China Entertainment’s rescue plan is hard to come by

Chapter 133 Yang Mi and Liu Yifei [2 in 1]

Chapter 133 Yang Mi and Liu Yifei [two in one]

"Pick me up early tonight."

"Uh, why is your home and hotel in such a long circle?"

"Where do you get so much? Why shouldn't you feel honored to be given this opportunity? Shouldn't you cherish it? Can you bear the thought of me, a delicate girl, taking a taxi by myself?"

Jiao Di Di?
You look like a gangster.
Yang Mi's barrage of questions left Sun Yi speechless.

He took the phone away from his ear and replied helplessly:
"Okay, okay, you're being cruel, why don't I take it?"

"If I had promised earlier, this matter would have been resolved. Good things can't be done easily!"

"I understand. I don't even need to send you this invitation."

"Hmph, then you give it a try. Okay, let's kneel down."

Sun Yi hung up the phone and shook his head speechlessly.

What kind of big sister do you pretend to be every day?
However, although Yang Mi gave him a series of questions, he was not angry.

On the contrary, Yang Mi's expression of true temperament was very useful to him. Whether it was in terms of classmate or friend relationship, he felt that this true temperament was an expression of sincerity in treating others, which was very to his liking.

In my previous life, I saw a lot of negative information about Yang Mi on the Internet. The words "black red" and "black red" probably refer to her.

But after getting in touch with it in this life, I found that it was not as unbearable as imagined. At least at this stage, she has not developed into what she will be in future generations.

Today is the celebration reception for "Those Years"'s box office revenue of 5000 million. It was organized by China Film Group and many big names in the film and television industry were invited to participate.

Sun Yi thought this was also a good opportunity to make connections, so he simply sent an invitation to Yang Mi.

Normal friends would definitely be grateful for this kind of opportunity, but Yang Mi refused. Instead, she asked Sun Yi to pick her up, as if Sun Yi had climbed up a pole to beg her to go. .

But on the other hand, if Yang Mi thanked her gratefully, it would make Sun Yi feel uncomfortable. In his three views, friends should be informal and there is no need to thank each other.

7pm, Dongfang Road, Beijing, Hilton Hotel.

The banquet hall on the third floor was already full of guests and friends. Few people would refuse to give face to the China Film Group's celebration reception, so many big shots came.

There are three of the five major domestic film and television companies, Huayi Brothers, Enlight Media and Bona Pictures.

And most of the time, managers-level figures were present.

Not to be outdone, the Beijing Film Academy invited many well-known alumni, including directors Lu Chuan and Ning Hao.

Overall, it can be regarded as a gathering of big guys.

As the male protagonist of the movie, Sun Yi is certainly one of the people who attracted much attention on the scene.

Everyone he knew or didn't know would say hello, nod, or pat his shoulders and say a few words of encouragement.

Compared with the popular film Hundred Flowers Awards I attended in Hangzhou a few days ago, it was completely different, and it was obviously a level higher.

Of course, there will be no more in-depth communication. Today's protagonist is not Sun Yi. On such occasions, actors can always be ranked last.

This is one of the reasons why Sun Yi is preparing to develop into a director or even a producer.

The position with the most say in any industry is the so-called core of the industry. Actors may seem to be beautiful on the surface, but in fact they are rootless and have little room to speak in front of the real bosses.

When the auspicious time arrives, the ice-breaking ceremony begins immediately.

The main creative staff of "Those Years" came on stage together.

The host first gave the opening remarks, and then unveiled the red cloth covering the stage. The crystal-clear 50000000 digital ice sculpture was shining brightly in front of everyone's eyes under the illumination of the stage spotlights.

The ceremony officially begins.

Of course, the ice-breaking ceremony has nothing to do with Sun Yi. It would be great to have them on stage to watch.

The hammer-bearers were Han Sanping, the general manager of China Film Group, and the director of Youth Film Studio, who performed the ceremony on behalf of the film's distributor and producer respectively.

The two stood on the left and right, knocking on the ice at the same time. Sun Yi and Liu Yifei stood at the side and behind, smiling and applauding, which served as a backdrop.

With a "click", the entire ice sculpture was completely shattered, and the scene was filled with warm applause.

After the ice-breaking ceremony, Han Sanping gave a speech and wished the Chinese film market more and more prosperity.

After that, the whole ceremony was over, and the remaining time was for the big guys to socialize.

Sun Yi and Liu Yifei walked off the stage and sat in the rest area behind the banquet hall.

The fairy sister, who had a professional smile just now, immediately lowered her face and looked a little unhappy.

"They didn't even let us knock!"

Sun Yi smiled dumbly after hearing this.

What is this sister thinking?

"You have a beautiful idea. It's not our turn in this kind of situation."

Liu Yifei actually understood this truth, but she still curled her lips a little unhappy.

"Hey, where's Aunt Liu? Didn't you come today? Why didn't you see her?"

Liu Yifei glanced at the front row of the banquet.

Sun Yi looked in the direction.

