China Entertainment’s rescue plan is hard to come by

Chapter 129 Film Critic and Executive Director [2 in 1]

Chapter 129 Film Critic and Executive Director [Two in One]

As the main film of the movie ended, the cast list began to scroll on the big screen, along with various tidbits from the filming period.

For example, when Sun Yi was lifted up and stuck in a tree by Luo Jin and others, it was just a real game.

There were also some young actors who had a lot of fun chasing and fighting scenes while the crew was filming, which made the audience smile knowingly after watching it.

During the whole viewing period, my regretful mood was slightly relieved.

The biggest highlight is naturally the fairy sister Liu Yifei. It gives the audience the feeling that whether in the movie or in reality, Liu Yifei is just like the heroine "Shen Jiayi", cheerful and cute, and very lovable.

As the final credits rolled, the theater lights came on.

The audience stood up and applauded collectively, and the applause resounded through the sky.

The crew members in the first two rows stood up and faced the audience, bowing and thanking you.

The applause continued.

Everyone's sincere encouragement and praise made Liu Yifei's eyes red with excitement. At this moment, she seemed to feel how wonderful it is for an actor to successfully play a role and bring joy to the audience.

With eyes red with excitement, she turned around and hugged Sun Yi.

"Thank you, I'm so happy."

Sun Yi smiled and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

The actions of the two men caused a burst of howls from the audience.

Yang Mi, who was sitting not far away, was filled with envy at this moment. She was thinking about how good she would be if she could act. After a while, she rejected this idea in her heart. This is the graduation drama of her 02-level acting class, and the heroine is It was never her turn.

However, this kind of attention-grabbing treatment made her yearn for it, and her heart was itched.

She really wished that the person standing in the middle at this moment was herself.

The host then walked onto the stage.

"Okay, thank you everyone. Now let's invite the crew of "Those Years" to come on stage. We invite you to give them a round of applause."

Xue Xiaolu walked onto the stage with Sun Yi, Liu Yifei, Luo Jin and other leading actors.

The interactive session with the audience began.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man in the audience holding a notebook, constantly adding something to the messy pages that had been marked.

Look like a reporter.

But not.

His name is Zhang Li, a full-time film critic for China Film Report.

Yesterday, the editor-in-chief gave him a short notice and arranged today's tasks. It may be because Han Sanping, deputy general manager of China Film Group, attended the premiere.

With the advent of the new century, Chinese commercial films have gradually begun to gain momentum, and the profession of professional film critics has also emerged.

Zhang Li can be regarded as a veteran film critic. He returned from studying in Hollywood in the United States in his early years. From "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to "Hero", he witnessed the rise of Chinese commercial blockbusters.

However, as time goes by, there are very few films that can arouse his desire to watch movies in recent years, and only work tasks are left.

For a professional film critic like him who has read countless films, watching movies is as common as eating and drinking for ordinary people. It is difficult for ordinary movies to arouse the passion in his heart.

I thought today was just a formality task arranged by the editor-in-chief, because he knew that this film was jointly produced by the Beijing Film Academy and Youth Film Studio, and it was a film with a certain teaching and experimental nature within the system.

Youth Film Studio itself has some practical tasks for avant-garde films.

Before the movie was released, he was still thinking that he would have to hold back a little bit, and it would be almost done. He would magnify the advantages and simply ignore the shortcomings. After all, we are all young people, so we should be tolerant.

But when the movie started, I have to say, his eyes lit up.

The movie uses a small flashback technique at the beginning, which first captures the curiosity of some viewers, and then unfolds the past story through the perspective of the male protagonist.

This is a little new idea, not bad, not to mention how clever the technique is, but the basic application is very skillful and not obtrusive at all.

Next, he began to look at it with a fault-finding eye.

Youth films are also a type of period films. If they want to resonate with the audience, they must be in line with the times.

The film also does a very good job in this regard.

