his face and followed behind, feeling a little embarrassed: "Are you teasing the gorilla?"

Li Nuo looked sideways and said, "At least from the spit, it can be seen that the fighting power of those orangutans is off the charts."

Marger: "What if a female orangutan with special services becomes extremely powerful in combat?"

"Then are you going?"


Li Nuo ignored him and whispered: "You can stop thinking about sneaking in directly. The gorilla brothel is as dangerous as a devil's cave."

Marger stopped, spread his hands and asked, "So, what's the plan?"

Li Nuo also stopped and said to Marjie through the street lamp: "The creatures in the funny world must be dealt with by the creatures in the funny world."

The two were silent for a few seconds.

A camera shot out of a crack in space.

"found it!"

The first reaction of the two men was to draw their guns.

Camera: "You will be responsible for hitting me!"

Li Nuo put away the gun and pressed Marjie's shoulder.

"It's okay, it can't be eaten."

"Angry! What do you mean I can't eat!" Cameras were darting around in the air: "Listen, there's a competition tomorrow, and you're the only one who won't be able to shoot a promotional video. Hurry up, hurry up! Say some introduction, I'll get off work in a hurry! "

"Is there such a link?" Li Nuo was confused.

The camera said angrily: "The prisoners are all backed by big companies, but you guys found a small shabby shop! It's troublesome just to find you!"

Hearing this, Li Nuo's stupid brain suddenly came to life.

Some people's brain circuits are like a Möbius strip, and no one can figure out how it spins.

Waiting for the gorilla secretary to show up at the scene, and having an alibi and witnesses, plus a way of appearing that will make everyone remember Cairo's shop, the three can be linked together.

"Haha... I'm so sorry." Li Nuo said sheepishly, "Can you work another shift?"

Camera: "Ha!?"

Li Nuo said: "That's right, we don't want to just shoot a promotional video that looks like a eulogy. If we want to do it, we need to make it bigger. How about we shoot something awesome?" Camera: "What is awesome?"

Li Nuo explained: "It's something that can get you a promotion and a salary increase."

Marjie turned his face to the side: "Hey...why don't you even let go of a machine?"

Li Nuo stomped Marjie with all his strength.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"Shut up and get ready to work now." Li Nuo said with a sullen face. He turned to the camera and put on a smiling face: "How about it? The location is right here. The orangutan chang brothel next to it has bright lights. I can help you." Let’s turn on the lights.”

Camera: "I want to refuse...I want to go home and eat dumplings."

Li Nuo smiled and said: "What kind of stuffing are the dumplings? The stuffing for the camera?"

Camera: "Okay...but hurry up..."

Li Nuo spent about twenty minutes making a storyboard manuscript, and then painted the scenes on paper like a painter. The creative process was recorded by a camera.

Marjie was shocked when he looked at Li Nuo's paintings.

This guy is a human flesh printer.

Act [-]: We are the Phantom Thieves.

After half an hour.

"No, it's not exciting. Just the two of us running around is no fun at all."

Li Nuo touched the camera and then rubbed it wildly, reworking it, dear!

"We need bullets."

A group of gorilla prostitutes joined the filming camp, and Li Nuo asked these guys to shoot at them with machine guns.

At first the gorillas were reluctant.

But Li Nuo told them that they could not stop holding a gun just because they disliked the way it looked. This was not in line with their professional ethics.

So...there was a shooter.

After half an hour.

"I always feel like something is missing..."

Li Nuo grabbed Marjie's neck. He needed a summoner to help him come out.

three hours later.

Mr. Victor and the mechanical life forms were exhausted.

Li Nuo had extremely strict requirements on ballistic trajectories and whether to step with the left foot or the right foot first. He even had a quarrel with the lighting manager of a Chang brothel because of the lighting problem.

There was a different group of orangutans holding guns.

The camera guy is hitting the wall.

Li Nuo sat cross-legged on the ground, touching his chin, his eyes fixed on the front of the brothel.

Why hasn’t that gorilla secretary come out yet?

"The mating time of chimpanzees is about 7 seconds, and it can also be about 13 seconds. The time may be affected by factors such as environment and individual differences, so the specific situation may be different, but it is only a few hours. "

Just as he was secretly thinking about it, Marjie finally couldn't bear it anymore and took out pieces of feces to stun Li Nuo and take them back. Unexpectedly, a group of female orangutans pushed him down and almost raped him.

Li Nuo suddenly clapped his hands!

"By the way, Cha Bai didn't come!"