Haha, Aunt Liu quietly infiltrated into the circle of big bosses. Looking at her happy face, she had a pleasant conversation with Wang Zhonglei, the general manager of Huayi.

Don't know what they are talking about.

"Why didn't you follow Aunt Liu?"

"Mom didn't ask me to go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Yi looked stunned, and then looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

Isn't this a good opportunity to make friends with big guys?

If you say you won’t go, you won’t go.

It seems that the fairy sister is indeed a Buddhist.

Sun Yi's wanton gaze made Liu Yifei a little misunderstood, and her cheeks became hot.

"What are you looking at?"

"Um, did the stylist at your agency come in through the back door?"

Liu Yifei dressed up specially to attend the celebration banquet today. She also changed her hairstyle at the suggestion of her stylist, giving her bohemian style short curls.

Logically speaking, bohemian-style curly hair must be paired with a headband to give it the feeling of a pure girl in ancient Greek mythology.

But today, Liu Yifei's style not only did not tie up her hair, but also made it fluffy, which looked a bit nondescript.

That's why Sun Yi asked just now.

Liu Yifei is not a person who pays much attention to her appearance.

But for some reason, when Sun Yi said this, her expression suddenly became a little nervous. She quickly touched her hair, and then asked cautiously:

"Am I ugly looking like this?"

Seeing Liu Yifei's careful look, Sun Yi realized.

It’s over, what I said is a bit harsh.

Quickly make it up.

"That's not true. How should I put it? It turned out to be as beautiful as a fairy, but now she suddenly looks like a fairy descending to earth. For a moment, it made me and other mortals have strange thoughts."

Jokingly speaking, Sun Yi can do it, but if he directly praises him in person, he will be a little unable to express it.

In fact, Liu Yifei hears a lot of words similar to praise. Although she has always firmly said that she is the most unattractive one in her family, it depends on who she is compared with.

Her family is exactly what they were before they were reincarnated, with all their skills and good looks.

The same words spoken from different people's mouths give people completely different feelings.

Liu Yifei felt inexplicably happy at this moment.

I don’t know why, but I feel so good.

He blinked his eyes and pursed his lips hard to prevent himself from laughing.

She herself was a little confused about her own situation.

When filming with Sun Yi, including when performing together on stage, she can become very generous, but when she is away from the stage or camera and alone with Sun Yi, she becomes very sensitive and cares very much about every word and action, no matter how shy she is. Or joy, all kinds of emotions will be infinitely amplified.

Just when Liu Yifei was too shy to speak.

A young man dressed very maturely came over.

"Hello, Mr. Sun Yi, right? Mr. Han invites you to come over."

The tone was sincere and the attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, making it impossible to refuse.

Sun Yi remembered that this was one of the two secretaries who came with Han Sanping on the day of the premiere.


After finishing walking, he stood up and made a "please" gesture. He also turned around and gave Liu Yifei a "I'll go over there first" look.

The young man led the way and introduced himself. "Hello, Mr. Sun, my surname is Wang and my name is Wang Bo. I am the secretary of General Manager Han. I am currently the deputy director of the group office of China Film Group."

Sun Yi quickly shook hands.

"Director Wang, nice to meet you, nice to meet you. I think you are older than me, so just call me Xiaoyi. Sir, you are really annoying me."

The two communicated quietly all the way through the crowd and arrived at the front row of the banquet hall, where the bosses from all parties were.

"Mr. Han, I brought him." After saying that, Secretary Wang introduced Sun Yi: "This is Mr. Wang from Huayi, this is Mr. Yu from Bona, and this is Manager Liu from Guangguang. ."

Except for Huayi's Wang Zonglei, Sun Yi had only heard of it but didn't know any of them. However, he also knew that these companies are basically at the top of the Chinese film and television industry.

"Hello, Mr. Han, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yu, and Mr. Liu."

Han Sanping didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.

Wang Zonglei seemed very happy and patted Sun Yi's shoulder affectionately, looking like a good brother in the world.

"Tsk tsk, look at this guy, he is so talented, he will definitely become famous in the future."

Sun Yi smiled modestly, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

From the behavior of the two of them, no one could tell that they were dirty to each other before.

Bona's Yu Dong looks somewhat elegant.

"Yes, yes, this is the future pillar of our Beijing Film Academy."

Yu Dong also graduated from Beijing Film Academy, so there is nothing wrong with mentioning Beijing Film Academy.

Several bosses were generous with their compliments, but they were all superficial remarks with no actual content at all.

In the eyes of the big guys, one success doesn't mean anything. Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year?

However, if Sun Yi starts another project, as long as the project script and actors are suitable, they will most likely find a way to invest in it.

There has always been such a well-established rule in the film industry.

“Always follow a successful man until he fails.”

Sun Yi, who had already succeeded once, was fully qualified to let them place bets.

Of course, there is no problem with adding icing on the cake, but forget about providing help in times of need, unless Sun Yi signs a contract with them and joins their company.

Sun Yi didn't care either, so he definitely couldn't sign the contract.

He could see that this was an opportunity specially arranged for him by Han Sanping.