From the old-fashioned bicycle that the male protagonist Sun Yi rides at the beginning, to the decoration style of an ordinary working-class family in his home in the 90s, to the pictorial of Zhou Huimin in the bedroom, everything is in line with that era. It can be seen that the film handles the details very carefully. good.

Moreover, the overall color of the film is bright, giving people a fresh and bright feeling, which is somewhat similar to the fashionable MV style. It is not like the older generation of youth films, which changed the tone of the entire film in order to highlight the theme of regret and the sense of the past. The film is dim and gloomy, which is an innovation at the moment, and makes people feel a different beauty from the color of the film.

So far, everything has been done well. It can even be said that it has reached an excellent standard. The only thing left is the most important story of a movie.

To put it bluntly, a movie uses pictures to tell a story.

Now he is very curious and wants to see where the next story will go.

This gave him a great desire to read on.

After a while, the first plot point arrived. The male and female protagonists initially disliked each other, but through the plot of borrowing books, the story began to change.

What follows is the sweetness and beauty of the male and female protagonists in their high school years.

It's very good, the priorities are clear, and the core of the film is not on love because it is a youth romance film. In addition to feelings, the entire student life of the male and female protagonists is more about learning, each other's ideals, and yearning for the future. The explanation is very consistent with the actual situation of Chinese students.

There is no bloody drama between the male and female protagonists, and the shy and reserved emotions that fit the Chinese style make him feel very involved.

Even in that plot, Zhang Li almost forgot about his own job, and his whole body and mind were devoted to the story of the movie.

It wasn't until the turning point of the plot that he realized that he wasn't just watching the movie.

The turning point is that the male and female protagonists did not go to the same university as they wished, and this will inevitably pave the way for the subsequent plot.

He believes that this film will most likely end up being a regret.

And when the male and female protagonists were on their first date and the two were walking on the same railway track, Zhang Li was completely convinced that the ending of the film must be something he missed.

This is completely a commercial movie technique. In the midst of beauty, it lays the foundation for what is ultimately missed.

The two railway tracks symbolize the male and female protagonists, who will always be by their side like two parallel lines, but will never have a real intersection.

This technique is just like the crossroads in various films that symbolize the protagonist's different psychological choices before and after.

With Hollywood-style script techniques, the emotions of the male and female protagonists have been brought to the climax, and the next step is bound to be a turning point.

Sure enough, the rain episode begins.

Zhang Li's focus on this plot was different from that of ordinary viewers. He focused on the heroine's acting skills.

For a good movie, the acting skills of the actors are also indispensable.

In the previous high school period, there was not much room for acting, and it was more about the actor's adaptability to the role. This rain scene will be an explosion of their acting skills.

Not bad, really good.

Zhang Li made many notes in his notebook, especially Liu Yifei's name.

As a professional film critic, I must have done some homework before coming here today, including the actors.

Although Liu Yifei has also appeared in a few movies, her masterpiece is still a TV series, so she can be regarded as a TV series actor.

Because TV drama actors come from small screens, the level of expression of the details of the characters' emotions and expressions is often relatively low. After all, the movie is a big screen, and the entire actor's face has to be covered, and all facial expressions will be clear at a glance.

As for Sun Yi, Zhang Li also knew him. He won the Best Newcomer at the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for "Send You a Little Red Flower".

He took the time to read "Little Red Flower" and had to say that the Hundred Flowers Award was quite convincing.

This is a good prospect, and his performance at his age is really unexpected.

Generally speaking, Sun Yi did a good job in this performance, but due to the limitations of his role, he could not bring out more. On the contrary, Liu Yifei really did it to the point of surprising him.

Is this still the "fairy sister" who was famous for her fairy spirit and role fit?
The acting skills in this performance are truly top-notch, and the actor's heartfelt grief can easily resonate with the audience.

Zhang Li even heard many viewers at the scene crying and asking the male protagonist to turn around along with the plot of the movie.