Mr. Victor was holding his forehead at the side: "Brother, please spare me. Your promotional video is too silly."

"Don't worry, Mr. Victor." Li Nuoute said confidently: "Where did this go?"

He drew a portrait of Marger on the wall very quickly.

Let the female orangutans hold guns and shoot, and use bullets to depict Marjie's face based on the image points.

two hours later.

Female orangutans become sharpshooters.

So Li Nuo drew a portrait of Cha Bai.

He has only one request.

"If you dare to miss her head, I will crush your head."

Marjie was helpless...

Before the last shot, the gorilla secretary finally walked out of the chang brothel.

Upon seeing this, Li Nuo drew several more portraits of Marjie and asked the sharpshooters to contact him again.

"I'm going to go."

After that, Li Nuo turned to another street with Secretary Gorilla.

There is no one around the secretary. After all, you can't be aboveboard in a place like this. The secretary is a gorilla with status.

Li Nuo put on [Faust's Hood] and followed, drank [Zombie Singer's Decoction] (within 10 minutes, the cooling time of auxiliary spells is reduced by 50%, appears in Chapter 141).

He took back the medicine bottle, followed behind the orangutan secretary, and first used the skill card [Future Prediction].

[Skill Card: Predict the Future]

[Effect: The main body is a super power skill. After using it, a node will be selected within 24 hours to take effect, causing mental damage, or the main attack of the move will be canceled and replaced with another mental impact move. A node will be selected within 18 hours. Judgment takes effect]

[Brief description: The girl is trembling while doing tasks in the subway, and the uncle holding the remote control is sitting opposite and laughing secretly]

[Seal of Yaksi] is also considered a spiritual attack.

Therefore, the original attack method of [Predicting the Future] can be replaced.

Li Nuo chose [Seal of Yaksi] as the delaying attack skill. After 20 seconds, he had an extra dice in his hand.

"Kill the gorilla director."

The gorilla secretary was stunned.

Just about to turn around.

Just watch the dice spin and fall back into Li Nuo's hand.

Coefficient of determination [2].

Li Nuo was shocked. It turned out that this guy had wanted to kill the orangutan director for a long time.

The number the die points to is "3".

[Foreknowledge will take effect in the future, please plan a time for the other party to take action]

"The moment the game ends, take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, the moment the panel popped up, Li Nuo fired another ordinary [Seal of Yaksi] at the gorilla secretary, making the other party fall into a daze.

Then he took out the [Cairo star's camera] (short-term amnesia effect).

While the secretary's pupils were a little brighter, he pressed the shutter.

A flash of white light flashed.

The gorilla secretary looked at the deserted street and scratched his chin in confusion.

"Strange... why did it feel like someone was there just now..."

Li Nuo pretended to hold up his pants and returned to the shooting scene. The tracking and use of the seal took a total of one minute and 22 seconds, which was very reasonable for a person with a developed prostate.

When everyone saw his shadow, everyone fell into a kind of despair.

That means you are too fast...

Li Nuo clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone, prepare the last one!"

The camera guy kept hitting the wall, turning his "head" and recording Li Nuo's face. He hoped not to see this guy again in the next life.

Two hours later, the last shot was taken...

Three hours later, the sunset appeared on the horizon, and the cameraman finished editing the film.

Four hours later, facing the rising sun, Li Nuo and Marjie tiptoed back to the repair shop.

Ten hours later, when the Grand Prix ended, the orangutan director was shot dead by the orangutan secretary amid the cheers of the audience.

Eleven hours later, the Cairo police found clues. Li Nuo and Marjie appeared next to the brothel visited by the orangutan secretary last night. According to the testimony of the organizer and the camera man, they were just filming a promotional video there. Li Nuo left the The manuscripts became evidence.

Twelve hours later, Uncle Cairo found the diary in the cabinet. He had already discovered that someone had gone through his things.

Diary, last page.

Li Nuo wrote a sentence on it in his own clumsy writing:

"Don't cry in front of my tombstone, I am not there, I have not slept forever, I am the biting cold wind passing through the grasslands of Novigrad, I am the gentle spring rain, nourishing the potatoes in the western wilderness, I am quiet Dawn fills the woods of the track - Dororo."

The news that the orangutan director was shot was broadcast on TV.

Little Cairo Jun touched the corner of Uncle Cairo's clothes.

"Grandpa, did it kill dad and mom..."

Uncle Cairo put the diary away and put it back where it belonged.

The scene when I first met Li Nuo came to mind.

