China Entertainment’s rescue plan is hard to come by

Chapter 196: Be a villain and stab him to death [Please subscribe]

Chapter 196: Be a villain and stab him to death [Please subscribe]

That afternoon, Liu Yifei was full of random thoughts on the set.

She is very conflicted now.

As an actress, scenes like kissing scenes are inevitable.

Especially for good-looking actresses, as long as they let go, their kissing scenes can be shot very well.

But the fairy sister Liu Yifei obviously hasn't let go yet.

She had thought about it as early as when she was an adult at the age of 18.

What if the director asks for a kiss scene?
She has hinted to herself countless times that in order to become an excellent actress, kissing scenes must be overcome.

Including filming a kiss scene with Sun Yi during the filming of "Those Years", which was her first time.
Although she felt a little hopeful at that time, she was more worried.

Waiting for the actual shooting.

It was not as difficult as imagined, everything seemed to fall into place.

The feeling of her little heart beating "thumping" and "thumping" non-stop, and her cheeks burning hot, was strangely real, yet intoxicating, and even made her almost sink.

Afterwards, she attributed all this to the fact that she was in the scene and experiencing the kissing scene as Shen Jiayi.

Therefore, Liu Yifei believes that she is already a mature actress, has broken the shackles of kissing scenes, and can face it calmly.

But just now, Director Minkoff asked her to shoot an extra kiss scene.

Logically speaking, a professional or even ambitious actress should ask about the time, which scene, and more importantly, what posture to use.

But Liu Yifei's subconscious reaction was to refuse.

You must know that a person's first reaction when he is unprepared is the most true thought deep in his heart.

This cannot be fooled.

This is where Liu Yifei’s contradiction lies.

In fact, kissing scenes can also be solved through technical means.

For example, when taking a close-up, borrow your position and face the camera, as long as the focus is the same.Another method can be used to separate the scenes further away. The actor holds the actress's face with both hands and looks at the lips of the kiss. In fact, it is only the actor's two thumbs.

But you can tell from Director Minkoff's tone of refusal that he would definitely not agree to the use of this technical method.

After Liu Yifei came back from the director's office, she locked herself in the lounge.

At this moment, he was huddled on the sofa, with a somewhat stiff expression on his face, his brows tightly knitted together, his green and green fingers turned red by himself, muttering to himself, as if he was constantly struggling with something.

She was trying her best to convince herself.

I am a professional actor and my ideal is to become a great actor.

The kissing scene is nothing, it’s not like I haven’t filmed it before.

The emotion I felt just now was not because of this, it was because the incident happened suddenly and I didn't react at the moment.

I have no other ideas.

I can accept.
I found a series of reasons for myself and gave myself inner hints over and over again.


Liu Yifei took a deep breath and made up her mind to get up and go to Director Minkoff to give him a positive answer.

But as soon as she made a move, her legs seemed to be filled with lead. No matter how she drove them, they refused to lift even half an inch.

After struggling for a moment, Liu Yifei finally gave up, her tight little face slumped, and her body collapsed on the sofa like a deflated rubber ball.


She secretly hated herself for not living up to expectations.

It's obviously just a few kissing scenes, why can't I get over this hurdle?

The status of the fairy sister can be compared to that, that is.

"The Taoist heart has been broken, and inner demons have arisen."

When I think of filming a kissing scene, the image of that bad guy will definitely flash in my mind.

Then I felt a heartfelt rejection and even disgust towards things like kissing scenes.

Now she wished she could be a villain and write Sun Yi's name on it and stab him to death.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Just when Liu Yifei was feeling sorry for herself, there was a knock on the door. "who?"

"Ms. Liu, your role will be in the next scene. The assistant director asked me to inform you in advance."

"Oh, okay, thank you, I'll be there right away."

Liu Yifei took a deep breath, stood up, straightened her clothes in the mirror, and checked her makeup. After making sure there was nothing wrong, she returned to the set.

The next scene is her scene, which happens to be opposite the male protagonist Mike.

Originally, although she was not too familiar with Mike, the American actor, they maintained a good partnership.

But after the director talked about the kiss scene.

Liu Yifei couldn't control herself, no matter how much she looked at him, she got annoyed.

A nose is not a nose, and eyes are not eyes.

A very simple scene actually took more than half an hour to film and was shot seven or eight times.

This made Liu Yifei feel embarrassed. She was not a sensible person, and today's problem was obviously her fault.

Director Minkoff did not get angry, but instead gave Liu Yifei a few words of relief with a smile on his face.

"It seems that our dear heroine is not in the best condition today, but it doesn't matter. Let's go back early and have a rest."

The words sounded nice, but the smile on his face looked fake.

Minkoff was born in Hollywood, and he knows the rules of the entertainment industry very well.

As long as the producer is understood clearly on the set, the director can control everything else.

He was sure Liu Yifei would agree. He knew the actresses in the entertainment industry very well.

A kissing scene is nothing, anything more exaggerated than this has a lot of people lining up to do it.

So in this case, he did not hesitate to be kind and maintained his gentlemanly demeanor.

Of course, anyone who thinks that he is friendly and easy to talk to would be naive.

Like: “Business is business.”

As long as his director's authority is not involved, everything else is easy to handle.

Just when the fairy sister was in trouble, Sun Yi was not going well either.

Back to a few days ago,
Originally, Sister Yu restrained herself a lot under his "strong" persuasion. She no longer clung to her inner youthful thoughts and learned to compromise and give in.

Under this circumstance, the crew's shooting progress began to accelerate at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost making up for the time wasted by Sister Yu's random changes to the shooting plan.

But there are unforeseen circumstances.

A sudden heavy rain interrupted the crew's filming.

The heavy rain continued intermittently for three days. For three whole days, the crew did not shoot a single scene and could only stay in the hotel outside the mountain.

Sun Yi's hair was almost growing.

After finally waiting until the rain stopped, everyone hurriedly went up the mountain to start work.

But just like a piece of music, the rhythm is interrupted in the middle, and it is very difficult to connect it up.

The same is true for movie shooting. This time the crew was filming at a significantly slower pace, and there would always be stumbling situations.

Slow down, it's better than not being able to take pictures.

Unexpectedly, after only one and a half days of shooting, it rained again, and it continued to rain intermittently.

There was no other way, so Sun Yi took Sister Yu to the old man in the town and asked around.

Finally came to a helpless answer.

The rainy season in Shangri-La seems to have come early this year.

Shangri-La has a typical plateau climate, with distinct dry and wet seasons. The rainy season is August, September, and October. If it were earlier, it would start at the end of July. Sister Yu also inquired about it in advance before choosing 8 and 9. As for the three-month schedule of July and August, she thought that even if the rainy season was brought forward, the crew would have at least two months of filming.

But no one expected that this year would be so evil.The crew has only been filming for less than a month, and the rainy season is here.

 The next chapter comes later.

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  Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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