This shows how deep the audience’s sense of immersion is.

This is a good actor.

The casting of the entire film was extremely successful. The acting skills and role fit were all excellent, and could even be considered perfect.

Just this performance will definitely become a classic role in Liu Yifei's acting career.

The film is almost over, with only the final climax left. Zhang Li has already put down his notepad.

He was curious about how the final climax of the movie would be handled.

Unexpected, really unexpected.

He really didn't expect that the movie would arrange a wedding where the male protagonist would kiss the groom to express his love for the female protagonist.

Not bad, really good.

There are no ostentatious skills in the entire film, only the appropriate practical application of basic techniques, and the sincerity of the creators is revealed everywhere.Zhang Li was a little excited, feeling like he had discovered a treasure.

The rating of this film must be above 8.0, and it can even become a classic in the youth genre.

If he remembered correctly, the director of this film is Xue Xiaolu, a new female director who used to be an editor and can be said to be very good at emotions.

However, Zhang Li remembered that Xue Xiaolu's previous screenwriting style often dealt with emotions in a melancholy and heart-wrenching style.

I don't know why "Little Red Flower" and "Those Years" have such a big change in the way they treat relationships. Especially in "Those Years", although it also mentions regrets, it makes people feel that they know it is regrets but also want it very much. I want to experience the beauty for myself.

Maybe it’s really the improvement of her directing skills.

When the film ends, unlike ordinary viewers who focus on the highlights of the film, Zhang Li is watching the credits.

Many of the behind-the-scenes details of a movie can be seen through the credits.

Screenwriter: Sun Yi.

Yo, he's also the screenwriter of the movie.

Zhang Li really didn't know that his original assignment was Zhang Guoshi's "The Golden Armor", which will be released in ten days' time.Today's "Those Years" was given to him at short notice yesterday, and he simply paid attention to the starring actors and director.

Then I looked down and was even more surprised.

1st Assistant Director
First Assistant Director.

Unexpectedly, this young man Sun Yi was still the first assistant director.

This is a proper term in Hollywood, sometimes also called executive director in China.

The first assistant director is the executive deputy in the popular sense and is the executor of the director's specific work.

Mainly responsible for the normal operation of the set, ensuring that the shooting is carried out according to the shooting plan, and making daily notices, preparing all shooting plans and tasks, and responsible for breaking down the script division plan.

He should work with the director to make reasonable use of time, and supervise and ensure that all other types of work can be carried out according to the time plan.

His other responsibilities include overseeing filming schedules, labor contracts, on-set security, and managing budgets in conjunction with the production director.

In China, for some production crews, the executive director even stays on the set longer than the director and has the right to shoot independently.

Think of Sun Yi's status as a student and his age of less than 20 years old, plus editor, first deputy director, and starring role. These identities are counted together.

Zhang Li seemed to understand something, with surprise in his eyes. He opened his notepad and put a big bullet mark on Sun Yi's name. He paused for a moment and then added a question mark at the back.

Although Zhang Li returned from studying in the United States, he understands that seniority exists all over the world. Regardless of whether it is good or bad, he understands that the reason why rules exist is the inevitability of their existence.

However, looking at the confident young people on the stage, he was sure that this was a new group of new forces that would challenge the rules.

At this moment, he let go of his mind, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the creative staff who were interacting with the audience on the stage with a "see-through" smile.

At this time, an audience member happened to ask Liu Yifei a question.

"Yifei, your acting is so good. I like you so much. It's so real. Just like the class girl I had a crush on in high school. How did you act so well?"

Liu Yifei took the phone with a smile.

"Thank you for your support. I'm glad that everyone likes my role. When I first read this novel, I liked the story very much. Oh, by the way." He said, looking playfully at Sun Yi next to him. He waved his hand.

"This is the original author of the novel, and this is the screenwriter of our movie."

Some people in the audience who really didn't know this information let out bursts of exclamations.