It's an opportunity to get acquainted with big guys from all over the world. If you want to work in the Chinese film and television industry in the future, you will have to deal with these people.

We met once and chatted briefly, which can be regarded as a warm relationship.

Don't underestimate the popularity, this is introduced by Han Sanping of China Film Group, and each company has to give some thin noodles.

Of course, don't think that Han Sanping did this for no reason.

The most important thing is profit.

Sun Yi brought great benefits to China Film.

"Those Years" took in more than 5000 million yuan at the box office within ten days of its release. Even if it will lose a lot of market share to Zhang Guoshi's "A City of Gold", it is still foreseeable that it will earn a box office of 6000 million yuan before it is released.

After deducting the 3.3% special film tax and 5% from the National Film Fund, the actual box office revenue is expected to be more than 5500 million.

China Film's distribution share accounted for 15%. In other words, China Film basically did nothing but created a channel, with a net income of at least 850 million.

This revenue can definitely rank among the top films released by China Film throughout the year.

Therefore, there is no love without reason at any time.

Seeing Sun Yi chatting with several big bosses, Liu Xiaoli next to her felt like she had changed the world.

Think about it, just a year ago, the young man in front of you was just a minor part in the cast of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

But now, he is actually qualified to stand beside the top bosses in the Chinese entertainment industry, even though he is just a foil.

But even this position as a foil is something that no one can ask for.

This gave Liu Xiaoli a sense of déjà vu, and she had to take the young man in front of her seriously.

Here, Sun Yi was acting as a foil in front of the banquet hall, while Liu Yifei was still alone in the rest area at the back.

Moreover, there are people around me who come up to make friends from time to time.

The entertainment industry is a hierarchical place, where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

Even though Liu Yifei was speechless in front of the big guys in the front row, in the eyes of other little fishes and shrimps, she was definitely a hot commodity.

It's also a good opportunity to build relationships.

Therefore, since Sun Yi was called away, Liu Yifei has never been around anyone.

Liu Yifei is actually not very good at this kind of business communication, especially when there are many people she doesn't know at all, but she can't act like she's rejecting them.

I can only bite the bullet and deal with it hard.

Yang Mi had sharp eyes and quick legs. She found the right moment and with a "swish", she squeezed into the crowd and sat next to Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei raised her eyes and saw that it was Yang Mi who tied the knot for her. She suddenly showed surprise, grabbed Yang Mi's hand, and said enthusiastically:
"Mimi, you're here."

"Hmm, Sissi, you are so beautiful today."

Look at Yang Mi, she’s so good at talking.

"No way, you're not bad either. I even envy your good figure."

Yang Mi pouted.

"What's the use of having a good figure? No one will look at it."

Liu Yifei was stunned by Yang Mi's words of tiger and wolf. It took a moment to react and said angrily:
"Oh, Mimi, what did you say?"

Yang Mi also realized that her words were a bit too harsh, and the innocent little girl in front of her was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, just kidding. Speaking of envy, you are the one who is envied now. Movies and TV series are blooming on both sides. From now on, you will be a movie star."

"No way, it's just a little bit lucky. I believe you will become a big star in the future."

"Yeah, I believe it too, it will definitely happen."

Speaking of the future, Yang Mi's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"Hey, where is Sun Yi?"

Liu Yifei pointed to the circle of bosses in front of the banquet hall.

Yang Mi took a look and said angrily:

"This bastard left us two beauties aside and ran ahead to join a group of old men."

When Liu Yifei heard this, she covered her mouth and snickered.

She couldn't say this. Sometimes she envied Yang Mi for being able to fight with Sun Yi unscrupulously.

It was obvious that the two had a deep friendship.

"By the way, Mimi, are you and Sun Yi high school classmates?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Liu Yifei became excited.

"What was he like in high school? Is he the same as he is now?"

"Oh, he is a big fool. Apart from his good looks, he is not good at anything else. He is not good at studies and he is not very talented. He only knows how to write love letters and chase little girls day by day."

If Sun Yi were around and heard what Yang Mi said, he would definitely think that he had been wronged for the longest time. This was not something he did at all. It was the original "Sun Yi" who did it, so he cannot be blamed.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei laughed and asked quickly as if she had discovered a new world:
"Well, what kind of girls does he like?"

"She's the beauty of the class. She's petite, cute, and innocent, like a little girl."

"Oh, yes."

Petite and cute, Xiaojiabiyu.

When Liu Yifei heard these two adjectives, the expression on her face suddenly became a little unnatural.

She was not a very wealthy person to begin with, so it was difficult for her to remain calm when things happened.

Yang Mi grew up in a small alley. When she was young, she often wandered among various crews alone. She had never eaten pork, and she had seen enough pigs running around.

Therefore, although the expression on Liu Yifei's face changed only for a moment, she could still see it.

Yang Mi was a little suspicious, why did Liu Yifei's expression suddenly become unnatural?
 Sorry everyone, I still owe 4000+ for some credits, I’ll remember that.

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(End of this chapter)

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