——Kill someone for me.


A dishonest brat.

At the same time, the mercenary signal of Mr. Cairo rang: "The wife of the orangutan director has offered a bounty of 10 Cairo for the arrest of a suspect who is not officially recognized. The trio of Ye Qinbing prisoners will be rewarded." Coins, time limit is 6 hours, do it before the return spaceship takes off."

Uncle Cairo took out a pixel sword from the dusty warehouse.

The moment I walked out, there was already a Mr. Cairo in a suit waiting at the door.

"You are the repairer who sponsored the toy car." Mr. Cairo in Suit handed over a business card: "We are the colonial fleet of the Cairo Expeditionary Force. Are you interested in joining our vehicle research and development department?"

Uncle Cairo took the business card without saying a word and walked out of the house.

"Wait a minute, if you don't plan to join, you can also make sponsorship investment. We can give you a brand effect, for example, before the next competition starts..."

"Wait for me for a moment." Uncle Cairo interrupted the other party and smashed the opposite wall with one punch.

A dusty motorcycle took shape in the dust.

Mr. Cairo in the suit asked: "Then when can you talk?"

Uncle Cairo jumped on his motorcycle: "Wait until I finish repaying my kindness."


All players stay in the spaceship lobby.

According to official instructions, players need to verify their results and record them before they can be sent back.

The winning team, Team Safa, Team Li Nuo and Team Johannesson, will board the return spaceship in half an hour.

The rest will have to spend half a year in jail.

But for players, as long as they trigger side missions here, they can find a way back, and even if they go to prison, they will not affect their return to the endless corridor space.

Li Nuo sat cross-legged in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Xu looked at the dense group of "killers" below.

"Isn't there logic in the funny world... We have all been sent back by the authorities, but they still want to hunt us down..."

"Get rid of us. It's clear that you are the only one." Chabai's voice sounded behind him: "What are you doing behind my back again?"

"It's nothing."

"Ah..." Cha Bai sighed: Forget it... Anyway, he does things with moderation.

Li Nuo was frightened. He had just asked. As one of the winners, he was also implicitly protected by the Cairo people after returning to his own planet.

In other words, this group of interstellar hunters and gorilla killers hired by the gorilla director's wife can only take action now.

And it doesn’t matter if you get caught.

Li Nuo had already prepared a set of rhetoric to deceive them.

Street corners, shops, and buildings are full of covetous interstellar hunters and orangutan killers, and only a few of them can get close to the spacecraft.

On the road, a motorcycle passed by.

Stop in front of the ship.

Someone recognized the owner of the motorcycle.

Uncle Cairo - Harry Cracker.

The strongest mercenary ever and the leader of Cairo's fighting race.

One of the orangutan killers shouted with red eyes: "Old man, how old are you, and you still come to compete with us for this crappy task?"

Uncle Cairo pulled out his pixel sword and said coldly: "I'm here to stop you from completing this mission."

Many people have heard it.

If you can kill the strongest mercenary in the past, it will be an honor that will last forever.

Many heavily armed apes and interstellar hunters come out of hidden corners.

"You are getting older, and you are no longer the Harry Cracker you used to be."

"Go back, uncle."

Age limits physical functions, and the current Mr. Cairo is no longer the fighting man he used to be.

"Yes, you bastards, you are right. I am old. Unless I am 40 years younger, I will not be able to defeat so many of you."

Uncle Cairo said, tearing off his beard.

"So, I'm getting younger."

Seeing Mr. Cairo's youthful face again, fear appeared in his eyes.

Uncle Cairo raised his sword: "Let's go together!"




Shouts came one after another into the spacecraft.

Li Nuo stared at the scenes outside and unconsciously stared.

"This is too abstract..."

[Has established a good network of relationships with people in Cairo—Uncle Cairo, Harry Clark]

[Acquire Uncle Cairo’s martial arts skills: Pixel Slash]

【Pixel Chop】

[Type: Skill]

[Learning conditions: Creatures from Cairo’s world view, establish a good relationship with Cairo’s uncle Harry, strength 60, reaction 60]

[Effect: Use a bladed weapon to deliver a pixel slash, a slash that can tear the earth apart]

[Brief description: Don’t look at the name, it’s actually very serious]

Chabai, who also received the prompt, was stunned. He stood behind Li Nuo, put his hand on his head, and held his hair, showing a very helpless expression.

She said: "Tell me in advance what you want to do next time."

Li Nuo smiled and said outside the window: "Thank you, uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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