Liu Yifei on the stage was like a student who was praised by the teacher, happily saying no.

"During the actual filming, Teacher Xue, including Sun Yi, were very helpful to me. They repeatedly explained the script to me, walked through the scenes with me over and over again, and helped me understand the characters. I even thought that the story in the film was what happened. It’s my own story, and Shen Jiayi is just a nickname for myself.”

There were bursts of applause from the audience, and everyone recognized Liu Yifei's acting skills in this film.

Next, Liu Yifei answered several questions from the audience, and some viewers also asked Sun Yi.

"Hello Sun Yi, I really like this story. I think it happened in my high school days. I was just like in the movie, I had no courage, was very cowardly, and missed that beautiful girl. Until now, I I’m hating myself for who I was back then.”

This audience member was a little excited. When asking questions, he couldn't control his emotions and choked up a bit. It was obvious that he was really worried about his past youth.

Sun Yi took the microphone and bowed first.

"I'm sorry to remind you of the sad past, but as it is said in the movie, boys will never be as mature as girls of the same age, and this slower pace is our youth."

"Youth often has beauty and regret coexisting. However, it is this beauty and regret that can keep our youth in our hearts forever and never be forgotten."

"Thank you."

Next, several creative staff answered several questions from the audience.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the host picked up the microphone at the right time.

"I'm very happy to be able to gather with so many movie fans and friends today, and thank you all for your love for the movie "Those Years". Today's premiere ends here. Please let us wish the best for the movie "Those Years, We Chased Together" Girls” was a box office hit.”

"Come on~" "Big hit at the box office!" "Come on, fairy sister~"

The creative staff on stage once again collectively bowed to the audience and thanked them.

At this time, Han Sanping, deputy general manager of China Film Group, came up and shook hands with everyone from front to back.

He can also see that the movie "Those Years" is very good, and he is now looking forward to the movie's subsequent box office results.

Walking in front of Sun Yi, Han Sanping paused for a moment, looked at him appraisingly, then raised his hand and patted Sun Yi on the shoulder, encouraging him with a smile:
"Young man, you are very good. Keep working hard. If you have any good ideas in the future, you can come to China Film Academy."

"Thank you Mr. Han."

Sun Yi was simply flattered and quickly bowed to thank him.

This is a serious deputy department-level cadre.

Bah, no, he is the general manager of China Film Group, the future boss among the bosses of the Chinese film and television industry.

Han Sanping nodded, walked down with a smile, and then left through the internal passage with his two secretaries.

Sun Yi and others were not so lucky.

It was a rare occasion for the audience to see celebrities, so how could they let them go so easily, especially the fairy sister Liu Yifei, who was almost surrounded.

At this moment, her face was flushed and she was signing autographs for the fans.

Everyone was busy for nearly an hour before it was over and they left one after another.

Before leaving, Liu Yifei still hadn't recovered from her excitement, so she hugged Yang Mi again.

"Let's go, Mimi."

"Yeah, goodbye Sissy."

It was Sun Yi's turn. This time Liu Yifei did not hug him boldly, but just stared at him with bright eyes.

"I'm leaving."

"Well, slow down on the road."

Liu Yifei nodded, turned back and got into Aunt Liu's car, and finally stuck her head out and waved her hand.

"See you tomorrow!"


Oh, by the way, there is a movie channel program to participate in tomorrow.

Sun Yi also waved his hand.

What was unexpected was that Liu Xiaoli nodded meaningfully at him.

"Uh, goodbye Aunt Liu."

On the way back, Sun Yi drove Yang Mi first.

When she arrived at her house, before getting out of the car, Yang Mi made a fist gesture as if to cheer herself up.

"I will also become a big star in the future, just like Sissi."

"Hmm, yes."

Sun Yi glanced at Yang Mi with a half-smile.

You will be more ruthless in the future, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp.

 5000+, keep up the hard work and hope for a light spray.

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(End of this chapter)

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